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Jornal ptfe ' 11 ('0 KL A ' N D ''S E t M A N BITTERS wiU positivoly prevent Y.-llow or Billious Fover, as wull as ihe Fever and Ague. Read ihe advertisement in anot lier column. 8" Swivnmtn, in another column, picking Sambuci Gnipes for Speees Wine. Il is on admirable ariicle, used in huspitals and fiist-clas8 funiilies in Paris, London, and Kew York, in preferenM to old port wina. It is wortli a trial, as it gives ffrout satisfaotion. ÜL. C7R. H Passenger tiains duw It-ave Petrnil and the several 3t;itiiiii. iu tliiüCciunly.m foUom. Tiaini do Bot stop atstatioDs where figures are omitted in the table. GOISG WKST. !Iai] Ex. .Tnck.Ac. N'iclit Ki. Detroit, S.01 a m. 6.00 f. M. 8 00 P. M fpaitentl, 9.20 " CIO " 9.10 " AnnArbor, 9.4Ü " 6.;5 " 9.:0 ■' t)extcr, 1 ■ 05 " T.:0 " 9 55 " Clielsen, 30. 3 " 7.55 " 10.10 " Ar. CLicago, 6.16 P. M. 8.15 A II. G 0 I N G F. A S T . NightEx. Jtai.At. MailKx. Chelsoa. 5.J5 ". II. 4.:5r ï. l)ext.T, li.O.i " 4.40 " Inn Vrl.ur 8.S5A.M, ü o5 " 5.05 " pailnnti, 5.56 " T.OO ' 6.15 " Ar. at Detroit, -7.(0 " R.S5 " 6.40 " TJie Donólas Memorial. The diploma of memWrehip of the Douglas Monument AiSicïatioti, bttrutifuily eiiLtraved on teel, about nine by twelve inchea in dimensicns is now rcady for distributmn to the subscriberát the monument fund. To all persona forwhrojQg tu the AwooIatlOB Üue Dollar or more will De sent one of these Diplomas, properly executed. To contritutors in the sum of TWO Dollars or more will bf furnUhed gra:ituously, besides the Diploma, a beautiful imperial size STKEL EXGRAVING OF JUDGE DOÜGLAS, 21 ïy 17 inches, pablisbed by Marh, Rowe & Co. Contributors in the sum of one dollar will become life raerabirg of the Douglas Monnmeut Asociation ; in the gum of t.venty dollars, honorary life meml ers ; and in the sum of une hundred dollars-, honorary life membera of the Board of Trustees. Lucal reccivera aud rioücitors for contributionsare beingnuthorized ín the luyal States. I'umphlets aud circulars cunliiining the Uigauization, Constitution, ByLaw, aud the Appeal of the Association, will be sent to all wlio will forward their address. Communicationii should be directtd to the 'Scretary D. M. Sá'ii, Chicago, Hl." AH edltoro wfao will insnrt this card in their daily, weekly or ti'i-feekly Inm three mouths, wttb an occasional notice to advance the object in view, will have for wa.Meü to thfm immtdiaK-ty Diplomasas Honorary Life Members rf this Asbociation, also a copy of the above Portrait, upen the recept by the society of a copy of their paper containing this annouiifement. WALTE1Ï B. SCATES, President. Leona kd W. Volk, Hccrelary. 86Cm3 A CARD TO THE LADIES. DR. TjUPONCÖ'S GOLDEN PILLS FOR FEMALES. Iu'allible in correctlng, regulaling and removing all obstructiuns, írum wluiíevi-r ciiue. and ahvays auccessful as a preventive. The comb'nation or ingredienís in Dr. Duponco's Golden Pilis Per Ffemilea are iierfe'tly barmitss, They have boon used ín the private praetice of Dr. Duponco over CO years, and thoaMfida of ludies can testify to their g reat and aerer faüing success In almost every case In correctlng irre.ul.irilies, reïicving painful and distreeaing menstruation, partïcularly at the change of life. Krom fiv to ten pïlls will cure th;it commnn yet dreadful cnmpiaint, the Whites Xearly every f erna Ie in no lund tmffsn fr m tliis complaint. Theabove Pillhas permancntly cured thousands. and they wil] cure T. ou t f y oh use them. Tbcy can not haim you; on the cnrary. thpy remove all obttructiow, re Btofe nature to Ifs pruper clianifl, and Inrigoivte the whole Bjtem. Ladie-s wliose licalth will nt permit nn iucreae of fimily, will fini these pills a successful preventivo. Ladies peculiarly situatd, or thnse supposing themdves po, nhould not upp thmt PHli durinp; the first tiirce months, as they are certain to produce miscariiage, tJfter which admonilinn" the propretor assumes no responsibility, altl.ough their niildness WÍI1 prevent an In jury to hmiltn. The ingredients compnsing the above Pilla are inade knwn to erery Agent, and they will teil you they are safe and will perf'-rm all claimed Jor thero. Price $1 per box old in AN AIÏEOIÏ, by STEBBTÏf WHflON. Druggists, W. A. HuNT, Druggiat. Ladies living at a distance by sending them $1,00 through the Ann Arbor Postoffice, can have the Pills sent (cunfidi'titially) by mail, to any part of the country free o( pofitage. . B. - Beware of a base. counterfcit of these Pili - Vou can buy the counieiïtit article at nnv pricc from '-5 t'i 7ti cents a box (dear at thatV ï..i;irs yotir llvu and hcüitn aie of too ni-ic'u value t' be tiifld with, besides betog ïraposeil iipttn wíth a vrorthles art cle. Therefore, auy nut offerinj vmi ;l)'se Pitia tor less than SI i box, avuid them aayouwouW poison. They are bogus. None aregenuine unlcus iho nane of S. 1). IÍÜWK is oa eery box which lias recently been added, ou account of the Pilis beiiu couterfeited. Sold iso, by K HVZk -MfTIT, rpBÏÏK"" BLISd & "' - D&JacïïSon, rmdbv onedp((t n Hf. „ut.pft States, andby KARUAND.fcUKKIY & CÜ..Gcnail btaie Agems, ltt-'";'. L. l) HOWE, öoleProprietor. 86Tyrs2 Nüw Vokk. 'MPQRTANTtoFEMáLES THE HEALTH AND L[FE OFWOMAN ís cnntitiually ín peril if alie is mi4 enouch to neglect or maltrpat tbose sexual iriefrularities to which twothir'is of hersex are more or less subject. IR. CI1EESKMAXV IMM.S, preparel from the same formula which the inventor. ''ORXEI.IUS L. CHSESEM4N.M. P.,nf Xcw - fork, lias for twenty years used uccesful! vinan extended private practice- imme.liatel.T relieve without pain, all (iiaturbances of the periodical discharge, whethor ansinR Trom relaxation or suppreRsion. Thcjr net üke n cliarm inrernoving the pam that acermpany difTicult or immnderate me'Struation, anii are the only safe and reliabU remedy for Flushes, Piek Ileariaclie. I'aius in the I.'iins. Rnck anrl Sides, Palpitation of the Iteart Nerveus Tremor, Hysterics, .apnms, Broken Slep and otner unpleaswnt flnd nansernus elTects of an unnatural con'lition of the sexual functions In the vorst cases of Fluor Albus or Wliites, they elïect a speeily cure. Xo WIVKS and MATEONS. Dri.OHEE-EMVX'SPIl.LSnreotTe-ed as the only safe tueans of renewinginterrupted raenstruation, but. li.VDIKS JtUST BK A II IN MIND Tkcre. e one r,mdnov of the ftmtile ityeiem in tnhich Ihi Pilt rtj,ntotbe 'aken wrlwirt produeng f PECULTAil RESULT. ThmcnndVion 'c.fprred to ir FREQNAriCY- thr, rmüi, M7SCA ItltlAGF.. Surh . tke irrmUtltU tvndency rif tkc mr.dicive tor rslor ■ thr. setnnl f'ir'cuona in a "orinal, coji'liün-r, that even the reproductive power of vnturfí aniñnt mist il. Explirit directions staling whrn, and leken tkey should ■nol he uud, o-ith o ich Rox,- the Prlce Oue Dollar each Biz, :ontaiiiing 50 Pilh. A KlMhle I' nphlet. to be had free of the Agents. Piils ernt b' mail promptly, by enclosing pnce to any Attent. Sold by Druggisis geoeiml y. R. B. HüTCHlVGP, Proprietor. 20 Ccdar-St., New York. For Pnlc by MAYXARD STËBUIXb & WII.SON , and GREXVII.l.E & it'LI.KR. A GEM FOR THE MILLION. MME. DEMOREST'S RrNXING STITCII Sewing Machines. PRICE F IV E DOLLARS. O A PRACTICAL, rnpia, efficiënt, and durable sewing machín11, adjipie-1 1 a Urge proportion of faniüy Stírt-in, 'ir for in inuffccUirinjr purposes, ït in highly ornamental, aml so Ljpfat anl portftbto, (w%ghlng lega Iban (uie pouirl) thatitcan be cuuveuiently carriiM ia pocnel or reticulc It ppration ís so vtry simple that it requires but a s!i ht mgi nf judement to usp it Bv llií' turnmg oí a ciank w'h f me ha no, añil í;-uidíitfr lile woik wih the Hünlly yet very r-ipi'l ly with a cnmnrm De41 niales the running stitch fxactly lik tho baad ewiD}{. only more perfect aud retrular. It will hem, father, ruffle, shirr, tuck, run up broa Itiis, etc.. wit h a Hiñóle dnMe iUrend on any ma'erial Mapted to He running stit'h, Trom the liglit Ml an l tliinnosL up to two thielinesscs of ordin ry ilk iir mwliD. The Ihinnest, nhaily lile most diflifultto R'i'ch by ether mtchinftfl, being sewed the eaiei-t.- Fnr la'Hps' an 1 chitdren's ppaiel, and oiher articlea nadof Ught fubriüs,it wili th.ere.iore be foupd ïlmofit inv ilwabte. It is attached to the lable like a fwtn bird. and ha ving nn lm -ion , and rt-quiring no lubrication (ir OÍ -ítitch, i :ilw:iys ready fr ppration, and such a marvel of mmpücity that a child of nix "reiglit ye:irs aua understaud itimmediataly.. anáuse it succs'isf-illy. It i not at all lible io get out of orrlpr. 1-ach machinéis put up in a neat box, acenmpanied witli fulland exjjhcit diiections, and twenty-five needies. Senl ÍQ 9-y ftfldressit tbe United StatR on receipt ot an o der, Utffloaing 'he amunt, or tnay be collecte by Expres n deiivcry of the ïn-icbinc. Libera! airan ,'em.en.ts nde for ncenoien. Every Muiher; Oress-Maber, Miüiner, and Lady should have one of tbese machioeE. Artdiesfi MME nFMOHrT. (RtiStf) 4'3 Rroadway, N Yáyer's Cíierry Pectoral


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