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NIÍW GrOOÍDS. BACH PIERSOftl IJavo juni oponed tlieir SECOND SPRING STOCK !ind offer a ('IIOICE SELECTION Of Seasonable Goods, including all The Newest Sfytes oí LADIES'DllESSGOODS, Clotlis, Domestica, Staples, GROCERIES, ScC-D We Bought for Cash and wifl sull FOR CAS TI OR REA D Y PA Y, :it ve 17 CALL A.TD SEE! BACII & PlERíON. Ann Arbor, Mnj 15, lf C2. SCHOFF & MILLO RESTII.L ON' HAND at tlieiroid Stand, No. 2, Franklin Block, vith tlieniost complete asüortment of, Books and Siationery, PERFUMEÉ ÍES, F.ANCY GÜODS, WALL aND WINDOW PAPERS, : SIIADES, UOLLE1ÍS, CORDS, TASSELS, GILT CORNICES, CURTAINS, IIOOKS AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. Ever offered in this Maritet ! anri they wouM Miggost tothosi. ïu pursutt cfftnjtliiugin SANTA CLA US' L IN E thatthey can secure a Doublé Christmas Present ! by pnrohftrfng fronJ tliis stook, each purchascr gete Hn additional pierfent of Jewelry , 6lC. , Ranging invalueirom 50 c-ts. to$oö. 455 Theyirat that thctrlong experience in selectïng goqdj forthls markei , and striet attentiun to the wants öf Oustomcrs, may eulitle tbcm to a liberal share Of i ;u roñado. Ana Aruur, Doe 5. 1SG0 777tf LIFE ÏASUUANCË. The Connectieixt Mutual Life Insur anee Company. Accuraulatod Capital, - 63,500,000, fXriïXÏNStniELIVES for iiny amount not exitfeeding VV $10-000 tiT the whole terra ofLafe orfor a term of ypmrs, on the raot fAvprablfi teruR. N. B The Company is purely mutual and tho pollcy bolden get all ths surplus ovc tl.o exact cost of iiisnrance ]t ftccomodittéa the nsorod in the scttlvinent of their prcmiunis ON UFE POLICIES, if desired, bj (afclng anotdfuroiíe h.ilfthc amouut, btarini; iiitvjost at six percent, perannum, Dividends are D celar eS, Annually! an3 since ÜWy dow nuiGiint to nrrv per cent on the pror iniiuïi, c;ish aod oote, inl are inorcatiing they maj be íipplied to cancel the notos. The ratea of premiums nreaslmv as any other respousible Company and the l:irgu nccumulnted fund nf S3}6OOrOP0 is securely nvestcd, as iDftV bv seen y reffieoce to The statement made accordfngio taw, on file in theoflíceufthe County Clerií.at Ann Arbnr.ifftL JAMKtí GOQDWIN, Prest. GuTR.riiET.paecy. ForparÜcnlaraapDly to JAMES C. WATSON, 7G31 Agent ut Ann Arbor Mich. Great Reduction in the Price of SINGKE & CO.'S Standard Machines . Weli known to be the Best for Stanufacturing Purposes. No. 1, Standard Simule Machine, formerly sohJ at 80, lieducod to $70. No. 2. of same kind öf MachiiK', for merly sold at. 100, reducod to 875. STNGER'S LETTER A MACH INE Is the best 51 a chine in the vror](l for FamilySêm l.ifïht Mnnnfaeturing Purpcww : ftifith fíemner,) a ml beautifuíl; ornamentad $60. 'lliy Nos. 1 ;lii'1 ü Muchiíion are of great capacity am npppcation for riianí:icturin purpOMs. Our ïfo. Machines are espeqiaHj adaptad to all kinds of light and li'-;iv Lcatfeejr Vdrk, in Ourriage Trinjming, Boftt and Shpe Jlaking Harneas Makingretc.,etc. 'Ihry are of extra b!s, and ftith . ■ n arm lom onough to cako und(;r it and stitch Lht' Lftrgesi ■' . Tberé i ■ scaroe fctty pari ol :i Ximmeï's1 nïtofafng that caunot bc beHer doija with thbtn thao by Iiand bo, too, the paTlng oí tine nl Iftbor li ■■:■■ great, Ihetabloof these machines is 2t inohea long.abd tbe shuttle wilJ hi!.i six times the usual qüantityiot1 thread, Tholarge maohiaa work as faatftfl sin:ill ouoa, We wonld ask for our Letter a Machines, thenpectal atteutión of Fet Makera aod Drcsa Makers . and aÜ t hu-i who want Ifacbinfth U'v l ■',' mañu faéturÏRg purposes. TUvy cmbody the pi ik-i']i-s of the standard machines, matting II ki Uu m thotnterloclced .itch, and are defttintd to be as ■ for Fj WiLTf SswiHO ard light maaufacturipg purposfifl Hjmir standard niachineN :ire f"i toan uuc'tu ring pi i ■ püJ. We have alwayson hand, BKUXIKa (;.u'1'K;,mimwht USBN -'.N! iniin.N TlIKfJAI, ON VOQXA, UKXl MACilINl! OILtn bOl tifia, ■ ti' . , ('IC. We manufacture our own N"ëeill(j(öüd woM waru all persons using our machines nottobuj any üt hef 3. We know tl-.ut thertí Deedlèflftolj of thé most inferior quollttj nt hïgher pricca tlmn wécnafg ■ for Èho beat. Tiie noedles old bv ua are manuiketured wpeciallj for our maJ.incs. A badnecdUmay render lht btst machine abnas!. uttleas. Our euatotoerfl may ret aasiCnd that al nur Ërnnch Oiïices are futntahed oitbthe' genutneactfjlo " In case of Bmall ptiroliasen, the mond)' may bö sent in postagï atiimptf, or bank notes. CqrresDondenti wlll pleaiu write their names distiopty . Il ík all inportant tha we slinuM, mcauii casi-, knonr tlui Poal l 'Stee, Countj, and State. jO All peraona roquWng Uaformatton aboxit Powing Machines, their siae, pricoa, workine capacitie, and the best methods of purctiasing, canobtain il by sending to us, or any of ont IJ ;mch OAoei for a oopy pi I. Iïï. Singer & Co. 's Gazette, Viiili is a boautlfttl Plctorlal Paper efltireíy devotedto the subjt'üt- ƒL wiU basoitiirntiit. fár W havo made n.e abovfl KEDÜCTIÖN IN PRICES wit Ji iht two.fqld riw of beoofttlng the public nndourpc! vos. Thé fHibJiehavebeon Rwindledbj spurioua machines mafie in imitatíoi) of ODTB. Tie moto] in thcni, from tht' ion casting to ihe-am iol poot 'H.iiiiv. Xhéir ron] ■ the means to do thslr ■ :ï. ïi:y arehld away in BQcrei places, where it wouM be imposKíMc to hare a,t thetr command the pfoper mpcbanical applianoes. H is ouiy i doltfg i bnHiness,anl baring'jntnsire manu tact uring i iiuMit.s, Ihat (cood njichiues enn be inade at moderatprlcSB, The heel dMlgoed mabtoes, BADLY UADR n re alwoya li.ble to gt out oLodor, ani arosure locost ir a ble trouble and money to beentheminrepaire The qualitics to be looked fftr in a Machine a tainty út' correct action at all ratc t speed i si of cnnstn.i-ii' k, grê&1 durabtlity, andrapimty of Aperation, with the lpaít {pbor, WtfchineMt' ■ osspiidal qualitiec ;tiui.t ma da Of thebdst uietaluid hiiili.d to perfi ction. We have'lhoway and n)eans}on ■ i i ..rui Kcale, to do this. The purchasora of machina, erhosodaily bread it may coiïcern, will find tbal thoaft hftviig tlu! ajbovequatltiefl not only work wïl nt. fftpid ba well as sïowratcstf speed, but la&l longer in thfi ni"--( ..i-!'í. y orlrlng prder. Our machinea, h made by o, will earn more moncy with lesa ttiao any ethers whether in íaiitittioo oí ours or not. In fact, theyarfioheausr than any othcr machinen as a gift. i. M.sÍNGER k CO., 4fS Iïro;nlway Ne,v Vork. jfcy Detroit Office, 53 Woodward ÁTPnue, (Merrill Block.) 811tf M. IL GOODIMOIT, Agent, Ann Arbor. Oval Picture Frames AI.T.SIZK9, STVLES and PRICES juat rcci-ivcrl and forsale abÁapat CHOFF & MILLER'a. 18HO.npo.2.'i. VSOtf Ayer's Cathartic Pilis, II O RACE WATERS, A O E N T 3 :ï 3 B r o a íl W a y , N" o W V o r k I'uïïIUIur ol lUi-íii mi MusW Ilookx AXD DBA1SR Ï. Pianoa, MëlodtfftR, Alejandre Orgaii ürgan Accordeons, Martin's celebra-! ted anduther Gtiiíars, VíoIÍqs, Tenor Vials, Violincellua, Accoisleoos; Flutinas, Flute, Files, Triantes,' Clan íneUs, Timing ForkíiJPipea iiM'Hran.irKi1: viólifl Bóws, bostlíulian Striiiír, I;is8 Instrumento For Baños, Piano Stools, and govers, and all kinds oí' Musical Instruments. JS Xx o o t 3VE xx S i o, ■ ■■..Imts in Iht V. S. t BeKítii's ffunïin'i, i i Instrnctioa ■ ■hovü ui.-T n; .; ; ( bureh UUSIC Booka; MusJc . .; Muaic pajjoi-, and aÜ kiuds ut Moi cIij) ■ ■ A t t heLowest Price s. New Píanos, At $176, 200, $2Ü5, $250. nnl up to $sno. Secon H.ii,.: l'iiiiin.s Cboui $'25 up to Wöfl: New MeLi : . $eOj $75,$ion, mi'! 'i0 to$80; VloxaOilreprganSj wlth Ove Ñiños $160, , $135 añfl $25; thirtí ousto] -, $;.?, .'. $300; Brtoen stops. $320 and $375; A liberal flíscouní to Cleraymen, ( huronea, Sabbatu Schools. Seminarie? .her.". ïhe Tr.uif aupptfed the'usual trade dU&ottttta Testimoníala of fho, Tlovnco Walcr Planos tvirtï Melodeons John TTewi'll. ■'.' Ca rt ha go, V-.' York, who lias had one of EIorac Watera I anos, write&aa fallaws: - "A i'rioii'l of huik; wrifinto me to purchase a plaño íbí ' hor. She ■ ■ '■■ r, 1856. popular in ibis phc an I i y will be ïuoi lar than any Dl hw makèv" uWe have two of Waters' Pianoa In uxoin oirSera1i uary, one of huil hai ■.:■ tliree ftsirs. anO we can tcstity tn tl .-'..'.y aiul durítbifïty."- to 3 ■ - - . ■■■'" roU,la. "II. Water, !■!. - i bah Sik: Havtng"ued oneof your Piano l'oi ■!. 1 iiavi.' fonatl it a very superior Instrument. Ar.oxzo Okay, J'rinrtpni Heigh ' "Tli Pian11 I iTriví'fi fron íes to give sat.arlt-xUnt, Va. "ïho Uelodeon s---' avrh ed. ! fwïl obBged to fou fory tnir libera] il:-ci'imt." Rfiv. J. M. IKCoitMi'-li, TürfneêvilUS, C"ïhe [jiHno wan duljr recoived. Itcnmn in i ■ con liiiuM. aud : wry nmcii admirod bymy numerouf f;imüy AcCPit in v 1 hfthitd for yon e promptin RoBKRX Cnot'::n, Wammkam Brndjoed Co. Pa. lw oiDf qo ploflMOü m wh'H. It is thf beat one ín our couoty."- Tl! i tafl A. I.atiía!, CimphcHton, fía. "We aro very mueh oblïge4 to you forhuvlng spt BftcJl a fine instrument t"i)r S250.' - BftAVK,HKLn Bujfato Dmocmt. '■ [!'!:■." Waters Pianos art1 known ns amonr thr very best Wc ure enftbled to vpeah t-f Jliese insruï'i.Miis wilh oonfld" ace, from pi rs-onal knowWdffe of their exoelleni toneaa'i lurnble qnality." - N. Y. Ernr.ftliet. 'Vq c;in spoak nf (he merits of the Horaoc V. anosfroro per baing the v i ■[ mi rty ■ ' ' - Chri-.-iifiv Tnteiligencer. Waters piaooa are ouiH of the beai and , ■■ , 1:1 "iii v -■ ■■ i nLiU'ri.' 1. We li i.w no dcntbl that bn v . thw t ban at any othflrïiouse m the Union." - Adoocatc aid Journal. Watera' prunos -" ■ ■ , ,■ mparUon uitli thn ■ i-'1 viniry."- Home Ju ti mal ice Waters' Piano Forten are of fulT, rleh anil ■ :. - V. '. M'.-;,-it! Rrr'cio. '■Di,r frietiM will finii 'Wh the very ; . ■■ : . ■ . ound in ■ i-,,:,;. to gi've him acal] wiienever tbey goto New Yn.k." - Grakdiii's Mn.'.'i'.hte. Warehouse 333 Broadway, N. Y. Sab ba th S ch ooi Bell, KM,O00 tssfced iu te Monlhs. Tli'1 unprecedenfed aio nf this bonk has Induce the publisbcr ' ■ 30 new tanèltand hymns tfl i ent eize, jrithöut xtra dfarge, except on tlie clicap eïitioQ" Ai.;-1 ' ttiful tunes and hyoaua addi 1 i:i i.v bfl fnmi'i:- "1 o'ughi ■' my roothcr;" "0 ril be ;t rood chiltl, tnrJeed I wilï.M These and eight others Iroiü tue PelljWi i ■ lUDgat the Sundn.V School Annivers.i:v i.f i!;'; M. )■". liuTCÜ at the Academy of Music, ith ■ hvniïi, mi'l i$ ooe of til1 best BoUeotlOlU 6T6r is -!]■ i. Prioe ::-c; Hp.perhindred,nosta(ïe4&Elegantly bond, emboBsed iitt 25o, $20 por lOO It Iillk boen introduced any af the Publicso! ■■' . The 6 . is publUhed iü f. ma 11 numbera eiiiiileil Atiniand Sunday Sohool Musïc Bookg, Noa. 1,2, a, k 4, in ordei :; I''1 Inmüred No. 5 will snnn he isued - conimenct-raf'iit ot .- tot het book, ■ il ítusic Boots, No.l & 2, prio $1 fe $2 p lüO, posïage lc More thn.i 300,000 copios of the above boukfi have been issaed the past eiffhteeo months, and the dernani israpicïly increasing PublUhed bv HOKACi: WATERS, Agent, ó'' Brt-adway, . '. Publised by Horace Waters No. 33 3 ïïroadway, New Vork. Vocal, "Kiu-Ï ffordscan bever die;'' (lThe Angels told me so;!' "WHda of the w.-,t;"; "Thonghts of God;" Í-Otva mí; back my Wountain Üomej" "Üay fïi '(Dandy CockB "l'na wlth thfie stilU'MVt uumes;" "Thení'a no darilng like mine:" "Saiai Jane Leo;'"'ETfr uf thee;" uï.'m leavingthee in Sorrow;" ltBird of BeautyV ilHome of öur hirth;" (iírave oí Rsabelf'J a:id Wako, lady, wakef4' price 25c eaoh. 1 IsTKirsiKNTAL. - ' 'Palaco Garden, or Pinging Bird Polka' 40c; U8wtagtng Schotttgehe" "Mlrttbel Pchot tisch;" 'Tliomas Baker'f Sohottische;" ''Piccolomini 85 cr-iits eaohi ïbe abose. piecefihaT&heautiful Vignettee "Wcbner Polka;'7 "Arabian Wai cry Uarch," the vervlakt: "TaufiOvianna Doniéllfl tfazurka; "Uea-1: inr Polfca;" "Crinoline Waltz," and "Inc-i.- Qua dtiUe,"25c eacli. "The Empire of Reídas QuadrtUe;" a oew dance, and "The Hibcrnian Quadrille," 35ceach. Many of these piecea are pjayed by Bakex 8 oeiebrateil orohei ra wiih great applrusc.JS Üuiled freo. Á largelot of Foreïgu Miialö at !;:ilf price. Planos, Me led e on s md Orgaus. The Jïor.ico ïVatera Pianos and Melodeons, for depth, pnrfty of tone and flurSblHty,are uhsurpassed Prices very low eoond Han í Pfaooa and MelödeonirfT'oni $25 t.o $150. Music and Slusiccl fnstructlonR of all kinds, at the toTest nriecs. BM)R VCE WATEBÖ, Agnt. No. 882 liroíxdway,N. Y. TbSTIXOXUIB; - "Thfi IIorftC Waters Piano are known atAmongthevec? bost.' - Fmvzc.iht. "Weoan speak of theüu merite f rom personal knowlodfe." - Chritiian Intctttgcnccr. "N'nthinjjat the Fair Jmpiayed greater excolJftnce -'- Churckvian. Waters' Pianos anl Meïoaeona challenge com parlaos with the flaest made anvwherein the coun'.ry." - Home Jtottmci, 7l9tf LOOMÏ3 & TJRÏPP, Succfcásors to Cbapin i LoomismulCbapin, Tripp A Loomis THE above ffnn of Loorofe Tripp having pnrohaaei tliv entire interest of the forroor eompanim wit continue the business at the old stands, whare b1 r(aly, on the nhortost nottce, to fill all orders in the lino oí Castings and Machiuery, ín the most wrnkmanlikc mannrr, nnrt on as libera terras ae any othor hop ia the 8tat.Amt)oyhe vm-i ouh artlclesnianofáctured by us, we onld euuiswaie STEAMÊNGJNES of all kinds; Mül Goartng and Fixturos, wrourlnand bast; alHhe variou c making and ropalring Powors &ThresbÍDg Machines sach as ai' ai present, br have fbrrnerly been in use ia hÍB part r't" Che Stato, is well : all thé varíons kind.i "f pastinga and maohtne wprk oalleil f or Uy farraerp fcand meolianics iothia sectïou f the couniry. of all the variouB pottvrns, nji in Btzesand prices, will be UeptconstantJy on haud, got the moet modern and improved styles. Thrtnkftil For formrr patronage to the old firin. w1 vould solicit continiiance from old friondf, itnd atrial byTlll wisliing foranything inour line of buslneju. LOOMIS í TRU'I'. AnnArbor,Mav ISth, 1S59. 697tf TH RESHING MACHINES. PiTFA-TEP AXn MANfKAClURED BY Nichols Si. Sheppard? Battte Créele, Mlch. Improved for tho Season of 1862 Iu tl is Pi'ivtrator tbc irated ('rum I ïir t raw by ini'in! . of II op ;! ! iluwn w ii li a ■ . . iiuiM tbfl lima it leavo i!:'rvliinicr ui-.lil it paftse ■ in Falle through a bttotn i.i.-i'ii' ol ■ m tire Etraw. The parta eontaioitg these iiu1.. i -. ;.■!';!( i [ght graio bol toni are mu'lu to vjl j; biickiyad mul for■;:i-ii, wliioh worka tho Ktraw to tlic stiicker aml tho graimothc sioves. Tho uppnority tf this machina over all others oonststs ín t Ti-i Teel ücrationti n ■( ÏJjraiii ' rom Straw, (ii i ; [niplicitj iu i.-,[i". no piol : dog p, anl i ery thau :iuy oUxer machine now made. rc;it C IDacitTi sit ■.v;Il not v. :■ :: ]■. :i Cl"p Perffc: -- ■ ' ■ ■ ■ ' Basy dráii , bettfï coabti1 ie ■■■-' dUvalflb. reunsj'lvitnia Iron Ilorse IV)'. Wiuranted to botho in uso. Made with wood oi üpitu frame -is preferí ea Karnièrs and Threhor of llfchfgan ! Wc offer you i MACiliNKIN V:- Fnvlcrvilli-, or any nmcMne bullí "ti thclr prin lf yon inten! bfuríno; a mncbin r A._'i-:i . rui'l -:■ i i ■!;. yourself.-- romlilot s(nt f: co. Cali and ■■■ . MCHOJ5 & MiKiTAHI', Il:i1 ! ■ Ingnn. nr M, ROG ER S, or M R Arbur; r 1. '. Vakk.m, ftffenf, textcr. Moaey lo Lcsid. -Jtmtn rOVN Y' P!-'H Mi'VFV dn rrn ■:.'.!(■ ■ r-n i:w Uiug Urne on ; uod Faun HMjÉ i ' ■■■': r;4N.


Old News
Michigan Argus