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ATTENTIOIV CLOTHIERS ! JUöT received at, the General Depot, tor the sale of Ciothiers Stock, Machiuery, Dy Muffe, &c. &c, No. I3J, Jeffbrson Avenue, l8troit, the following large, well aBsted,. and eürafjilly sclected stock, viz: 10!) bbfd. St. Domingo Log.-w.ood; Cut, 5 -i-ons ia Stick, 150 bbls. Coba Fuslic, Cui. 6 Tons " " , iSuck, 60 bbU. Nic-. Wood, Chipped, 50 Linn Wood, 'l ÍU) Red Wood, Jï.) Ground Camwood, 10 " Quercitron Bark, l?)0 lus. Nutgalls, 10 Cases Extract of Logwood, 3'J Iba. Lac Dye, 2 Ceroons Spanish Itidigo, 300 Iba. SumacSicily, 3 Casks Muddcr, 3 Caska Blue Vuriol, 5 sks Alum, 5 Barrels Ued Tartar. 2 Bairel8 Creatn Tartar, Carboys Aqua Fortis, 5 " Oil Vitriol, 3 ' Muriatic Acid, 600 Iba. Virdigris, 50 y Btock Tinr Teasel3, Twin.Coiper Kettles, all iizes, Phcsoti'"3 Sliea-ring Machines," Curtia' Bcrcws and Press Plates, Cranks, Press l'aper, Steel Reeds, Worsted Harneas, Temer Hooks, Êmery, all No's., Olive Oil, Clotbicrs Jacks, Sattinett NVarp, Clotrtiers' Brushes, Shuttles, l'iükers, Card Cleaners. &c te. The above. with a variety of other articles beIrtiKriiiT to the trade, hnve been purchased thiseuinmer by the subscribers from Mnnufocturernnd First Hands in the New York. Philadelphia. aai Bastón Markets, and every thing having res ceived hifl personal inspeciion. he cmi with the utmost confidence offir them to p-u-rclwisers as the bestand most complete stockin the country; and asitis-hia fixed detenmiuuion (by the low rates at which he wil! sell) to oreveiu the necessfty of our Clothiers and Manufn'-urerB leasing the State to make their purchases, h. would mcroly say to thetrade, CALL, examine the-oods and ascerta+n p-rices befiwa you say you can buy cbeaper amj wfiere else. . N. He is n!so prepnred to contract for LAKUirsO MACHINES made in tlns State or Enst. PIERRE TELLB&i Sign ofthe Golden Mortar, 139, Jeflerson Avenue ri7-tf.l Detroit."TO THE VÍCTOR KELONG THE SPOILS" ALTI1OÜGH many preparation in ihe form, of POPULAR AISDIC1NES," have been before the public, claiming to give reliel aqd even cure the most invetérate diseases, yei none have so well answered ihe purpose aa Dr SHERMAN'S MED1CATED LOZENGES Dr. Sheruian's "COUGH LOZENGES" eure the mosi obstinate cases of Cough in a few Lurs. They have cured a Jarge number of pergons who have been given up by their physicians aad friends, and many who have been redueed to the vcrge of the grave by spitting blood consumption and Hectic Fever, by their use have had the rose of health rcstored to the hag gard cheek. and now live to speak forth the praises of this invaluable medicine. Dr. Slier" "WORM LOZEAGES" have heen provedin more than 4(J('rOO0 cases to be infallible, in fact. the only certain Worni dettroying medicine ever discovered. Children will eatthem when they cannot be íorced to íake any oiher medicine, and the benefit deríved fron tha administraron of medicine to them in thie form is great berood conception. They havs never been kaown to faif. Dr. Sberman's "CAMPHOR LOZENGES." relieye Headache, Nervous Sick-headache. Pal pitation of the Heart, and sickness in a very few minuies. Dr. S herma n's POQR MAN 'S PL ASTERE is acknowledged by all who have ever used it to be the best strengthening Piaster in the wnrld, nd a sovereign remedy for painsand weakness in the, back, loins, side, breast. neek, limbs. inint. rhiimatisni. lumbaso. &e. Be carefulto procure the above and all other medicines of iïuynard's, and you wiíl be sn-re títere will be no iaÍ8takein quantity or charge. W. S. & J. W. MAYNARD. Ann Arbor, Februari' 5. 1844. 41 To Clofhiers, JTlaiiulcctiircrs and Ttlcrchaiits. THE sultscriber isnow receiving ai his stores, 188 and 190 Jefferson Avenue, Detroit, the following carefully and well selected stock of DyeWoods, Dyk Stuffs end Woolkn ManUrACTüRÊR's MaOHINERÏ. 55 tons Fustic, Cuba, Tobaeco, Tampieo'aad Cartfiagena. 10 tons Logwood, Campeach, St Domingo and Honduras, 6 tons Nicaragua, Bonair. Coro, Hache and Lima, 3 lons Camwood, very choice, 180 barrels Logwood, cut and ground, 13) " Fttstie, " li 100 " Red Woods, " f 120 " Camwood, " " 10 " Qnerecitron Bark, 45 " Allum, 42 Ll Copperas, 30 ft Blue Vario!, 28 " Rladder. Ombre, and Dutch erop, 3 " Cream Tarter, 2 4 Nutgall8. 3 cases Indigo, Bengal, Manilla and Guatímala, 2 {' Lac-Dye, 20 " ext. Logwood, 2 ' Grain Tin, 30b puunds Verdigris. j5 Carboys OU Vifriol, Spirits Sea-Saltsand Nitric Acid, ALSO, Copper Kettles and Clothiers' Screws, Tenter Jlooks, Jacks and lírushes, Press Popera, Card Cleanere, Wenvers Shears, Nippers nnd Burling Iron8, Coi platea, Piekers and Bobbins. Wire. VVorsted and Cotton Hnrness. Sieel and Cañe Reeds, Broad Power. Hand Looms and VI y Shuttles, Sieel and Copper Maila, Ernery. &c. Tasons' Shenring Mochines, 4, 6. and Dblades.. ÁHen's doublé and single Carding Machines. Machine Cards, Leicester. The above gooda have been recently purchaseddireciiy from ihe importers and manufiiclurer8, exci.l'sively kok cash. and vill be sold ai the New York jobbers' pricee, adding tronsportation only: .anii in eonsequence of the decline on many of tle American manufactured anieles. wilt, in many cases, be sold al fiftkkn pkr cewt LESS th vn FonMKK FRtcKs. Thirteen years experience n the Dye Wood business enables the subscriber to say to hit customers that he is prepored at all times to wakrakt his goodsof Buperior quality. THEO. H. EATON.Dye Wood and Dye Stuff Warehouse 188 nnd 190 Jefïcrson Avenue.. Detroit. The A nn Arbor Journal, Ypsilanti Sentinel V oiittac Gazeite. Flint Democrat, Adrián Expo iior, Marshall Statesmnn. Niles Courier and Republican, Gazette. Michigan City (Ia.) and vhe Knquirer, Lomlon, (Canada.) will oneh publiah ihe above notice insidc, to the amount of Uree dollnrs, nnd ssnd copy of notice with bilis to tubscriber for pnyment. 17-tf. JEROME M.lrRËADVELL ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, And General Land Agent, WILL attend to the snle and exchnnge of Lands, payment of Taxcs, and rertemp tion of Iands aold for Taxes in ackson and adjolning counties. examination of Titfes, Convcyancing. and nll business pemming to Real Estue. Office in the Coart House. Jackson, Michigan. J7-tf. CHARLES H. STEWART, TT9RNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT UW AND SOUCITOR IN CHANCERY. JEFrBRSON AVBXtfE PKTKOIT. 49-ii ■DR. SMITH'S : UNIVERSITY PII-I- ; TTlHFSF Pilis are nrenared I.y Wm. M. Smitji, M. D., laie Profesaor of Materia Medici nn In. U.I ii vprMv of Lake Ëric, Oliio. ür. Smiih wouíd soy lu the puhjjj, th L ÍSJ1ulfñienü%lX"ok nostram that will by i. irri.aiin8 effect, upo íeÍhtíoweL'creÍe'S .herí iïTerc w Hule or nono beiore, bu, uno tfp ■ . sufc pubt :Í!ioiSSíL-tibl substnnces, which is „s near .rfecion „ caie., itudy and doe" i,ÍveCa4Í... leáis and cxpprimants, can bnng u. lle would scy tu i'hys.oan, mitnn,1 nm ai.i TcverP; Fevor and Agne. Co.-gh L.ver Compln-ms, Hoadac IWe Drm)9y, Rhcu.-aüsm, Enln.-oet oí he Splee,, i.u-rnnl ",L,; Col.o, Ac., uy of th sïïinch, lndpient Diarrham. Habitual CWiene and ... nll cases of Porpo.r _ol the Bowols héna cotharue. apcrient. or ahonde, [ needed Thcy oro nuld. yet certnin n tiiëir opera on producin. nehher nau.on. gripin-. nor.debili.y The ngen.s of these I ,!8 are ms.ructod ii ense full saris'ac.ion is no. -given to ony person who iiiay purchaee them, that they shall lun 'heir inoney refundtd. TESTIMONIALS JN FAVOR OF DR. WM. M SMITH'S UNIVERSITY PILIS. ! TESTIMONIAL OF DR. LANDON. Monkoe, Michignn, June 12, 1844. Dr. Smith- Dear Sir.- T take much pleasiire in g-ïvinjgr n5-v tpstimony in favor of jou valuable UNIVERSITY PILLS. J most cbeerfolly recommend them to the pubifc as safe, easy, and efficiënt cathartic for most of the Siseases incident to this región of country I have mnde extensive use of them for four years in my practice, and I betieve them to b the BEST Anti-bilious Cathartic or Aperient medicine ever oombinod and offèred forten cral U6e Yours, -&c. GHORGE LANDON, M. D. TESTIMONIAL OF DR. TELLKR. Masillo.v, Ohio, May Ist, 1844. Dr Smith- Sir,- I take much pleasure in tesiimony to the efficacy of you Pil'.s in removing bile from the stemach, deterging the Livor and In all complnints emnna lingfromthatsource. T ■ „ _ _ ,,J;]' & bLLU, M. D. fa TESTIMONIAL OF. F. L. WELLS. Watbrkóo, Mich., March 10, 18-14. To Dr Shith- Sir,- For upards of sixmanths I was crnelly afflicted withFever nnd Atrue and that time could find nothing lliat gave me permanent relief; at length however yonr üniversity Pilis wcre tecommended to me by one óf the best Physicians in these and I am happy in being able to say, tbat from the us-e of on3 box I was ponnanently cured of mv affue: since then a numher of my family have been as signally benpfitied. 7ë , Yours, RespectfuHy, F. L. WELLS. TESTIMONIAL OF DANIEL G00DN0W. Monroe, Midi., June 1, 1844. I hereby certify tbat Dr. Wm. M. Smith hos been my Family Physician for four years last paet; that he has used his University Pilla in his practice iri my family with unparal leled and I think them pref'erable lo ony pill for bilious afFection in the world. DANIEL GOÖDNOW. hmjeeeper, Mucomb-St. House. TTPSTIMflWIAT. OP T S PARSI-IAI.I,Fut, Mich., June 5, 1344. Dr. Smith- I om happy (o g-ive you my cordial approval ot" ycnir University Piüs. I am flble to keep off Fever and Agne, and Fevers to which all of us are subject in this West ern Country, by the timely use of your University Pilis. Send an Apent tiiis way as sooi as poseible, for we are all out. Yours, Sec. D. S. PARSHALL. TESTIMONIAL OF MESSRS. NOBLE AND FYFIELD. We certifv that we are and have been personally acquainted with VJtn. M. Smith, M D., and knoïv that he is a man ot eminence in his profession - and that for four years he filled the chair of Materia Medica and Pharmncy in the Willoughby University of La kc Erie, with honor to himselfand satiffaction to the Trustees and Facu)ty, as well as to the Studeais of the above University. As for his Pilis, they are 'par excellence." CHARLES NOBLE. Monroe, Mich., June 19, 1344. K. F. FYFIELD. TESTIMONIAL OF RIAL B. CHASE. This I cerüfy, that in the month of September Jast, I wns attocked with Billioii3 Feve (wliile awavfrom home at Owasso to build a water wheel) and with one doseof SmithVU niversity Pilis, I broke it up; and as many uthers were sick at the timo, I administered these PiJls to them, and in all cases it bioke up their fevers. J have used them many times sinee and with ereat success. They aro the best pills I ever used. ' RIAL B. CHASE, MilhvnghL Shiawassee Town, Mich. June Ist, 1844. TESTIMONIAL OF MRS. ABIGAIL C. WRTGHT. This may certify, that Lhree years ngo'l was nttacked with Liver Complaint so sevcrely thftt I could scarcely turn myelf in bed; Í used many specifics and remedies, such as Brnndreth's, Resurrección, Oriental, nnd other piüs, but with little or no effect. One year ago, my friend Or. Smith called on me on his way to Boston, when he gave me a box of his Universitv Pilis, which perfeclly restured me, and tny health has not asrain suffered from like cause. ABIGAIL C. WRIGHT. Rochester. N. Y., No. 13, Franklin Street, June L5, 1844. TESTIMONIAL OF JOHN V. MILLER. Dear Doctor- Justice requires me to state, that Ihave sold your University Pilis for one and a half years last past, and Üm I can sell no others while 1 have them on hand. Thej have supersedetl tbesale of all others- their effect is truly wonderful. JOHN W. MILLER, Druggist., Monroe, Mich., June 12, 1844. For Saleby J. H. LUND, Lower Town, and VVM. S. &. J. W. MAYNARD, Uppei Town, Ann Arbor. ' 18-ly.vI i-ëO-fpE f p 2 lila! m g er? l'ifff? v? a " M' f ííílli ?! & S ■ Sí CP WÊBSBBB 2. í pj _ ;, 31 X Ü tetft IcSA í"' g i fftfli P'; è Jb W S55 MmWiMj & 1 1 1 1 1 g pT ' I 2 fea v. - . E?.2 S--3r t-tT O BürJ i 'iCJ W " „mil,, ir'lis-? s 5 # n arir pl -?! fe8 BS -!iB " fe" íffiíííl sgj Hffg'l ea g 2L s=?íg 2 ■ Oy f$ o 5 L 03 E-M 3 o = r Ë: 5SNoticc loMercliaiits. ■ THE encouraged by the patrónthcy have hülieno receive"d in ih wiio.esale depnmncnt oi'their business, will th .'rst d.iy . oí' May nexl. opon the siurc now ntci ptéfl by Gco. Greiiville. lïoiuiny on Uuro sireet, coniiecting wiih tlleir present stor in tho re ar. exo.Iusivclv for a waota sales room, where ihey will keep ut all tunes u (uil íissun ment af Dry Goorte. Boo(s Simes Carpe, iiiíc lfas, Caps, Paper Wtñg$ñgs Dotucis, Cracker. bij Ihc Crale, Hardware and Groceries, c. c. íyc. ill of which. vvill be sold on as iroorl terms asa nny point ilns slile ofNcw Ymk Cuy. G. 1). 1IU.L& CO. Ann Arbor. Mar oh 20, ÍP44, 4?t fTMUl rulluwtiuiiuiípensul)!o líimily remedie X hiñy be foun'd n' Mtnai;d's Druggií. Store, iti A mi Albor, whére nono will bo solc uuless krowi-: to be oí ihfe best kiiidnnd n coutueiTeit artiele ever oH'ered. patent medicin nvariábly procured oí the orrgm 1 inventor o bis regular sucoessor: tUT Aro fum'dj sfiould be a weck. without thes rcmetiüs.jfi BALDNESS. Balm oí Cvluml'íu, for tlic Hair. M-Jiich vi stop, t ü fülling out, oriTsrore iton b;ild places nucí Ón childrén mnke il grow rnpidly. or o tliose who havo lost thehair írom nny cause. AI,L VERMIiV tbatinfest !ie hends of chi) ,lren ín senoofsj aio prcvenied nr liülerl by it a' Dun'. Fim! si-.e mime of COMSTOCK on i or never liy it. Kcmevibr.r tiás aLicaijs. PILES, &c. are wlioüy prcvcniec', or governed ifthe aStnck has come on, i yon ngo tbo nt)uue Hays' Lini.mknt, írom Comsiock & Co All SORES, íntl evieVy tbin íclievedby it thal'a'cIñíits.óTañ outvvard ipplication. J t actslike a cl'.njin. Use it. RIIEUMATIPM AXD LAMRNESS positivc.'v i'ured; all siirivclled niusclcsání! limbsare rosínroíl. m t lie oíd or yon nLr, by the Iridian Vegrt'ihlf Eü.ñr aníl Ne.rrc and Bme Linlinciit - but never without the name oí' Com.síock & Co. on t. KOLMSTOCK'S V.RRMIFUGE -.vill erndieaic al! WORMS n children or adults with a certntnfy quite a,stpnishing. TOOTH DROPS. KI.IKK3- cures cflcctually Ann Arbor, Feb. 5, 1844. 41Jflcdirated Pttfster, spread for nsc. PRÏCE ONLY O.VE SHILLINO, IN ORDKR TO PLACE THEJ1 WITH1N THE MKANS OF ALL. IÜ slrght áiljfiSntdi 'or wheretlie pntient pVét'ér less expensive artide ihnn the "Anü-in ilnmatory and Rfutumaüc Paalrr," these will b fqund highly beneficia]. Bcing alïeudy sprcac for immediate applicar.on, ihey will bc iounc very convenicn; lor WEAK BACKS. Pain o Weakness in the Side. Breasi. Siomach, between the Shoujders, or wherever thcre is Pain or where a Plusier is needcd. Thcy may bé ren dered more servicèable Ly pasting a pieee o cloth on the back of thcni belore tliey are ap plied. Maltiludcs'havebeon relieved of pain anc suficrino by these Cheap Piasters. Fot feale nt Mosely's Booksiore. and by J. T Stocking, Travelling Agent for Michignn. ]6-ly 2. B. WALKEHÜPATENT SMUT MACHLNE. npHË Subsciibers tnkc ibis mejhod ofinforinX ing all sucJí us-ftrc-engiiged in the Millinc business in the State of Michignn, that tliey are now manulacturing n Ann Arbor, VVashtenaw County. Michigan, L. B. Walker's Patant Snuit JVIaclftisie, which thoy would recömmend to take ihe Smu oil' ol wlicat as vvell or bettnr thnn nny othe maclniie. Thi8 machine is a horizsntal riKichini -il ictains uil iho trtciion of ihe wheat, and unj ling sim'plicity wïifi durnbility. il combines the ie=Jt nr, scouring. nnd blowing principlts. dis ch;ii-gH2 the nd smutasfast as separatec róm the v. heat. TJiis machine is perfectly se euro from fire, and runs niucTi lighier xhan an} oüier machnie in use. For fisrihêr inform'ation sue large bilis. Shop in Lower Tovvn. Pricet io agree wiih the times. All orders for Ma ehinps will be promptiy attenderf to! Address, E. O. & A. CRÍTTENDEN. Ann Arbor. Washtenaw Co.. Mich Jnly 3,1844. ' lHim TSie ïSIraiey Portaalts. THE Subscribcrs have on hand aquantity o these large and splendid engravings.beauii "u!ly executed on Ptëej pintes. by nn excellentartist. Vprri ft paintmgby E. V. Go.umvi.v Esq..of Aljany. N. Y. Thcy are a striking Jikenessof thk Man. and make an elegunt ornament lor the )urlor. For sale, wholesnle and retnil, at $8 per dozen, ir .$1,00 cich. by A. McFarren. BooksrIler. )l;tn.m, and by JÏEGKLilY .& FOSTER. Ann A hor, Nov. ). 1844. 28 tfWOOÜ WOO1! C.I4OTH! CLOTH!! TÍIE. Subscribáis vou!d inforin the Pubüctliat they vvill cominuc to manufacture good t their Manufactory, (wo and a half miles wept of Ann Arüor, on the Huron, 011 ihc fbllowing TER MS. Until the first doy 0 November. A. D. 1844. the piice will be 'S7 cenls pr yard, or hall the cioth the vool will malee, f rom the Ist of Novoniber to the lóth ot' May. 1845, the price will hfe 3'i cents per yard. ornine twenüetlis of the cJoih the vyool wil] nnike, thatis, 45 yards out of 100' rif anti fáctúré'd. 'J'he Woöl will bc monulacured in turn ;ia it may come into the iaetory, as ear as may bc with reference 10 the diilerent ualities. Any person who will furnisli 01 ore pareéis of wool froui 80 to 100 pounds ot' dr qu.iliiy enn have it manufactured by itself. Vool wili bo reee ved at Scb. Wool seni y Rajlroad will bé auended to ia the same manera's if tiic owner were to come with it - it lonld be cfuelully marked. We have manuciured cloth durin"; the past year for a very nrge nunibcr of cuatomers, to whom we believe ve have k'i ven very general satisfaction Wiih use fncts and tlie advantages oflèred by the low n-.ccnt which we oflèr to manufacture cloth, we 1 lue for a large sliare of patronnge. SAMUEL W. FOSTER &. CO; Scio. Washtonu Co., July 25. 1844. 3-tf ïffew Hat Store. JAMES G. CltANE would refipRctfully nTorm ilie Public:, ihat he has opened a line ucU of Hals, Caps, Stocks, Cravafs, Scarfs, Coïtars, Umbrellas and Glovcs, t No. 105, JefTer80n Avenue, Detroit, nearly ppositc thé U. S. Court Room and Post Office, vhero hc will be happy 10 sec his fríen ds and ipply them with as good an anide in his line as can be procured, eiihcr hcie or at theeast, nnd as cli cup. Gentlemen in the interior, wishing a first rate fnehionuble article of Hnts or Caps, can bo supplied by sending thcir6Íze or have any style furniphed to order in a lew hours. and icurravtcdto suit. Calland see- it nm'y save yon a dollar. JAMES G. CRANK. DRtroit,. July 12 1844. 13-Gm D'l AB I3ROAD CLOTÍÍ for cnmage trimnrinst, Cords and Tnssels for window shades, for me by W. A. RA YMOND. :3'2 if 118 JelTerson Avenue. Detroit. WANTED, any qitantiiy of DKKRSKIN.S by RKCKLEY & IIICKS. . Ann Arbor, Nov. 29, 18 14. oi-tfWRICHIT'S FOOR MAN'S PILLS, Au excellent vegetable lainily Medicine, in cases ol Indigestión. Dysp'epsln, Liver Cmpluints or Jaumücu, Ágne and Fever, Coated Tongue. Sickness at the.Siuimich, Sick Hoadache. Rornittam and Jnterniilteni Peyere. Coghfj Colds. Catnrrh. &c. &c. Entirely vegetable, liicy ftfe emplviticalh' JVt&TMJ&JÉ'S JFRMEJrjtPi cpndueiñg to hoplih umi cuunteraciing (iisease by puril'ying the blood, elennsnig the systénj bl v i : i ; 1 1 o ei liuim.irs. removing ftstri'tctiö'ns; sfirrttaating tlic orgnña ol'secreiion, mingling with tht food and ncüiig cvery way in harniony with the system. For Infjamatory disenses used in conneetion witn ilie i#Kl)cuni!iric Piastor" they foum gieatly to nid in the removn! of disensos foi whieli the 1'lasicr is above recommended, nn(i puriicnlárly' are ihey calculnied for nlldcrangements oi'ihe rmd BilliH Orgais, the piimaiy origiü of a nr.iltitude of disenses. Price - 25 cents and 50 centón Box. For snle nt Mosely's Bookstore. nnd by J. T. Stocking, Travelling A geni for Micliígnñ. lC-ly Cfertiíicates. WuonsrocK. Lknawkk Co., ) Aiig.SU. 1843. J For twelve yonrs I have been iroubicd wiih r. rhe. matic affection in niy back. so thnt 1 have hnrJy ever been free from pnin during the whole tii)K and wiiliii) iwclve honrs after i had nppliet eonie of Wriglit's Rheunnilir: Finster, ] was perti itly easy, and have lm cl no pnin sinoe. STEPHEN CARY. Jackson Co.. Comjmiiia, Aug. 20, 1844. S This niny cenify that J' kav.e used Wright's Pilis in niy fnmily ih violent attooks of chili nnd ibilious fever. and. have found (hem to be ihe best Pilis th;it I ever used'. and would recommend every tamily to keep them on hnnd. JAMKS AVVARTOUT. Thomi-son, Ghaug v Co.. Ohio. ? iö April 28tli, 1814 ' ( This may certify thnt J have ïusrd Wrights' Poor Man 's Pilis aru! ííhcunintic piaster in my prnctice. and would sny to the public that they can rely upon thcir rccnmmenduiiön with the utmost confidence; in short, they only noed trying to reconunend themsèfvèp. REV. It. R. SCOTT, ]1. D. Lorai.nk Co.. Gkkkn, May 16, 1.843. This niay certify that 1 have uted Wriirht's Poor Man's Pilis in my practice, and find ihern to be one of, ifnot yntirely. the best pi 1 Is now in use; and would recominend every fainily to keep them on hand, especially those who live near ov. marshy land, or mul ponds, or in an unhealthy climnte. JOSHUA BASCOMB. M. D. Without adding ïunre testimony ol the etTicacy of the above tnentioncd medicine, we do not hesitate to say that we are not afraid lo have its virtues tested by the side of any otberof the kind ihnt ever has been offeied to an American public, and we will let il stand upon itsown ïnerits. For saie at Mosley's Bookstore, Ann Aibor. By Kellogg & Brothers, White Pigeon. R. Willian s, Jr.. & Co., Sturges Prairie Simeón Gaget, Quincy, Branch councy. A. K. Hall, . " ( W. A. Bliss, Jamestown. Ind. Elisha Steer. Angola. il Chester Moss. Albion, Michigan. A. Y. Maun & R. Sibley, Marshall, Mich. A. Callender. " ;' E. Packer, Battle Creek, " C'. W. Vining, Galesburgh, {' Capt. Brown, Prairieville, '} D. H Medwood. Adrián, " Quaekenboss. & More. Tecutr.seh ' S. A. ftowley, Junesville, '4 II. Oilbert. Manchester. " VV. Hï Patïerson. Saline, tl Harmon & Cook, Brooklyn, " Pierre Teller, Wholesale Agent íor Detroit. Geo. P. Wright &. Co., sole proprietors fer thfi.United States,, and Upper ;ind Lower Crnnd;:. All orders and business letters for the present, may be directcd to Geo. P. Wnght, Coluinbia P. O., Jackson Co.. Mich. It is for sale also at Moïiroe. Ml Clemens. Utica_. Pontiac, and hy Dubüis Au Wright.. Jeflerson. A en ts for the State of Michigan. 'Kii.gork. Carrol Co., O.. Jan. 25.. 1841. Ten years since, I was taken with theSci'ohila, so that I had no relief day or nighu my lnnbs being much swclled and covcred with Úlcess. my breast and bnek in preat pain. and nerves triuch shattered. I applied to diderent Physiciatis, all of whom snid there was no help for me. and all the remedies I iricd proved unavaiüng wntil 1 mnde uee of Wright' s Anti Inflam. and Rheum. Piaster, which rc.luced the inilamntion, iealed ilie, brought the skin toits natural color. and relieved the pnin. I would recommend it to nll similarly afllicted, and am sure they will be satisfien aftcr givinsr it a fair irial. CATHARINE ALLENSWORTH. Thompson. Geauga Co.. Ohio. ? April 20, 1843. ' J I certify that my little boy pul hls anus into xiiling waer, nenrly to the elbo.u. so tliat when rhe dress was taken olí" the skin cnme with it: liter applying several remedies to no purngsn - :he arm beconiing much swollen and the child n great pain. I applied "Wright's Anti Inflamnatory and Rheuinntic Piaster," and within nvo ïours hc was perfectly easy, nnd went to sleep. After to or three dnys I removed the piaster, and annlietl another, and when thai was removed thenrm was henled, except a place the size of a shiling which was soon well. ] believe it to be the est article foraburn iluit cm bc pronucetl. and vould recominend all to keep t o a hand in case of accidente. ELTZABETH BROUGHTON. NMRVOUS DIS KAS ES are greatly benefit ed by the use oí these pills;- as Nervous Head che. Tic Doloroux. St. Vi'tü's' Dance. &c. . hcir tendency keing to sooiho the irriti.bility of he Bystem, allay puin. and induce qtiiet and repose. Those afflicted with Coughs. Colils, Iniuenza. &c.f wili fmd relief from tlie use of :hesc pi lis. Exposme to cold doses the pores of the he skin, cheeks perspiration. rciards the eirenation, and produces vnrions inflamrnntory disases. Does any onc pereetve n cold coming pon hiltt? J,et him on going to bed, take snfiï ient to opérate emnrtly, and then every nih(. ake enoiigh lo produce a mild ojteraüou till the sense abates. In case of Wonns let a tea oí 'ink be inken (rc.ry for 12 hours, ntid then administer Pilis sufficient to produce a brísk cniharic operaiion. 20-ly. DR. OSGOOD'S A ivlO:NG the most yaluabie qualitics o thit XJl medicine, is is restoring inflvence npon onstilutions impaired and injmed by previoue ttacks ot bilüous ever, or fever and ague; or y n long residence in tbose clinintes which prouce tliem. There are niany constitutions which ecomc graduülly uiidennincd ly a mnismnl inuence. without even a dny'sáctunleonrinement. n 8uch cases, ihe Choiagogue acts like a charni - thes.illow compIeAion, loss of appetile, Ianuor, weariness and depression of spirits, with ther unpleasant syniptoms which render life u urden, al) yield to thisromedy when faithfully sed according to the directions of theaccompi!ying pamphlet. It is entirely a vegetable prep ration, and maybe taken w;th perfect scfety uner all circumstaiccs of the systcm. For sale by 36 W. S. .t J. W. MAYNARD. sole Agent, for Ann Arbor and vicinity. sinclaïr&"chasë; ATTORNEVS JJYJ) COUJYSELL0R8.J1T LJilVy (OFFICE J.OWER TOWX. ANN ARfiOR,) Wíl 1 ttend to all business in their prbfessión wii b afideliiy and despnich. l'aricular oitoniion will. be given to collectng. OltKUTP. SINCLAIR, KUWAKD K. C1IVSE MarchSO, 184'!. 4ti-y. MRS C. BUFFINGTON would fèspectfully infortn ihc Ladiesof Anw Arbor and its icinity ihat she has reccived the fail and winerfashion. c, BUFFJNGTON. Nov. 14. 1844. 30tf. ÏSÖÓÜbs. Geese Fcathcrs ! OF fust rate quality lor sale by ihe pound or hundrei weight in qháñ'iitiéa to sim pureha ers, inay bc found at ItAYMOND'S CASH STORE. U'2-tf MS Jcircrson, Ave. Dctr t.THE M1SSES CLARKS' Vouiiif Ladies' Seminary, AN'N AIUiOR. MICHIUAN. MARYH. CLARK. Principal. CHLOE A. CLARK, Vice Principal. M. L. WALTER. Tcaclier of Musicon thj Piano. E MM Y BEURMANN, Teacher of Gertnnn nnd the Cuitar. RI1O15YE. CLAKK, Teacher of Juvenile Depórtment. F. MARS1I, Teacher oí Mathcimiües and Vocal M usie. II. F. SCHOFF. Teacher of French and Ctas6 i es. TUIS lnstitu'iou ])üs heen in opera (ion since November I'S, IHÏÏi). Thesehohistic year embiacin forty-eioht weeks, two ierras, compris;ng ivo cjuarters each - iwelve a quartcr - a géneiríl exahiiriation ai tlie close of cach term - in Februar.y and Angustí Th lust qunrier of the present term cmii menced November 25. Tn.Mi ok Turno.v - For tlie English braneli es. $'2,50 to $5 per q natter, ifo rednction made for absence, except in case of sickness, and no pupil laken for less than a quarter. Extra char ges are made for nuisic on ilie Piano, with the ute o' the instrument, $8.00 French, :U)0 Latin. 3.00 Drsiwinc and Painting, 5J00 Fancv Work, 3.0') Board, incluíling wasliing. liglit. &c.. $1,75 per week if j'.iid in advance, or $.00 per week ifpnid at tlie close of tlie qunner. Purents and guardians are invitcd to visit the school every Friday. wlieri the studies oí irle week &re revi e wed - a'so semi-monthly on Weclnesday aftenoon, at readingpf the weekly coinpositions. 'Hoving purchaseda healihy and commodions building in u plensant and conveniënt part of the villagc, no pains or expense shall be sparee! to faeiliiate the studies and tender tlie siiuation of the voung ladies proiitable and agreeahle. . Young ladies desirous .oi entering the school and pursuing the recular courst; ofsuidy, would do well to commenee at the begining of the quarier. Belonging to the school are a Library of herween, tlirec and fonr htindred volumes, and Phiosophieal Apparam?, Elcctrical Machine, Globes, i&c Scie'ntiric lecturesnre delivercd bc-fore the school at proper intervals. The Misses Clark will endeavor. hof only to promote the intelleciusl culture of tiieir pupüs. but will altend strictly to their jnoral depoittnem. Wii4i' n.deepsense of rcligious regpoiibi!)ili;y. they would give sucli a tone to charocter, as shall ronder it practicnlly ütted for cvery staiion- yieldng to duty but firm to principie. Among the books used in the schoof are, Abercrombic ■on tiie Inlellectual and Moral IVwers - Kane's Elements of Critipisñi - W'nyhuid's Moral Science - JNewmnn's Iihetorie - liedge't Logic - Pnley's Natural Theilogynnd Evidencesof Christianity - Comstnck's Cheiüistiy and Natural Philosuphy - Corïhes Physioloy - 3lrs. Lincoln's Botany - Ealen's Munurtl of KotanyBu:-riti's Geography of the j-Ieavens- First, b'ec ond and Third Hooks of Hisiory - Mis. Wil liard"s Republic oí América - PÍfelps' Legnl Classics - Playfair'6 Euclid. and Da vie's Algebra and ArithmeMc - Parkei's Natural Plulosnphy. Tl;e Misses Clark have tauht a Yoiuig Ladies School 'or several yenis iri the Ci;y ol IVew York, and are fiirnislied wiili tesiimonisls from Rt. liev. Benjamin Onderdonk. I). ])„ and John M. Griscon, M. D.. of New V, il;, lïev. .1 L. iilake. of Brooklyn. and Mis=. l"mni.i Willard. o! Tr.oy. N. Y. ; aiso, rcforeiu-e is made. by per n.ission. lo ihe fofTowirtg geiillcitun : Rt. Hev S. A. McCoskry. D. D.. Robert Rumsey and L. B. Misner. Esqrs., Detjoit ■ Rev. Isaac S. Ketchani. Centreville ; Rev. J. Hndyini. WliiK Pigeon , Rev. .1. P. Cleveland, nnd Ceo.' 'Ketchum. Mnfahftll ; FJon. Wm. R. Uchmd. Jneksor.; Paul B. Pcing. Michigan Ceñiré: E. II. VVinar, Adrián: Daniel HJxson, Clinion: Gardinr, Wheeler. M. D.r Ilowell: Rev. F. H. Cuminr, (5rand Rapids: Rev. ][. C'olol; Rev. A. I;. Fiteh. S. Dentón. M D . P. M. D. Hon. Wm. A. Fletclicr', Ilon. Wm', R. ri'liom.nn. E. Mundy, Epq., Jdin Allen. Esq., d'c .. ' VV. .lewett. Ksq.. Col. Thomas Moselv, Cay-i. J. Perkins. Th.omns M. Lj,a.dxl, F. Sawyer. Ji , Fsq , late Pupetintemleni of Public Itisiriictioii, Professors Wiiitinr. WíiUiátis and Hoifelitó'ri; oi the Univcrsity of Michigan, Arm Arbor : J rimes ■ Birdsall and Rev. John Beacli, Flint; AniofMead. Esq., Farminffton. The föüowing gentlemen. Rev TI. Colclnzer' Rev. O. C. Conistock. Revi A. M. Firdi. Rev. Mr. Curtiss. Professors VA'hiting nnd Wüliütns. of the Univcrsiry of Michi'm. nnd F. Pawyer. .Ir., lare Superintendent of Public liiMruciión. 1 have consented toact ns a visiuDii coTiiiniitee oí the school to be present v.hen the wecfcly siiviiif are reviewed; but psprcinlly to attend during mi semi-anrual exa mi nat i ons. August 9. 1HI1. r,.!tf TYJRÏOHT'S ANTI-INFLAMMATOHY AND RIIEUWATJC PJ.ASTKR, AN efficiënt remedy for -Illiciimaiism. Fevei Sores-. NVIüte S.y.elli)es. Fcl-ns. P;.in or weakness in the I5;i(k. Brésst. Side or Burns. BruiseSj Cranips. Cbillilains. Liver and Lung afl'cctions. Indolent Tumors. Spind afiectiosn. Infiained Eyes, iKrc. Sc.', il is unsïiffpnssejti in all Inflainmatory diseasps. either Chionic or ■cuie. asit opérales by covvicrucUïig and rahrivg Infliimation. allaying Pain, öweating tr.i parts afiected. and by its sffeng'iíeíving and Ano. dyne proporties giving speedy reJteCi Also invalnableasan anti-mercurial piaster. Pricc ?5 cents per ]]o.. - For furlher jiarticulars. see circnlating Pamphlet.) For sale m Musoley's Boo-kstore. Ann Arbor. and J. T. Stocking, travelling agent for Michigan. 16-1 y "ÏHË" TRÜPTAÏN EXTRACTOR SAZiZ? WHICII cures likea charm ail BURNS In fire or water, and every cxtcrnúl SOR E, PAIN. ïiNFLAMMATJON, ACHE or 1TC-HING ever yet found upon the human family. to which it has been applied, must alwaysbe sougl.t geftüine from Cornstock and Co., of New i'oik, or their authonzed agents. All a:e cautioned against any spurious arlicles, which may always bc avoided by knowing the one you bny con ee from Cotnstoek &, Co . who are now tbc o.ily proprictors and inanitfaclurcrs. Inquire forConnel's. whicli is warranied to do all il ever would whencalled by any other name, or the pi ice shall be refundcd in any case if it does not please. To place it within reach of all, the price has been reduced more than four fold, and is now sold for S5 cents, tlie former price being too exoibiiant. The 50 cent size now contains four times as mucli aa tlie loriner, and the $1 size near ten times as niuch. No tnmily that has any tille to humanity. will fail to have Connei.'s Pain Extractor Ointment atwnys at hand, to save life, allscars. and reduce all agony from any burn in five minutes, provided they have seen it used, or will believe thost whc have usedit. COMSTOCK & CO.. 21 . Courtland Street. ITT' Be sure. therefore. and nsk fo) Connkí.s as ourphte wiih DaHey's name on ii has been stolen, and the epurious may appear wnh thn name on it. Know. therefore. that comes dircctlv from Coinstock & Co., or slum it. re y WM. S. & J. W. MAYNARD, f; A cent for Ann Arbor. Estray. TAKEN tfp' by he subscribcr.on the 25th o' September last, in the towu ol Northficld? n small chesnut eolorcd mare, of the poney breed, with a star iri the forehcad, suppotied to be about 8 or 9 years oíd. branded A. C. on the shoulder. The owner is requestod to prove property, pay charges and take her oway. NATHANIEL SMITII. Northfield, Nov. J, 1844. 2i)-8w ïaclTsaltsr WANTED by BECKLEY&111CKS. Ann Arbor, LowerTown. MG WOÖD ! WOOD ! I WE want some from subsuribers niiiuodiatcly oct io t'eïi.New Goods ! KTew Goods!! Til K i.ndersigned ! hos j.isr reccived ],8 gnpnly ofFiillCoods fron.N. Y. Cty. BjA:. lust iat: iissormient of Btloctings Coiton V„, n Fulled Clo.hs, JJrcad Clo.hs. nnd o.hí ,í Jl Goods. he isjusi opening ;i spicnclid lot o Ricli, Woosied Damas!; Shawls. Jsi i]iialiiy, Brorho, do do Kabyl, do do Cash'mere, do FashionahleCravais. Rrcli Bonnet Rt,,o.;Fastíionable hcad trimmi-ngs, Velvct " ALSO. A liK.UJTIKIM. ASSOKTJJliJO1 01 DRKSS Ml 1,KS M;cH AJ, Ciislimere D'Éc'isse, Muslin DuLaiiie Pui issennes. Robróy Plaid, Prints ofeVery descripn'on. Plnin, black Alapaca, iigured, black Alnpnen, Pain, culored AlaptcD, ílgurod, col'd Albaca, Plaid. ;md C hnnjuable Alapnca. The uaxlêjnjgneil has in nddiiion to n fiiss rale as-sortniont o( Siap!e and Fimey Diy (Joods a choice lot of Teas nnu Coflee" for fa'mily us.t Aso, a tar'gè lot of Geee Tcathers Paper Hangings and Travelling Baskets. II is Stock is well suitod' lo botli ciiy and cuunUy tiade. Cwumiy pcople are invited to cnü und look and sa:isly tlunisolves ilir.t lus stock will benr coinparjson oiihcrin qualiiy or jmjcc wiih uny oüier ín ilie weèiern ei unlry. W. A. ÏÏAÏMO.M). 148 Jeflerspn Avenue. Detroit. Oef. 74r WHï ;;.i f AiWAY O5aSJ5TT ÉHHiiK subsci-ibtr has re"T" X moved liix Shop to Main C-Stíeít opposíie IJ. ÏJtckwLj 'iS JBlick S[010; wliora J' ')e mn)' 'e i"01"1 reatiy to S hnÍ f rnl?1-1 lha' "i:'y 'n - ' - Jlavinji jnst rcci'i vod direct froni New York nn elegant st.ock ol' V 'S "EST TT T? T "er and Faticy Ailiclci-', wlneli lic imcrids to sel ow tlinn lins ever ocen sold west of' Buflaïo lor Jlcndy l'inj (hthj. Amonff wl. c!i niny be Ibund a good a.ssoi ineni of Gold ;u:d ( tifnion Waich Kovf, (ñild Fiiiper }'us and 15of(un Pihs. (iuaid riiains. Silvrr Tra nd Tal)le S)oons. Sugnr 'i'onps. JhiHer PCnivt?. Öihcr Penü cases, Siher and Con.iiiui) 'J'liniildcs, Silver spectnHcs, Gei;nan. do. Steel. áo. linir Biüshcp. Cloihcs. d). To.iih. do. Lailier". do. Fine Kazors and Poekei Knivos. Fine Slu-ara and Sfissors, J ulier IJoxcs. U-.nzor Sirojis, WiilItítis. Ptírféi?; Viúlinshn'd 'Bows. Flutes. Violin .-ind Bass Yiid St inj? Clarom-t Ilceds. IVrcn-sion Cnjts, Pottcel Pistols. Jïritni.üia ('andkSlicks. Wnichefj LeytT Rut, k-. iiel Vbii rmd Twcizeip, Smill' and Tubiiccq Ijoxeg Fino Oiutil's. Drejisim'. do. Side. do. Back. do, Shell, do. Ncedics niid Cases, ''aler r'iiini?. Tny Waicli(:. Kjd l'ills. a aieai .-uictv ol' Toyitoi ïuinicioiis 6 neiüion. JJead;. -ci -klacet, Faiuv Bo.os? &e. &.c. CiotKs and W-r.iiKs of avoty deseripti(i)i repaiicd and wanamed; alto. Jewejry repniictl on stioi i notice. ('AI'IN Jlf.tSR. N. B. Cash pau r-ni OLD GOLD AiW SlT,VEK. c. f!, Arin Aihor. Oc.t. '24. J84-1. '2?r. .K. 'k cï. 'IL. BATJUDiëbiN1 , HAVK now on h;:i:d u cunj;lfcto ssortniMit of FJ1T.-L JXDÏVTJVTF.R DTÍ Y CO f) DS', GROCEMES', ÜfíLíd'IMPJ) tv ir E, yc. tj-c. whicli (hey vy.Ul.scl I chcap fur i.vntly pny. Tlve Inghèst niarkct pnce piiid at uil times lor í'iirk iujiÍ all otlier kinds of produce. Aun, Lower -Town. Nov. 20. 1S44. 'At TeiÊ Dollars Kcward. LOST on ilic UlIi i)ist probaldy lifijvvecp Crancs and Coons in ilie vieiuiiy oí I'lyniouth a snuil), bl.ick Morocoo Pocket Book. con- taining nliout .-50, 0 ) bank notes on Canada. - Any person findiny the sanie and ieaving i at ihè oflice of the Signal ol' Liberty shall reeéiva ilie above i eward. II. iv. KEAiMKY. Ann Arbor Dec. l'J. 1844. Öw-35 Keady Made Clothingü! TUK LAKGLtVJ' and besi asaoriineni ol rca-ay made cloihing 5 er leioio odeitd in ihia Staic iiuw oponing. and (or rale. Wholesale ur Retitil. at the Cl-iiliing Eniponiim ol ihe subscribers. consisling in nart of plain ;,nd lancy Beavcr. Pilot. Broad Cloihs and olLcr siylcs of Over Coats. Tweed Cassiinere. Boaver. Pilot. DomrsticCloth. Union Cassimere und aiincti Fiock iiiJ Biiriiness Coais. Fine, I'lain and Fíncy CasJiñtere, Jïlae and Black Broad Clotli, Tweeds and other siyl_es of i'aniidooiis. . Plain and fancy Silk and Silk Velvct. Wqnl Velvci Merino. S.-.tin and Cassirhórc Vesis; tivc. &c. &c. logL-iher with a very large suck of coniiriUÍi low: priccd 0 ver Coais; JSusinessCoaiSw Pantaloons and A'csip. pucIi as ldne and black Flushiiig. Saiinet, Kenru'cky Jeans, Ccinmoi Tweeds, &c' &c. Also, an rxiensivc nfporti'irni ol Mosiery. Stocks, Scarfs, Handkerchiefs, Collars. Lainb's Wool and Merino Drawors and Shirts. CoinlorterSr Gluves, Scc. &.c. all oi whirli will bo siild very löw for Cash. Tlicy woul(? respecttully invite nll in want of rcady rnadgarments to cali and examine iheir siook beforopurcliasing elsew here, qs it been selecied wit gróai care in the Eastern niarlceis. and manufac tured in (he iatest styles and most durable munneit] ALLOCK &. RAYMONI), Corner of 'JefTerson and Avenues Detroit, Oot.lO. 1844. SnSSf) "'CAW'T'"BËBEAT f" JYJ2JVBOOT, SJJOEJ1JYD L KAT 'HEB STORE, Ann Arboj-, Lower Toivn, SCJ VELCH baa reinovod' Ö lus esiabliihmcnt iroift the Ui)iier to the Lower Vi!lape. Nó. 4. Hurón Jilock,. JËggg?. where he hul Js hunsell i.i igt03LLE readiness lo 'dress the "im(!crylvuÍ7iír" ofevcry Man, k Woinan and Child wlio wilS give hiin a the ncHtríst,. and best mannerthat enn be done in MichiganLEATUER and F1NDINGS of all kind constantly oñ hand. WANT F. D, Cttfh and Hidc, in r.ny quaniities. lor wjiich the hiyliest piiccs will be givnu (CFLet none p urdíase uniil ihcy have calted at Felch's, No. 4. lluron Block. ! Aun Arbor. May 4. IS44. 3-ly Wcsieyan Ilooks! THE Subscribe! s have just reeeived n pooá enpply of 'W'eslcyan Uooks í'rom the Depository at New York. Those wishing lo purcha'íe will please cali and examine for themselvcs. BECKLEY & H1CKS. Ann Arbor, Lower Town, Dec 0. i 844. : (nv "SAÍ7-KRATUS, WHOLESALE AND KETA1L by BF.CKLFYct mCKS. Ann Arbcr. Lower Town. Dec 30, JS44. K Grass SccíII WANTEDby I!ECKLEï&.iICKS. An Albor, Lower Town. Aslies, Ashesr TO any ainount wantod by. ,,,,,„,-. IJJCCKLIX& JUCKS. Ann Arbor, líower Town.


Signal of Liberty
Old News