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AYEE'S Sar sap ar illa FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. Aiiil for tlie spiicüy ctuo of tho foltowlng crmiphilnt: Escrófula umi Sciofulous AfTcc-t ioittsucU aa Tumors, ÜTccr, Sores, Eiuptlous, l'implcx, PU'Sl'nlCÍ Klote 11 s, lioils, liluins, and all SUin Ulsenttcs. Ouíi.ank Indi. Cth Jitne, 1S59. ,1. C. Ayer & Co. GentH : I Rwl It my dufy to acknowiedge what yonr Sarsaparilla has done lor me. lliuin Inltcrttml i Scrofuluus infectfon, I linve Buffered froin it 11] waya fur years. Banvllmw it btirst out In Ulcera on my banda and anns; QomeUiucft it turnad Inwint! nnd cilstfcMed me t the tttomnch. Two years ago H bioke out on my hond and covered niy Knip mi l aun uiih one non, uitten tras imiurul and ioathsonie bayoiid dvsciipUon. l fcriwl many medicinen mul severnl phyfllclaii, bilt without innen relief fnun any lluiif;. In fact, tlie dltiyrder grew tvvi'se. At leugtli 1 wa rejoicetl to reud itt tbo Uoftpel ülewwnger thut, yon luul preparad an ;iltL-]itivo (S;irsuiinniO, t'r I kiiew from your reputation uny tliinu' yO0 lunst good. 1 BMlt'to C'iti. iinni i :ui. n.,t it, mul u.-l il lilL il. :ureil urn. I took ili us yon ndvlise in (tnuül duseit pi a teaupoouftil overa moiith. nri'l tisu-it utmost Miren botftcs. New and liealïhy skin Boon begnu to Ibrm uudor llie scab, wTilcu fter a whilo fvll off. My skin is how deftfj and 1 know by my fculiugR (li:.t (hu distase Juta uon froiu ïnv Rystcm. Yon can weil beUnyé tbat I réel wliat I run tnyiiig wlien 1 teil yon, tlint I li-jld you to one vï tbe apositos vï tlio agf, aud lejuiün eVer gmtul'ully. Youn ALFKi:l 11. TAMJ2Y. St. Anihony'y Fiic. R ov Krynipelntn, Tltvv niid Snltldinun, Sald 1 1 , ;ul , Kilyvouu, feoic JïyvSf Üioysy. Dr. Kotert W. PivMe wj-ltes from Salem, . Y., 12ih Sopt., ÏS59, (hut ho Iwa cu red an invetérate cuso of Droptg, wlik-h threaWnod tu termínate futully, by tbo persöTetlng hbo ofour 'irs.pnri]!íi, anü nm ■■. dtmnrouê Mo.ligna.nt BrysipelctB hy laro doses of tlio sanio; naya ho chips the coinmon Erufttirm by it constant Iy. Bronchoctlc, Goltre or Swellert JVccIc. SSetmlon Sloitii of P rrwect, Taxaa, tritc: "Tilica f t - tien f yftiir BanwpHvillacnred mo from n, Gaüns - n hldOoiis Bwelllng on the nackwlüdi 1 hnd niOered fiotn over two yiiii.-."' Ieucorrlkwn or AVlilícs, Ovnrinii Tumor, Utvrinv Ulccrutlon, lVinul Uiscascs. Dr. J. B. S. ClinnniiiR, of New York City, writt's ; " I most élieerfblly comply wltii (lio i oqnosj of yonr agptin FaviiiK I liivo foiitui ynnr BnnftpnriUa a ñioft excollent alterativo in tlia ntmterom txni]1afntfl for wlileii wo employ sncli a i'omedy, bnt emteclully in fkmaU Diseases of tlte tSCiofuloui dlallieflla I Imre cured inany invetérate cases of RaiftoirTfOfa ty it, aml oonw wlioro tit coniplalnt iH cajised 'y wtoraíumojrilie uterus. TIn? ulici-atioi) ltself was Boon en red. NotliiiiR wllliiii my knowletlo eximís It for tlieno femnlo U-rMiiRT-niPiits." Kihvnrd S. Mfinow, nf Nvwitiiiy, Aln., writcs, HA dnnjxerons ovarían tumor oi ono of tlio fcinales iit niy fatnily, wlilfh bad doñml nll tlio remedies wo oonUt tmplov, )ins at lenptli bMn oomptotety ciired ly your Bxtnict of SarSfipaiiiln. Our pliypiciun Uiongk-t noihlngliM extirpatton coulil uflüi'] relief, l;it bo ndviaed the trial of jour Sarsnpai ltn ns tlm futí rffsoft befo're cutllpg, nnd it proved t'fTectiifil. AHor lfiktiiLyonr reinciiy t'lght wnkfl uo symptom of tho di' ■■■■,- retnnliUa" iSyphilis mul IIcrcurinl Disenso. Nrw Onuuws, 25lli Auguot, 1S59. Dr. .T. P. Atkh : Slr, T eheoiTully coniply wIMi tlio roÏnfltt of ymrKont, nnd rrtpoft to ynn bouio of tho eiïecU bnve reaJIned with your Siirapnrltln. 1 havo cnrcd with it, in my practico, most of tho complnhitR fir whii-h it ii recominênded, nnd hare lutind lts effüctfl tttily 1 (Hl In lito rmo of Vnwntl and flfereurial uttéate, Onn wfmy pullen M hml 3y pit Hl tic nloora In bis Lbrpat, vhlcli were consamliig hls (mlnte uid tho top of M htMiUr. Vour Pnrpaiilln, stcndily taken, curad bim in livo wei'k-. fktfctdMu by secomliuy syinptonis in hh now, nmt Iho idouratioB liad eaton away n considerable part ({ il, so tbat 1 Iwlieve tlio ui.iri]er wunld rwn reach bis bnttn iitid ktfl Iifm. lint it ylelded to my admlnitralion of your 8nraiiATiUat tho ulcers liéaied, und be i well ngalu, uotof ooyrqe without somo dl8flgiiftttkm to !iis i;K-i. A wontan who bad leen trented for tlie tiiiineJieonIer by mertury was niffiirln from tbis pnisou in lier botie.i. They htiil bccomo so nensitivo to tbc nreather tbnt on a dump dity he Buflqred exri uriatinif pain in her jolu'ié nnd bones. Sho, tro, was ruieil oiiliiely y your Cfarsoparlllft in n few weeks. I ktion from it foraiuln, irlilcli yonr agent íívo me, tbnt tbiar riepiinitiDti from yoiir lnboratory muit 6e a great remoily ; conse(uently, thmt tmly rucmikiiblü reBUttl wit li it Uave nut muih j - ■ - ■ l ine. h' ruten ml Iy yoins, G. VI LAMMER, M. D. Rhemnatlsin, Gout, 1.1 ver Contpinint. JlflUPKNDÍNQ Preston Co., V&, 6th .luly, 1850. Dr. J. C. Arca: Blr, I havo been atpicted iih a pninful cltfoirk Itlteumatism for a long time.whith hallled tho skill oí' physitins, and si nek to me In .pite of nll tho renietiii-s 1 conld liiul, iintil I ti ieil your BtJWparilla. Ono bottle cured mo in two wc-vka, nrnl rmtored my general liealtli so mii'-li tlmt J a in fur bettêr than bcioie I wna attiickcd. 1 Iliiuk it a woudeiiut niedkluo. J. i'KKA.M. .Tules Y. GetciieM, of St. Louis, wiitvH: ; I havo leen nftlicted for fêan wltli an aflccUon of the. Lira-, wliich ileslmjeii my heallh. I tiii"-l e'vcry tliinir, mul evi-ty fhlng fitlled t') relieve me; nnd 1 bavq heen A hrolien-down iium for so ni m -:i:s firöui no otlier cause tlian dcraitgaatnt qf Vit I.ivtr. Mv Ix'liivrtl paotor. tho Itev. Mr. Kspy, advlsed mo to iry youi1 fruiHpn i illa, hecausn be snid ho knew yon( and aoy tlitne you uuulo was wortli ir.vini.-. ly Uie bm iiif; of God it bus cured me, aud has so pnrified my blood as to malta a mf fimii of mo. I fi-cl young agaln. Tho best tbat can he suid otyuu is not bulf good enougb." Sclilrrni,Cnnccr Tumor, Kitinvgcmnit, I icciiiiiiiii, Caries and Ai'oliu t ion of tlie liones. A great variety ofenses Iiarobcen reporied to nshero euros of theac forinidiihle complalutfl lmve resnlted from tli '- uso of thiii reritely, bnt our spnro lieve will nöt ailinit tbem. tfoine nf tlteui inay he tVnunl ín onr Ameiiran jAtmanac, u'blcb tbo agenta below named ara plcased to finnisb giali to ill who ca!l for tïiem. Dysp psin. Ilrnrt Disenso. "Fif s, Ipilcpsy, .Hclaiuhoiv. Neuralgia Jliiny ronuukahlo flirts of ÜiOSA nnVrtiuus hnvo been made by the alterative power of tbla medicine, It pUmo lates thu vital fiinclions into viorous net ion, aml tlms ovorcoiues diönnltTd wbicll wouhl he supposeil beyond its reach. Such a bas loiif; been rt qtiiif il by tho itLbessltles of the [wople, und wo are coufideuf tliat. tlils will do for tbem nll tlmt medicine cali do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, ron Tin; itAní) CURE ov Conlis, Colíls, Iiifluriizn, ITonrscnes, Croup, IIioiithltlH, Incfplent ons tim pt ion, iim! for lïir Uk 1 U f of C'onsuinpt i ve Patients iu m1vaiicc] Stnges Of tlic i) i -case. Tilín Ís a rC"' íiO univeisally knowu to nnrpass any Otbér for the eme 6 üVC?! ftnd n pWpti tlmt it Ib uboIcss beie to publish llie evldence C. !'s " '4 , nnvniled excellence fór coúglis aüd colds, and its tr!'iy wonderful cttvea of pulmonnry disease. iiüTC niftdc it known tlirongliout tlie cfvlllzed nntionu of llie Óaütoj'cw q íc pommnnKfes, or even faonlies, nmong tlum wlio liavo not. sotue pï-v&cnn experienre of itHtflefts - some IMng tropby. in Ibeir niidst of its victory over the -Min aud dangerooB disorder. of tbo tbrontand lufigfL - ■ "ifnl fiitalitv of these ilisorderf, nnd As all know the %u.; - -omedy. e need not as V know, too, tho efleetsot nn . . vir, do moro than to aa.::C Ill'" tbnt it bas now u ...- tues tlmt it dW have when making IliC cureH which have won so stronply upon tho confídence of mankiua. Propared by Dr. J. C. AYEE u CO., LoweU, Masa. Au l i ■! ate oy DIaynard, Stebbins & Wilson, r.IiIl.Xï, bllÊLEY & CO., Detroit SuOyl J II. liURKlLL, Travellinp Agent. NEW COODS Por the Spring, 1862. MAGK & SCHUD Woutd respcctfully annouacc to the Citïzens of Washtenaw and adjoining Countios that we aro uow reotivlng Direct from the E a stern Markets} A full atd complete aupply oí Staplo xaa.c3L Panoy DRY GOODS, Ladies' & Childrons' Shoes, GKOCERIES, CIÍOCKERY, Sc. Purflïarèd'by one of ourtirïh for casli,and ootwithsiandicg tho hard timop lyeahaü continue to Acid Week! y Addïtions To our stock in order To Accommodate our Cnstomers! witheverything thcy may need toa;k for. Ati'l iré will fhrtbor pledge ourselves to sell as ctionp AS TIMES VILLrERJIIT ;infi w]ïch is alvayn as -A.S 31.OW as tlie Lovest. At the Mm timp wehopoour frlends nml cuttom en wlllbat la rain'l thát the times cumpel us to sell our fjodds For Cash or Ready Pay. Ann Artor, Mnrcli 88, 1881 S15tf Fruit ajid Ornamental TEEES, A.T X.O-W PEICES. riHESUBSCIUBERS ftre nw preparóí to rèeclrc ■"- X al! kindi i i' Fruí! tinl Ornamental Treej Slirubs H:ints, Ploner nn! Vmos of pvi : v apiCTlptlou ii ty. rn the VM of IS ix' and Spriqg pf i' - We li.ivc a largo stock uow gr-owing, nvike hirge tmportntlons froin timo totimoas wants of the country dera&nd. Wi thcin.-1-lvcs ar"(uainti-tl willimir racilil i(!s for ilmngbus,nri; bfloro piircIwisiliK el.'cvvherc. ïl'e warrant ii.ll vu. rietips to lo truo to mnio, nnd tn bc viRurous and i LciuH-ns. AÜop'n"nimicationi will bi-promptly rtspontlcil to. Ouir olBoeiii in ■ ricuUunil Üetroit st.. Ann Arböf, SfiüS . DoBOI.S, CAKH & CO. Ann Arbr, St,


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