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Union Mass Meeting

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Agreeably to cali, the iubabitants of j the connty of Washtenaw, without distinction of party, met at the Gourt House, in the city of Aun Arbor, on Wednesday, the 20th day of September. 1862. Tlie ïiii'utiiig was called to order by Bcnj, Tollctt, Esq., and ou motion, Ilon. Chestcr Yost was eallcd to tlie chair, as President, aud Win. Jay, Benj. Follctt, Horace Carpenter and Asa Williams were elcetijd Vicc Presidents ; and on further raotïon, 1). M. Finloy aud Traey W. Root werc elected Secretaries. On inotion, t was liesohed, That a committee of twclve be appointed to report names of suitable persons to be eleeted delegntcs to tbc State aud Congressioual Conventions. The Chair appoiuted the following ersons on said committee, to wit : A. DeForest, H. D. Bcnnett, N. II. Phelps, J. Priy, S. M. Vought, T. L. Humphreville, G. W. Turnbull, R. H Beal, John Rorison, L. L, Forsyth, E Carpenter ar.d Beoj. Follett. On motion of E. C. Searaan, Esq., i was Besohcd, That a committee of five be appointed to draft and present appropriate resolutions expressive of the senso of this convention. Ou motion of II. J. Beakes, Esq., it was Resolved, that a committeo of twelve be appointed to consider and present to this convention the propriety of making county uominatious at this conveDtion. The Chair appointed the following per sons, viz : H. J. Beakes, W. Jay, P. Hall, Chas Easton, C. S. Gregory, R. Kemmell, A Childs, Charles Clements, Elisha Crau sun, P. C. Muiray, Newton Sheldon and John Rorison. The conveution then adjourned to 2 o'cloek, P. M. On assombling in the afternoon, th committee reported the names of the fol Iowing persons as delégales to the Union State Couvention, to be held at Jackson on Thursday, the 2d of Oetober : O. Yost, E. M. Cole, Horace Carpenter, Benj. Follett, P. Bonnett, E. C. Seaman, Geo. Sutton, S. Kimbeily, H. J Deake?, Thos. L. Ilumphreville. S. T Lord, R. W. Parsons, Asa Williams, N Sheldon, John C. Depew, R. A. Beal, A D. Crane and Chas. Easton. The committee also reported the names of tho following persons as delegates to the convention for the 3d CouTessioüal district, viz: lst.- W. Jay, L. C. Risdon, A. DeForest. 2d- S. M. Vought, H. G. SheldoD, Greorgo Douglass. 3d.- D. J. Fitzgerald, D. W. Palmer, J. M. Kelsey. 4th.- N. A. Phelps, J. J. Robison, J. V. Wakcman. Whieh was accepted and adopted. The committeo on resolutions then made their report. Mr. Shier, of Ypsilanti, offered three resolutions, which, on motion, were laid upon the table. The committee appointed to report upon the propriety of making county nominations at this timu, came in and re ported favorably; whereupon said report was accepted, adopted, and the committee discharged, Tho Hon. C. I. Walker, of Detroit, being introduced to tho convention, made one of tho pest speeches of the season. - It was able, eloquent and patriotic. A cominittee of twenty-two, consisting of one from eacli township, and one from each of the cities, was appointed by tlie Chairman - consisting of the twelve persons who composed the committee which reported the names of the delegates to the conventions - with ten other persons xdded thereto, to report the names of juitablo persons for county officers, and Tor members of the Legislatura. The committee reported as foBows : FOR THE SENATE. Seventh District William Jay, of Northfield. Eiglith District - Johu J. Robison, of Sharon. FOR THE HOLSE OP REPRESEXTATIVEP. Fint District - Chcster Yost. Second District - ííiram J. Beakes. Tkird District - Lovatus C. Alien. Fourth District - Elisha Congdon. FOR COUNTY OFFI0EB8. Prosccuting Attorney, A. D. Crane, of Scio. Register of Decds, II. G. Sheldon, of Ypsilanti, Treasurer, Horaco Carpcutcr, of Pittsfield. Sheriff, Philip Winegar, of Nortbfield. Countij Clcrk, Tracy W. Root, of Ann Arbor. Circuit Court Commissioner, Thos. L. Ilumphrcville, of Salino. Coromrs, P. C. Murray and Edward L. Boyden. The report of the committoo was adopted, and the several persons recommended wcre unaninioualy noraiuated for those offices resppetirely. The foilowing uamed persons were appointed a Central Comraittee of the county of Washtenaw, viz : II. J. Beakes, P. Bach, P.Bennett, B. Follett and N. A. Phelps. On motion, lleeolocd, ïhat the proceedings of this convention be published in all the papers of the county. On motion, it was Resolved, That it be recoramendcd that the Congressional Convention be held at the oity of Jaokson, oa Tuesday, the 7th day of October. PREAMBLE AND RES0LUTI0N8. Messrs. E. O. Seamnn and II. J. CeakSi ] of Ann Arbor, P. Bennelt, of Ypsianti, P. McKernan, of Nonböeld, andra Cushman.írfríjimü, were appointed a oinmittee on resolutiona. r Mr. Seamnn, chairman of the ï mittee, presenled Iho foüowing prcamblo nd resolutions as the unaniraous report f the commiüee: 1 B'iing; involved in a gtgnntic civil wsr, c waged by elevt:i sliUes ,of tli3 Union, , comprising nearly nine millions of people, iicluding slaves, organized under a Confedérale gOvernroei]t,eíecrci,wit.h a bold, abla, ninbitious, and pxpericnced military chiiíflain miel despot at L 1 j eir lioai.l, our glonous Union is practical ly dissolved; ta permanent deslruclion ia tlircalcned ; and the futuro peace, prospeiity, power, and glory of our country, are in the utmost peril. Instead of Uniou aod harmony among tbs civil and military officers of tlie federal government, and among the people aud officer8 of the loya! states, for the ] rosecuiion of the war, to put down the rebellion, Hüd to restore tlie tinion and the Bupremaey of Lito laws, our country bas been distraetcd wilh discoi J and the most violent conflicts of opinión. We have had discord in Congress, in the Cabinct, in lbo anny, among generáis in the fiell, and among the people, as well as among the newspnper presa. BeHeving tbat the present alarming crisis in our national aftüirs demands the union of all IovhI citizens of the loyal States, for the sake of the Union; ihat the duly of directing our armies in the Beid, and of prescribing the modo and policy of prosecuting the war,in accordanco witli tlie legislaüon of Congress, is imposed upon the Presidenj. of lh United States, as the oxecutive hèad of the uation; tbat barmony and concert of action in pursuanco of one policy, on the part of the feople and the Governors and officersof aJJ tb loyal states, as well as by Congress, the President and bis cabinet, and the military, naval, and civil oflicers of the United States, aro necessary to insure a vigorous and 8uccessful prosecution of the war; and tbat to secure thoso ends, it is important to lay aside for the preeent, the pai tizan organizations of the country, to ignore and discard the ordinary personal and partizan objects of si'ch organizalionsi and to unite as patriots upon a national platform, in tho nomination and support of union tickets, composed of our very best and ablest men of bolb political parties, Therefore - Resoved ; Ist. Tbat we are in favor of a union of patriots without distinction of party, to promote harmony of feeling and the vigorous prosecution of the war, to check and rest ra in radicalism, and to secure the election of the very best and ablest men at the ensuing election. 2d. Thai wo are devoted to the Constitution and to the Union, without comlition orqualific'ition. We are in favor of an energetic prosecution of the war, by the use of all the means consistent wilb the Iaw3 and usages of civilized nations, lor the speedy suppression of tlie present wicked rebellioD, the restoraüon of the Union, and the preservation of the Constitution and governtnent of the United States, in all their former power and purity. 3d. We believe tbat the President sliould be governed by bis own good sense and judgment, aided by the counsels of bis Constitutional adviters and commanding Generáis ; and we condemn asiinproper, impertinent and dangerous, the irregular and self-constituted counsels of ambitious partizan politicians, and pbilanthropists, wbo, by various threats and other improper meaos, hive sougbt to force upon bim measures which bis judgment did Bot approve. 4th. We believo that our country bas more to fear from discordant counsels and discoroant action - from frequent chancea of polier, of measures, and of commandng Generala in the field, tban from all olhcr causes combined. 5lh. Tbat we applaud the valor of the )rave and patriotic volunteers from (liis State, who havo distinguisbed tbemselves upon so many battle fields, callautly figbtng for their country and her glorious intitutions and flxg; and that we deeply ympa'.hise wilh wbo have puftered and are bereaved by the calamiiics of the war. On montion, the report was nccepted, and fter some debate, the preamble and esolutions were adopled nearly unauimously. The convention then adjourned. CHESÏER YOST, Chn. T. W. Root, 1 o D. M. Fi.nlÈï, I Sccretanes. L3Í" Brigadier-General Jkff. C Davis hot Miij. Gen. Willian Nelson n the Galt House, Louisvüle, Ky., on ■Ionday morning last. Gen. Nei-son íad grossly insulted Gen. Davis a few lays beforo, and on Monday morning vhile Nklson and Governor Morton of Indiana, were in conversation, Davis pproaobed, roquested Mortox to wit esa thuir converaation, and demandec n apology of Nelson. ÏJilson an werad by slapping him in the face nnc alling him a coward, repeating the inult again. Davis borrowed a pisto rom a bystander, oaKed upon Nelson o defund himselí, and ehot liim in the ack. He lived but about half an )our. Davis is under arrest and wil jo tiied by court-martial. Gen. Nel ox has won the reputation of a thorough officer but of a tyrant, anc profano btilly, while Davis has ever been esteemed a gentleman. We do not jusíiiy Datis, but the provooaJon was great. jL5JE" The Itcpubücans have made their Congressional nominations in all the districts of the State excopt the Second. Thcir candidates are : lst- F. C. Bkaman. 3d - John V. Lo.novear. 4th- F. W. Kellogg. 5th - R. E. Tkowbridgb. 6th - Joiin F. Drigos. Beaiuan, Kellog, aud Trowbridge aro present membors. G7 Capt. Wji. D. Wilkins, of Gen. Williams' etaff, taken prisoner by the rebels in one of the battles on the Rappahannock, bas arrivcd at his home in Detroit. - We also notice that Lieut. Geo. C. Mook, of the Michigan First ha been exchanged.


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