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Emancipation Proclamation By The President

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WaMIINSIOS, Sqt VZ. Jh the Pratátfti of Iht Vniïed StaUs of A menea : A PROOIAHATION, 1, Abraham Lincoln, Proid.ent of the Uuitrd Stutrt of America, and Comí mi)dcriu Ctiief of ih Ariny d -Viw tbcrucf, u'o hcveby proclaiin and declare that, lier after, is bereioforè, ilu; war wijl bu proscoutO'.l í'r tlie ollj-et of irnctiAy rettorúag i he constituí iinl relatton betwccn O United StMtcs aud the peo pie thcreöf in wllich iimu-s ;!i;it m.ui-o i, or muy b;.1, 8U9poilc3 or dUturtóú ; that it is my purpose, upojí tlm' n'exí ír.cctiug of Cdñgrpí, tu sgain rei-omii.cnd thü adoptio:i of ;l práct:il uu'asme tciitieii:i' pccuuiaïy a d to fliu IVee acccptnoce o'f rojection of all thu l.ive Surtes, Sücaliüd, tlití pcyplo wlietvof iíkij not b-j tho'i ia rebeifion agaiu'st tlie United títatos nntl wliicli .Statiamay tlien h.ive voluiítnfilj' adupteu, ur tliercafier niav voluiitarily adopf, the immediütc or graViual abclisíi:nem of slavt-ry williin their respective limita ; a::ü that tlie ef fort to col'V.i} persosis of Afiiu.m deécent, wit!i tbcir oonaunt, upon tlie oonlinuit ir elscwl.ire witli tho pr"vioiisly obtaiued coi. sent uf tlie govommouta exist in thero, will be coutinuod ; That, ou the tirst day of January, in the yevir of our Lord tbaiunnd eighi Luin'li'cd and gixtj thrce, all .ets nis held ai slaves withiu any Stattí,u.raiij designatcd part of a State the populo wheropf bhall tliou bc in rcbellion agaiust thu United Sutes, sLall bu theii, iLeticcforward, and forever íYee, and the exci-auvc govtnmiuit. of the United Siate, im;Uulh' the military :iuI naval aulhority thcroot, will recogu ze and inabtaiü the irecdoni of iueii p.or8ön-i, a:d wiil dj io :ct or acts to irprcss such persons, aiy oí theii!, iu any cÖorta they ïn.iy. make tbr tlieir actual lVecdoia ;. That, ihe Exccutive wïU, on tuo first day of Jauuaiy, aioresvid, by proclamatioii. desígnate tÍMí States or parts o( Pitates, if iMiv. i'.i hieh the people liien'i-f hall 'ui-u bo iii rebcllion igiinst llie United Sttttss, and the fact that any State, or ihu pcoplo tliercof, shull, on that day, Lj m guod fuith represeutcd i the Cjngress of the United Staus, by members c-h'sen thercto at elections wlicro i maj'jritj of the iiualified voters in" siK-ii Sti.te ehall have participa' cd, ehaii, in the absenou of struitg vailing testimony, bc deemcd ouciuaive evideucc that such Stuttt, and th po.jple thcreof, lnve uot In'oti iu rebeiliun agaiust the UiiitcJ States; laat alteiitiim is beroby oalled to an itct of Congie.-s eutitUU ' An act, tu niake au additional ftr tl tic tf war," appi-ovtd March loili, 1S02, aud whieh act is in the worda aud tuures t'cl! : " Be it macUuL hj ta SenaCe u-u! House of Representatie of tlir. UniUd 'tales in Uongresi atéonibkd, Thnt UVreufter, tiie i'ólluwiug shull be prpniulgated is au ad ditionai urtielo of war for tiie goveraniout of the army ut' the l.nited Suites, and shaü be obeyed and o'jserved as sa.-li. " Áfíicle 1. - All officers or persons in tlio military ut actvice of the United S titos are pruhibited fiom em ploying anv of thü forcea u;id:r tlieir respectivo ooinmands foi' le parposo of re turuing fugitiyea fiom service labor who ir.ay have cècap'ed froin iny porto. i to whom sucli service or labor ia claimed to ba duo, aud auy officer who shall Le fouud gailty by a court martini of vio lating thi article shall be dismissed from the service. " Sec '2 - And be it Jarihfr eiuicted, That tliis act uhall take ellc3t from aud aftor ita passage." AIso t) tho 9t!i and lOth seetions of ao act eDtitled " An act tu supnress in8urrection, to puuiih. treaso.'i and rebcllion, to seiüü ai;d confíscate ilie prnperty of rebels, and for út her purpures," approved Ju'.y 17, 186-i, aud wliich sectioiis are iu the woids ;i:id figures fo.lonring: "Sec. 9. - And bc it fuitlur unieled, That all slavea ot'peisoua who shall hereaf (er be engaged iu icbtlliou against the goveniineut of the United States, or who r.h,tll in any way givc aid or eouifuit thercto, and eseapiiig iVoui sucll portons aud tak ng rofuge witlnu tho lines of tbe array, and all slaves capturcd from sucb persons or deserted by tlicui aud eoiuiug under tbc control of the govcrnincut of the United States, and all slaves of kuoIi persons on, or being within any laco occupied by the rebel foreci and afterwards oscupied by the forces of tho United States, sliali be docmed captures of war, a-id shall forever be free from their sarvitudo aud not again liuld as slaves. " Sec. 10. - And be il furthtr enactei. That uo slavo esuap'mg into any Stute, Territory, or the District of Coluuibiu, from any of the States, shall bfl deüvered up, or in a:iy way impeded or hindored ot'. his Liberty, except for crime or some offence against t'ne lawi, unlo-s the per bdu elaiming saici fugitivo shull first uuKe oath that tiie person to whoin the libor or service of such fugitive is alloged to be duo is his Uwful owner. and h;is not been in anus against the Unitod States in tho present rebellion, nor in any way glvon ad or c;in!'o:'t tliercto; and do person engaged in the luil'tury or naval service of tho United States shall, under aoy pretenee whatcver, assumo tu decide on tho validity of the claim of any per son to tbe service or labor oí any other person, or surreuáer up any such poroon to tho elaimant on pain of bei' g dis piissed from tiie ervit5." And I do hpreby enjuin upon and order all persons engaged. in the military nnd naval ssrvice of the United States to observe, obf.y and eiitorec, within ihéit! respective spheres of servies, ïhe act. and sections abovo recited. And the Exeo utivo wil! ia due time recommend that 11 oitizons of tbe L'nitc.l States who shall have romaincd loyal thereto throughout the rebollion shall, upn the restoration of the uonstitutional rolttion betvveen tho United States and thcir respective StaU-s : and the people, if the relatiüu shall have been suspended or disturbad, be i Fatcd for all lossos by the aets of the Uuited States, Loluding the loss of laves. In witness whcreof, I have herunto sot my hand nud causod the seaí of the United States to be ffixed. Done at tho City of Washington, this the twenty-secnnd day of Sepleniber, in tbé year of our Lord one tbousand cight huütíred ap.d sixty-two, and of tho independence of tho United States the eichiy levenlb. (Sigiml) ABRAHAM LINCOLN. By the President, Wm. H. Sewaiid, Sücretary of State.


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