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rD s - P w ÍH SS g q Ui "g g H S'i , ï f f L 0 S " ü 8is fl j s g i-i g 3 :H a ft j g i I O O ri LJ M "= Ld ö THE BEBELLION ON HIGH PRICES FOIt CLOTHING. HAS COMMENCEP AT THE OLD & RELIABLE C L OT H I N G EMPORIUM ! No.3 PHCENIX BLOCK, MAIN St IAM now openin a 'arge and varled assortment SFrmgaiySuinmeriood9, and in view of the rebel: on on high raices generally, will offer tliem to my friend and custumi rs at the very lowest figures for Cash.ttiose in iyaot of a superior artiole oí Cloths, Cassi nietes, of Ready-Madc Clothing, -will cali onWM. WAGNER, who haa just returned frora the East, with a larg a.isortint-nt of SPRING & SU MM ER GOODS wliicli have been purchased at the late LOW PEICES! and can offer them at a lower figure than ever before Amoog my Assortment may be found BROADCLOTHS, OASSIMERES, DOESKTNS, VESTINGS of all descriptions, togetliir with a superior assortmen ui Rcady-Mudc Clothing, alM UMBRELLAS, nn. SÜüGenilcmen's Furnishiug GcOOTDtSi, with numetonsothcrarticles usually found in similar efitabUshnicntü. As an EMPORIUM OF FASHION, the subscriber flattershimself, that his long experience and general success, wil! euable him to give the greatest satisfactionto all who mi)1 trust himintheway ol t Manufacturing Garments to order. WM. WAGNER. AnnArbor,Aplil9thl862. 84Stf G-XiOItlOXJS News from "Dixie!" The Rebellion about Crushed ! A. $c C. LOEB, OF THE CLEVELAND CLOTHING HOUSE their sincere thanks to their numerous FRIENDS A3VD PATROIVS, For the liberal raanner in whicli they have heretotofure patronized them, and beg leave to announce that they ai e -AGAIN" ON HAND With a Large and well selected Stock of SPRING &. SUMMER CLOTHINO! GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Hats, Caps & Trunks, which they will Bell at Astonishing Low Prices ! For further partícula O all and Soo or yourselveu, and you will uot goaway dissatisfled. A. & C. LOES, ïuron Street, a few doors west of Cook's Hotel. Ann Arbor. Hay, 18S2. 3m8M "Provide for Yo:r Family." KNICKERBOCKER LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Western office, Kingsbury Block, Randolph St., Chicago. Assets Jan. lst, 1862, $276,223.44. Policies are isued upon the lives of debtors, and for all business purposes, either for Ufe or for a term of 'ears, on as favorable terms as by any othr Company. Married ladies maj inure the lives of their husbands, according to a law of the. State, securing the amouut of he insurance to themselves or their children, free from he claims nf their husbands' creditors ; also, marrifd adíes can inBure thoir owo Uves for the benefit of their children or trustees. Policies on lives are issutd for any sum not exeeeding $10,000. By the terras of the charter, this Company e prphtbied paylng moe ihan 7 per cent. annually ín dividende on its capital to stockholderi ; and it receives that sum n interest for the use of its oapital, the surplus being divided among the Mutual Tnsurers ; henee it will apear that il combines the advantages of a Mutual witb he security nf a Stock Company. When the premium amounts to $40 ar over note may be givea fr four tenths of the araoaat. Eates as ow as any oihergood aompacy. JNow ís the time r( sacure & tompptncy for youi arp'ly should denth fia. your hosgeetead encumbered and businesp in volved. ERASTÜS LTÜAN, Pretideat. Geo. F.SNDTEU,Sfy, B. F. Johosoa, V:ce?reí:de-S)í.cí Jíasigüx of Weit BB. POND, LO3t. mi. iEWrrX,a. Z-, Merecí Sxwar.


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