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The Political Campaign

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-Id is a rcnialkable f:ict that wlnlu the country is engagud in a tprriíie nat, tlfi profesan! irters of the adininistratinn have dnven tlio poepte of tho Nortb itrto a political cainpain, and this peaceful buttle is now oceupying a lar-go por! ion of the public at'.ontinn, oven to til e ex clusion (if ;i trrer, t deai of interest in the prégrejg of tl)O war. lint a most retnarkable fact tlian tliis mnnner i:i which the oátupaign is progressing. A refcreneo to the platlorms yf tlio two great p.irties, whidi we keep staoding beforo tlie ejes of our reader, shows no great diversity of views ïn tlit! two. and yot tliere is tliia vast differen'óèj that while the Democratie platform tanda on the Contitution and the luw, recitiiiL the rcsolution of Conreas :is the doctrine of the war, the Republican plan i.s the military aboliiion schsine, wliieli is subversivo of Oonstitution and iavv, aml which is based wholly on the anctriae of absolute nionarehv as the result of a state of war. Tlia content is earried on nor witliweaponssuited to the two views. On the one skii; grand principies, oíd tiuths, long tried and trustwnrthy doctrines und prácticea are mintainetl and urged wit'i thundcrous effeat. The conservatri ve artillery is the saine fliat wa-i Uiuil by ÏV:whingtpü and bequeathe3 by him to tiie uation ho lovcd. for tliciir ilul'enoe ia jmt suüli times as Bil :S9. The conservativo torees are re lyiiiir on th ■ 'i wedpOna, and their newa paper?, orators and advocates conti at theinselvos with the use oí grear. trut lis, Boble arguuients, A'iieriean principies The radical sido of tho conteat ismain tainud solely witli tho small liro "f calling ñames, personal abuse, and billingsjato. Tlie contrast is so great as to leave no doubt of tlie result. The radical party do not pretend to have any principies, or to meet the C'insií vative fire orgumenta or with truths on theirside, They di.-uhaifl a voi)i:y of bullets labelled "ti'ai'ii:," "rebel," " sesession sympa tbizer," and the liko, at the oonservaiive hosts, and then hide their heads, in üh'iiua, partly at their own small Bre, and partljr to escupe tho robouud of their bullets, vyliieh aro u this oontest Hignally given tn slaying thoae ibat dJHehaige gheni. Bfers and there a small moa, who is of 06) importanee il lust, and of so little account that he may by Lis insigniticance escape being annihilited for his impuderioe, is4eployed to Ore tho " rebel and iraitor" buffets nt sonie prOniinout gtiitesnwn on the conservativo sido So tlio conicst s g"iiig on - and it is un actual ftict that the fato of Neiv York, nnd of the country, is in a gijeat rneaaure dcpeudcTit on the questfon wbetber t lio mere cry of " traitor, ir.iifor! " can driva off tbe defenderá of t lie Unioa and Constitution. The present prospeot ia, that by tlio day of' el'-otion tihere wil bot bc? left a corpor.-il's gaart] of tbe radical pai ty : tlie jndignatioii of our patriutin men s waxiiig uoi, üiid tlio grand "Id principies of oonserV.ilive Amcricans are tlioasauds 011 t!)us;inds of BupDprterri f rom tlio ran';g of t fit# unoinies of ! the Constitución. IVfen of honor md linucstv ;r asliamed t.o bo rankod witli tlie hw (lefaiiiers of our conserva ti vu citizons, generáis and soldiers.- -Journal of Commerce. f1'rf?" Every (oHíer shixild keep in his kii:iwa,'! h o:inl inscrihed witli Ú4 lull name nnd addrosa, conipnny :md in owlnr that I' suddouly Civind (I rr killed, tlwro muy 1) nn Jilliciiltv in ik'iiiifvinv him. Muny puur (totdiorfl li:ivu die'l without any methotl í knowinjj whn thty were, so w lo -Miprise tbbk" f'iioDds.


Old News
Michigan Argus