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Bragg Marching On Louisville

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lirugg a fiifuBH liave esfcupeu irom thiMB cif Buell, and ure severul hours nhead, approaebing rapidly upon Louisville. M.-j. Gen. Nelson f urranging to delend Itn cily to Iha luit cxtroinily. He boa ssaed lite foÜawing order: '' 'J'lio woinen md ehildren of tnis ciiy vvill prupiiro tn leiivtí the eiiy withoi't delity, the JeftronviMe ferry to bu ns ■d (.'.clusivfly Eur military purpous. Persona on looi muy proeeud s iifiiul 'l'he city is n a bhizeol (.'XciteTieiit. Most of the ston-s uro closed. Tlio citi.ens are iipprehending au nttaol; within forty eiilit huur. LociSTILLB, isept. 22. -Thu inain body f Bnigg's bnny is n-p tui at Hogdeiiville, Lrinio onmity, this moining, tn roufe i'or liinistown. It iss-upposud it reaclied ISardslown this uvening. Nmety-five of tho 4th Indiana cnvalry, under Capt. Slialor, nttauked ub"iit the same number oí Foresfs rebel cavalry yeslerday moritiiífCi a müe irom Lrbanon Junciion, and drove them u short distance. when the rebuls wero roioforoed y twie their numbor. Our troopa still puwuiiig, drove tho enemv ato Boston, küling five and H'ounding seveiituen, cupluring thirtytwo. We 1 'st eleven piisoners and two oundcd. Gov. Robitison has issued R procla ination, calling the cjtizena to irms undcr Melson lor ihe deiense of lbo city. Mayor Del L has ordered all buniness uouses io du cioseu. Gen. Nelson issued a ■tirriog nnd patriot ia addresi to hi.- soldier to give a bloody welcnme to the rebel troops nmv invadinx Kentuoky. The report ei' the lurning of Newe.astle vi8 incorrect, nnd even the eurronder of Monis is now discredited in [nilitiiry eireJes. Hutnphrey Mnrshal with 12,000 raen and forty-tvvo piecefl ot uitülery was expected to rtwch Parid yi.'sturduy morninpr. It i? supposed he intended to join Kirby Smiih's iorce at Loxington. rJ'hcre is n "fieat exodus of worr.en nnd chtldren froni Louisville. The exoitomeDt luis soincwhüt sulisidod. Mil itiiry .peri!ions aro aotivo and extensivo. The reliel Gen Brttpg and Stnith hnva civided their f'orces. Kirby Sinith is to tioli) Buel!, wlio is rnnrehiüg for Joi;i.-ri)le, in check, whilo Bni advanees on the city, Brngíí suinrnoned Nelson, wlio is in cnminand of the nnny for the defensa of Louisville, to survendor. Nel.son refiwed to obliga the invading rebei, :ind is preparing to mee: him. The wornen and ehildren aro ordered to be réady to leuvu the city at an iiour's noticoThousands of our c'lizens are crossin !he ühio river to Indi:in:i. B.ragg is still sornn dixtancn from the t-ï ty , bnt roportcd as tdranfúng. Nelson 's conlident of his ability to uhip the rebels. ■i fc in


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