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jornal fjtofe ID" ÚOOKLAND'S UEIIMA.N BITTERS will poeitively prevent Yellow or Billious Fever, ns well as the Fever and Agüe. Read Ihe adYertisement in anotlier column. A CARD TO THE LADIES? DR. UUPOlWS GOLDEN PILLS FOR TÉMALES. Infallible in correctlng, reguiating and removing all obstructions, f rom whatever cause, and ahvays successful as a preventive. The combínation of ingredients in Dr. Duponco's Golden Pilis for Females are perfect ly harmlens. They have beeñ used in the private practice of Dr. Duponco over EOyears,and thou&nJs of ladies can testify to their great and never failing success in almost every case io correctiug irreularities, relieving painful and dístiessing menstruation, particularly at the change of life. F rom live to ten pilU wül cure that common yet dreadful eomplaint, the Whítea Nearly every female in the land mifTers frcmthis compla-int. The above Pili has permanently cured thousands, and they will cure 3 ou if you use them. They can not harm you ; on the conlrary. they remove all obstructions, re store nature to its proper channel, and invigorate the whole sy&tem. Ladies whose health will uot permit an increase of family, will find these pills a successful preveotive. Ladies peculiarly sítuated, or those supposing themselves so, should not use these Pilla during the first three months, as they are certain to produce miscarriagt, "after which admonition" the prnprietor assumcB no responsibility, alttough their mildne.s will prevpnt n injury to hesita. The ingredients composing the above Pilla are inade tnown to -every Agont, and they will tell you they are safo and will perform all claimed íor tbem. Price $1 per box áold íq ANN ARBOR, by PTEBÜTN A: WILSON. Druggists, W. A. HüNT, Druggist. Ladies living at a rlist.tnce by sending them $1,00 'through the Ann Arbnr Postoffice, can have the Pilis Bent (confidentially) by mailt to any part of the country free of postage. N. B. - Beware of a base counterftit of these Pilis - Yon can buy the counterfut artícle at any price f rom Í5 to76centsa box (dear at tliatj. Ladibs your Uves and healtn are of tot nvjch valué f bf trifld wiih, besides being imponed upon wiih a wortblwn art ele. Therefre, any one ofFc-rin you ihcse filis for less than $1 x box, avoid them nnynuwould poiBon. They are bogus. None are genuino unleps the name of S.'D. HOWE is on every box which has recen tiy been artded.oa account of the Pilis beinz couterfeited. ïold also, by KiNNE & ?MITH, YpRilanti. BUBS UEüBEJackson, andby on& rug ist :p every víllaee and city ip tbe ÜaiUd bties, íujíí by yARKNX, SHZSÍ27 1 CO. . Gae.-il Stsstt Aoota, Stiroít. S. D. 20WE, tíolePiapríetoz, S67yrs2 JJ-rr Yoaï.


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