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The "state Of The Country."

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Tbc following is the proambie and rosülutimis, presentad by tbe conimittee on the State and country. To i.'verv thoughtful observer of events, whoso heart s ia sympathy witli bis race, the uurrent history of our country presents facts for cor.teinplation of' the most puinful charaeter, and qüestions for solution of the deepest interest. The aunáis of the past, howevor stained by the blood of civilized humanity, furnisli no scènes of sangtiinary strifu moro signifi caut of great ideas and principies, Untn aro thusii transpiiing within the domuin of our natioual life. Tlic clashing of iJeas m the wcrld of wind havo been transmuted into the forces of destruotion on the 'heatre of mortal eombat. The vcry lights of eivilization aro rningling with the lurid flames of civil war. Institutiüns, representativa of uil that is valuablo in the prog:-ess of life, and treasured laws and needs of humanity are bclng tried and testod us by fire. - The eivilization of the new world is undergoing a grand process of puriiicatinn, preparatory to lts enlargenient into all the coming centurios. As a poople we are engaging all our resources in a great civil struggle, that involvus all the conditions of naïional growtli and existcnee Between the embattled sections of Ihe country thero are fundamental diferentes that reach into the central ideas and laws of society. Ou the one side ai'B the sublimo and self-sustaining forces of modern ehristian eivilization ; on tbe other, the dec.iying elements of an efiete social system, combiuing the expiriug cnergies of feudalism with the brutal denionstrations of unmitigated barbarisin. Tlic civiliüation of the North rests upun the solid h.i.-is of popular intelligcnco and inalienable rights and GodoiVKX Fkkeuom; the eivilization of the South effeetually excludes tho mstitutes of popular education ; it wickcdly denics tbe most saored rights of lmmauity j it seelvs to annihilato evcry vestigo of republioan liberty; so that its saccess would bc the triumph of ignoranoe and the ascendancy of every species of wrong and injustice, and the substitution of the vilest system of oppression for the no biest herituge of constitutional liberty ever enjoyed by the human race. The great full disfiaao of tlji; South, wastlcg ils vitaJity like consumption, degrading its existent'ü ike the loathsoine leprosy, healiug i's life into burning fury liko the poison of the serpent, and spreading iia death-prcdr.ciiig forces like the terrible cáncer, is the blood -nourished discase of human slaverv. All the woes of the poople, all the calamitics of the riation, all lbo anguisli rushiog like streams of blood into the boaomsof famüies wheu their fairest and bravest fall viotima to the thundeibolts of war, all the son-ows of patriotism and religión ihat must stir the synipathics of angels, and bring into aetion the, all-poweri'ul sympiitliies of God, all proceed rom tho monster ovil of oppression tfaac bas struck its roots into the lcgislt-tion, into the jurisprudence, into tho very religión and worship of the natiou. Now, ainij the terriiiu desolations of the war, tbere is at least one reasou for praisc to God, and tbat is fouiul in its disiutegrating action upon the slave power. Io cfoiy battle fouglit, the artillery of the llepubic is turned against the doorucd institution of oppression. Holy Freedom, robed in the ganneuts of beauty and adorned with the sunbeams aud stars of God, is now leading tllfl h'isU and entrancing the hearts of our soldiers. ïbe civilization i of progress will Furciy ÍJ.lovf ín lier I stops, and wben b.arbfl,, bas laEüed her victims, and impovcrished the fatresi portiou of the glübe, and mude the rioh the tyrants of tho poor, then when treasou sball have lost its grasp upon the bones and smews of the enslaved mili ions, and tor waiu .. - ........ give up the gliust, the desert eh al 1 bud find blossom aa the rose. In the meantinio it behooves every philanthropist, every cln-istian, every loyal citizen to stand at hia post and put forth all his streucth for the cause of his country. We propose, for adoption, the following resolutions ; lst. That firm and unconditional loyalty and support to the General Governmeut are uot only due from every citizen, but are iniperatively demanded by tho exigences of tho hour, and that as ehristian men and ministers we will cheerfully and consoieutiously ful lili our obligations to the coüstitut;d authorities of the natiou, and use every proper mcans to direct aud strengtheq publio opinión for all the high bchesU of patriot ism. 2d. That we will cherish the present remotnbrances of' the valor and heroism of our fellow citizen soldiers who have eo nobly withstood tho foe, and are ready to fii'lit uuto death for the maintenance of the government ; and that the patriotio dead, slain in battle by thousands, shnll liire ia our hearts with the very maityts of our holy religión. 3d. That we aro daoply interested in the religious well-being of the army, and affectiouately counsel our brethreu of this Conference, serving as Chaplains, to all possible fidel.ty in the diseharge of thcir official duties, and will pray for the suocess of their labors. 4 th. That while the war is prosecuted br the preservat'un ot' tlie life and au,hority of the nation, for the destruetion of rebellioi) and treason, and for the res toratiün of the Constitution and lawg to cverv part and portion of the national domiiin, believing as wo do that slavery is the prime cause and strength of the robellion, wo rejoice in and bereby hsartily approve of the proclamution of the President, based upon storn military neeessity, in eolciniily declaring the slaves of all States in rebellion on the first o Janunry nest, fokkveii frfe, and tlia we will pray that tliis great act of ornan cipation may be carried into sucoessfu operation, and finally result in the frce dora of overy slave on this aaativmnt, 5th. That as the race is nol to tb swift, nor the battlu to the strong, w state our üoleinn conviction that th hopes of our country and the suocess o QUF arme (i;pends to the greatcst exten on the blessing and aid of Almight God. that Hia existence, oharacter, authority and providence should bo recognized'm every possiblo wny by the acig and voice of the government nnd of the people; that wo now rc?t tho nation'a greit cause upon His etcrnal power and goèdnow, ana that wo will look to Hia and direct the attontion of onr pcoplo to Hiin as our Groiit Delivergr and Savior. T O. GARDNKR, T. J. JOSLIX. O. W1IIT.M0RE, J. F. DAVIDSON.


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Michigan Argus