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Sketch Of Generals Reno And Miles

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Gen. Reno who was killed at tho battlc near Hagcr.-town on Sunday, was born ib Pbnnsylvaiiia in tlio year 1825. He entered the Military Academy at West Püint when seventeen years of age, and graduated in the year 1845, as seventli in iiis elass. Iu that year lie was commis-ioned aa brevet Bcoond Lieutenant of Orduanoe. In the Moxican war be aacompanied Gen. Seott's anny on its triumphal march from Vera Cruz to Mrxioo, and urticipated in every general engagement that took place. Ilis gallantry at Cerro Gordo was rewarded with the app.iintment of First Lieutenant; at Chepultepeo he was wounded, ahhough uot seriously, and, on the lot h of September, 1847, was brevctt.ed Captain. At the conclusión of tin war he became Asistant Professor of Mathematica at West Point, njd oiSeiated in that capacity for six months. He thee served for a year and a half as Secretary to the Aitillei-y Board. Subsequently, up to the coramencemont of the rebellion, Captain Reno was employed on the ÍJ. S. Co;ist öurvey; on topograpbical duty O the North-west ; in eonstructing military road from Big Siotis River to St. Paul; from 1854 to 1857 on duty at the Frankfort arsenal, uear Philadelphia ; as obief ordnanee ofücer to Genera' SiJiiey Johnsten in the Utah oampaigo ; on daty at tho Mouut Vernon Arsenal, Ala., and was afterwards stationed at Fort Leavenworth. He was solieited by Gen. 13urn side to acconipany him on bis expedition to North Carolina. At the battles of Roanoko Island and Newbern he was distinguislied for courage and good generalship, and was ever afterward considerod one of the bravest and best olficers in the service. Ou the 12th of November, 1861, he was appointcd a Brigadier General of volunteers. General Renu was placed in command of a división when Gen. Burnside's army arrived at Acquia Creek. Iu the reoent battles böfore Washington be fully sustained Lis reputation as an able cotnmander, and was most honorably mentioned in the official reports of his superiors in rank. - Witli his subsequent fate the public are familiar. It is a faet wortliy of mention that Generáis McClellau aud Stonewall Jacksoo were botli classuiateu with him at West Point. GENERAL DIXOX U. MILES. Actiug Brigadier General Dixon H. Miles is a native of Maryland, from which State je was appointed a cadet iu 1819. Ho is nearly sixty years of age, and graduated on the 20th of June, 1824, standing No. 27 in a class of thirtyonc niembers. Among his classmates were several uoted men, some of whom have figur'ed in the Senatorial halls, others Lave died in battle, &c. Oi the lst day of July, 1824, he was appointed a brevet Second Lieutenant of the Fourth United States Infantry, and on the sume day was made i'ull Soooncl Lieuteuant of the Seventh [ufautry. He held the important position of llegimental Adjutant from 18iil to 1836, haviug, on the 30th of April, 1833, been promoted to a First Lieutenancy. ün the 8th of June, 1836, ha was further promoted to a Captaincy. On the lGth of January, 1839, he was made an Assistant Quartermaster, witb the rank of Captain, on the stafl'. This commis&ion he, howevcr, resigned on tlio 30th of September, 1S45. Ou the 9t!i of May, 1846, lic was brevettod Mnjor for gallant and distinguished conduut in the dufense of Fort lirown, Texas, II o was further brevetted Lieu tonaut Colonel, with rank dating from September 23, 1846, for gallaut and meritorioua oonduct in the several conflicts at Monterey, Mexico, on tlio 2 lst, 22d and 23d of September, 1846. Oa February 16, 1847, he was promoted to tlio Majority of the Fifth Infantry. On l the 15th of April, 1851, ho was further promoted to the Lieutenant Colonelcy of the Third Infantry, having previous lv, in July, 1848, lieltl the position of military and civil Governor of Jalapa, Mexico. He commanded the So. Gila expedition, and bcoaine distinguihed in the conflict with the Coyotero and Mágollon Apaches of New Mexico, o:i the 27lh of June, 1857, nnd in several conflicts with Navajees, New Mexico, during the inonth of deptember, 1858. On the 19th of January, 1859, ho was again promoted - this time to the Coloueloy of i the Second Infantry, his coin mistión ; datiog frofp January 19, 1859. IIo held I tlie cümmand of the fifth división at Buil Run, :iud euccesífully coverod ths retreat of tho Union ariny, mi iMI' '■■ - - - 3P W;ir is a lottery in wfaich cvpry o'jE'omor rasy zpeat to drw 2 word


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