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PRINT IN & OF ALL 1C1ND3 Neatly Executed AT THE A11GUS OFFICE. ! ' WE ARE PREPARED TO FILL ALL ORDERS IN THE LINE OF PRINTING AT THE MOST EEASONABLE RATES. We have recently purelmsed ft ROTARY CARD PRESS, and hnve added tlie lafst styies of Crd Type, which enables us to print INVITATION CAIIDS, WEDDING CARDS, V1S1TING CARDS, BUSINESS GARDS, &c. n the neatest styleg, and os chenp ne nny olher house in the Stato. We aro. also prepared to print TOSTERS, HANDBILLS, BLANKS, BILL I1EADSJ CIRCULARS, PAMriTLETS &s, THE AJFtG-TTS BOOK BINDëM is in charge of a FIRST CLASS WORKMAN, LEDGERS, RECORDS, JOÜRNALS, HOTEL REGISTERS, and BLANK BOOKS OK ALL KINDS. RULED TO ANY PATTERN And Manufacturod in beststylï t Nev? York Prlces, Periodicals of all kinds BOUND IN ANY STYLE. Old Books Ee-Bound. All Work warrar.ted to give entire satisfaction. E. B. POND, Prop r. Office and Bindery, cor. Hain & Huron Sts. "Próvido for r Family." LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Wtstt-rfl office, Kingsb'-iry lïlock, Handolph St., Chicago. Asscfs Jan. let, 1862, $276,223.4-. Policios aro íasueJ pon the llwfl of dcbtorp, and for all business jmrposcH, t-ither fot litctr tur a term of i'.ir-i. on au favurable term as by any otiur (Vmipanv. M.i: ried MUM m;t insme tlic livos of thoir hiisbanrt!", accorcïing to a law of tbt StfttOfHOUling the amouu'. of the in-iuianoo to themsplvea or their children, frrc frmn (be claims of thoir hasbnods' etMilon: aleo, iimn;.ií ladles ran lasara their own liven Cm th honen t of thoir i uil l;i'Q or (rustees. ■ ■ on li8 are istmod for nny sum noi exeeedinir 10t0 0. By the terms of tli charter, tbll Compnny It probittlIng roort ih:in 7 pw eent. iimuauj in dividend e on Hs capiUl lo stockhuldcrp ; ani il receives Uut mi.ïi in Interest for thí use of lts oajiltAl, th bu]u divi.u-d amóng the Mutual Tnsurers; henoe t ir1U %p. o ii oombiuofl the ni vintages of a Uatual witli the security of a Stook i'ompnny. WUen the promiam amnuntw to $40 or over a note may be givoa for Cour taothi of tho annunt. Ratos as luw as any oihcrgootl empany. HNow is the time of Kjciire a competenoy for youi fiimily ahonM do;it!i flnr. your bomesteaá cncumberaíl and bostnCM inrolvcd. ERASTUS LYilAN, 1'r.isidcnt. GeO. F. SNIFFEN,Pfy. li. F. Johnson, Viee 1'regidpiH.aiul Manager of I ern Brancli .trce, (liicogo. E. B. PON0, Agent. W1. liWnT,M."D., Medical EïaToiner. .. - :- ; - " ■ S Bh oppoit -die S Tr .j "j -i4 A it )i A i'7oi - jl ANL) Manufacturei , ;l Netp r.r;.l Complete sánele ol LAW & MhiüCAL ÜOOKS, School Books, H! inedia ncoiis Ttoois, Blank llooks, Han Wall and Window Paper, Dravring mul Matliontatical ïnstrusiGDts Muslc. Tuvenile Librarle EuVf Upes, Inks and Ctuds. ]S'r. i ' i r TéiyaniBir _--i .- . ? GOI,D twrf a oer kinds of Pens and Pcncils Wiudow Coraice") yiiatlcs eui Fixiure, POCKET CUTLKRY! Andoverylbitiji pertainin to the tnide, aml more to vhicbthcv w.i:l.l invite tlit ulteniimi c ■ t the country. In conduciinp; our biyfüncs, we shnll "! all thatcnn hv donè.80 that oo iriftn, wonaan or cliilU slial) Önd any Caiilt. We pasess fooilitlea wlilch will enable us to supply OQrdtomen at tlie Lowest Possible Figure?. Wc propuso tose]] for REÁDY PAV, at.i Btnall ndvanco. W expecta profil i'ii out goods, but Cash Sales will Admit of Low FIGURES. Tho ''EmtTBKBoOK 3TOB,' : :ip;noil 'crew,' nd thev wili ulw:ivs Ijc fiiüti'l od the "quartr dfick,3 ready&nd trilling to tittend tu aU'witb pldwure, vho v.iü favor tUem with ;i cali. Uemernber the "Empire Book Store." JAMES R. W,BBgTB12 & Co Ann Arbor, fcUy-, IS60. 7#i ANOTHEU ARRIVAL AT THE I OLD AND RELIA BLE ilfll CLOTHIWt EMPOBIUMÜ Qlfc m3 3 phcenix klock:, MAIN STREET. has int returncd fr ui the Kiitorn Citics, with largi and Ueiiiiable stock of FALL AND WINTER wkich lio is ttow offering at uuusually 3PRIOBS! Aniong bis Asnortment may bo found BROADC LOTUS, CASSIMERES, DOESKINS, & YEST1NGS, of &?14escrj{itioD eepeciaily for FALL AND WINTER AVEAR! which he is oattfng and matting to nrdcr, in thetatestand beat styles, together wii h a su] enor awortment of E BA DF MADE CLO TELING! TRUN'KS CAIU'ET BAGS, UMCRELI.AS, and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, witli numerous othor artxles usully found ia siiuün1, s-st;ibU3hmciU. Vs ANEMPOFÍÜM OFFASHIOS, thpsubscrlber flattcrs himwlf, tint hi.i lonR expr'rimiec anil BOnora. aui re tl) greatca'. sntisf:iction toall wbo in:iy trant himin liie way of manufiteturiiiggarnioüls lu order. J69tr WH. WAOXER. BOOTS SHOES MOOEE & LOOMXS Are now rccüivmg a largo aH3ortmont of licots anti boca and R1JBBBES1 W'hich tbey proposo to Bell 50 per cent beiow former priect for cash. Men's goed Kip Boots, from $1.O to $3,00 Men'sgood Tliick Boots, from 2,!)0 to 3,00 Men' good CaU Boots, from 2,50 to 3,75 Boy'8 Calf, Kip and Thick Boots, 88 to 1,75 Ladicn' Gaitcrs, from 44 to 1,25 Ladies' Morocco Bootcs, fro7 75 to 1,25 Auíl an enditas variet j of Smal Shoes frora Fancy Balmonii to Infants' Creeping Shocs. ■Vc ave nlnoMnnuffacturlng all kinds of WARRANTED BOOTS & snOES. Icns Fine Fiench Caif Boois Peggcil aml Sewecl. Prt rivp u8 a crill boforo purchasinc elscwhcre, as we are ■urn-I not to be undcraoW. í-KKl'AlKIXO DONE OS SHuKT NOTICK.JW MUOKB & LOOMIS Main St., Aun Arb-?v, Mich . 820tf KO FOR ErrROPE I - „, STKAM W1KK1.V TO yWPV LIVERPOOL, SSfeCOUK. Irc-laml. LIVE Rl'ilüL, NEW YORK & l'UILADKLl'HIA STEAMSHIl' CO'S 8TEAM fITY (IK I.ON-I O.V, CITY DI' MANOHESTEÍ?. 250) Tom. Llon.T.'iis. CITY Of NEW YORK, BTSA, 2ilS Ton. SC0Tonii. EmVBUKOH, 2ÍÍ17 Tod. CITY OF HAI.TIMOl'.i:, KANSAKOO, 1K74 " 2S67Tons. GLASGOW, I9M " CITY OF WASUINGTOH, BOrfl'HUKUS, 44a " 2380 One of the above Sttamora iviil lravo New Yrk (-v us SAll'HKAY, íi nóon, froin Pier 41, N. K.; nnd tirarpojj everj wuiNI.ïDaY. Iïtxtes oí' IV.sü:;so. FtRST CAflIN.TO 1.1'K1(IJO.'). AM) U)I!K 8S ■ ' I.oNImiN' 90 II M pRI, llAVl:; ■ U BltKMKV " CABIN PAPSEKOERS have n'.thiñg M prv( tiio voyaec ii?' i 88 cubio t -■ l of I ir'. SIEERAGK TOXTVKHPOOL AND fo?,K f-r'5 ■ " ION UO.V, (by rail from Lireriiool, ■ PAUIS. -' 43 u ■■ 1TAVKE, KAMBURQindBREMEN, 40 Tbesc :'; built n min ligtal iron ectinn, ■re sapptlcd itb putent flre nniliiiato experlénced Pnfgonm. 'llivir aver tba Ailantie s IV loto !-' ■ dm and tttfendaooó i (Kjull to that of any ltonrfl e'sJ TICKETS SOLD for botb iray, by F.. B. POWO, At tlif1 oflicc of lbo Michigan Arguv. Ayers Sarsaparilla


Old News
Michigan Argus