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GREAT.GREATER GREATEST ! BARGAIXS EVER OFFERKD ! 1859. jLf) ' 85Ö. ! In tli ï 5 City, are uow being offereil ut the CHEAl'.CLOCK.WATCII, & Jowelry StoreTHI Subscribir wou ld any to thecltizaiMOl Ann Arbor. i- particlllnr, and Iho rcM ot Vnlitcnnw : Ountv in cunrrnl. tiini hehnsjiut IMFOKTKO PIRECTLY from KUlïüPK.a Trcmendous Stock of Watches! All of whithhfl bindsliimeolffosoll CHE A PER than can be boucht west of New Yor!t C'ty. Opnn Fncu Cyliulér Watchcs trom 86 to 810 dn do liever do do H to 21 IlUntiOg Citen Ho do do 14 to 35 dn do Oylindcr do do 9 to 26 ; fiold Wntüliej frotl 20 to 150 I hare Ido tne CELE BR ATE I) AWW CAN WAT CHES, wlilch I wlll en ttr $35. Erflry Vv atfh warrantfd to perform weli, or tbQ inon.iy retundcd. CJocke, Jcwelry, i'lnted War", Fancy Gooils Gold tVn, Minien l Instruments and rfi rings, Cutlery, fcc, and In fnrt a vnrirry of evcry hint' niiaiiy fcrpt y Jowel'irs can bt: hnught for the next nincty day nt vuf O W N PRIOE8I Pernoiin buy it)r aiiythinfr nt thts wpII known pftab liahine ril enn r"ly upon gctting good oxnct'y as popresenfd, orthrniny refunded. Cal!(irly nd secure the best bnrnina ever oflered in tlii City One word ín regarfl to Repairing : We nre preparnd io mnkn nny rnnnirs onfirift or conv non Wau.-hos, vpn to mkinec er the cntlre watch, f npceflsnry. RfpHirfni of Clocks ftpd Jc.vp'ry as usual. Aló the manuractarlnff of KINfí. IlROOCiïS, or auytliiriff tiet tred, tromCnlif-irma fiold onshnrtnotlcp. SüOfmTlPff in Hits branches '?x;rnted withneat ijff and dispatch. J C. WATT?. Anu Arbor, Jn. SPthfPüff. 7Líw Important National Works, Published by I). AFiLKTON fc CO., 34G AND 348 BROADWY KEW YORK Thr followïng wniks are sent to Subscriben ín any part of üw country , (upon reccipt of retail price,) by mail or exprodft, prepaíd: TUK PífcWAMKKlAN CYCTOPJTDT A ; Á I'opub.r Iiic:licn:ry Of QCDOn 1 Knowfedgfl. Kdjtod by Gko. Kiri.i:v and Ciurudb á., ajded bj a Duraoroof scloct corps of writer 5 in all branches of SciCnoos. Ail nn'l Literatnre. Xhía vork ís bdiog pvbUbjdln aboul 16 large bctaVoTolumc8,óach(Kmtáining 750two-columo pages Vols. I., II., III., IV. V., VI., Vil.. VIH.. .V IX. are now n'iuly, 'icli eontatnlng Bom 2.500or{g1na1 art i i additional volume will be published once in abniit three mniitlis, Price.ia Cloth, i'; Sheep, $3.50: Half Hussia, $4.50 eucti. The New American QyclopsediA is popular without beiii siipcr!ici;il, loftfDtd wjiliout lH.MUg podan tic, '■cmnr pcnsiTi bul su ilición tly detaíled, (Vee from personal pique tinl partj' prejudice, fresh and vet accurate. It i a complete sta temen! c.f all that is knoivn upon pvery important topic withïn the scope of bum.-in infIligooct-. - Every important nitk-le init bas been Bpsetally wntlen for lts pagMby raen wlionre authoritkn uptin the topic on trbtcii tlipy ápeak. Thoy ate requlreato bring the subject up to the present moment: to state just hor it tniids nmo. AU the sintistical inforniation in Iroin the latent reporta; theg(oiraphical accunN Icttep ]ace with the Latant explora tlonfi; historical matters includc tlie freshest just views; the biographioal notices jds alc nol only of thedead but alsoof the living. It is a hbrary of tself AIÍR1DGKHIEXT OF THE DEBATES OF COXGRESS petóg ft I'olitical Jlistory of the United StAtes, from thfl orgiinizntion ofthefirsf Federal Con&TQRB in ÏT8" to 1850. Ëiitedand compilcd by llon. Tuo.;t HKNTON.rniin fhe Official Records of Congross. vork ifïU be compïetod in 15 roval octavo voJuipos of T5Ü pages eachj 1 1 [' which "are now roady. An adtlitifi'iitl volume will be publiábed oöco In íhríemontíis. Croth$S Uw Shaep, Half Mor.. $4; Hall Caif. si.50 each. AWAYoriM:o(;niiXiiTiii:cvcLOP.i;iiAoi:ni;BATi Fono a "lub of tour, and remit the priceof font bobks, and Üve copies will be sont at thoromitttr'a expenwefor :■ tor ten Bubscribeiw, etev) 0 OÓTfcs will bf sent at our expense for carringe. To A;'fi:ts. Xo othr work will bo Libonlly reWardtht exertions of ygeutfl. AM AGIMT wantiïd in THE! COÜMTÏ Term 6 madf knowö on applicatfon to the Publishera. Ann Arbpr, Maicb. 6002a jnt -i Hev. TnOa. Wnium, agoat at Kiuno A: Smiibs Book Store, Ypsilantf. Blackwood's Magazine AND TUK Iirilish lïoviews. GREAT JDi:O-LllEXT-SLTBSGBIBE! PREMIUMS and REDUCTIOfllS. CSCOTT SCO., NEW TOBE, continu to puMWi tin. followinir ïeading Iïritish Perodicais . vi. : 1 TUE I.OM'.OX QUARTERtY (Cous-rvative). 2 THEEDINBUUGH REVIEW (Wliie). 3 THE NORTU BB1TISH RRVIEW (Ktce Churcb). üSSIEK REVIEW (Liberal) 5 BT.AI :■. r,'(?Op'S ! DIN'CVRGH MAGAZINE (Tovj). Tho present ritical state of European arfair.i will wihKt these publications unusually interestipg durin è furtlicoiiiing veiir. Tliey wiil occupy a niiddle .....L:!'1". audfiyin, rumor, 1 ? -Uuly Journal, and the ponderoua 7..,.;j ilf the Tnf ufe historian, wi itftcr tin: Uring interest aml excnt-uIC"1 tne greal political eventa of the time sho.ll liave passeii awny. ï' u to these Periodfcala that readers ma-t look for the onlv i-L'j,lly inteltitcible and reliaMo hiAtory of currtn' oventa. ánd As t icb in adxU'tiQn to their weU-labliahed literary, ,seier.titic. and theologicnl chnrac'er. we urge „hem upon t!n.'C"n-i'irraiion of the readinc Dublic. The receipt -of Advmirc Sheets Trom tiie Ünti&h publishers gtives addittonal valué to these ïïeprints, ibattsDttchasthey canoow be placed in the hands ot Bub&crtb6rfiubut as soon as tbe original editions. TËRMS. (Regular Piices ) Pet DDi Foranyoncof the four Reviews, - - - i For nny (wo of the four Rt-views, - - - J 0 " For any threo of iIjo :our Heviews, - 7(0 For all four of the. Reviews, 8 00 For Black wood s MAgasine, - - . - 30' Kor Blackwood and one Review, - - - 5 0Í1 Kor Blackwooa and two Keviews. - - 7 00 I'of tUacUwoodand three lieviewa, - . - 900 Kor Blackwood and the four Reviews, - - 10 00 Mwicy currtnt in the State whirt issutd wiil be receiced at par. PO STAG E. The PoSTAgk to any part of the United Ptatcs will be but TWEily-i"ur C-nts a ve;ir tor ' Hla-kvvood .'' aii'l but Fourttciii Cents a year for each of tbe Rcviewg, At Mie abore prices the Periodicals will be furnished Qrl86S, AND AS A Prenilinn to New Subscribers, iLi Ns of the samel'eriodic.tls for 1SC0 willbefurnishea oomplete, without addiiional charge, Unlike tbc HiMfi'inerjtl Magazines of ilie day, tfae&e Pe'.ladicalHloselittlu by ae. Heuct, a futí year of the Xos. lor lhttO, may be regarded nearly as valuablt au for 182. Subsoriben wUhiog also the .N'os. for 1R6Í, will bo si] plled at tbe tollówing estkemei.y lowkates. Rplondid Offers tbr 1860, '61, & '62 Togcthcr. For Hlnckwood's Mngazine, the three years, $5 00 ?or nny one Review - - ' " 5 ' 0 Forany nvolii-viows, ' 8 00 Foï Blacbwooil and onelïovioWj #: " R U0 For Bhictwo'ocl and two Reviews, " ;( 12 00 Portbjreo Review! ..." " Jl 00 Kor BJackwooTJ and three Reviews, H W t'O For the four Heview.-, - - " " 13 00 Kor Blackwood and tbe tour Ravfews, " 17 00 Anyr.f abovoworks will also be furnished to JVe Subscribers for the y ut 18."ii-i ( g, and '.', At üne Huif the Regular Öubscription P rices. Th us a New Subscrihrr xniy obtaïn the Reprints of tht Four Keviews and lilackwood. Seven Consecutive Year for $37 !! ! Wliicb is but little more thün the priceof tho original vrorks fonne year. As we shall nover again be Hfcety to offer sucb induce jticnt". is LhosQ ber present, Tí ow is the time to Subscribe Í ! E Hemittances must, In all casts, be made dfypct to Uu Pubiishers, for at theso prices no oommiuioa caa beallowudto ugent. IJ'OXAKOSCOTTeo. No. 54Cïoldstreet New York Ann Arbor Marble Works. O II AS on hnnd ;v fine aortnient of Americati and 1TAL1AN MA li B L i. whichhcis prepared to manufacture into tiONU KP', -■"%:- MENTS. II F. A I) ' , íbS=4fS STOSES TO5IB yfïjlSSu 'lïf- TABr'ES n ntltUeir Tarielto,nd '-U a WOKKMAXUKE raannor II:niir_' Iful coDHiderblo ctperience in the businou tUfiéU '"-;:- he uill be able tu pléanc all wlio may'favor me with llieir orf'cr?. Ilis pricet To W AS THE LOWEST. thowe wislilnti any tliiDg in my lino are respeetfuU o cali ü. p. liATCHEI.nER. Ann Arlmr. May i0. 1S61. 80HI TO LET. rpiIR BRICK HOUSE anO lïarn iiow ocQupied hy Olney I Ilawkfnn, K i ., no Detroit htre;t, Ann Arbor, ponwesslon given thf.1-t of April. AlaOACVoral Ptoies and rooms ín ÏIiicIioz'r Ülock to t tofpop stcady tonnafs ain rcry low rcntjimnedEate posBession eiven. Inqinreof I,.R. TÏI7CHO7.. Ann Arbor March 0R. lRfil W5ff


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