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WilLbepublishetl cvcry Monday iiiorning, in Ann Arbor, Michigan, by BECKLEY & FOSTER, For titk Michigan State Anti-Slavery Society. TERMS. One Dor.LAn a year. in advancc: if not paid, n advnnce, Twj Dollaks will be invaiuabi.y re(]Vired. O Oíd 8ubscrbors can have tlicir papers at One Dollar a year, by forwarding tliat amount, and paying arrearage?. All subscribers will be expected to pay within the year. TERMS OF ADVEIIT1SING. For cach line of brevier, (tlic sinallest type.) for thé first insertion, 3 cents. For cach subsequont insortion, 1 cent. For ihrce monlhs, 7 cenlsFor six months, 10 cents. For one year, 15 cente. . Orders by mail will be promptly aücndcd to. Legal AdvcrÜ8Íng by the lolio. ÍO" Manufacturers, Booksellcrs, Machinists. Wholesale Mcrchants, and all othcis doing an ezicnstpe business, who wish to advertiso, will find the Signal the best possible medium of communioation in üie Stnte. dj All RemitUnces and Communications êhould be addiessed, Tost paid, 0Sicnat.ok Libkrtv; Ann Arbor, Mich-XT


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