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Orders In Relation To Drafting

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Military Department, Michigan, Adjütaxt Gïskral's Office, { DriTKOiT, October 3, 1862. ) GENERAL ORDER No. 184. The curollmeut for drafting haviug boon complotod by the Supervisors in tbe several townships and wards in each oounty iu the Statu and imw tiled with the County ClerKs of tlioir respective counties, and in order to fully complete the arrangemonta for drafting and carrying the draft into effect, the following named persons are hereby appointed Commisjioners and Surgeons in the several eounties, as follows : Wdilttetltïw-CowrriiaiïanéT, James McMaho: Surgeons, D. E. Post, E. Wklls. Iu counties wbero Cmrinissioners and Surpeons ara not appointed by this order, the She' iffs of saiii counties are iiereby appointod Conimis.sioners, vritli power to appoiht ono Surgeon for each of their respective countius, and where Comtuia sionera are appointed nnd not Surgeons, the Comniissioners are empowered to oppoint a Surgeon. The Cominissioncrs appointed as above, will superintend the drafting and hear and determine excuses of persons claimto bo pxempt from military duty, aiui the Surgeons so appointed will act ïn conjunction with the said Cninniissioners in decidius cluims of cxemption on account of disability. The Oduritj Clerks la each couuty, on the rcoeipt of this order, will notiiy the Commissioners appointed in their respective counties thut the enrollnient lists have beeu filed in tlieir offices by the Supervisors, and the Commissioners will thereupon give ten day's notioe by handbilis posted in eaeh towuship and ward of thcir respective counties, of the time and place at whieh claims of exemption will bu received and determined by them, and at the spiravion of said notice all persons elaiming to be exempt from military duty shall, within ten days, make proof of suoli exemption, before said Commissioner, and if found sufficient, their names shall bo stricken from the lists by a red line drawn through them, leaving them still legible. KXEMTTIONS TO BK MADE BV COMMISSIONEKS UNDER U. S. I.AW. The Commissioner shall, in like mannor, strike from the list the names of ill persons now in the military service of the United State?, all telegraph operators and constructora aetually engaged on the fifth day of August, 1862, all engineers of looomotivos on railroads, all artifjeers and workinen employed in any public arsenal or armory, the Vico President of the United Staten, the officers, judicial ind executive, of the governmont of the United States, the membors of both houses of Congress and their respective officers and their clerks, all post offieers ai?d stage drivers who are employed in the care and conveyance of the mail of the postoffico of the United States, all fenymen who are employed at any ferry on the post roads, all pilots, all mariners aetually employed in the service oí any citijjen or merohaiit within the United States, all engiueers and pilots of registored or licunsed steamboats and steamships, and all persons exempted by tho laws of the respectivo S tatos from military duty, on sufficient evidence, or on his personal knowledge that said persons belong to any of the aforesaid classes, whether tho exemption is elaimed by them or not. Exemption will not be made for disability uniess it be of such permanent charaoter as to render the pevsoii unfit fut service f'.T ?. pf.riod of more than tliiny ubïp, ty he curtifiud by a surgeou or surgeons uppointed by the Guveruor, ia each county. for that purpose. EXKMPTIONS TO UE MADE El" C0MMIS3I0N' ERS UNDEIl Til i STATE LA1V. ]Jii)ÍBtes of the gospel, Judges of the Supremo, Circuit, District and Probate Soïrt?; iue eiUuCr; n& offieers of the Legi.-laturü, !U officers and gards 01 tho State Prison, a State officers, their deputies aud assistants, md all couuty officers (exoept uotaries public), and all teachers engaged in public iustitutions and public schools, all oiïicers and their noecssary asiistauts iu asyluma and other State iustitutious. The same proofs required as to the above eluss of exemptions as are required for exempüons made ucder the Uuiied States lavv. Exc-mptions will not be made on account of the tcniporurv absence of individuáis {rom tljcir places of residuncc uor of persons who may have temporarily left tliuin to avoid the draft. tíoldiers who may have served their term of eulistment iu either the regular or voluntecr service, or who may have been discharged lor disability or any olher causr, ara not exempt from draft, provided they are able for service. In determming caes of disability, the Surgeons will be govornod by personal examiuation of the person, and sueh other facts hearing on the case as may be brought to their knowledgc, either by the party exaniined and claiming to ba exempt, or by the persons haviug personal knowledge of the disability lor which exemption is claimed, but iu all such cases, the Surgeons will bo the judges of the liabihty of persons so claimiug tö be exempt from tho draft. As soon as the exemptions aro made and the lists completed by the Cominis sioners in the several couuties, they wil uiake a report in writing, certified to b' them, to the Adjutant General, at De troit, giving the uumber of men liable to be drafted within each township or wart of their respectivo counties, and await the allotmeut of draft aud orders to carry the same iuto effect. Wlieu the nuinber of men liable to be drafted s received from the Coinmissioners, au order will be published giving detailed instruetions aa to the mode of cotopleting the draft. The Comuiissioners and Surgeons will eaeh be allowed four dollars per diem for eaoh day they may bu actuallv employed in the discharge of their respco tive duties aud their actual expenses while traveling on duty. The CommisBtoncrs will ulso bö allowed tbü necessary expenses of printiiig and posting notiees and rent of office, when uecessary, in the performance ot' their duty. Tho acooums for tha oompensatioo of CoinmiBsioners, Surgeons aud Supervisors and all ólher allowed expenses will 1 be paid on prejentatiou of the proper vouchers at the Quartermaitsr üeneral's oíBec oí tho State, at Detroit. Tuesa accounts must be made in duplícate, and tho proper blanks will be faraished f'rom this ofSioe. Bj order óf tHo CoEimacdur-in-Chiaf. JÑO. ROBERTSON, Adj't Gen Military Depattment, Michigan, Adjutaxt Gexeral's Office, ) Detboiï, Oct. 3d. 1862. ) GENERAL ORDER No. 185. Tho reinarkable proinptness with which the State hn responded to the cali of the President, in so speedily ruisingfor the general govcrnmeot t"s quota ío tho cali for three hundred thousnnd three years' volunteere, anti, in addition thereto giving a Ijrge excess, and n consideration óf whioti, and n view of tho small uumber rt-quircd to complete both quotas, and thu urgent nppeals made by eountieg to be allowed to fill their quota of the inten ded dra(t by voluntary tnlistinunts, ihe Governor ot' the Stat hcreby extencfa to tlie several counües au oppoitumty to furnish their quotas (based upon thu p(i)i;latinn ot' uacli uounty, according to the United Stu'.e.s censu'a of 1S6U) i f tlirei' years' yol un teers to iiil up thu old regirrients, wliich, if uccomplished within twenly days R-orti ttii date, wil] rcli'-ve the State iroiii the neoessiiy of a druit. Xhis pi-oposiiion is ttot ntendtd to check, oor u any way intuí -Jore with tha preparutions now rnaking in several counties and towhshipa to insure the cornpletion of tho druit, if neoessary. Tho allotment berein made to counties is based upon the nuaiber of men that each has sent into the service, both in thu old and new regiments, eiiiice the lirst day of July last, and counties are credked with the nmnbor of men ouü.ned and reported up to this date. But as the Sixth Cavalry, novv pr&faumnff ál Grand ïapids ; the Twenty-seventli Iniantry, at Port Iluron, and Iho bompanies of the Twenty-sixth Kegiment at Jackson are incomplete, tho proper returns cannot be received f rom tlieni and Ihe number ol men enüsted n thoso regiments are not creditud to counties and cannot be until full returns are received from them, therefbre, counties ia raising tteir quotas fof the o!d regiments, as hereiti alloted, wiH deduot from said allotinent the nuniber that mtybave enlistud in tlie regimentsabofe reforred to, and furnish Iba balance for the old regiments. The following tablo, wliich has boen carefuly calculated, eshibita the quota of each county, and tha DUmber of men enliated in eacíi so íar as have been returned to this offi -e since the tirst day of Ji.]y laat, and the tfumbèr required to supply tho deücifatiüy '. Qunra of ' No. enlistNu. lo CyuDlicd GOO.000 c.j siiic beraimen. July],rC2. sc-d. Alcona (i ll Allegan 504 875 129 Alpena ',1 4 ü Barry 439 221 218 Bay 99 47 52 Berrien COG 438 258 13 ranch 602 520 137 Calhoun 022 398 f,21 Cass 5G0 860 29 i Clieboygan 18 ,, ]8 Clinton 434 339 95 Eaton 519 217 802 Eranict 85 ... ; Ganosee "10 411 2(19 (3 rand Traverse.. 45 '', üratiot 124 172 Hülsdale 23 4C1 982 Huron 99 Oö 8S Inghum 640 304 242 Ionia 522 406 Ï16 Iosco 5 4 1 lsabolla 144 5 39 Jackson 834 529 SOö Kalamazoo 770 530 2 o Kent 959 648 411 Lapeer 404 151 813 Leelanaw 102 ... 1 02 Lenawee 1 ,20 i 950 2 "il Livingston 520 252 208 Macomb 722 353 3G9 Manistee 27 2 25 MaiVitoü 32 ... ''2, Mason 26 9 17 Mecosta 3i 2 2R alifliand 25 G 19 Jlonroe C7G 371 305 Montcalra 123 121 Muskegon 120 145 Newaygo 87 16 71 Oaklaml 1 .1 87 538 614 Oceana .....' 56 72 Ottawa 409 215 101 l'resque Islo 1 ... 1 Saginaw 899 177 222 Sanilac 238 149 89 Shiawasseo 403 205 198 St. Clair 837 312 525 8t. Joseph 660 4G2 198 Tuscola 153 127 20 Van Buren 475 234 241 Washtenaw .... 1.131 663 468 Wayne 2,222 1.477 745 UPPER PENÍNSULA. Chippewa 48 2 46 Delta 36 ,. . 36 Iloughton and Keween.iw 285 70 215 Mackinac 00 ... CO Marquette 87 15 72 Üntouagon 140 1 139 Schoolcraft 2 ... 2 Total 23,372 13,488 9.979 ' In addition to the above credits to i rie eountias in the Upper Pemaaula, , hey have furnished three companies . vhich are now in the rondezvoue f the ' ?wenty.seventh Regiment at Port , on, and it is understood that thosc counties will raiso tvro or more j es for the same regiment, nnd thereby complete their quota, thcrel'ore no ttrrangaments huvo been mude for draftnr in that érction of the State. The credit to counties and townships n all caseb, is given for men enlisted [rom each respeciivcl}', wnhoiit regard to plaee of enlistment, and counties and townships furni.shing the mntiber of men allollod to thern by this order will have credit for them on their quota of drait, should it bücorae necessary to make one. The Commissioners appointed by the Governor, in the sevetal couuties, to buperiotend the draft will have charge of the recruiting in their respective countie?, aud will, in connection with the Sheriffs and Couuty Clerks in each county, constitute a committeelo carry iuto cfTuct the provisisns of this order, and are hereby authorized to enter upon their duties at onee as recruiting officers, in connecticn with all other recruiting offi cers already autliorizod in enlisting and collacting recruits with'ui their several countie8. The CommissioDer, SherifF, and Couuty Clerk in each and evcry oounty iu tlie State, appointed by tliis order, are horeby ompowered nnd required to apportion and equaliza among the differeut townships or wards of any city witliin their ronpectiTe counties the number of men tbat each of their counties nro re" spectively called upoc to furnish by thig order, so that the number of men assoss ed to each couoty severally may be raificd. This apportionment and equalization can bo made by asoertaininp from the Hsts furaished the öounty Clerks, from tbis oíace, giving tho ñames of men mlisïod fro'u each township or ward, for the old and dotv reginvinta. 'wuec tho ffrst of July last, and theu assessing them in proportion tliercto. Should it lio impracticable for nny of the Sheriff or Couuty Clerks to act as above, the Comtnissioners are hereby ernpowcred to appoint sotne suitablo porsoo to supply their places. The men en'isted must bo ablebodied, freo froin disease, and to serve for three years or during the war, unlesa soouur diseharged. Every voluntocr who cnlists for tbrec years or during the war, in the old regi ments, will receive, until furtber orders, bis tirst moutli's pay upon beiug muster ed into tlie service of tlic United States, and at the same time will receive twentyfive dolhirs of the one hundred dollars bounty allowed by faw. A premium of four dollars will be paid tu any oilicer, citizen or soldier for each accepted rocruit when be is mustcr cd into tlie service of the United States, or to the recruit Uimseif. Articles of enlistinent, as in the regu lar arniy, will be made out in triplioate by the person charged with tho cnlistment of mon, and eacb signed and swoni to by the recruit before some civil officer having authority to adininister an oatli. The enlistaient papers will be sent with the recruits to the general rendezvous. Tlie couuty sea( of tho several counties will bu tlie rendezvous fur the recruits cnlistfid witliio each county, and they will be under tlie charge of the Sheriffn who will bring them to the general rendezvous at Detroit Barracks, in detuclirnents of ten or more, and deliver tliem to Col J. R. Smiih, who will give them receipts for the ;iumber of men so delivered, said receipts to be sent to this office by suid Sheriffs. The mou onltsted as abovc will be exaniincd by a surgeon, after their arrival at tlie general rendezvons at Detroit. Tlie Gommissioncrs appointud símil each receive four dollars per day, as provided in General Order No. 184, and they shall rnake a truc account iu dupii cate, of the nutuber of days they bhall bave been actually ongaged iu enlisting and colleoting reoruits, and wliich shall be verified by their cortilicates thereuutu attaehed. The Sheriffs and Couuty Clevks in each county will be allowed a reasonable compensatiou per diem and will make like accounts for cvery day actually employed in enlisting and collecting recruits. In addition to tlie above allovfance of pay, they will be allowed while travelioc under this order on business conneuted with the recruiting service, their actual oost of transp.o'tation, to be paid by the disburslng oflieer on presentation of their accounts, aceompauied by proper vouchers, and the orders under wbich the journey was pcrforuicd. Tliis will cover trausportation by rail, stcamcr or stage, or other conveyance (where there is uo stage), and the. customary and usua! charges will Le allowed. It may pot al , ways be convenient to have blank accounts, lieuce tmb-voucbers in duplícate i may be presented by authorizcd persons making disburaements. ïbe men en.l(8teJ will bc s.ubsisted by tbo goverument froia date of enUstnjeut at u rate not to exceed forty couts per day, lodging includcd Accounts for recruíting and subsisting recruita will bo proinptly paid on pro senting the same, properly made out, at the eüiee of Col. J. 11. Stnith, the United States Superintendent of tbc recruiting service, and disbursing officer, at Dutruit. These accounts must be certitied to by the persons authorized to ïvcruit accordmg to tbis order. In making out the accounts thero must be a división, the claims for lio.ird ■? fne voucher in ütipiiOiío, the lodging on another in duplicite, and the trauiporlatiou on anotbor in duplícate. Transportation will pc paid for recruits by either rail, steamer, stage, or other convoyauce (where the;'e is 110 stage route ) The men enÜsteu fcr t-lio old regiment will have choice of regimetits so ::' as practicable, or else will bti assned to regimeuts originally raised iu the section of country iu whicli they inay cnlist, but this elioice and assigmnent must be determined after the recruits have arrived at the general reudezvous, and the cnlistments must be made for the old reginjents gencrally, aud not for aoy particular regiment. Sliould any county, township, or ward of any city, fail or refuse to furuish the uuinber of wou assessed thereunto by tho Coraraissioner appointed for said county, theu suid Öommissioner will make a report to the Adjutant General of tho State, at Datroit.Jgiving the namber of moq deficiënt, and also the name uf the county and township, or ward of any city, in which any deficiency oecurs. Then the Governor of the State will order a special draft on said county, township, or ward ot any city, so rofusing or failing to furnish the number so assessed, to make up such deficiency. Blanks and orders of instruction will ba forwarded to tho County Clerk ol eacli county immediately, a!so givmg the namea of the man enlisted iu their respective oounties so far as reported sinco the first of July last. Bv order of the Commnnder-in-Chief.


Old News
Michigan Argus