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Michigan Soldiers' Aid Society Of The City Of New York

Michigan Soldiers' Aid Society Of The City Of New York image
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At a meeting of the oitizens of tho State of Michigan, held at thu Astoe House in the city of New York, on th i 17th inst, to próvido uid for Michigan Kiek nnd wounded soldk-rs, the Hon.'H. H. Riley, of Uonrtaatine, Mich., wa.% wlled to the chair, and John T. Montro3 appointed Secretarv. Dariiis Clark, Esq., 'military agent for the caro of sick and wounded soldier, appotnted by tha Gevernor of this State, was present, und staied that there are now in tha various hospitala in that city and vicinity, 300 or more Michigan soldier, BOirie ui' whoin are in pressing noed of woolë'n shirts, woolen and Cantón flannel undorshirts, nnd drawera nnd w ooien socks, ounned and dried fruits, joflie, eurrant wine and othur dulicaciea for the siak; and that an organization of Michigan la. dies in that city will attend to tho personal delivery oí all artioles sent for their relief'; therefore; JRisoh-ed, That the Hoveral Soldiera' Aid Sociaties of the State of Michigan be requasted to forward immediiitety to Darimi Clark, Esq., 173 Broadway, New York, such of the above nanjyd articles as they may have for that pufpose. Resolved, That thu persons present be fcsown as the Michigan Soldier1 Aid Society of the city of' New York, Resolved, That Daritis Clark, John' T. Montross, U. Y. C. Langley, Geo, VV. Thomas, Geo. E. JerCis," W. C Stevens, W. W. Davis, Chas. T. Gilbert and Geo. G. Gibbs, be a cotnmiltee for the purpose of carrying oto efiect the object of this meeting. Resolved, That the ladies of Michigan, residents of New York and its vicinity, be and thoy are most respect fully invited to co-operate with this 80. cieiy n its good work, and they are re quested to report to Durius Clark. Jifq., 17 á iíroadway, for that purposo. Resolved, That the proceedings of this meeting be published in the several newspapers in tho city oí' Detroit, und that the country papers of the State of Michigan are requested to copy. Packages should oo marked, " Hos pital Suppües, Darius Ciark, Agöiit. No. 173 Brouda-av, New York"


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