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The Cartel For The Exchange Of Prisoners

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Washington, Oct. 4. TliO followiug s (lie cartel uncler wliicli ji i-o:r aro excbaiiBl in (lie exñíii'g vin HÍili ilie southern static ne: H;ilt 'x Landing, oti Jfjnel ) Riv.r, Va, Jul 22. j Tlie undersigned, hating heen eomnnssioncd by llie muhorii íes, ib-y retjtednely lepusent lo imito risugenu'iits lor a gmeral exebargí f prisonera oí war, Lave sgreed to lije fullowing árdeles: Anide K Dt i Liu-hy agreed and nipuihtcd tliiit all pintonera o f w;ir held y eiilci' artY,.iuoluüing lbose fakon on p i i i :i t e Ruued vi.-it-is, sIihII le dinehniged upo llic caditioDS and leinis tollo ing: PriaQin ís (o bo txcliaaged man for man, and uiticer for OÍBcw. I'riwiteef lo bu '!:iced iiiou llie l'ooting; of officor aud men of llie uhvv. Mcii and officem of lower gríides nny be cxcliangcd fur ofiioois of Iiigtier gra-les, and men and offiotis of different services niny be exolianged accorJino; to tlio following scale of eOjiíiviiltnií : A General eomroandlug iu cbief, or M Adiuiial, sball be exchanged for oflioors of eqnal rauk, or for sixty prívales or common seamen; a Flag Offioer or Major General for offictis of equal ra u k or forly piivates or common seamen; a commodore caí n ing a bioad penant, or Brigadier General fer twetity privates; a Captain in the navy or Colonel for fifteen private ; a Lie tennnt Colonel or Conimander iu the ïuuv Iir ten privates or common sea meu ; a Lieutenant Commanding or MhJoi for eight privales; a Licntenant r Mastei in the uavy, or Captain in the army or matit(8 for six privates; Masters' Males, or Lieutetiants and Knsigps in the aimy for four piivates or coinmon 6eairen; Midshiptnen or warrant officers, masteiRof meiclinnl ves-els or commanders of privateera for ihree privates or comïnou searüen ; Second CapUtios, Lieulenanls, or Mates of mcrcliant vessels or privateers, Rod all petty officers in the navy, and all non conmiiesioned ofiicpis in llie army or mariow, shall be severally exchanged for eaoh other, man for man. Art. 2. Local, Blata, civil nnd militin rntjk held by ieisons uot in service will not be recognized, tha basis of exchange heing the grade actually held in the sor vice of the respective pardea. Art. 3. If citizpus held by eilber ]-.ily on charges of disloyalty, or any alleged civil ptfences, are exclianged, it shall only be for citizens, captured Kut Iers and tea(DStn, and all civiilians iu aclual service of either party, are to be txchanged for persons of nmilar position. Arl. 4. All prisoners of war aro to be ditcharged on parole ín ten clays after their capture, and piisoneis now lul I and tliose heitaiier taken lo bo Iransported to points imit'ially agreed on nearest the caphiring party. Surplus prisoGers nut. exchauged sliall not be permhted to lako up arnis Sgaio, nor to setve as n military pólice or eonêtabnlary toree in any forl, garrison or field woik held b_v either of ihe respective parties, nor i.s guards of prisons, depots or store, ror to discharge any duty usiully perlbrmed hy Boldiers, until exchanced under the piovisions ol tbis cartel. The exchange is nut to Le considerad completo unül the oflicers or men excbanged shall be actual y restored to the linea to bieb tliev lolong. Art. 5. Each party, iipon the discharge of the pr6oners of the other party, is Authorized to discharge an equal number of their own offieers or mea f rom parole, fuinishing it the same lime lo the ether part)' a list of their prisuiiers c'iscLaiged, and of their men relieved f rom parole, tbus enabling each party to relieve frora parole such of their own ofliceis and men as the party uiay chowe. ïhe list thus mutually furnsshed will keep both partiee adused of the truc con dition of the exchange of prisoners. Art. 6. The süpulatioiis and provisions abovo rnentioned are to be of binding obligation duiing the continuance of' the war, it mattfcis not which party may lmve a surplus of piisoceis, the gieat principies involved being. First - Au equitable exchnnge of pri8onere, man for man, officer lor oflicer, or officer of higher grade for priva tes accord ing to the scale of equivalent iSecond - That privateers and officers, and men of different ssrvices may be pxchanged accordiog t9 ib scale of equiva lent. Third - That a!l prisoners, of wliatever arm of the 6ervice, are to be exchanged or t)aro!eü ten days froin the time of their cnplure, if it be practicable to transfer tbem to their own lines in that time, f not, as soon thereafter as practic;;M}. Fourtk - That no officer or oldier, or employee in the service of either party is to be considered as exchancd and absolved from bis purole until nis equivalent has actually reachcd the lines of bis fiiends. Fiflh - That the parole forbide the performance of field, gari6ou,poli;e, or guard or constabulary dutv. (Signed) JOHN A. DIX, Mnjor Geueral. D. H. HILL. (Jen. C. S. A.


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