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We takt; pleasure iu laying beforo out' readers th? particulars of a brillinnt and suooossful nemnoissance, cffected by Coioiitl S. Thomas, of the Eiglitu Venaoiit, with a detaebrueut of couipany A, under the coinmand of Captain Gruut, and another oi eompaoy C, couiinauded by Capt. Hoster, togethor with a sinaü iroup of Maaaachuwtti cavalry. A batt, rv of two guus, iinprovisüd by Col. Tnomas, and eoininaiided by Licut. Moss, also aeoonapaiiied tle expétlition. Ou Fridaj morning last, at four o'cl'k, the expeditiun siartcd frora St. Cliarlos Court House, and UMrebed up along tin; const, and ihey soon recaí vud infurtuation that at Bonnet Oafro, whidi is about fbrt.y miles above ihis ciry, there was u ttrge Coree of guerrillas Cüllcoted, who liad rectived noties of thcir approacli, and were pivparing for battle. Tiiu Colouel Bent foi ward the cavalry as hij ad vanee guard, to reoonnoiter. In a short tiniG t'liey retu-neil, and rpporled the cucrrillas n strong ferco ut Bonnet Carré Point, having unearthed aud fired at his picketn. This was about ten o'el"ck in the inorning The little troop of cavalry, contrary to orders, and bcfore the infantry and guns had come up, dashed upon their hidden foes, who were conceak'd ainidt tho tal-I cañe, and rtceived a vollev that severely wounded oue and slightly iujured another. ]5y tliis time tha battery liad come up, and was hastily placed in position, and ■ shot was throwu in aniong thein, which made one ieüow bito the dust, his leg betng Droken. A süeli was then sent riglit mto tlieir verv inidst, whieh cau.sed them vigoroualy to maka tracks for more comfortuble quar.tera in au ineonceivable short space of linie. All opposition being tbus eruslied out at this point, the expeditioi; marehed up two miles í'urtlier and captured a large drove of oxen, some 600 in numbcr, that had been driven across the country from Texas, and was in tended for the use of tho rebel army. Besides this, a large nuuiber of cattle, niu'es, hoives, slinep, &e , the property of well known notorious, and bitter seecsionists, were eiïed and confiscated by Col. Tilomas. Having aeeoinplished the object of tho oxpedition - divertod a larga supply of fresh provisinns from the rebel anuy to a more legitímate ohannel, and having dispersed a large band of guerrillas, fis wcll as strikiag the ill-disposed inhabitant of the country with a wholüsoine terror of tho arma and uuthority ot' the United States - the expedition returned and arrivcd at Algiers yesterdav, at about 10 o'elock without further accident. Over 1,500 head of cattle, horses and mules were brought ia as au evideuce of the success. In the danta made by the cavalry at the guerrillas, throe of the latter ere taketl prisoners. Later in the diy the Empire Parish was hailed as she was steaniing down to the city, and tho prisoners, the wouuded guerrilla among the number, together wirh the two wounded poldiers, were erabarked thurcon for New Qrkaus at onca


Old News
Michigan Argus