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Report Of The Horse Show

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rnisï DAV. Tho ontried fcr tho fiist dny were confinêtl ld tho pr'omium for the (statest (rotter in Vahtenaw Countv, irréipèClive of :ige or sox, best 3 in 5, premium $10. cnti'ies fo the above premium wjbi e : B. 6 icon, Ann Arbor, named bl. s. Heiiry Clay, n yr old', 1) G-.crn, uamed c. n Oavy, 0 yr oíd. F. llooper., Ann Arbor, named b. m. Lady i i ■ ■ --." p, 1 yr n!(l. Dr, llurd, Ann Arboi-, nained'c. ;;. Whalèi yr, oKl. ■I. Ötaykweather, Sfpsilanti, named c. m. Molly .S'a:), 7 yr oíd. F. Huwkins, of Ypsilanti, entered protet ogíúnst iho entlies made hy IJ. .■, thi: j i.l.'s Bustfttöcd the pro test hik! jJavy wus witlidi'avvn. Tlie holmes wero theii assigntd lat (..- afuliovvs: Lady Hooper lst, Uénrj Clay 2d, Molly Bturk 3d, Wbftleböoe Kb. st Heat - Tl:e horses went ott very woll touthcT, Hcnry Clay so(n gainod tlio polt! and kept t with apparent oase dniing thu heat, coming to tho oro in 3.05 and winner of the heiit, Ljidy Hooper '2d, Molly Stark 3d, Wlialcban e 4tb, 2d Heat. - TIiü hoi'sefl iliis tuno gat 0 vui'v iiue -tait llcnry C'ay taking l!io l'.'ad and keepiny il d uring the heat. Mollv Staik md Lady Hooper hotly coatesting for the second posiu'on, ;inl rnukin a very fino contest. Henry Oluy was awarded the heat in 3 05, Mclly Stark 2d, Lady Hooper iki, Whalubone -lh. Sd Heat. - This contest waa very mnch fis.tbe. previousone. Ilenry Clay wns nwárded llio heat ind race n ÍS minutes, Mclly Sta'k 2d, Lady llooper 3d, WMöbpne Ith. BECtlND PAY lst CONTKST. Entiias for tho doublé teams, premium $-r0, milu heat, were as' follows : B. Green, Ann Arbor, named bl. s. t, c. g. 6 ys. Dld. J. Külloggj.PUtsfldd, named span greys, 6 ys. old. D. M. Ulil, Ypsüanti, named. s. ras. The lii premium was awarded to 13. (reen, i:i two straight henti, driving lus team the last half' milu at tho rate 01 3.02. The enli irs for the 2d contest, fastest t lottinor stullion, rnile beats, best 3 in 5, pilfie $90, wero as follows: C. E, Iliiskins, Marshall, named c. s. Priniti. r yrs. old, Blutningbragh, Biyngbata, named bl. s IJ!. Basbaw, i'. yra. old. (has. Drapèr, Detroit, ntnued-, b. s Louis D'OtiÖ yrs. okl. B. Grc -i,, Anu Arbor, named, bl. s. Ilenry Chiy (ï yrs. old, lst Hint. - The horses opon bairiii briiiirit to tho stand were nssined po.-itions is follows: Primus lst RauhiVwdj Henry C!ay 3d, Louis D'Or ■llh. A f ter .seorinnr spveral times the horses were sent oft". Henry Clay 2i jeng'hs in the clear, fcehind, Primus dashing away froin tltp (Jttiar at a furious rate, Bashaw next, with ILnry Ciay elose di hand and Louis D'Or behind The horses keuping this position during the beat. Eashaw ind Henry Clay contending shai-ply for the fettond position The heat was awarded to Primus in 2. -59, Bashaw gd, Henry Clay 3d Louis D'Or 4ih. 3 Heat - The horses írot a very fair start otf, Primus, as befo re leadina the filJ, Bashuw and Ilenry Clay neck am! nec.k to nnirly the 4th tnile pole, l When fienry Clay rnakes a fine burst of sneed Itaving his Iriend behind, thoy diclnot changa poeitiona d uring re umin dor of t Iso haat. Primus wua awardod ihu beat in 2 50, Ilenry Clay 2d Bftehaw 5J, Louis D'Or 4th. 3d íleut. - Tliu start tlijs heat wné very even, Primus Feurning not (o ]ke h8 compnny very wtll, shot out oí ihe whv and left Hunry Chiy nnd Bafrhaw to íiht for thu séoond poitipn which tliuy dd nohly, inaking n very spiíited and exclting conleet, Uiu ípeetfttofa pitici ating in the exciternent. Tile heat :ind r;iot was awardcd to Primus in 2 50, Henry Clay 2d, ]5a.vhuvv 3d, Loujs D'Or 4',h. Ilenry Cluy and Butshuvs-, paasing thü scoru m vat'y alose coinpany. Tho tii'st premium for single oarrlagfi horres vvas awarded to Davy, nanáed by B. Orcen, , and 2d preuiiuin to o. m. narñed by D. M. Uli!. TIMRD DAY lst CONTKST The 3 yrs. oíd colts bei'og called np, but two anawered, viz : Lo ly Goodrich, c. ín. iiiimed !iy C. E. Ilaskin-s IVftirabwll, and Black Warrior, b. c. nained ly Mayor Duncan, Detroit. - i lic purse was awarded to Black Wurrior in two straight hents, 3:12, 3:15; second purse to Lady 6koHrio{i.- ■ Theso colts b'óth bIiowucI remarkable. Thy refltíut crudit upon tho stock of the State. On caüing up tha hrses íor thu sgcond oontest tho following responded: Jack Rossitor, b. g. named by Denuiss, Mitwmiki'c. li nly Xeazu!, b. m. named by Chas. Diaper, I íetr.oit. J,;uly lila. b. m. namoil by Wip. Lowe, l)eroit. Ist Hi'nt. - Positions were nssignpd to the horsus au follows: Ida Ist, Jack Rciisiter 2d, 'l'cnzel 3d. After götting tin; vii;il, Rw-jter ;itjd Teivffl li'ft Li and :i verv fine set to fop (ho pole, Jaok Anally gHitinof it md coming to thu sc.oro ii) 2: 1 t, ind Teaztii ulrxta np. IButli horsu." triitlinar faiF and pquara and not biuükinti du ring the bofti, Idii being cleariy b'ehicd. ld Heat. - The hordes (t"t the word at iho fu-t scoi'in2f. Jiick thinkinftbnt lie coild lmndle tho pnity prottv iTiucli :iw lit; ükcd, hut Ké (oiind tliat liü ivas obügod to kci'p steppiryg t rnuntiiin hw piuco, whii-li ho did ('"initip to ore n 2:47, Teazel pushing bTm !mil ;.inl ciiakuig luve In hiin lip ihu humo stretch'. Ida 19 before being last, bul liaviuíí trotted vcry tiiirly durin# ih eniir'O heiit 'èd IIiaL - This lu-iit dii'l not diil'-r iVmii thu pivoediii UH', ind was hvv:iriKm) t'iuthoi1 wiih thu rac.s to Juck in 2:49; TcmzuI d, I.J;i 3). Thu hni'Hus untei'i'd fir tho Ihird content w:is Ti.'üZ.-lj ld 1 ;iim1 Fiiiiy i 1 1 nip f. TciiZfl wiis iwilr.iiid tin; fiist ll6:ll in '2:50, tho sccdüd and race in ■J:;)2, und [du 'IA preniimn. J.ADY ËQUE.STniANISM, Thu enntustütus for the prtzei undeV this cnption wcro Hinklov, Wa Henion, and Mr. J.. Tiiyloi-, The judges are iin;ininiou3 in the prohoiinüing thu cquijstrians diiplayèd 11 pui U:i, occüsidii efj'ial to il not surpassing ;my üvor büPpre wifneasied hv them in the State. Each lady gittíñg on her horse w'ith períeoí easy umi griico, and tnani;;niLí hirn wilh 1 fio utüiost corifi I dönca iiiid cournye, t-tity would tlitíreföre natu the FoHAwlng a#ards : Ist prc'rtiïuro, Mi--s IIi::!d.-y, t'i'ttsfield, 2d, Mrs. J. TayUn', Ann Arb r. 3d, Miss Ilcnioi), Aün Arbor.


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