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■ppb BOOK STORE S' f ■ . J. !i. WEBSTER M . i OjSposllo the .S ''T' kk Nov orr.xiNC, IiIki.ii' Fitoil HT.i'.isnn:.V A.N'U Mmifac.1ureis.:i N.-u ■ :ui ■'. ' .. 1,1 LAW & MEDICAL BOUKS, School Buokt, Miicellancous Honka, lilunk lïooks, dun STATIONBRYt Witll ml Winilow Paper, Drawing an-l Mntliomatlcfll [niltruinenft Muaic, ittVBOlU Ubnvrifti, Enveloped, [iik. ami c.i. -. [:ÍC-j ..--_■' Ij-l_J.-__ ? : GiOIX And all otlier kinds of Prus and Pt'licis '. Wiri.low Cómico, Shaiks find Flxturv, POCKKT CUTLKRY! And 6vory thing pertatnine to tlio tral , :iml more to whickthey wmiUl ir.vit théáttentlon Ol Ü1Q 0'niiilrj'. I couUuctíng onr In.iinss, vr6 bfUdfl nll llmt enn hp il)uo,n(i ttiát no rcunoDiiblir nuin, wotnua or cbild sha il liini uiy fauit . We pOHsesa hCtlltiM wliIcU will er.iiblc us to stippty mr .stuiiHM-s at the Lowcst Possiblo Figures. Wt pTOp(W " -'K t'nr HFAHY I'AY, ata sm;iïl Kvlrantfè. Y Qttptotn profit on öot gföddir, but Cash Sales will Admit of low FIGURES. The "ElfPlnK BoOK Stobb," is mamioii by .1 %om 'crew,' ml tlicy wilï atwuye befounO on 'li1 "quwt"X ck'ck," r'ady .uul willing lo attendto all with pleaurotwto will favor them with a culi. Uemetnber the "Empire Book Store" JAMES R. WEBSTER & CV An Avlior, May,lS60. TJi The Latest Special Dispatch o tbe cKitizens of Ann Arbor and Viciuity ! 1 INTENSE EXC1TEMENT! Uundreds walchivg the progresa of Daily Events ! ! The Federal Ármy agaiii V ictorions! "The Union must and shall be Picscrved !" " There was a man in our foton, He was so wondrous wise"' But with al] hia wisdom, lic wan nof so wise as "ütker man," who when ho wnnteil to buy the The chcapest and hest CLOTHINC! in iJiis viarlcd always jnmped inio G O TTERMAN' & WTCAp QUARTERS! Lur there he knew he always got hi money's f ivortli. Si'eing ia belii'ving and y .m that j itish to ecu come ia ixnd believe. Those that v Min't j,ei' can ff.kl, and as we alwaya make ur ciutomers feel good over good bnrgaini, ' iliey are eapecially uiviled to our ftnxioua , ïefit.that they too mfiy realize "good .t ia for thetn to be witli ua," and liow mach aleasure can be obtained in the enjoyratnt of ' SPLEWDID BARGAIWS ! "Come olí ye tliat nre wcnry and heavy den" - witl) Rotks and we will do ouv best to ( relieve you - giving you in ruiuru tho Jincst ' kind of Goods al the loieestjiyurcs. i Great bnlllcs nre hourly taking place in l.iio C'.utliing lioe - wliole rcgiments of Oassinu-rea. ] VeBtinas, tc are bcing elaughtcred bv Gen, ] Sosdheim - to fit the great ruuli of recruita that are poufing in from every diroction, all anxious to have their carnea enrolled for a NE AT AND TASTY SUIT ! - iuch aa can only bc had at tho Head-Quarters of Guitermand; Co. Oneoftlie firm.Mr. M GuiteSma, hoving just roturr.ed from Evirope with a largo asaortment of Clotlis, CbAimeVee, and n niee lot of fine Vestings, aleo a few piecea of fine Beaver for ovorcoats whu-'b wc will make tip to order in the l'itest style, We feel coniident that we eau atibfy all. STUDENTS Í We are happy to greet you oga'n ït oi:r City.after Bpondingyour vaeatloh with the " dear old folks" at home. Be aasured we wiali you o pleaaiint term, and shall tver bc glad to me -t you at the üld Head-Quarters, rs'o. .5. O Our former custoniTs, wc feel naaured, will cal! on us agnin To you who come aa Btrangera we ivould eay a few words, we wieh you to cali and look at our fine Coat, Puntg, and Vests. we can do bettcr by you than any other h use in llie City, and if you cali and examino our goods, and U'y thcir fita, you will purchase nowherc elüe. pON'T FAII. TO Ou3LXXa js.rr ca-, u. c?, FOK S-A.LE. W. S. SAUNDERS effers liis Homestead For Sale. Will be 'm Ann Arbor the last weck in September, Prioe etmei Terms Can le otitaiñéa f!y calhng at this Office. Oval Picture Frames ALLSIZH8,STYLES urt TRICES just receivort and fortalt chcapat S5CHOFF & MILLEK'S. lS60.Hec.25, 780tf xr M-jaSAEATOGA E M P I K E W A T E Iï FOB. tloa "r Pyijfp!n, Conrttp.iithm, N.tvoih Dpbility, Lona of Appefiic, Comtèon CoWí, 1m r.;-i'R of tlp.i Lang, II' ;i ;:f'ln-, and Kvcrish atitp ol tbo iw'b'y MAYN.M'Ji, HTÈBBIN9 & WIM08 nnd F.BERBAÓII & CO., Aim Albor. 1388. Ayer's Sarsaparilla


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