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State Agricultural Society

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The foSlowing re the ñames ol th, officers elocled lor the Onsuing year Prtsidcnl - B. Föltot, Ypsilanti. Secrctary - R. F. Joh nstone, Detroit Treasurer - Philo Parsons, Detroit, ' Executies Commitce - A. S Berr Ad an ; W. G. Beokwith, Cassopolj,! J. W. Snnborn, Port Huron; Chnrlei Dickf.v, Marshall; C. W. Green, Far. mington; John Allen. Plymouth; L G. Morton, Monmo J. A. W!iiton' Kalamozoo ; Prof. Miles, Lansing. ' WILLIAM AG TON. ' CITY BILL POSTER. Orders left at the Argus Office promptly attended to. "WïNÖHËLLjgJÖmÈsT ENTIRE CIIANGE OP PROGRAMMR At Hangsterfer's Hall, Friday and fat urday Evenings, Oct. Sd & 4th. 40 Odd Characters "O. To commence at t% o'clock. W ''' admitted for One dollar, to aTOid mtchange. "t Tickets 25 Cents: Childrfn half price ,i the door. ' ' 150 liüSHELS OF TIMOTHY SEED BACII & PIEKSON. Ann ArborOctober 1, 1862. WEWANT ' Demand Treasury Notes For which we pa y M. GUITEKMAÏT t Co Ann Arbor October 3, 1862, CANAÜAS, AND NEW BRUNSWICK. -Sm"! rCent' =O""pletcd Au?. 10, 1862 ,1 .0,00j to cnrave it snd und vear's time Superior to any $10 map evermade by Coltoa or Iffi 11, and sella at the lov price of fiftv cents: 370006 names are engraved on this map. It is not only a County Map, bat it is also a COUNTY AND RAILROAD MAP of tho United States and Caradas combined in one gWv EVERY RAIIJiOAD STATION and distanee-s betwen. Gauranteean; woman or man $3 to $S per dy „j the moi? maP that caanot be 'oW ■! fuoi Si'Dd for $1 worth to try all'ouDrte.dgeIS?ar"CtÍ0I"h0W W C"nTaBS We"' !aniih wi'0le3a!e Aj-ents for odf M-ps in ever, State, California, Canada, fngland. Franc, ani Cubi A fortune m y be made trith a few huudred dollin capital, tío Compailicm. 1. T. U.OYD, No. 161 Brodway, New York. Tho War Deparlment uses our Jtap of Virginia Marrland and l'enusylvania, cost 100.000. on whichU markcd ADtfeten Crert SÈrpburg, Willianwport Fmy, Kboreriville, Nolan.l's ior-i.and al] ethers on the Pot.' niKC, and every place in Jlary land, Virg.nia, and Vaa, aylvaaia, or money refundid. LLOYD'S TOPOGRAPHICAL MAP OF KENTUCKÏ OHIO, IWDUNA, and ILLINOIS, istheonly authority for Gen. Buell and thf War Departmei-t. lloncy refunded to any one finding an enor in it. rrice 50 cents. From theTrihune Ane 2 pfvvvÍv?kÍ!1ap1?f ,ir'inia maryland and i-hN.NYLVAMA.- This Map is vvry large ■ it c"bt ii but 3ö cents, and il ia U best which can be pmchaiti," I.LOYD'SGREAT MAP OY THE MISSISIPI"! HJVErI From Actual Survey by Capts. Bart and Wm. Po(a, 11 sippi KiTrr Pilots of St, Louis o., shjwi ereri man'i plantation and onncr'j arm from Bt. I.ouis to tne (yulf of Mexico - 1 350 miles- every sand bar, IslanJ, town, Iandinr, and all places 20 mies back fiom tlu river, colortd in counlies and States, l'rice, $1 ioabcvt. $2, pocket form, and $2,50 on linnen, n-.tli rollers. Ready Sept. 2v. HiTT Dkimktmi.xt, TVA'snixcro.x cept. 17, 1S62. J T. l.iOYD-Sir : Sund rao tour Jap uf the Misijsippi Kivcr, ïntli price jict liundred copies. R ar A3miral Charles Jf. Ilavl, cummaiidfng the llissisiippi svua.lron is authonzed lo purchase as manv as are required for the use of thatsquadron. 872w3 GIDEON' WKLLES, Secretary oftheKiry. TUE OLD CORNER EENEWED! with HXTEW STOCK, NEW GOODS, &C. FARMERS' IW CASH STORE (At the old tand of Thompson & MilleD.) I m now opening a carefully SELECTED STOCK OF STAPLE DRY GOODS CONSISTIDO OF DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, BROWN & BLEACHED 3HEETINGS, CASSIMERE3, FLANNELS, &o. and everything that is kept in a Domostio Houso. also a fine assortment of BOOTS te SHOES! AND YANKEE JVOT1ONS, A full stock of &EOCEEIES constantly on band. FARMER'S PBODUCE ! Bonght and Sold. Thankful to old friends oDd customerl foi pust favors, I hope to merit a f bars of their patronage, bj deaÜDg jnstJy with all. C. B. THOMPSON, (formerly with C. H. Millen & Ca) (Jn ArlJor, Oot. 1, 1862. 878tf


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Michigan Argus