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SAMBUCI WINE, tURE, AND FOUK SKARS OLD, Of Choúe üporío "luit. TOR PHYSICIANP' UtE, FOR FEMALES, WEAKL7 PERSONS & INVALIDS Kvery family, at this eeasnn, should use the SAMIJCCI WINE, Celebratfd in Eurcpe for itt medicinal and beneficial qualftict h f.'tritle irtituulsiit , Too Je, UlQttfic and Lu doi-iftCj highlv esteemed hy n ir ent pbypicmns, used in Ku topea n and American Ilnsjiiials , and by fcoioe of the first families vf Europe and Anu-rica. A? A TONIC, It hfts no equfll. causinjr an ar; ntite c.üd building up of íhe sy:-tem buing fcntirüy & pura wíne oí a nioat valuable fruit. AS A DIl'RLTIC, It imparta a healthy action to the Glands nnd Kidneys, and Urinary Organs, vcry bentficialiu lUopsy, Gout, and Rheuuiatic affection. SPKER'S WIXE Is not a mixture nrmanufactui'ed articlft, but Is pure, frora the juica of thfl l'ortupal-uuibuciigrape.cuHivated i ii New Jt-rsey , re con"! m end cd bj( nemists and I'hysicians ah po3?fiirii&j medica) i r-perti( s superior to nnv other Wine in use, and a. exceiifut article for all weak and debilitatcd pcrñons, and tht aged and infiim, iraprovinf tho appetite, and bcriüfi in !a Ü2A and childreu. ALADIL3 Win, Beca use it will not íntuxicate as otber vine, aa it con tai ns no mixture o f apiriía oí liqaort . and a adinirei toritsrich, peculiar flavov, and mittitive propertifa, imparting a licaltb v toi;o to the Jijrestive orpans, uud u blooming', soft and healtby Lin aud complexión. WE REFER TO A few w-ell knnwn gentlemen and physicians, wbo have Iried (be Wine: - Gen. WmíieldcoU, U.S. A. Dr. TTihon, llth st.. N. Y. ■ rat&n, NT.Y. -tato Dr. Wartl, Nenrk, X. J, Dr.J R. Chiiton.X. Y. City. lr. Dougburty, " " D. Parker, N Y. City. Dr. Parish, Philadelpbia Drs I'aicy and Nicho1!, Newark, N. J j And many othra loo nuni(;roua to pubUsb. C-Nuno gonuine unleM flgnature of "AT.FRF.D SrKEB, f:iB.-aic,N' J.," is over the cork of each bottle. 4-MAKE ONE TLilAL OF TH13 WIXE. Kor ï'aie by Moynuid, St&bblns & AVllson, At:n Arbür. Trado supplied in Detroit by H. k L. ?IMON'EAU. A. SPEER, Ftoprietor. VIM.YAl'.n. Paasaie, New Jersey. OFFICE, 208 Rroadway, N V. JOHNLAFOV, Pa'is. 831mÖ Agent í'nr Fraticeaod (Jermany. RISDOÑThEíN ÜERSOA X3 TT O SSL IE3 'S 3E3 CRAIN DRILL, nr.d Grass Seed Sower, Manufacturad ut Springüdd, Ohio. THE VERY I.AYKST IMPROVEMENT, and bettiT than all otlier; üüapte: to sowia Uheitt, Hje, Oats, Barley alai Gr:iüs ecd. lií. It has a Rotary Fceder. 22. WW sow all kinds of Grain and Grass Seed. 3d. Nevcr Lunches the Grain 'íih. Nevar Irealcs the Gi'ain. 5th. Soivs Grass Seed broadeast behindthe Drill. Gth. Has Jiigh wheels and long Hoes. Ith. lias lon-g and wide steel jooinis8th. It has a l%nd measure or Surveyor. 9tA. It has doublé and single rank di'ills. 10A. It Aas a elf adjusti'.ig shut off ilide. It is neatly and substautially made. Tliere ia hardly a Drill offered lo" the raarket but can boast of more ur Isss FIRST PREMIUMS." They nre nbout .is indiscriminately bestowed as the titlo ut' " ProfetiorJy wlucli i oraeUnwsppIiOd to the 'Jiddltr" or 'l bootblackJ' They cease to convey the idea ofmerü. T)i BuefeeyeDcllI has been on Exhibition at quite a number of btíite and County Fftlrs, and without scekiug favor at 'lie hands of uiy CunnnitLetí, hus recaived Ita full share of Fremiunis. TESTIMO'IALS : We giro the foHowing riaices of a few Farmers in th;s vicinity have bought and used the Buckeye Drill : GudfVej Miller, t'cïo. .'acob i'ullieraus w JaeobTremper, (' Thema Wliiio, Nortbfield. John Brokaw, " ('In istKin Kftpp) i( hMw.ird Boydaa, Webster. Jaoies i'rciidrt'ull , Anil Arbor, ManidO'Hara, " " lohoW.Cook, Lodi. O. A. Marshall, " L. l-.dmon s, SaünP. Georgo Crepsey, Greco Oak, Lïv. Co. Wu are alao Agouts for the Ohio Reaper &. Mcwer, aclinowlcdged to be the vory bost in usa. We are just in receipt of 100 Grain Oradles Whicli we will sell ckeap, Also alargeassortment o Grrass, And the largest and best selected stock of BENT STTJFF FOR CARRIAGES ever before offered H this market. We also keep a lrgo and f uil NAILS, GLASS, PCTTT, PAINT, and LINSEED OIL, A complete assortment of STOVES, TINWAKE, I AKR EAVE TKOUGHSalways oa hand and put up at the sliortest nutice. RISDON & gEKPEESON. Aun Arbor, June S5th,1862 85at'f liowasd Ja.ssociatiosï, PllILADELl'IIIA. Bor the reHff of the S'-r.l and D$trñsteá, rtLfettetiljí Vr}t'tn avud Cirnnir fMaeme, and mptuiially far tht Ci ofDixtnufi nf thi Strual Orgam , MEDICAL ADVICK given gratib, by the Actiug SurVALUABIjE RKPORT." on Spermaovrhrfa. and otlur , Pioa.-eöf thaSexnaHrLttn,n4ofl h "hV RKM ËD1ES employed in the Dwpentt&ry, Bfiut in m1o1 Itftt i envelope, fi'f of chirle. ï' 7o o r thr btarop {et po..,taL?acflenL.ble. 3érfw, I)t. J. SKUXIN ilOCGHTÖX, Howrd ARCOciation, No 2 S. Ninth St., PM1dü]phia,f'a. 80yX 1 Ayer's öb.erry Pectoral. DU. flOOFLAND'S BALSAMIC CORDIAL, For tho speed? cure of Covjhs, Calis, Influenza, ('roup, linar Bevend, Bronchitis. Pneumonía, DUeases ofllit Komel, aririnyfrvm Cold, ncipienl Contumpt'.on, anti for the relief a,d ij ut allpoMible) cure o Patiënt in cdcanced sluges of L't) latter disease. rnllEBalsamic Cordlii is entlral; a Vogctablí prcxiucX tiou, combiBiagthe liüaiiug piupirudi ol the Kulsuin, with tb tarigontlng qualities of fl Cordiol, p-oduciag a so eli ajlaptid to ihc parió a iiiler.íietJ , tht íhere but lew C113M c!' d:!ïrïiso vrLiuh trjll nut, at u eurljr perioo, feuccumb to na henütigauo ule tfivirg proptirtien. Forsg'ji, hun the treatmust of polmonir; diEassts ütcup jd the greittcr portion of Ue a'.tentkm ui t!iKcienrüic of the mtdioa] w rid, bul 2Mje acuirci teofe ciüiii-iicti in Lia tic-a'.UK-nl oí' tlu-ffc ÚímrsvHi Uitin t lic jt.-li.-b: ate i l'iusíiiün. lir. Ilouíhir.ii, ' ie o'-íiirívi ol t lie Bal.-iini!(j Cuiilinl. iiisi;íu was (iru;eü tu the producten ol' traacdlm tbat wouW stand unrnulii-í. How weil ;,e lia.s uccwdvd, the AawrlCftn peoleoze ab!e to judge: i.nd jwiiiTly urt, th.-.t híj prepsmtione thnt h;ire ev?r b';1!! pïseed bifore theia, have conferrtl theautne ainouni o! beuetit on fluitVfring hunïiujltv, trr Uavc eücit' tt so mitnj .vinnieiHÍaJjfjEs irr;m all clftflse ol society, as tlif rerr-edies of Ur. Iiooflanó propured by Dr. C. ll.Jnilaon i: Co., of l'liil dt-IjiLm. Th? Cordial u arigiwd for a cusa of disonsen more gi-ueral and mote fatal thau tu, y (..thr to wLitli the peuplo of thia country ai e HuLjeot - those spilngJAg from a "tlighi culd." eminent authoril, lir. Bel!,saT.s: "1 will notsay that Coli3 are to our inhabitauts what the Plague 3nd Ycllvw Ftver are to those ol other oountliu; but Ican nyr confitlently th;it tbny j usher in Sisease of greaterjcomoücity and moctalu'v than these ia tter." Entirely Vegetable. No Alcohdlic J'rejxiration. DE. IIJOFLAND'S CELEBRATED GERMAH BITTERS Prepared by DR. C. M. JACK50X i CO., PliiUdelphia, Pa. Will effectnjiliy cure LIVEK COilFLAIN'T, LYPLPSIA , jAUNlil''ttCliforiic (r Nci vous JJebiiiiy, Discascsol Ihe Kiiluoys, and all üineuaes Briaíujj; tnnn a diaordéred Li ver or Stnmach, Such as Conátipatinn, Inward Püea. Fulness or Blood to üjo Ilear, Ac;dit_v oí' the títemacb, Nau?ea, Ü-.-arí burn, Disgust i'cr l Dod, Kiane;s er wéïgkt in the Stootnch.-our Ki-ucttilion, :;inking or Fiuttering at tip Pit of the iyïuach, wimning of tliü Hyad, ïlurricd ani? üiflicult liiitathing Ftu'.teriDg at lie H-tirt, Choking or utfocating EcnialiMis when in a lying posture, Dsui neea oí Tieioa lJot.s of webs befui-etbe sight, Ft ver w1 Dull Pain n the Uciad, Í of Per.piration, T"elluwut'is of t!-ekia tiu.l Eyej i'ain in the Site, Back Chest, Limb.-, kc. tíudder. Fmshtsol Heat, BnrningiD t iie 1-1-j.ih, Con-siant imaginicga of evit, and gr_at lepressiocs of típirits, and wnll pnsitively prevelt Yi-LLOW FSYhR, Bll.l.lou-i Fi-VhR, fto. l'h Piupriuior in caüing the at'.eution of tlie public to tbis prepuration, doea bo tvith a íeel ng cf tbe utmost ita v-tut. sdi aaaLtaLiun to thu di.-euses lor which it is recorjaonded Itisnunew and untried article, out om that has stood the tent nf a twelvt; years'trial btifore tlie Atucrican pfop!e,iui' its reputation and saie are unrivaUeil by :-.:ij' timilar pie]ratinas extant. The tcstimuny iaits farorgivtn üy Ihe xaont proinineul an'I wtL Physiciaos aiu! individúalo in all paftsof the oountry i3 imuiense, í.nd a car ful poruíal o! thc Altnanac, publihed annually by the Propi ietor:-, tud to be bad gi-atis f any oí their Agüins, cannut Dut -satisly the most "licptief.l tbutth .-; temed i rtully üvsorviug Lh greai celcbriiy it haobtaiued licatl tile Evltlerir-? from J. Newton Broica J. ). . Editor of thc EncyrJopedia ƒ Ríigiouü KnLicle!gt. nofüsposed to faver or recomrafend Patent Medicines in general, through diátrust of their ingredientfl iid eQVct?',I yet know of no sufficieutreasou why a nran may not letilyto the benefit he believen hivnaelí to have ri-ceived from uuj simple preparaticn. iu the liope that hf may thus cunti-ibute to tbe bcoeüt of others. Itiothisthe more readily in roard to "IToofiíjnd's Germán Bitten' prepared by Dr C. AI. Jacksrm, oí tiiio city, because I waf prejudiced against them for years, under the impression that tliey ivere chit.íiv an ftlèoholic mixture. 1 ara inck-bted to" iny fiiend Robert Shoemaker, Ksq..íor the removal of tilla prjudice by proper tests, and for encouragomutit to try thera, when sulfering from preat and loug c;ntinued dobility. TLq use of three bottles of the.=e Uitiers, at the beninijin of the preaeut year, wa.s follGwe'I by evidñnt relief, and restnration tu a dígreet í bodily and mental vigor whicL I íip.1 uot feit forsixmonths before.ancl had almot de.püired of repr.ining. I (herefore tbank Gud ni mv frier.d for [lir'.ctingmcta th use uf them. J. XKWiOX BKOWÑ. lïöai what tbe eminsnt Glass Manufactnrer, JOHN H. WHITAI.I,, says of the BU.SAMIC CURDIAL. Dr. C M. Jackson- Respected Frien: Havtng for a long -ime been acqaiiHe-J with 1ho virtttua Of Iby ÍJd'samic Cordial in Coa. ha. Colds, [nfl;imiuation nf tlie Lungs, kc. I tliiu fi-eely bear test:monv to ís efficacv Fur severa I year; I hr nerer been without it in my f;unily It alsogives mo pie.Lsuie lo state tbat I )iai' uscfl U wíth un tire suceí-s in the treatmént of Sqw] CompUinU. Tbj frieaJ truly, John m. wiiitall, Fifth Mo. 27, 1S53, Race átreet, above 4ih, Piula. The -f medicines are for sale by all rp'ïpoclb'e Druppísts .-ml dealere in ïnefl'eines in the United Statos, lintlili PtorincM, and WetÏDdies,t 76 ceala per boi ile - Df sureancigtít the f;en '!□&, with ihe sígnature of C M. Jackson on tlip wrapper ol e.ich l.uH'.e; all atksn tre comiterfeit Pr ncipal OlEcc and llanufautoiVj 418 Aixli Street, í'liiiadDlphia, Pa. 820yl ís now receiving a large and Vll selecteú asáoüraent nf 01ccks9 Watches, Silvex and Plated Ware, TABIB AND POCKET C3 TKLJ 'JT JC- -BH3 JM. TBkT RAZ0R3 an-d SHEARS, GOLD PENS, Musical Instruments, Slring! S[ Books for Instruments, SIHCEET MUSIC3 COMDS, aod a grea variety of YANKEE NOTIOKTS, Sed. He would cali partioular atteutiou to his largesioek of SPECTAOÏiEa, of Gold, Silrer, Steel, and Plated, iríth PERISCOPE GLASS, a superior article. Alao Huntjügton & Platt's celebrated CALENDAR CLOCK! auitable for OfHces, Cênnling Hoorns, Halls or DwoUin. Theaa clocks ave rcüable time ketpers and CalenJar combined, and requi'e tha witxiing of tho time i nente only,to secure all the roqairod change.s at ttrid niiht, sltowing Die day of the week the montl and ifciy of tHö ni'iith. DCludiDg the 9;h of Fbruary of Lca: ycar. Jiis goods are mostly of recent parchase from Nímy York and the manufacturers, hnd will be sold To s-iit the times. Persous havtng áiJBcult watchea to (it with glaSRa can beaccomodatcd, as my stock '& large an' complete, P. S. Particular attention to the of all kinds of fine Watches, such as MafeïPg nm ketting new Jewels, Pinions, Stnfö, and CyUndcrf. A'to CLOCKS, Sc TEELR" neatly repaired r.nd 'wan-autecl, at lila oid standeast fiido uf Main Street. C, BLISS. Ann Arbor, N"ov. 15, 1861 82Ötl Disvofution. ■VOTlCE ís hereby given tbat ihe co-pflrtnorsMp lint i N hereiofoie the mine a-i d sylc of John and WilHam V. lehaden is tbts dy diasolved br mutual consent ; an i t Uut a,!l u m mis due to and lr''m i . flrm willbe scttlrd by John Vamïehadt n: wlio iá duly authorized to settle thi1 s:-rue. WIl.M M VAÏÏBERHKYPEN, Ann Arbor, Ang 26, ISG2. The business ol" m il-r anrl selhng brick wiïlbe oontinnfd nnd carr'ed en aá usuüI by [&Ö7 (ÏJ -JOil.V VANDEHAÜT-N. CSTOT.EN FPOM Ihe snWnber on Sunny lbo 1? h hvtB, ■ l'pl.t-lny rofirp, abnut 14 hands high, all f"ui' i'i up whii . white stiipc in tl.c, 10 or ! 1 yeara o, oamw hr h4 v ry low wlitn tr ivelllog. Alto, n black ip baegr, woodiftnxtjtrO, hppn front. cl-iRGti peat, . nmirled c'oih tp. frmir.ö with fr1vB snl yellow damask, soms faded, long djiêb, no plat, cuehion aoá seat trimmed wilb mor jeu coïartd enamel. ed eloth. Th man cnlted hlmelf James folk, he Ia abut -T r 10 ■■■ ■ts nj'l, wtxb Uííht haïf anfl Uir-1 raer ; ho had a wviiian, c'.r.U and email poodle duöT. p ith iiim . ï row; rd wul bo p-ii1! for thö arres1 nf ihe fhef.nd nroprly, or any informaton thit win lead to hïir r CUV ; f, JOHN" BaO'N. Arn Ar'r. á"(fnt ïldt. M$' ■ Farm lor alc TH1-' HH'Witlfm'í flfficcB for ï Mi inrai of 52 ere?;, ritmt Í in fMttsHald about on uvl? nftft ■ T"nvlríty,ii'1jo;iiinLr iht ferm of . u ".-.. aces iini'r hnrrnreent vrth Jfl aoior of rn""l ra mer f.illow rcady for whe-tt. T'pto !-. n frimí : bnrfi Nnrn, m (train Vm oll new. ihriítj birfpg'l. and prwn wa! r. wnfeMfl. Fnr rm itip'v on tVe rit-mf 3. ' lliicjgo ook Tiai!e, The riace to Bvy Sctoci Boekt WHOLESALE Botrk & Stationciy House. S. C. GR1GGS & CO. PCBLISÍ1 Sandora Progressive Readers, N'.'Tlj'Electrutypï'i.-.ritt newtrd Original Hhutnttm I. a.n4c-r3' Alplmbet Oirds, 6 lo et,.... ?9 fcandirs' ï'..i r-jtiivraM U-5nci, ....""■ ifi V. tunde.' An!y of toglish ffiTaV, "..'V to VI. a I1etil l'r.iot,, fboand).. ' " v vil. tuinders' (.ermtcn and JLngliah 1 t.mer ■'■'■'" o' VI II. Sanders' New First Reader ■■-. .v JX LandersNev Second Reader .....l srt X. Sanders' New Ti;ird Reader,.' "I 4v XI. Sindc'rs'XewFourtilieader, ' XII. Sanders' New Hfth Rent' er ' " 75 XIII. Sandera' High -Schcol Reader, ,. , XIV. Saaier ouug Ladies' Keaaer, ra ,Xv.Snder' School 8prk.., ...'.."" i o AVi. fcanuers' F.lueutionary CLtrt, J u These readers are dïstinguished for their tfletlv ,. irfMaecSmtür and practicaladapUUouto IU, jouEg Ihcy hare been received with unprecedenled Cnor nd by uo class more fevorably than by Practical Teacher whu have tested their mi rits in tbe school room. Robinson'3 Cour se of Mathematiw. BY HOHATIO N. ROBIXSON, I.L. D, Late Professor of Mntbematics la tho ü. S. rTiT I Robiusoti's Tiognssive rrimnry Arithnwlf, II. Robinson's Progressive intelK-ctuul Arith UI. Hoinoson's Kud.inents of wrilton Aflth 5 IV. Kobinson's Progressive Fractica.1 Arith. 8 V. RobiLacnN Key Xo Practica! Aritl.nn-tic 5 ,ï!' ".'-1.:D"on " Pi-gressive Higher Arithoiitic, 76 VII. KjbinsonsKiytoHigherAr.tLmetic M VIH. Kobiuson's Jlow EUtm'ntary Algebri, 74 IS. H bmaon'a Key tn Lieraontarv Algebra. ts X. Bobintou't Universiiy Alnbñ, XI. lWnn.ïon's Kcy !o Uuiversity Algtbra, ICO XII KobiusünSGcometry and Trigoncaielrr. 1 jn X11I oWmOD'l Surveylngand Narigation, I W IV Kubnion's Aualytical Ueometrj and Coalo teCtíOnS, j gg XV RobinKon'sIiiSfercntialandlütogralCakulusl CO VI Robinson's Elomentary A stronimy, 7J XVIi P.obiüson'a Astrouomy, 1 75 XVIII Robinson'sllntlKmatical Operatii,ns, S 26 XIX Rob.nsoa's Kcy u Algebra, Geometry, Survejing, Sc, 1 80 Forminga FÜLL MATHEMATICAT. COÜRSE embracüig 4rithmelic ond Text Booki in the Highei Mathematica. Tor of research, facility and aptnes of illusuation. au] practicnl uselulness, the author of thi serie is surpsssed by no malbdr.atical Mriter fn thi country. TíiU series has been rocoromendod br the bet JUthtmaticians h: all irctiiioa o( the country. " G ra j's Series of Botaniea, six books. Hitchcock-'s School Anatomj and Phj-siology, $1. Ilitclicoek's Geologj, 0110 book. Well'a Grammars, two books Well's Soientific Herios, including Chemistry, Philosopbv, etc Three books. Wilsons Series of Histories, five books. Fusquelle'a Frenoh Series, eigbt books. Woodbury's Germán Series, su'ven books. Bryált & Stratton's Series of Book-keeping, threo books. Spenceiian System of PentuansLip, nin books. And Blany otlier Valuable Book. Wholesale Dealers and Retail Purcliasers Will fina at our store over Four Thousand Cifferent articlcs of Stalioncy. and Three Hundred Thouaand Volunie of books, trom which to inake their selectioü cumpnsin .; 11 n amortmeit not rivaled bv aiiy other book houso in tin." Uni'ed States. ' S. C. GIÜGGS & CO. Are Special Agenta for Mean Harper & Bro's Publicationg. " D. Appleton & Co's " " ïieknor &. Piöld'n ' " Gould & Linooln's ' " J. B. Lippineott & Co's " And furnish all their Books at Eastern prices for oasl. Note Puptrs, Letter Papers, and Cap Papers, Blank Books, Pass Books, And all kinds of ."-TiTIOXERY, at the loncst prieel . SL.ATÍS hy the dozen or case. 45,Slrangcrsr.n'l travelijrs rialtiBg Chioago vi find it iBtorestiogto Hi.-gcT foraiiliouramid the nternunabi pilesot Iiteratureut89and41 Lak ërrcet. S. C. GR1GG.S & Co. Agenta Watited. gr For allently anl valuabln Subrcription rork or any nuble Work upon Religión, Utíratute, Science. Of Art, iddressS. (J.GKHUiSs CO. PLEASE RtSntlISöl rbat tkeni s no bookstore in this country koeping better or mo.u extenaiveasaoitment thiin ia nlwav fouad at S9 and 41 Lake Street. REJiEMBEB. That rub'.lu or Private Librarles can be supplied wltb. first class Standard Worta S. C. G. it Co. upon betU ternis tiian te send last anc pay ireight ttWV.'e.ttr.) I.iterary and Profeïrtonal men. Teachers, nema of of the world of letters areinited toinake ;9 and 41 Late si reet their place of mort in raomeutsot' leisure. S. C. GRIGGS & CO., Whoiesa'.o and Retail Bóoksellars and Stationors ■"9 i: 41 LakeStreet. Chiciiü''). 8. c. CEIGG3 642m3 e. i M)! DO Y OU WANT WHISKERSI DO y OU WANT A MOÜSTACHË Ií so, parchase one bottle of K. E. Cliampion's EXCELSIOP, INVIGORATOR The world renowned the article of the kind ever off od the. ptonlo of the Uniteti nes. The tWi article is the only one used bv the Freuch ; ia London aui 1 arij H is iu ULiversal use. THE EXCELSIOR WHISKER INVIQORATOR ! l Isa Eeautiful, Kconcmical, Soothing, yet Sthnuiating Compound, aetlng aa if by magio upon the routs, chu mg a beautiiul grovth ot Laxuriant Beard. If ap lied to the ivill cure Bjldxkss, and f applied accordng to diri'ctions, it will cause to spring u'ji n bld spots a fiae growth of soft fkk-sh uair The Cclebrated EXCELSIOR INVIGOBTOR Is an indispeusabl Article in evcry Gentlcman's Toile' am! :ifter one week 's uso they would not, for any cousideration, be without it. Tbc above article will u fr,m Four to feight Weeks, bring oul a thick set of Whiskksj Or VoUiTACHE. Tlw subscribers are the only Agents for the abore artiole in the L'nited Statcs. Tñey w-ould also annouuce to the public that tbei are agents for Napoleon's Hair Toilet! The only ai ticle over offered o theFiench people tliat I hl .tkjight H41K I the .atove Toilet being ni.inuractured for the sole benefit o Louis Napoleon ! nhich article i iodiepensable ia bis Iuilt room. The su, ng oonnJentthat this Toilet must naceosarily tikt the place of all otUers ever offercd to the public, they t:ike pléasure in expreasinff their confiduooe in the ai ticle.gidnmg itfroin practical use. THE NAPOLEON HAIR TOILET WillCrm. IRitOHTÏUntin Poft, Silken,p"lowing CurlK, .bat will rem:iin iashape ibr one day or wtok ifdesirctl, or tny longor penod, if tho directioai are strictly folloired , Khioh axe ery simple and easj Tlria Hair l'nilet doesnot in any mannernnerfere wlth the Natural &jflat of the Hair. It neither scorchc!. noj-dyesit; butgivei ihe hair a soft, thrifty appearanee. It aleo provents the hair fixm lailing oll and turning gray. THE NAPOLEON HAIR TOIJT Hits been beforeth publc but a sh. rt time, and haa atrcay beea tested by over one thousand persons! and they tosu'fy that the Npoloon IJair Toilet is the great-' ■ v-'t Heautilit everoffirt"! to the American peopie. To pivionttiiioïoilft !;m beiiig couaterfcitcd or ilntatoit by unpiinciple'i persons, we do not offer. t for Rale at any hruggistq in the rnitñ't States. Iherefore any Lady or Gentleman who ncsires Soft, T.nxuriant Hair and Cui Is, anl Long, Soft Whiskers or Moustache, can procure the Invicorator er Toilet, eithcr one, for one Sotlar cdcIosoü ;n a letter, witli their addreus. Ad,dress, G. F. SPÈNTkeO.. Box lïS.Cnllinvilie. Hertford Co. , Oonn And it willbe carefully sent by return mail. ÜO FQ-JEÍ ETJROPE I 1 flut. 8TEAM WKEKI.Y TO -m LIVEHPOOJCj, ÍS2 COKK, Ireltind. LIVEBIWl. NEW YORIv & l'HILADELPHIA STEAMSHIP CO'S STEA.M.ERS. CITY OF I.ON'l UN, 1 CITY OV MANCHESTER, CófOT. ni. 1101 .Ton. CI1Y UF NEW VORK, I ETNA. 82Í5 Twili. f510 1 KDIN'BÜKuiH, 2197 Tons. CITY "OK ALTIMOnK, KAffGAKiK), 1ST4 " ■■ui, i,LaSuIW, 19'2 " CITY OF TVAIIIXGTÜM, BUáPUuKUS, itó " L30 of the nbive tamers will !?M-fl Xew Yok er. ory ÖAIURIUV, at nuon, from l'ier . R-; "cd Uverpoil every WKUXEtDAY. lïixtes tf Passage. illlST CABLN', 10 l.H'..n. ODL AN'iJ CUKK-, Í8S " " ' Lu : .!-■■', 90 " m PUir HAVRE, H MBb'RGand BRÏ.MEN, 4 CABÏH PifiIN.ii.lW have ncthiog to proTid for tije voyage. anri are allowed 20 cub;c teet oí luggage iroe. SIEERAGb IOLIVFRfOOL A5D rORK S-'6 ■ LON'TO.C, (by railfium Liverpcol,) ux ' " rAKB " ■ L:V:i, Uil-DUKGnal BKEMEX, 10 Those FteaCierB are built in watiïï-tigbt irr.n pectiDB, ivt% supp;!ei with pateAt Grn ananintor-, aal carry txnerjeni í vtage psage acrots ■'.■ UJantio Ib frora iOf 18 Isys.ati'l tSc ícctüx'iími ,md attenJjnco ie ..;:.■.: i'o Hit of ej BtaamvTn a8t.a.t. Cffi, TICKETS SCLD !.■: both w.irn. bv k. rs. pnvn, At tho fil.c of 'ko :v!.óhyia Aria. Ayer3O -;d Oor.


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