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The Jackson Union Convention

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Tlio Conventiou at Jaekson on Wed negdiiy 'of last week was largoly atteuded TwiMitjfV.ur oomtliea ere represeutec j by ubmit 225 delégate.-;, and in the list wo iititiue the ñames of u.uny prominent citizens hcrctofure identilied vvlili. tlio old pnrties. The following named gentleman offioia Bed na perwaueut oilioers of tlio conveution : Prutdenl - G-eokok A. Ccm. i'ia' P remidtnti - Jolin I'. Cook, E. J. Pu ïniniiui, K. C. Bttatuat), A Thayer, J. Claucoy, 1Í. S. Yro.Hiiun. Sureieriet - 15. Follott. J aromo K'MyThe ttuleoted t'or Scatu oifioeta, (sve gave their nainös la-t wnuk), were reported to tho coiivontion by a coiumittceof two from oaoh county, and were unaoimou-ly nomuiatcd by acolamatiou with tbc exceptioti of 'f ROWBRIDQB for State Tieasurcr. For this positiou John Owem was strongly supported in (iöiiiitiittoe and convontion, but iIr. Tkowbridue reoeiving a large majority of votes, bis uomiuatiou was made uoanimous. Mr. C. I. "Walker, ohairman of a coimnittee of two from cach Congressioual district reported the following resolutions wbich were unanimously adopted: ttfesoLL-rtoss : Wktrtds, An lnfüiilial Conference of patrlotic cltitens from rarfora pai-ts of tlio Stilte, aiul without ilisiiiiction of party, assembieil al Jatkson o Ü.e llilli ut b'eitciiiljcr lastp, in consideraüon of the periluua cundi lion of tila country, issned ar. addresa to ilie pcojilo of ilio State, inviting tlioni to lay aaide all pievions party íiulfnclli'Ks, and witli a view lo ll:c tífiective and ululen Mi:port of tlie yovernnmut, lü prcenl lo tlie wliulc pcoplu y f llie Sute, without, rclcrence lp party vics, a Sl.ile ticket to be gupportód al tlie cominu eloctloti ; fttld whereas. in pursuancfl óf sftld cali, ve liave niel in Sialo couvcnlion for tlie piupo.-e aíoresaid, Resolved, 'J'liat ve earnestly re aflirni llie palhotic .'-entíijiüLits oí liie addres issucd ly sucll conference. llesolved, That to give effect to those ?cnliiiKiits. w are in favor of a unión of all ! loynl ciiizens, devolel tü the sopport ot' llie guveraineut, upo one comniun ■ alriolic ]latforn), wlieie men of dtversQ view xipon niany questions oí mete poliey, inay, without tlie MMirUn of'aiiy (jrincifjlfl ilicy liold rlear, tnculaiül imite in ihN bouf oí' (Mir oouiiiry's peril, in one aieaL elf sactilicing ciliui to preftorve our natloiial exitenco. Resolved, ïliat Micli nnity canno!. be eftected Üironfa eiltier of the present political oranizaiiíins, and can enly bo accoinplislied !y a unión of une pairiots, Ifreypeclive of paity, and such k unión we umv inaugúrate iili the fu 1 1 confidence ihai it will be responded lo wiili a deepand Barnest enihusiastu by aloy al people. Resolved, ïliat tlie present reUellion is nol only justiíiable c;uie, but wSUiOUt plausible prctext ; and tliatcvery loyal citizen is cal led npon by every motive ihat can infiíienco the patriot and tlie lover of liherty nnd free Kovernnieiit, to ínaka every sacrifico that may be rcquircl until lebel.s in amigare broualn to ancoiidilUmal submi.-üion to tilie conslilution and tbe laws. Retal ved, That we are devoter! to tlie constitiuion and to llio Union, wiihout conrlition or qtialiñcatiou. We are in favor ol'an enerqetie proseculion of the war, by lile c of all tlie nieans consis;enl wiih tlie laws and usaües of civiüzed nations, tur thu speedy suppression of ihe present uickd robelli n, íhe restoration ol the Union, and ilie preserva lion of tho coiistimtion and eoveriiment of t!ie Uniled States lo aü their foruier power and pnrity. Resolved, That we have confidenre in the intcsrity and patriortsm ot the President of thu Uniteil States, ani' üiat o recoani.e tlmt U is hia riuty to prescribe t lio mode and policy of cari y ing on the ar n accordanco nllh ibe comiluition aml tho laws of the laúd, and lliftt íil tíiousii we may, as individuáis, difibr as to the wisdom of polilics which lie has lieietofore, or my heieafler adopt, we liereby plcdse ourcelvea an unfnlteriii: support of tlio President in the exerci.-o of all tho potters given him for the suppresslon of the lebellion ; if we approvo the ineasurea adopied, we will rcjoice, if we disap;novo or riouht. e will, like good ritizens, suimiit to the policy fixcd, and, npprovina or disapproviua, we will leadily, lieartily and patiiOtlcallv stand hy the government. Resolved, That wliile we advócale the appropiiation of all the means of every kind that can be prope ly used in cairyiug on the present war, in the rni-st viuorous luanner, we [nUt, at the same linie, upon an hotiest, wise and strict cconuniy in the administraron of tho'-e mearas. Resolver!, Tlmt we feel a just anil glowina pride in the a'ory n'hicb has been reflected on Michisan, by the ptodtplltudd vith uliiel) il cliizen oidiery havo rallied to the slandard of the country, and to the nolile aallanlry on tlio battle-field, whi h bas yivcn iliem an undviiiiï faino. Resolved, That wo are cordiallv In favor of a liberal provisión for the lainilies of soldiers, who have been disnh'ed or have loss their lives in the service ol' their country, at at once ihe díctate of 'uïUce, limuanity, aiid an elevated patriotism. During tho session of tho conventiou speeches were made by Messrs. G. V. N. Lothrop, Geo. A. CV, C. A. Staoy, IIH. Emraons, Chas. E. Stuart, Sylvester Lamed, G. I. Walker, P. Hayden, B. G. Stout, and others, which were received with great enthusiasm. We have on ly space for the brief ona of of Mr. Stoot, iccepting the noininatiou for Governor : Mr. Stolt said tliat he liad received the annouiicomeiit of the oommitteo appointed to wait on him with nnfcigncd regret, not that lio (lid not sympatliize with the movement so gloriously inauguretéd, but other and personal oonsideralions rendered it almost impossiblo í'or him to nccept tlio nomirmtion for Governor. Ho was willing, however lo make any sacrifiue for the cause of the Union. He thanked them for the unexpeuted honor tbey had conferí ed upon him. lie accepted it with reluotanCe, as it had been chargod by the enemies of this nmvenient that its advoetitos wcre disappointed political aspirant, and adoptcd this metbod to hoist theni.selves into high places. Nothing, however, had bee:; : farther from bis niind tlian that he should be the nominee of the convention for the high and responsible office of Cluef Exucutive of the Statu. He was for the Union unqualifiodly ; but while wc are laboring to put down the rebclüon, u-e must nlsn put down thal other heresij which ! declares that the conslitutwn is not ( vnougli to erttsh out the rcbellion. It was niwerful to crush out trtason anuivhere. ( f it is not, tlien it cannot sustaiu itself, and we must start anew. Hu had beon ledged to this kind of a movenient ever ineotliewar began. ]t was this that haped his course in thu Legislatura, last vin tur, when he voted for tho niinority resolutions, for wliich he had been loudly cindemned by some. Abraham Lincoln, he said, was the only constituted authority thrcmgh which we could supprnsa treason and rebellion, and it must bo done through him if at all. Let us ignore party lines for the present, and také the coustitution as our motto, and we shall succeed in our efforts to restore tho Union. liefore adjoarnin the following gen lemen were nained as a State Ceutrul Dommittee: AtLarge-J). B. Duffield. lint District- V. H. Cleveland Second District - L. H. Frost. Tkird District- M. Follett. Fourth Dislrict-F. W. Anthony. Fijíh District- A. C. Baldwin . Sú-th Distriri-k. Thayer. And so the " Union Party " may be oonsidycd fully organraed.


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