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DR. HOOFLAND'S BAISAMIC CORDIAL, k'or the speedy cure of Couqhs, Colds, Influenza, Croup, Ifoarsermas, Bronchitis, Pneumonía, Discases of the (inwels, arising frotn Cold, Incipient Con sumptwn, and for the relirf and iif at allpossibïe) cure oj Fatients in advanced stages of ths latte? disease. rpHEBalsamie Cordial is entirdy a Vegetnblo prorlucJ. tion, corabining the healíng properturn ot the Halsnm, wltfa the invigorating qualities oJ a Cordial, pruflucing a combiuat on so veliadapttd to ihe purposes intended, that there are but few ca.s(--i of lia..-iihe wind) wijl nut, ;tt -in uai 1 penud, succumb to iu healiugaud life giviiig proporties. For uges, haa the trealment of pulmonary 3iseaees ■rf oi:cup.:d the grealer purtfon uf ihe attention vt the Bcientitic of the medical wcrld, but popo acquired more cmiaeace in his tteatment ,,of( these tuneases, than the celebrated Prussian, Ir. Hooflanti, the orignatiu oí tbe _ HiiiïiimicCordial. llis life w;is devoted to the produc- tion of remedies that would stand unrivalled. Huw well he bas succeeded, the American people are able t jiidgf: and we po.-siüvety asM-rt, thnt no preparations that have ever buen placed b-ífore them, have conferred thesame amount of benetits on sutï'ering humanity, or ■ have elicited so many commenditions Irom all classes of' society, aa the remedies of Dr. Iluníland, preparad by Dr. C. M-.Jaf kson i: Co., of Philadulphia. The Cordial is de.signed for a class of diseases more 1 genera and more fut al tbau any other to which the peopl of this country are subject - those spi inging frora a ilaligkt cotá." That eminent authoriLy, Dr, j Iïell,saySi "l witl notsay that Colas are toour tnhabI lunts what tb,e TlAguA nnd Ycllow Fcvtr art? to those oí other comitales; but I can aver confidently that they usher in distase of greaterfcomfJicity and moitaliLy é thau these latter." Entirely Vegetable. No Alcoholic lJreparation. DE. IIOOFLA-SID'S CELEBRATED GERMÁN BITTERS Preparad by DR. C M. JACKSON & CJ., Philadelphia, Pa. Will eiïectually cure LIVEK COMPLAINT, DYtíPKPSÍA, JAL'PÍHK'EjChfonic or Net vous Debility, Digeaes of the Kidncys, and all diseases ansiug írom a disordered Li ver or Stomach. Such as Canstípation, Invarl Piles, Fulness or Blood to the Heur, Ac'dity of the Stomach, Naupea, Heart hurn, I'isgust for Food, P'ulness er vtight ip tbe Stomach.tíonr Eructation.',tíiaking or Fiuttering at the Pit of the fcitomach, Swimming of the Hearl, Hurried an Difficult Bieathing, Fiuttering at the Heart, Choking or tiuti'ocating senati'ins when in a fjing posture, Dim uess ot Vision, Dots of webs beforethe sight, Ftver and Dull l'ain in the llead, Deticiency of Per.spiration, Yelloyness of thetikin and Kyes; l'ain in the Si'le, Back, Chest , Limb.H, &c. Kudden Flushesof Heat, Burning in the iFlesh, Constant imagimngs of evil, and great Depressiocs of Spirits, and will positively prevent YELLOW FEVRft, BILLIOCS FKVKIi, &c. The Proprieior in calling the atteption of the public to this preparation, dos.-? so witb a feehag cf the utmost confuieucein its v;rtues an'i adaptación to the diseases for which it is recori:mended Itisnonew apd untried article, but one that has stood the teatof a tvyeUe years' trial before the American people,and its roputation and saie are unrivalled by any similar preparatios extant. The testinion in its lavorgiven by the most prominent and well-know Physieians and ia all papts of tte oountry immense, und a cari ful perusal of the Almanac, pub lished annually by tbe Proprietors, and to be had grat of any of thfir Ageni.sf cannot but -satisly the mos skeptical that tira re me dy is rtally deserviug the grea celebrity it hasobtaiued Rcad the Evidente f rom J. Newton Broten 7). D. , Editor of the Encydopcdi of Reügious K-noicledge. AHhough notdieposed to favcr or recommend Paten Medicines in general, through distrust of their ingre dienta and eftects,I yet know of no 3uffictent reas(jn wli a rcan may not testify to the benent he believes hirase to have received from any simple preparaticn, in the hope that h may tliue contribute to the benefit of others. Ido this the more readily in regard to "Hoofiand's Germán Bitters," prepared by Dr. C. AI. Jackson, ot this city, because I wa. prejudiced against them for veais, under the impression that they were chiefly an alcoholie mixture. 1 am indebted to myfriend Robei-t Shoemaker, Prsq.,for theremoval of thia prejudice by proper tests,anl for encouragementto try them, wheu suffering from reat and long continued debility. The use of three bottlea of these Bitters, at the bezinning of the present year, was followed by evident relief, and restoration toa dígreecf bodily and mental vigor whtch I liad uot feit fnrsixmonths before, and had almot deepaired of regaining. I therefore thank Got3 and my friend for directingmeto the use of them. J. XEWTQN BROWN. Read what the eminent Gtasa Manufaoturer, JOHN H. WHITAI.L, says of the BALSAM1C CORDIAL. Dr. C.M. jACksox- Respected Frien.h Having for a long time been acqainted witli the virtues of thy Balsamic Cordial in Cou_hs. Colds, ïnflammatifln nf the Lungs, &c. I thus fï-iely bear testunony to its efïicacy Forseveralyeara I have neyer been without it in my family It alsngives me pleasure to state tbat I have used it withentire success in the treatment of 3owl Complaints. Thy friend truly, JOHN M. WHITALL, Fifth Mo. !7, 1S53, Race Street, above 4111, Pliila. These medicines are for sale by all respectable Druggists and dealers in medxines in the United í ía tes, British Provinceá, and Westlndies, at 75 cents per bottle - Be ïureandget the gen vine, with the signa ture of C. M. Jackson on the wrappcr of each bottle; all others are counterftit. PnncipulOffice aud Muuufactory, 41S Arch Street, Phiiadelphia, Pa. . 830y1 C?. SïiISS Is nowreceiving a large and well selected assorlment of CIccks? Watches, WBWiwmnumniMiira!Biinirair.TOiimiiüiuiiimiiiii!!niiniiiiniiiii JE WE LPi Y, Silver and Plated VVaie, TABLE AND POCKET Z: -LJ TT1 Hj -33 3K" EAZORS a.vd SHEARS, C3-OLID PENS, Musical Instruments, Strings 4' Booki for Instruments, SHEET MUSIC, COMBS, and a great variety ol YANKEE 3STOTIOKTS, &C. He would cali particular attentiou to his lare slock SPECTACLES, of Gold, Silver, Steel, and Plated, witk PERISCOPE GLASS, a superior article. Also Huntington & Flatt's celebrated CALENDAR CL0CK! suitable for Offices, Counting Rooms, Halls or Dwellings. These clocks are reüable time keepers and Calendar combineeï , and requitethe winditip; of the time otove ments on!y , to seonre all the required changes at ntdnight, showing the daj of tin' week the montt and day of the mnnth, including the 29th of February of ï,eap year. His goods are inostly of recent pu rebase from New York and the manufacturers, and ivill be sold to suit the times, Persons having difficult wa'tclies to fit with glasses can be accomodated, as my stock is large anO complete, P. S. Particular attention to the fall kinds of fine Watches, such as Iaking and Setting new Jewels, Pinions, Sioffs, and CylindeTs. Also CLOCKS, Sa TEWELE'Sr eatly repaired and "warranted, at his old stand eat ídeof Main Street. C. BLI&S. Ann rbor, Nov. 15, 1861 826ti Disolutiou. VTOTïCE is hereby given that the co-parfnership that heretofoie exifted uuder thenameaiidsle of John nd Witliam Van lehadeü is this day dissolvetl by mutual onsent; &n that all demimls dtie-to and from ihe said rm willbe settled by John Vandabadea, who is duly uthoriied to settle the same. JOHN" VANPFHADFN', WILI.IAM VANDERHEYDEN . AnnArbor.Aug 25,1862. jy The business of maKinpand selling brick willbe ontinned and carried on as usual by [867 w6J JOilN' VaNDEHADEN. Q STOLEN FFOM Ihe subs&riber on Pundsy the 17rh inj-tant, a liphfc-bny ranre, about 14 % hantls high, II ftiur U'gs whiti . white Btripe in the face, 10 or 11 ears old, carnes her head ve ry low when travelling, iso, a black top buggy, wooden axeltree, open front, osed set, raiimeled cloth top, tvimmed witb grem nd yfllow damask, some faded, long dash, no plate, ushioD acd seat trimmed with mercen colored eaaraeld cloth. The an ealled hiraself James Cole, he is abnut 27 r ZQ yeara old, wiih light hair and whisker3 and suramer clothes ; he had a woman, chiU and email poodle ug, ith himA liberal reward ■wil! bO pid for the arrest of tb ; ef an4 property, or any ia forma fet on that will !ead to :eir recovery. JOHN BROWJÏ. Ann Arbor, August 21st, 3862. Farm for fe'ale, T0K uníTsignf d offers fnr sale his farm of 52 acres, ituatM in Pittsüeld about on roüe south of the Cgivtrsity, af'joinpj tíii farni ofJu-'lge Kinsley; 4C acres linker irnprovement. wit'n 30 acies of good sum tner fallow ready for wliQit. Xi-iere ifi a frame housa, hors tnrc, tué prilo ba U Bw, a x.iity iGfciiflL orciir'J, and gorri wa.tfr. tè ""tfil fattiéJ.


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