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V-'"i.''.'v.'Wi'.'-,í-1.'v.i,-.,-i.,c,,v.1.l ,, ,-v .j ivr. a. r. n Passengt-r tniir.s aow loare Detroit and the severa] Btatiotu id tlus i'imnty .ís íolXows. Trams do nnt stop at stations whi-re figures are omitted in thti tablo. G O I N' G WEST. Mail Ex. .Tack.Ac. NightEx. Detroit, 8.01 a. m. S.00 r. M. 8 00 p. m ITpsilantl, 9.20 " 6.10 " '9.10 " Aun Arbor, 9.40 " 8.ÍJ " g,'0 " '"' -'"' , l'J 05 " Ï...0 " 9 53 Chelsea, 10.23 " 7.55 " 10,10 " Ar. Chicago, 8.15 ?. M. 8.15 A II. GOINÜ EAST. NightEx. Jack.Ac. HtITkx. Shelsea, 5.J5 a. M. 4..,5p „. Dexter, b,oö " 4.4'! " iin Arbür, 5.-5 A. II, 6 "5 L f.05 " Tpsilanti. .).ö;' " 7.00 '■ 5.Í5 Ar. at Uctroít, ■ 7.00 " S.S5 " 0.40 ': O" HCQKLAND'S 0EUMA5 BITTERS will positively prevent Yi'IIow or Billious Füver, is well as lh Fever and Ague. Kead the ttdvertisement iu column. 8 Soe a ivoman, n anothor column, picking Sambuci Gnipes lor Spekr's Wine. It is au idniiiiible nrticle, used in hospitals nnd l;y firt-c!tiBs families in Paris, London, nnd New York, in preferente to old port wine. It is worth a triul, as it gives great satisfaction. TIi e Douglas iMtmoiial. The diploma of membership of the Douglas Monument A"cia'u'in, bcaulifu!lyengravt'don tet■I, about nine by twclve jnchcs in dimcnsir.ns is ready for distributin to the subcriber. to the monjLn?nt fuud. Tu allí permiu forwi.rjing to tho Association One Dollar or more will tje stnt one of tliese Diplumas, properly eiQcuted. To tiontrltutors in the siim of TWO Dollars or more will bM fur:iihi-j gia:ituously, besides the Diploma, a beautiíul imperial tizo STttt E.VOIÏAVING OF JUDGE EOLJGI.AS, 21 ;'y 17 inchcs, pubHshfd by Marh, Ruwe & Co. Contributrnr in the Rum of onö dollar will bccome life memb'rti of the Douglas MoDuinpnt Associulion ; in the s urn .f t.i-e:ity dollars, honoiary life m-ml crs ; and in tho sum of one handrod dollars, honorary lifo members of tbe Board of Trast Local rcx-iws and solioitors for contrlbutionsare boing authoriiod in the loyal States. I'amphlets aud cirmtaintJH " Oigaiiizaiinn, Cf.nti1ution, liy. La-.v , nnd the Appeal of tho Assooiation, will be Kent to all wiio will [Mj thcir üddrcss. Cummnnications should bo (lircoted to fbs "StVWtUT D. M. c'n Chica go, IU." All editor who will in-ert tliir. card in thcir daily, weeldy or trfwoektj seuob threo monihs, itb aa ocoa■iowl notice to advance the object in view, wffl have for warded to tbcm immedialely Diplomasas Hoaor.fy I.ife UemlierBrf this A.ociation, altó a copy of tho bon I'ortrait.upon the rccript ty tho society of a coj.y of their paper DoaUlBaj this acnanucGviPnt. WALTER B. SG.TES, rresldmt Lr?NAi Tl. Vcxf, Nenta7i b_3 A CARD TO THE LADIES. DR. DUPOJNW3 GOLDEN PILLS FOK FEMALES. Iiifallible m orrectlng, regulatin and removing ali obsiructiuíi.", fruBD whatover cuuse, and always ■ttoowaful as a preventire. The combnation of ingredients in Dr. Duponco's Golden Pilis for Femalea are perfo-tly harinless. They have beon uacd in the private practice of Dr. Duponco over ÍO yt'ars, and thotiMivls of ladies crin testify to their great and never failing succeas Ín almost every case in corree t ing irre,"u!arities. rvlieriag jihinful and dlstressing menstrua tío, paiticularly ut the change of lift. Krom fl lo ten pills wiil cure Ihtt ctmmon yt-t dreadful complainl, the WbiUi Nearly every female in 'ue 10 d suffers fr ín tíüi complaint. The abo ve Pul has pcrmaneníly cu red thousamla, and they will cure j ou ifyou use them. Thv can not Latín yon; on the ctiirary. tliey remove aíl obalructiotis, re sturt nature to iís proper clumrt'I, nnd inngr:ite the vhaU svttra. Ludís -s whose honlth will oot pcrmit un increüse oí' f;miily, wiH lin 1 tlieso pills a succtssíul preventive Ladíea pecuiimly Bituafd, or theaa suppcsintí themwivefc sn, sliouli not u-e t.liese Pilis during tlie first tiiree mnilis, as thcy are certniu to produce luiscarj-iaíjt, "nfter whicli admOiiitií n" tlie pro pnetor afumes 110 reaponsibility, alil.ough Uieír mildness will prtvnnt an injury % hulln. The iiigredicnts ctuni' tb abuve Príl ave ,n.ác In nvn to every A [i at, and Ihey v;i tell you tlioy are safe itnü VÜ1 pertrm al! riaimeó iur thi.'io. Price $1 per box ulá in AN.N AEBOR, by PTEBBINSÍs WrtÜíiN. Druggisfn, W. A. liU-Vr, Di-uggist. Ladies liring at a distnnoe by eending thein $1,00 tbrough tile Aun Arbor Puslofliüe, can Lave tlie Pilis aPnt (cuníidíntially) by mail, 10 any part of the country Cree ot po?!iLt. N. Ii. - Bitcare ufa base counierfeh af these I'ill.i - Ynu c;ti bu v the oouBterfcit ai ticle at avy price ftora i 5 toTÖoaataa box (deard tKtt. 1.adjk vuur livt's aui! htaltti are uf toa much v.d.if ftt be irifled wiih, beides being Imposfed upoa with u wortblos art cle. Therflf'T, Hiiy itne offerinryou ihmt l'illsfui icss tlnui il -.i box, avnil Ui em hs vmi voald poiaon. Thcy aro bogus. N'ne . ■ 1 1 Link-ss the uiiiie eT S, IJ. BfOWE to en every boa ■whicii bas ree nr ■}■ bi-t-n ftddel,nD account of the Pub beínL4outrfit#á. Sold ïso, bv K KN'K t SMTTH, Vpsilnnii. BLIá & ÜhrJííKJackson, nndly one drugic ist in everv villnge nnd city in t!ie United btatea, aodby KARRASD,8HEE1ET& C0.,aeial State Agni, 1 c{roit. ir. D HOWE, ï'ckProi-r'etnr. 8';7yrs2 _Niw Voxk. KUKTANTtoHIiIALES THE HEALTH AND UFEOFWO51AN Iscontinnaliv inporil If she tfl BU1 onougli to neglecl or inaltrpat tbOM exilftl irtegulanties to wliich twothirdi of hersex are more or lena subject, Mí. CHKK-KMAX'íi 1'1I.1,S, prepare.1 frolö tire same rormala wliich the inventor. f'uRNEI.lUS L. Cili ■1KM VN. M. R.,of forit, bas for twon'y yearsuseO ííuccessí'ul'y in a n extended privtpractioe - laameiiHstely reli'ivo witimut pain, all fhtuib;ino''.s "f the perioAioal discharee. whelher ansing f rom relaxation or suppression. They act IUt ;i ehftrm in removing the pflins thnt ftcci.mpnny dtfficult or inimoderate mö'Struation, and aro Ilv1 n]y siifeand rtiabli remedy ÍOT Flushffs, Sick Ileadnche. Pauta in the Loius. Bocb and Sides, PatpUtton of tUe Heart Ncrv;ub Trwnofs, ïfysterics, Fpnü.ns. Rroken Slcp and otner unptofttmnt and daogrerouti eiïocls ff an unuatura] cuiidition of the sexual functions In the worst casus of Fluur Albns or Whites, thoy elïect a apeedy cure. To WIVKS and JIATEONS. Da.CHEBSEMS'SPILIJ?areoiredai the only safe nlans of reocwingiaterVupted monstruatiuii, bui, LADIES MUST BRAR I MI1VD Thtre is onecowduto of the fnrtnle xisletn i?i uli ch tltt PilU caimotbe rake wi'huia prnductve a PECULIAR RKSULT. ThtatmiMmnf emito i FREGKANCr- kt re.enlt, MISCMIUIAOE. the irresistible '.mdntcy af the wt-Jicineturtstors thr pernal fihctrorts to 1 rnrmnl ctmrfitio'i, that even the reproductive power yf nature ca.uiot rttht ii, " direetion stating whent and tchen tkey shaulá nnt be nsrd, with ench Box, - llie Trice Olie Dollar each BoXf r.öntainiiis 50 PMs. A rttaable l'i nphlet. to be liad freo of the Agonts. Pilis sent by mail prompüy, by enclosinff pnce to any Eent. Sold by Druggisis g''!""' v. R. B. HL'TCUIN'OS, Proprietnr. ' '20 Cedar-St.. New York. Kor Palé by 1IAYXARD STEBül.S & VII.SON , and iREN'VII.I.E k i-ULI.KR. The Latest Special Dispatch To the citizeus of Ana Arbor aud Vicinity ! ! INTENSE EXCITEMENT! Hundreds waiching the 2rogress of Daily Events ! l The Federal Army again Victorious! 'The Union must and shall be Preserved !" '' There, was a man in our town, He was so wondrous wise" But with all his wi?dom, he wan not so wise as that 'oiher man," who when he wanted to buy thu The rfieajpest and best CLOTHINC! in this market always jumjed inio G U I TER MAN' tí HEAD QÜARTERS! For there he knew he always got his money'g wortb. S'oing is 'jeliovnig uiid yju tlmt ■wisli to eee come ia and believe. Tluise ihat can't .sen can feul, nd as we nhvnys maks our ciütomers fee! good over Rood bargoini, they are especiülly niviled to our anxioua eeat.that they too may realize how "good it is for thfcïn to be with lis,' nnd how much pleasure can be obtained in the enjoymint of SPLEWDID BARGAIWS ! "Come íill ye (hat are wenry and heavy la den"- wit h Kcks and we will do our best to relieve vou - giv infi vou in reiurn tho Jinest kind of Goods at the lowestftgwres. Great tmttles are bourly taking place in the Clothing line - wlicli: rogiments of Jassimeres. v'fstins. &c, are being slaughfrej by Gen. Sondheim - feo fit the ru.ili of reoruita that are pouring in frum every direction, all anxious to have the:r names enrolled for a NE AT AND TASTY SUIT ! ■ - juch as can only be had at the Ilead-Quarters of Guiterman & Co. One of the firm, Mr. M Guitebmav, having juRf. returr.ed from Europo with a large assoriment of Clotlis, Ca-simeres and nice lot of fine also a few pieces of fine Beaver fui' cvercoat.s whi h we wül inake uj to oroer in the litest etyle, we fecl confident that we can satisfy ail. STITBENTS 1 We are happy to greet you aga:n i-i our City.after spending your vacation with the " dear old folks" at home Ba assured we wíbIi you a pleasant term, md ëhull cvor bt glad to me.'t you rt the Old Ilcad-Qnartevs, IVo. 5. O Our former custorpors, we ffiol f.ssmvd, will cali on U8 agnin ïo you who con.e astnirgcrs we tvould sny 'a fmv rords, wo wisli you to cali nnd lo.k ut our fine, Pants, and Vests we c;m do better by you tlian ar.y other h .uso in ihe City, and f v u cali aml examine our prooils.nnd t('y their fits, you wiil Durohuse uowIhtü else. DON'T FAIJL, TO OAIi A.T? C3-, Hs Q,


Old News
Michigan Argus