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MPüRTANTto FEMALES THE HEALTH AND I.IFEOFWOMAN Is contintially 111 perit íf sho is raa'l enough to neglec or inaltreat tlioso sexual In tij?ulurties to which tv thirds of her sex nre more or lesa euliject. HK. CHEEHEMAN'SPILI prepare-l from the aam formula which the inventor. í'ORNEUUS L. CHEESE MiN, M. D,,of t'ork, has for twenty yoars use successfuliy in anox tended priva te practico - immediatfl rolií'vo witb'Mit pain, all disturbances of the periódica di.scluirire, whetlior arising from retaxation or suppre sion. The y act Itkfl a cliarm in removing the pnins tha acccmpany difficalt or immoderate me-struation, an are the only safe and ruliabla rcmedy fnr Flunhefl, Sic HfiadacliP, Pftiui in the Lnin. Rack and Sides, Pulpit tii f the Heart Nervoua Tremors, Hynterics, Spn-m 3roken Slcp nnd otner unpleasant and dancerous eiïeol nf an unnatural condition of tlie sexual functions I the worst cases of Fluor Albus or Whites, they effect speedy cure. To WIVES and MATRONS Da.CHEESEMAX'SriUftreoffe-edas the only saf uuans of renewinLnterrupted menstruation, but. LAD1ES BIUST BK AR IS MIND Tkere it one condition uf the femnlc system in which th Pilla c.nvtox bê taken wi'hont praducrtig n PECVL.TA R ESULT. Theoondititm rtftrred to is FR EG NA NCY- he rffíuít, MISCAIIKÏAÜE. Such is the irresistih fndency of the medicine tor tstors the aerual fwctioiis t a -normal condition,, tfiat even the reproductiva powe of nature canfiot re-sist it. Explicit direclions stating when, and wken they shoulc not be uiied, wilh eaoh Box,- the Price Oue Dollar eac Box, riöntaiuing 50 PHls. A raïuahle Pa nphlet. to bo had free of the Agents VH$tnt bymail promptly, by encloaing pnce to au Agent. Sold by Druggisis general y. R. B. HUTClilNT.S. l'roprietnr. '20 Cedar-St., New York Pale by MAYNARD STKI3BINS ál WILSON , an ÏRENVILLE & ÏULLER. NEW FALL GOODS! BACH PIERSON Have just opened a Choico Stock of WOOL, COTTON& S1LK for Ladies' and Gentlemens Wear also a stock of Best Family Groceries, which will be sold CHEAP FOR CASH. Gold, received at 16 per cent. prem. Silver, " " 14 " " Canada, " " 14 ' Oíd demand Treasury notes, at 10 per cent. prein. BACH 4 PIERSON. Ann Arbor, Sept. 22, 1E62. The Latest Special Dispatch To the citizens of Ana Arbor and Vicinity ! ! INTENSE EXCITEMENT! Ilundteds watching the progresa of Daily Events ! ! The Federal Army agaiu Victorious! "The Union must and shall be Preserved !" " There was a man in our town, He was so wondrous wise" 3ut with all his wisdom, he wan not so wiee as that "other man," who when he wanted to buy the The cheapest and best C L O T H I N C! ín this marlcet always jumpedinlo Q ÜITERMAN' S HEAL-QÜARTEBS! Tor there he knew he always got his money's worth. Seeing is believing and yju that wish to see come in and believe. Those that ean't see can feel, and as we always make our ciistomers feel good over good bargains, they are especially mvited to our anxious seat, that they too may realize how "good t is forthem to be with us," and how much leasure can be obtained in the enjoyment of SPLENDID BARGAINS ! 'Come all ye that are weary and heavy laden" - with RofKS and we will do our best to relieve you - giving you in return the Jincsl ánii of Goods ai the lowest figures . Great battles are hourly tating place in the ülothing line - whole regimentsof Oassimeres, V'estins, feo., are being slaughtPred by Gen, Sondheim - to fit the great rush of recruita hat are pouring in from every direction, ull anxious to have their ñames enrolled for a NEAT AND TASTY 3UIT - such as can only be had at the IleadQuarters of Guiterman c6 Co. Oneofthc firm, Mr. M Guitebman, having ust returned from Europe with a large asortment ofCIoths, Caísimeres, and h mee lot of fine Vestings, also a few pieces of fine 3eaver for overcoats whiih we will mnke up .o oraer in the Utest style, we feel conüdent hat we can satisfy all. STXJJDE3STTS 1 We are happy to greet you aga:n in our 3ity,after pending your vacation with the ' dear old folks" at home. Be nssured we wish you a pleasant term, and shall tver bfc glad to mejt you at the Old ilead-Quarters, IVo. 5. O Our former customers, we feel assured, will cali on us ngain To you who come 43 strungers we would sny "a few worda, we wish you to cfill nnd look at fine Coat, l'iuits, and Veste we can do better by you thfW any other h .use in ihe City, and f vu cali and examine our goods, and try their fits, you will purchuse nowhere olse. DON'TFAIL TO OAiiii Ia t? ca-, jejc. $, Ayer's Cathartic Pilla


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