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PK. "ïiooFLAND'S IALSAIIG CORDIAL, n For Uu speedy cure of ougks, Colds, Influenza, Croup, Hoarseness, - Brunchüis. Pneumonía, Viseases oflht Botoels, ariñing from Cold, Incrpient ConQ sumptwn, nnd for the relief and if at allpossibie) cure of Futiente in adoanced stoffes of tlts latter airease. ,, IHEBalsamíc Cordial is eatirely a Vegetable produca1' . tion, combining the heaiing proptrUu ol the BhIim, witb the invigorating qoaUtiei of a Cordial, proI ucing a coinbinat on ko bcIí adapud tu the pur [tQtê l II itended, thut there are but íew caaes o T di sea se wbich I í!l not, at aii eui y perid, suecumb to its hetiliug ftnd 1 fe givig prupirtiif-í. V For ages, has the trealment of pulmouary diseaacs v :cup ed Uï gieater poríion of tlie atttulion ol the Vil ieatilic of the ttordïtal worUJ, but bote acquired inore V. comencé ín his treatuient tof these dltMSes, tlian the 3 ilubrated Pru?nwtn. lr. Hoofland, the orjgoatoi oí the 2 nlnamic Cordial. Uftltfemi fevotea to the proel ucX on of remedies that wuW stand unriv&lled. How XII ell (o has ucceeded, the Amerieaa people:ire able to XI' idge: and we posiiively assert, 1)ih( ao preparations X íat h;ive ever buen placed before them, have conferred XV íesame amount of benefit1 on sufffering kumanity, or ] ave elicitcd so many cummendoitions irom all classes % : society, as the remedies of Vr. Hoofland, pre-pred by L, „L r. C. M.,Jnrkon & Co. , of Philadí'lphia. L" The Cordial li ilcsigned for a clas.s of diseaoes m&n wjí(, nora) and more fatal than auy other tO which the ?opie of this country me subject- those spiínging LV( om a lliíAl cold." That eminent authoriiy, I'r. ell , ajsr "1 wiJl notsay that Coku are toour J anlí what the Plague nnd Yellow Fi-ver are to those I otber countric-s; but I can aver confldently that tíiey 3ber in diseape of greaterJcoiupUcity and mottality lan these latter." , 1 'ïntirely Vegetable. Ifo Alcoholic Prejjaration. DR. HJOFLAND'3 CELEBRATED X 3ERMAN BITTERS I Prepared by DR. M. JACKSON & CO., Philadelphia, Pa. j Í11 effectually cure LIVEK COMPLAIXT, DYtíPEPSIA, X' iUNltK'EjChfonic ür Neivous Debility, iJiscasesol the XV idneya, and all dirieasea ariüiug irum a disordered XVI ver or Stomach. ■ Such as Conátipation , Inward Piles, Fulness or Blood the Htíar, Ac'dily of the Stomach, Nausea, Heart p, jrn, L'isgust for Food, Fuluess or weight in tlie Stombra :h, tjar (ïSinkiog or Flutteringat íhe l'it ema the íítomach, wimming of the ilead, liurrit-d aní aifficult Bifatbing Flutteríng at the Heart, Choking ger ■ tíultbcatitig sensati'-ns when in a lying posture, Dim cou ?ss ot Vision. Dota oí wtljs beforethe sight, Ftver and jjat uil Pain in the Mead, Dcficicncy of l'erpiratiun, Vel wness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Sile, Back hest. Limbrf, &c. Sudden Flushesof Heat, Burningin p ie, ('onslunt imagimngs of evi), and great De' ressioca of Spirits, and will positively prevent YKLHi [V FEVf.a, BILLKÍD3 F EVER, kc. rhe Proprietor in calling the at'.ention of the public i this preparatioji, duerf ao with a feeling tf the utmost JJj jiifidciwe in its v;itueí an adautation to the diseases .,, ir which it ia recor.:mended V It is nonew and uutried article, t)ut on that has AV ,ood the test of a twelvo years' trial bef ore tlie Ameran pt-ople, and its reputation and Baie are unrivalled any similar preparatioHs extant, The teHtimuny i'y ita !avorgiven by the most prominent and well-fcnowD tivsiciaus and indtviduahs in all parts of thfi country is F unt-nse, tind a car ful jierural oí the Alinanac, iy shed annually by tbe Proprietoi, and lu be had gratis any of their Agents. cannot out natisly the most Jf Lpptice! tbatth's remedy U rtally deaerving the great slebrity it hasobtained Ilead tUe EvUlcnre Sü rom J. flewton lirown 7. D. , Editor of the Encydopcdia of Religioun Kvowitdgt. Althongh not dispose-d to favcr or recoramnd Patent edicinea in general, throogb distrust of their ingreienta und eflectR,I yet know oí no sufficient reoson why -rrj rcan may not tetily to the henelit he bplieves himself W have received froin any simple preparaticn, in the ope that hñ may thug contnbute to the bynefit oí thers. Wil Ido this the more readily in regard to IToofland1! 1 íc í erman Bitton1 prepared by Dr C. M, Jackson, ot this um ty, because I was prejudiced against them for yeara, con nder the impression that thcy werc chiefly an hoi ; mixture. 1 am indebted to my friend Robert ShoelaktT, Ksq..for thereraoval of thw prpjudice by proper ;sts. and for encouragcnient to try them, when sutferig from great and long continued debilïiy. The use of iree hottles of these Bitters, at tlie bezinning of tho resent yefir, was followea by evident relief, and JJ, ition toa (]f(creet.f bodily and mental vigor which 1 haii ot feit forsixmonths before, and had almoit despaired f reg&inUtg. I thereforethank Gudndmv friend for irLClingmeto the use of them. J. XEVVTOX IlIiOWN. lead what the eminent Glass Manufacturar, JOHN" H. WHITAIX, says of the BLSAMIC CORDIAL. An) Dr. C II. Jackso.v- Respected Frienl: Haring for a j)ng 'ime been acqaiaied with the virtuus of thy N ( iimic Cordial in Cou. ha. Colds, fnöiimmation of the ungí, Src. I thus fifely bear testimony to its eflicacy 'or se veral years I havt neviïr been without it in my Api imily It alfiogivos me pleasure to state that I have sed it withontire success in the treatment of Howel omplaiut-i. Thy friend trulv. JOHN M. WHTTALL, .. 'ífth Mo. Í7, 1853, Race titreet, above 4th, Phila. JjJ These medicines are fnr sale by all respectable Drup ists nnd dealers in med'cines in the United States, Bntih Provinces, and Westlüdies, at 75 cents per bottle - te ture and get tbc genv.ine, with the signa ture of C. M. AtKSON on fhe wrappfr of each bottle; all others are ouvterfeit Prnci pal Office and Manufaetory, 418 Aroh J treet, Philadelphia, Pa. 820yl on L. , Ar! O. BIiISS 8 now receiving a large and well selected a33orlment Tlli Clecks, Watches. fiWJUUKnmKmi nu nnums h h ini ! üminum irri iiïïï riüi f tnr TTiirrn nn i nu w j ewe l:r y, Silver and Plated Wave, a ev TABLE AND POCKET II Z3 TCJ TT1 Mé -M32 TBT RAZORS and SHEARS, L C3-OLID PE1STS, sp Musical Instruments, String lf Book for Instruments, S IE .EET MUSIO3 COMBS, and a great variety ol t -srvosriEEE ktotioits, sso. (i He would cali particular attentiou to his largo stock of T. SFECTACIiES, ui of Gold Silver, Steel, and Plated, müh ! PEFISCOPE GLASS, l a superior article. Also Huntington 4 Platt's celebrated % CALEN DAB CLOCE! fc auitable for Ofliccs, Countinsr Rooms, fTalls or Dwe'lings. t) These clncks are reliable time kjieper and CalenJar lc coiubincd, and requiic the winding of the time moveal ments only, to secure all the requireil cliangea at nnd night, showing 1hc d:iy of the week the montl and day of the month, inckidin,' the 29th of Fetmiary of Lap J year Iïis goods are mostly of recent purchaso from New York and the manufacturen, and will be sold to " suit the times. Penoni having difficult watches to fit ' with glasses can beaccomodated, as my stoet is large t' anO complete. P. S. Particular attention to the , of all kimls of finu Watches, such as a Mivking and Setting new Jewels, p Pinions, Sttrjfs, and Cylinders. Alto '1 CLOCKS, ás TE'WELIRrZ' neatly repaired and warrantcd, at his old stand oast sideof Main (treet. C. BLISS. ] Ana írbor.Nov. 15, 1881 836t( Uissohition. AOTlCEisherebygiten that the co-partnershtoihit IN herctnfoici-x' tcd uuder the naineand s'yle of John and William Vun lehaden is thia day disaolved by mutual n 1 that alldem .nis duo to and from the and lirm willbe settled by John Vaudehadcn, who is duly authorized to settle k „'g' WIU.IA1I VANDERHKYDEN. Ann Arbor.Aug 2b,18f2. The business of making and selling bnek willbe „ttjij. I carred on a8 usiiM by , srroxjejisr. SsTOI.FN FPOM tbe snbscriber on the Urn n: "Ut, a l,,ht-l,ay mare, about U U haod. high ■I four lei wh'H . wfilU itrlp I tl'f 6e, 10 or 11 yó; s ÓM, her head vc-r.y when tr.ivclhng. Allo i bioktopbniw7,woodfa.ttTe, opn front, do.e'd%eat7n1.mf1ed cloih top, trimmed with gre an yellowdamask, . fadcd, lonK flash, no ptaU, cusl.ion and seat trimmed wilh m,.n colorod cnamledThê"mar, called himself .Umt, ttb. b. l W oriOvears old, wilh lishthair and wluskns and aft mer oU-thes ; he bad a vvoman, cüiU and imll poodle d"!'hb'i'1!'r1o1u!,r.l II bepaid t tbo arro.1 nt the thfefand property, or any iuformation that w.ll lead to heirrecoviry. JOHN BSOWW. Ann Arbor. Aognt,21st, 1B63. Farm for Milc rriIK undeiMgiifd "fors for sale his farm of 52 acre T it„Vt.din PittüttBM bout on mile so.ith of the


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