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The Collection Of The National Tax

The Collection Of The National Tax image
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Tho Collectors appointed undcr the ecent act of Congres:', to collcct tlia nnional tax, are naking their arrangement, nd will soon comnicnce operations. - yhe CommiiBioner of llevenuu at Washliatón luis just. ösued tlie fullowing iinottant regulations to the Collectors at r'hiladelphia, whioh appy equally to üollectors in this locality : 1. All mechanica except those wbo merci)' do repairs, must be registered as nanufactures, aud must tnke a hcense as íuc'ii if the animal sales amount to $1,000. 2. But rnecliiinics and other manufaoincrs who soll their own mnnufacture at the place where they are produccd are iot ruquiied to take out an additional iicense ;s traders. Thi does not include rectiflers, who must pay both licenses. 3. If manufacturera have an office depot, store room, or agenev, at a plaoe different (rom tho place wh'ere the good are made, or if they foü the manufactures of others, in addition to their own, tlicy must pay a trader's ng well os a rmuiufacturer's liceuse. ïhus, a tobaeoonist who both maltes c'cars and keepa 'or sale goods in his line which he has iurchased, must take out both lieenses. So must a draggUt, wbo also niakes Datent articleá, or medicines, &c, for which he a private formula or ruceipt. 4. Persons keeping barrooms or saoons, for thö sale ot litjuors, raust tako out a liquor dealer's license. Il thoy tIso furnisli food, they must, iu addition, tako out au eatiug-liousa license; and th salo of cigars, &e., requiro a tobaccoQ. ss or retail dea!er's license, besides ailüard tables require a special license, ind bagatelle tables are rt'ckoned ag biliards. 5. Gurnmission merehauts, wlio ara ulso sliip or comweioial brokers, are re uired to take out two licenses. G. Grocers selling Üour by the barrel, or talt by the sack, or any othor artiole in the ovigiual paolsage, are reckoned as whoiesale dealers. 7. Stainps must be attaehed to tbs papers requiring tlium at the time of their exeeution, and must be obliterated by the person writiiig liis iuitiaU upan them, 'J'elegi-.ipliic disputehes must be ftamped. and eflaced when delivered tQ bo transmitted. But raUroad and telegraph compauici are not required to stamp thtii' own dispatches over thcir own lines. 8. Arrangement will be made witl the Collectors iu the districts to Bupplystanips to partios desjiing to purohase 850 worlh or ovar, at the rates of dis. couiit estabüshed by the Treasury Dopartment. t). Notes and bilis of exchange drawn for a eertain fiim, with iuterest, wiil Uö stampcd accerding to tliö principal sum. ForeÍL"i cuireucy will bo ostimated aoGOiJing to the real par of exchange; the pound sterling, for instance, at the rato lixed for eoveteigns, not at the nominal rato oí' $ÍA'Ó :-5-4, nor at the market rates of exchange, which are uaw tiiing aboyo the real par. l&. Ou and after Octobcr lst tlia fojluwing instrumonts inust bo stampcd ; All igreeinent., appraisements, sheck, siglit drafts, promissory notes, inlaud aud fürcign billa of exchange, bilis ot' lading lo foreigfl port?, paokages, &c, per expres?, boitds, certificutcs of stocks, or profit, of deposit in baislts, of damages, nnd all other certificates, charter parties, brukers, memorandums, conveyano'is, roortgngos, lenseij, telograph dispatchcs, estoii house entries, and maui-. Fcsts, jjoliéios of fnïurance- lifo, marine, and fire, nd ronOWala of game - passago liekets to foreign ports, powera of attornoy. proxies, probate of wüIh, protcsts, Wsrchouse receipts and wrils or otber original proetss of oommencing suit. - Alib, patent mediciucs, perfumeries and plariug cards. In ref'ercnec to public liousea ac4 licuor dealers eselusively, rt is defin&i} tliat in a tavern or public house whcro liqnor i.s sold, lieense.? must bo taken for v'-aph businef-s the lieense for the tavern t be acaording to the rental, and the lieeuse for liquor in all cases of retail c, bc twenty dollars. By retai', ia understood any quantity under three galloi)8, To sell abuve that quantitv is wholesale, aid tho liccuse is huudred dollars. - Restaurante whJch furnish bedding, and. wlilch keep liquors, iro requircd to ob taiu three liceiises - first a tavertl censé, sicondly d Tícense for„t!ip liquor bar, of twenty "dollars, and tliirdly a licenue for the eiiting la;., cotiu tea (lollars wken tin; recelpta amouut to or exceed p tbousund dollars per year. EatiD house3 are ponnitted to keep coufsotioyerv' VÍt'10llt a" additional lioense. All dealers in ïicf'siöv by retoU are required to pay a liconse ot tv???tV dollars per yenr. The penalty for rufusal or railure to take out license is a fine of thrce timus the umouut of duty or tax jmposed by the luw, one half of wbioh goos to the informer, ïhese ta?es are, of eourse, in addition to the Staio and city Iiceus3s now imposcd, and tlie aooumulatioa of expenses will natarially affect the smaller dütlers wbo abovi'id iq evory part of the city The proseciitioo, of delinquents is made imperativo cm the Ooilectors, wbo hold the names and resjdences of all dealers, so that escapo from the penalty is nest to impossible. II IIM I -ÊT A soldier whose legs had been, parrjed away above tle knees by i cannoi ball, and who had been long a, patiënt in. the hospital, one day, while sitting up in, bed, nsked tho nurse : ' YYhpn will these tract diatributera b,9 around agaiu f ' ' To day,' sala sbe. ' Wfaon thoy come, I would like somathing to rcad,' he added. A. colportour carne in, in the afternoon, and raade a hasty distributiou of traots, giving one to each bed witljot stopping to read the titlas or see the fitness of the selection. The poor fellow who had lost bis legs reccived a little fourpnge mes-. sage, and bogan to read with great eagepi iiess The nurse, noticing the interest, stole up behiud to see the subject of the tract, when to her astonishment she read 'TheEvil effeets of Modern Danoing.' Repressing her laughter, sh3 said tg tba man : ' Tbat tract is hardly suited to your condition ' 1 Well, madame, he replied, ' to tel the truth, I think my daDoing days ara about over ! '


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