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The Surrender Of Munfordsville

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At last we havo pos tive infonnntion that our furces at Muufordsville have been surrendered to tho rebel army. - Lieut Jampa A DnwBOu, Adjmant of tlie Thiity-third Kentueky Infsntry, iriived in lliis citj last evening, having (ft Munfordaville at 10 o'clook uu Wed nesday tnorning, lifter the surreiidur was made. At. tho time Lieutcnant Daw.aou left. Muníordsvillo the rebel officurs were engagod iu paroüug tho Federal pi-ia oners. The surrender vjs a matter of absolute necessity, as the galhmt littltt band of Federal troops, wlio liad fuuglit so uubly on Suuday, and ugain on Tuesday, were suirouudud on all sides by an ofcrwhelmiug foroa. It vU be reuieuibered that tlie deleuces at Muufurdsville had been formed wi'.h i view to an attack from the soutli ; but, a forinidabQ rebel torce made its appearaucu on tho non li side of the river, and aa the Federal works tfére threateued at all points, to hold out longer would have been suicidal ou the part of the Federal troops Our torces werc suneiidt red by Col. C. L. Donham, of the Fifth [ndiaiia Lufnptry, wlio uasumod command ou M.Oü d.iy inorning, Lieut. Dawsmi'a accouui of the fighting on tíunday and 'l'uesday représenla those engaetumuta as severe in tho extreme, the rebel loss being fenrlul, wliile tlie EVdera) loss was bul eleven iu kUied and twenly-two wouudvd, three of the wounded liaving died subscquently. The rebels fonght with great despera tiop on Saturday, Col. Wilder being in eoininaud of the Federal torees on that djy. '1 wo regiments ol robels made five different charge on a Federal battery, and were as uften repulsed. Ia the last shurge the two rebel regiments were altnost imuili il-ited and our informant sas that of tlie members of one of tho rebel oonipauies, biU three escaped death or injury. (Jn Tuesday Col. Dunham sent out fkirinitfhers, who were soou driven in. - As tlie rtbels ajiproached, the Federáis were ordered to reservo their firo until the eueiny had ndvauced ciosely upou our works. Volley aftor volley of musketry was then poured iuto the rebel in fautry at short range, which niowed down their ranks in gieat numbers. Duritig the skirmi.-hiüg on Tuesday a citizen uaincd llobert Uetty, who had beea iin pres-ed by the rebels as a guide, was killed. Among tho rebel officers lost in the different engagemeuts were three Colonils and two Lieutenant Golonels, inelud ing Colonel Seott and Colouel Suiith.


Old News
Michigan Argus