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HOR AC E YV AT KitiS, ( A G !■: N T 3 3 :í Broa cl w a y , Ne iv ï o v k PubllsUer ol'Mu u amï Mnglc Boolu A.VI DKAÏ.KK !$■ I'i:mns, Molodeons, Alejandre Örgans ürgiin Auconlwns, Martin" eelebrated ind other Guitars, Violius, 'JVrior Viola, Vinlinc.ellos, Accordeons, Flutinae, i Fintea, Fif'es, TrianglesClnrnmjttSjTiining Foiks, Pipes andTiammers, Violm Bowb, iari Siringa, Tlass Instrumente j for Baad, Piano Stools, and cover?, and all kinds of Musical Inbtrunients. ;, ís lx o o t ivr ii s i o, frpm all publuherí in tbs U. B., JferUaTa Huntin's, ati'i M'j.!i-i-!i Schniii, and all kiuds et lastrnctinu Hooks . for the abovo Huttrunxmts; I Uusic Uooks; Muslo ■ily bound; Music p:iler, and uil kiiuU of Uugia -- Mi-luii.iti'Ü.M . At t beLowesi Prices. New IMaiiüs, At L175, $200, $226, $'25().nmlup to $300. Bocoad i Hnnd Pianos froin SÜf 'ip to 100; Nmv Meludoons, $46 v $(0. $75,810", and up to $200; Pecond Hand Melodeons p from twtb$80 Mi'xnndrttOrgaim. wtth fivesUpH, $160, ntncston, 9188 and B926; thirtcftn stops, S550, $276 irnd $SnO; fifteen stops. 1690 um) $;$7.r; A liberal dUooont 'to ciergymen, Churchfcaj enbbatn Schools, Seniin il anl Teachers, The 'lia-ie supptfcd at the usual irado liiscilint a T stimowiul of tlie Horneo Vnt:rs Planos Aitd Mclorlcons Jolm II' weit, of C&rtbagp, New Vork, who lias had oñe of tbe 1 1 'i ici Watt -■ Pianos, writej ;is follon-s: - p ( A fríen'! of mini' wis!:cs me to purcDSsè ji piano fov ]i her. She likes the. om yoii sold me in DeeomVr, 1868, r Mv piano ís becoming popular in ibis pLicn, nnï í thhib I c c;in inWodHie one óï tvó m'ord; thcy wtll be more popular thiin any other rn:ike." :'Vc hare two of Water! Pianos in itso in OffrBemt iitirv, 0D4 of whicb bao boftti Bflverely testdl for thrci yaxs. fl.(l wo can tetilv to their gon rpj.iütv and !! billty."- Woofl ftGregory, .Mwíi Cajrölt, ff!. ■';í. i-v.Y... - Dkatí SïR: Haring ukoO oneof yóur " Piano Fortta fot twoyears past. I lav" fbnad it n very f superior luglrutnntt. Ai.onzo UkaY( Principal BrOoWjfH Kriqh's Srmaianj. u tlThe Piano I reccived frcui you continúes to jftvc saX isfnction. Irsgmftli at oao oftlio besi iuntruments in the in. ■■ ■." Uun U CtAEKB, Chariftton, Va. "The Melüfi(;on lias safely tnfii sd. I feel oblïfjoii to yn;i f.irv imr liberal discount." Bv. J. M. McCoiiMick , Ya'rquesmllcS, C'. "T!io pWno was floly nseelTëtt. Tl cimn in eco!I(-i)t comlition, fiiul is very much admircd by Hay nnm?nr.ií faniily. Accept mv thanks for ynr promptmw.V - Kon;. kt Qootfttj IVArrrnhtwi, Jirntijoe.d Co, F'a. 'YottS piano ploases us weU, It is tho best one in our o couiity.",- TiiOMus A. I.ATil.sM, Camphtllton, Ga. o "We are very mucli obtigod ín ynu fot borvinff fipnt snch a fino inslrument for $'J50." - BbakKjHeld .t Co., F Búfalo Dciticri,;', i "TIns Hornee Waters Pianpfureknoivn ayamontf the s very boirt We uro onablod to wpeak nf tlieso a $ients with eon&denoo; ttout pénroiml knovledge f thoir i excellent tone and durable quality." - N. Y. ICrtinf.H&t. , "We öifl spêak of the merits of tho Ho race Waters a anosfr.ïm pcrsi-.r,;-.! knov.l;'!1, as baing the very finest c qualfy." - Chrhiiav Inttílixfur.; r. : "T-ie ftoraCö Wateta bfttnoimTC onilt of tire best and must thoroughly Rensonw rantertkl. Wte hvre no doubt tliat'ti ■ : -■ wcU.porhaps bf-ttor, at this thnn ut a:iy otiier'.iouse m the linfOJOu" - Advocate nid Jovrnal. YTaters? pianos and meloflcons challenge comparisoD wiih thd flneftl made anyvrliore in the country." - Hornt a Journal c 'Horacc Wateri' Piano T'orlos are of fuiT, rich and even tonc.,aad powerful - N. V. MwicxU Revcv. "Our friendfl wlll flnd al Mr. Waters' store tho very f best asdortmèn'l óf Music and ol Pinns to be fouml in (: I )'■ (Jnited States, and wo nrge our sontbern nn-.l western s frienfla to gíVe him a cali '.vhenever they go to New ê York.11 - Qraham't Magazine. Warchouse 333 Broadway, N. Y. i Sabba th ScTi ooi Bell, 100,000 Issized in ten ïlfonlhs. Tlic unproc'iented ale of thls book bas indnccd th - publtsberto add èome 30 new tunesndhymnstoWa ent rizo1, withoot éxfra charge, except on thchetepedition- Among tbeinany beautïful tunes andhymrw i -A- mny be found:- 'I nught to lovr my inothcr;" "OÏU be a good child, indeed Iwill." Theand BightoihSrs from theRcll,wero smic;;,i HJeSundy 8chool Bary f tho M. E. Church ;it tli Ac.idfeiny fff Muslo, with gréat applanst TIn' Bell ftör tkïtw nfrairïySOOtcinêsaiSi Bymn,and isone of tho best collectionfl everissued. r Prioa lüu; $10er hundxed, pustage 4c Elegnntly bound, c ed .rilt, -."".■ $20por 100 it halbeen thtroduced ï loto many of the Public S?i ls. Tbf : e '. is [Hililisheil in rnwl! fttnaabCTB eittlttófl Aiim: vBraaryandSunday School Music Boohs, Noa. 12, ',k 4, in order to accnmiriortate the mlltlon; price 52 & $3 per ( b?undred No. & will Boonbe Utiued - eommencement of i .in. 'Uier book. Also, Kevival Mttsic BooksrNo.J m, pric $1 Jfc S2 ppr 100. poatage lc. More tha.i 300,000 copies of the above books havo been issued the past j ekfhteen monthsj and tbe iojnaod is rapídly iDcrenaingPubliahed bv H0RACÉ WATERS, Agpnt, 333 lïroadway,X. V. Publised by Horace Waters Nu. 333 Broadu-ay, New York Vocal "Kind Wonís can nevtr die;'! lTl.e Angels told mfi so;" "Wiidfl ofihe Wist-' 'ThoBghta oföotl?1 '!iv.- me back mv Mountain Home;" "!iy Preáms;" "Iiandy CVick Kobin;' 'Tm wih thee siill; "Petnatnes;" "ffhere'sno darUog like mine;" "Saiah JÍD0Íe;"" Ever of thee;" "l'm Leaviottihee in Sorrow;" "Bird of Iieauty;" "Uome o(nur birth;" "Grave cf Kosabcl,' uid Wrrl(i', b"ly. wnlif.,' pnce S&taoa. ISSTKl'MENTAï,- ' 'Palacc Garden, or Pfngtng Bhrcl Polka.' 40c: "Swinging Schottíache;" "Miraopi Pchot, .', .! Th ornas Brt?" SchotttWhflí' "Pfccoloraini Pblka',36 'cr,, ....:.. rh abovírharelgautiful Viii.'itec "Welmer 1'oiUa;" "ArADTHu . w-W-HB -, the V'-fy Hst: "V:i.--ivi:niiia Do]iaU ::izurkri; "lïe (. iiia;' "Crinoline Wultz," ana "Lanoei1 Qub I "iï - . t"1h Empire of lïeich's Qtmdrilla;" a I dtilte,'36oeacb; - -...hiitf." Stéaaofc npw ""f%1 an1 lllC llllwl'nian -i oï' these M ?re F111?? y et '3 celeünu largo lot of Foteïgn ilusit; at half prfcfl. piano?, Jlelodeoiis and Organs The Horöco Waters Pianoa and MclódeonSj for depth, purily of tnne and duribility. iré nsurpassed. Trices vexy ïo;v iecond Hand Raaos and Molodeona from $'2; to $150. Music and Mupic&l instruotlons of all kinds, atthe lowest priecs. HOBACE WATERS, Agent, No. :■:.) Broadway, N.T, Testimoniáis; - í:Tlie ïlorac; Waters Pianos aio known as among the very best.' - Evangelist. - ■ v . ■■ . ui .s)it'.lc of thcir intMitB from perumial kuowlerige." - ChrUUon Inttlugcnccr. ltNothinfrat tho Fair Jisplayed greater exceDence -"- Churchman. Waters1 Pianos and Meloieona challenge comparison . with the Unest made anywhvrcia the country1 - Home .laurel, 71ítf ÏOOMISC TRIP2P, Succes sors to , Chapín & Loomis.amiCbapin, Tripp A Looroií F rilHE above nrm of LoomlsJk Trlpp having purchaset JL the entire Interesi of tnl f-niner companies wit ' coc tip ue, business at theold stands, whero they wil! i rêady, u the shortest notice, to ËU al! orders in tht ' lino of Castings and Machiuery, 1 In the nat wortttrtaallke mannr, nnd on as libera térms aa any niher hhnp ja the State, Amongthc vari ons articloímanufatítured by us, we iroüld ecumerate STEAMÊNGJNES of all kinds; Mili Geaziog and Kixtures, wroughtnnd caat; all the rarious c;itinf;? for making and repairlng If orse Powers & Thrcsliing Machines sucli as are at present, ov have formyiiy been in use in this prut of tlie State, as well n-1 = ■ 1 1 the noioufl kinds t casHngq and machina worit oalledforby Garmerv jBuñ mcclianirs iothiti tctiou 9] the eouniry. of ali the varinuii patterna, up In sizesaurl prices. will be lii'i-'constantly 011 huud, got the mobt modern and improved sïyles. Thankful fox fonnor patronage to the oM firms, we woulíi Bolícít i contlnu&QCQ from old frienclH}and atria] by all winning foranvthing in our Hn'eof busim tw. LOOMIS tz TR1PF. Aun Arbor.May 18 th, 1859. 697if TIIRESHING MACHÍN ES. p.vtkx n:n and MA.i:K.i:iri{KD uv Nichols & Sheppard, Caltie Creck, Mich. 5 Improvedfor the Season of 1862 In this Sepftfator tlie graln is separufd from tfae iira by meftnfl of liftingflugers, thai ts the-ntiuw up and (Jiiwn wiili affuddctl rnotion from the time it leave tïie rylinOt-r untíl Í' l ' "■ 'lis Ït hrongh ie bottaro nmdo oí alats, olear fron) tlie nrnw. partfl cootajpicg these lingora aud the tiiit firaiu I bUom.are.made f" vi.brat .r ;" swrng b"ackTarq and f07vvlii-i1, whtch works tho Btraw lo tue RtucKer and tho grainiotbe piévcs T)q tuipenority uf this machine over all oiher con; il i 1 in ts Püpfeot . itjii i" 'ii; ie n of (■ rain tvoiii Btnlw, 6rHt sfaoplicltj , li:i ■■' "-. dó ptckói e 01 ln-atera to clog up.iTiiUi-.s moohinery th.m any other machino aow made. Greal wooeïty, rtiltriU noi waste irhen crowded, Perfeoi oteaner, havinf? fargor Bel ven than any other. Easy drali . betti oooktraotodj Rimplo and durable, Pcnnsylviuua Jron llorse Power. a' Wurranted to be lUe bs( Ifn-" Powot in use. Made '■''■ with wood 01 ïron fniíní a prcttmii ]';i niMT.' and Threshe i Micbfgan.1 We offei you theBESt MACMINK1NUSK. Bette: thu-i'i U', Öall'a Powlerrille, or any m ichfne 'milt on thelr prinolplea If yon inti.'ii! buying a machine of aojr kind e! a nftnvphle&of u r OucAfft-nt, huJ .sui-ïy } irr-ell", - Pamphlot sent f:ee. Ciill and sce, rtv nd Iress NXCIIOtS & SHKPPARP, 1 IViltl'' Creek, Mtchi (ïr M. BOftïSRS, oi MVi:o. kasii, Agenttf, Ann Arl.01 lof I. V. Wakbman, ilzí nt, Dejtter, S."üin3 Moncy to Lend. r(".N FURNTSÏ1 MOKEY on rrnsonabïe 1erms and long Uma cnoodKatm ecnriT.-. r W, M iTÏGAN. Ann .WW, J-i. 9rttr


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Michigan Argus