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Democratic Mass Meeting In New York

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New York, Oct, JS. Thero is meeting to.oigki at Coopor'.i itisiiiutt', prcsuled over by Höfa'öe l' Clark, assistcd by Washington Hunt aüd othcES. Speeches wero mado by öoratio Suymour, Jolm Van Burea :ud Rieliard O'Q-orinan. A largo nutn, inectiugs svero also held.-. It isostimatod tliat itfer 00,000 pcoplo ■ present. At the Dernoonillc ee''ng l;is niglit the following important letter was read -Í hn V':t:i B.nrcn, not however vitl the coi..-.:;it ai' the iuitbor: Washington, March S.d, 1SC1. Dear Sir- Ho tl in a day or wo tlie qw President wil! havo happily ■ i tlirori'li all personal daugera aud I &:ú illmíwk' instdüed, an lioaoraole snor-of the great Washington, with you as tbc pbief of l)ia Cabiuct, I bcg to repeat in writing what I have il!v. this .siijiplüiiicnt to my printed views, dated iu October htöt, uu the hiyhiy cl 1 ocmditipn of óxr ■-' late happy atid glorious Union. To moet tho extmordinary exigencies of tho timos, it sooms to mo that I am in limiting tho tion to onc of üx sulijiiitied: Ist. Xnfdw off the old and assume a new desijriiation - ihe l'iiion I'arty, an(J res iroposed by Mr. Critteñden nv the 1'ea.oo eonvention, and niy life upon it wo shall havo no now casa oí' secessian, but on tha 0Qn ti-.r.-y an eaflv return of many, if not all jvhich have already broken off fróm tho Union. Without some equally bonigg rüeasure, tho remaining Blave States will probably join tlic Mouti y Confedepaey in Lesa than sixty pays, when this oity being located; in a ■ : 1 1 !■■.■ would rei[iiiro a perina-. garrison of at least -'iö.oOU trooys ta ■t tho Govo.rniui-nt within it. 3d, Oolleot the dnties on foreigii ooda outside the ports of which tho {Jovernniont has lost tne command, or close such porta by act of Congress and blockade theni. 8d. Goaquer tho secedod Statos by inrading armies. No dembt thi. miirht bo doug i:i t wo or throo ycai'S by aj'miugand ablo Genera!, a Wolfe, a Dcssaix or a Iloehe, with 300,000 discipliaed uien, estnnating a tliird for gajirison loss, and ir number by skir. sièges, battles, aud Southern feruction of life and property on oithor side would be frightful, bowëvér perfect the moral discipline of the ia vadera. The coiKjucst cuinpleted at an euormous waste of human life to the X'irtl! and North-west, with at least $250,000,000 added thereto eui bono-n táted province not to be brought int ) harmony with the eomjiierors, but ta be held for geiieratiops by heavy garrii s'ins, at an expense quadruple tlie net duties or ta. s tvhich it would be possiblfl to ejttert fpom them, followed by a Protector or an Emisor. 4th. Say to tho secoded States, "AVayward sisters ! deparï ín peace." Il; ha.-tu. I reinain. verv truly. yours,


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