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Grreut Bóök iri ÜPress. j THRILLING ÏNCIDENTS ÜV THE mik! REBELU3N; OR Theileroism of onr SnMicrs&Saikirs. 1 vo?n Jarirv 12 mo. Pricr, $1 25, TUe celtios And the public w rjftlit in predictlng tht thlM 1 1 1 -ui'li.-s, ;n grupllfe ]i;i r; [,vf, eXtÚt Bg ,liti-H'st, a JiMi-iif i pi pulan'.y ,a i ut her Uwtn cif iht War flïl' Ui e Uuioa lts Hum:: WlU tw Üll! hcmic diiljng, jJillit-iit itufle'r n.aiitl 'lai-r-bren Uto Cit i si i i i r --iHii-r,s nul huil" i ■ , ■ i' , . . . llit'iuo ofeou ver n flt iun ■ ■ mè. it UI cnntniD. in trlditinn tu ' fails, tbc pliMojDphicai Aiim;, ■ ■ : . !.■ Pi r. bj -T HN L, ■ i MK'Ji' ■ "i'.'. y. l.l. D , Autlnit ui "Tlie K ie oí' r Li o meb ;-'i.i'i ■-■' l-'c. !hf ii (■■■- oi üll niijuil'Uit ui t 'i ■ ..'■ ■! ii 1 wij rittö, unit un nrciii , utl ,, cu.nt (-1 tbs principal buttiaa, willi enguv n.?s. On ; tli i ui tlio proctedfl "f íi 11 Suoscrïption t;nt direct to u will be i 'Ven 1. ■ i ' ■ ' e! II Dbled BI !■■-. ;ui-! all puiKou-- vvho wibli h. coDijf (.f the vork, nul nlno ■■ ■ ■ ■ .■ . and ml4re8 at ncp Al . :■ n v ü: ■ , or person ia :niy pectiun of tlie country, having knowlrtg of n, tiert) c ;i't or stirTÏliL i ïici'it ut , wiD ottligQ na b,v e.1'un ui' u. B(H)ks 1 en . rVralmvitejn, ;iu 1 PanT&9icg Agents wíll be fuiui-liiM vfUïi adubscriptioulroapectu,on applicfttina to tl. e Ful i. ■ : ■ "' : mistión givMito soldicrs dcsírlug to ■ tu ta&ng riubncrii-ticttn, II. THE K1ST0B.Y OF AMERICAN MANIFACTURES, from 1608 tol86O. ByDr, J,Lsandeh Bi bi p. Cvuls, S vo. o I. uuw reaiy, Vol II. nuarlj reaily, Tlii.H is probob!; Lbo largost unJ most iRiportaut woi'i uovv iji Ui-1 American jrj--s. We have nTe JBil pubilsheil ttew pdltteni ül iha fultowhig asefuiaud pppulw booki; The Business Man's Legal Adviser; Or, HoCT"to 9avp Monej, by Conöoctlng Business : ,1 ug tu Uefal ld Jjatat i ;hoi!iios. 4üO pji , sheep, i'rice 91, OPPÜRTUNITIE3 for INPUSTEY ; or, A Thousand Chancee to Make Money, Cluth, SI Tiiis has been ropublisliod in Enjlaoi. Everv bu ifaipss manand cloik shoul;) have thwfebobka. Thcv o'ill ];i,y the biiyi r handted luid. Efcry parent :-' iil-; jjtil ;,;i ■, ( ;■ muir -.uns. All theiB btxAs are miiled, pw.pai1, on r ■■ price. We pfty j. -rticii 1 . r at"itiiin to mailing boek, wrapping theiu i ad wUl procure and iwnrt, postpaid, any book anwhere, un freeeípt ot pablisher' iiricc. Ad0rt-=s FÍIEEJJLEY & CO., SCltf Tribune Buildings, He York. TUK HOUSEKEEPKJÈ'S NEW rüUNIÏURK POLISH Prepftred from ao improved Jrecipe by thé proprietor of tlis lt l.iiïiMiii k .In i!Ia. !'ci.l.-il," it cciiificd by all the leading ftiew York t'urnitur Deaiera and Piano Forte Mets to oe bei intbe wotld for Rvmurioff N.raU'lu'.i, Martes, aud Üirt. ana restoring a bigta Bqd ! 'ss t,i al kinda ut Varnhhed w ïk, frojn Kiu-nitüre to Lether. it icbeHpetLa4i botter ih Varuh. ipnneá wtM-l, appLecl. W ü a pioctj of Cantón i-'U nnel ru) aoft a buttle or two üf thia New Frnsn [ ■ ■ ■ ' m;igic io the tirnituie ut' a huu-e andkebp it Lnokinglike en is the tini(i f) ap" ytuxr TiWaV, ' háírs, Ic-ks 1 'S:t nci . tictuire Frames Can-iaj. e:d,anii m ifee thm Iofik ftO c. n: i ■■ fcar. Il ii in trg ec nnraj. fur sftle bv rarni ure : euli rsenl toiebeeperi gtfl rally.- i-rit o Liï Hnd 50 entfl iiwup'. I n-put No. 1 Hpruce i , y;!. .-iHTÍal , feota Waütcd. Aklrc i'.!?-. N,i Vorfe I' O Tlie tl-. ii Rkeeper'n Nev Ktqjniture PuÜfI! is for halu al Ann Hw'i tv NEW FALL G00DSI BAGH PIERSON Have just opened n Clioice StQGk of WOOL, COTTON d S1LK OrE O X S for iadies' and Genllemens Wenr, al.o a stock of Best Family Grocerie?y which will bu scld CÍIEAP FOR CASH, Gold, received at 16 per cent. prcni. Silver, " " 14 " " " Canada, " " U " " Old domand Treasury notes, at 10 por cent. prera. BACH & PIEUSOWi Ann Arbor, Scpt. 22, lf 69. Rille Factory! BeiïÜer & Traver? rtaa .] Manufaclurers of and Doalci's in Guns, Pistóle, A.mmunition Flasks, Pcïihcs Game Bags, and Everjother article in 1 hnt Line. AU k:üfU of ilone at the shtirtefct notice, au.! tMhebast roanaer. k full osaortmeal ftlifij - kepl uu band and made order. ï Shopuli Uur ui --iruet. Ana Arbor, Oct. tí. I5p. 873tf TH B iiïlïvAT rAUSïl O P HUMAN MfiSERY! Just I'ublishid, in a Staled Envelope. I'rict Six Cents A tECIUÜE HY t)i. ' riA'i.UWUX, ON Til! cú I'fbilny, Her tu n-, lii-jt-y , [mpaired nuf th'.; ).!y . Ilassit i ", Vcafcueu uf lln'Lmb atld lii'i Uuclc, In lU]o.; n inl Jncu{iauitv tOHtudj anl Dullnena uf Appreluntion, Ijjks of emorjr, .v crsioD to Societ. Liiv ai tiuUlude, riratdity, delf Hitru.-t, Difainoj; Hi-ftdadw, AfffcJtocs ' f thf lLye. Pimplos cm Hie I ace, luvuUntury lm. c„,;tc!ty, lija i i : L. :: creti. i;, tirp cloflrly proTes thni tbc II all! etfd cvil-, in IJ il ..,„ t.iIi":' Ii in I -lumia I.'" in-I bfuVtty juntli unl evoij mail in Ihu ImiI. 'jg, to auv aaarafi] f Bix ci'iitR.Dr two yunt . HAfl !. C. KUNT., 12TBrtwirj Ni iv Vork IV t Hi-o R..i S?R WILÏiTAM AC ON. CITY BIL'T3 FOSTEK. Orders 1 e ft nt thfl Argus Office promptlv ' '■"■


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