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ÜREAT.GKEATEií GKEATfóT BAKG.lxS KVER OFFERtü ■ '85-9' íPIMÍ 1 1) thisOity, are now boing nflVreil ut tlie , CIIEAP.CLOCK.WATCII, & J o T7i7 blry Store71HV. Snbterlbir motín tt] tn th'sfftzililiol Aun Ar hoi i prttculr. vt ibr r_#f n( Wnhlrnw PnunK Inaenirnl. hl hchncjint l.MPOItl'KD f)IRKrTI.V frc.m KCJROPK. Trcmeniloim Stock nf Wjo1ich! Ali o( whh-h biiuls olí ?HK VPF.I thn oan b bíimrtll Wf' nr Ni Vork C'ty. Opa Frcp ryllini. r W'lw irnm 8 to Sin rtn rfo I.Y-ver d do to ?t ' H'witirifj ('(. 'o do rio 14 t x. '! Ho OyllnJer do do 9 to 2l 20 tu IH I ) ave also tnc CfcLEItH ATKD AMER'CAN vV ATCIIKS. wliich I wlll fii hr $3". KvrvVHtí-h warrant d to perfora w.ll. o inny iftnndrd. Clocks. Jpwrlrv. IMfttoJ Wr, Fmiey Ghv1 Oold 'Vní, Muír:i1 [iRtriitTiciitii niji -triiiL-B. (!ut!fryT At.. und Ir (rt n vnri'-ty ((■■ v.rv hlTiR nHdltS "n jy .Irw cl:r cnn bp Vi"U!íht'o' he nrxi Unety ni v i, O W N i' U I C E S ! Peruou huylnff (jvthiiïü ut tbin W' ]i bnowti petAH hollín nt ron -rty uikv ï'Hti'tji Kumld nxmi km rrt - rt%ci'tit H, orthc ny nftir.Hpd. ralleurlv Mid ■■ euro th ("st hur. ahí 'Vf-r (ffVrfHn ttH ty OiH word in rpÉri'd tr Bfp&ii np. : Wc nr' prpwl ín multe nv mmilrü ir cr. non Wnwli". . v n t.. m kif., f -r lh t utir. hi,i íf ti-'-. -Hfiry. RpMfnS 'lur-ko " .J.w-."rv :.. naiHil l-i t11" -nnii' )"■ ■ m! IV(w RRflOPltirr Miy'hi"'' ■■'ir' 'V'mt í 'nlT rni GoW rt ■ , ti'-". BnnraTltfl in llit nseb xi'-nied wlil ■ níit hmH dif pntfh. J t w TT . 1 Important National Wcrks, Publinfaed i)v D. AlTMïoN a ro. , 340 AND 34 BROADWY NEW YORK foUowiog Horkn re eat tu SubscriberÁ tn nv par 1 ijJ tli country, (upun reooipt of reUíil privo t) ly maí or i- . ipeiiMÍcÍ : t THK NHVV AMKKI.W f'YCI-OriE! A; popular 1 'ictiomiry i Uenpri 1 Kmiwledje, Kdlted l ■ (Íko. Uii' muí CwáríiXá. Vaju, aided hy a Dumrou■ wléci curpH of writt m in aU bnuacbii {■ Sefenoes, Ar1 ari'1 1iti-i;' tura, lilis w-rk irt bÁing [(ublislifíl in abou ' r Ifi as Miiiiivc vulunuvuAacli cnntainlufi 7Si#i m-ooluoi pagea Vola. I., II., III.. IV. V. 11 . Vil. VIH., v i. aro oow nnly. eaefa cADtsinlag nwir 2.rxi0oripin:il n i cl-. An al(UIonal volume will le publwhad once ii :.ltut thrt't ini'iilh. l'riet', ia Clirth, C8; Sheep, $.5i); Jlaif Hussík, $4 5(' 1 ttich. I TJi Nt'w American ('yclopa)tllíi i popular withmit bv inp sujtei :i; -:;i. I.viiu.iI wiiliuui Im-iují pciíantic, compn1 ; I n ■ 1 1 -v i v bul -i;iri(.-i'ii!!y 'l.'t.-ii]cil, l'n-c IVnni tmjm;iI ;iij:h r miíj i[ rt (hiTJii'liiT, f i í-sli ílihI vi t ccuraie. It is i. C'iinpN'iH sih.fiíii'ii1 '' ■' II ' liai is kiiuwn up'n ci-ery i ni 1 portnDi tnpic witiiiD ihe itoopeof human aiUigenc.- iiuntrtnni urtlcte bït baA ln-'-n ttpedall) nttei fí ir i' b pagftK ly meo wbo n n1 uii'iioiíiits auun th tupí i mi irhicb tbey peak l'li-y nwtvqairMto bnnft iii i Miiüjfcl up ti tf prt'scnt niumcut; totatftjiui bjOW 1 r Unl fue. AU tliK tttatlatical Information I frow ti lnfM rt'ports; th' i;c2;rapliicjil a00mutií kflfip pace with (lie latí-- expinmtioDt; biütftrfcal matten; EncluAe tbi . fJrM -MI jut vi.mvs; (he binara phica I iidíices dUs ;k nul only of tbedeud üutalaoor the living, li ïa a bbrarï of taèlr A K1DGEMCOTT OP THE DEHATKS OP 11)(;HESS Being a l'olitical HUtory nf the Unitf. Si:itis, frotp th nrganixatnm oftbeflrat Federal ConB fn-ensin 178' tn 1856. Mit-0;1nl cumpiled by Hou. Tiio ,. Hart BKNTOS,fraa) i lie inicial Roarw of CÓngrexs. Wrtrk will !,■■ cnrM.lpifil in tö roral octavo volumer i of 760 patfi's iacli, 11 ofirbloh non relv. An ; 11 'litimuil volume "II hr puliü-lic! once tn tlirêcmonths. Clnth. 53; Uu Sneep, ILilf Mor., $4; Hal (':iif. $4.50 Kcll. ,, A WAYOFl'U'írL'IMN'í.TUKCVrLOp.tDIA ORDEBATÜÏ 1 nu il flub of f&uf, ;nnï n-mlt the [trice of fourbooktf I mui liv copies will ui iWnt al Ihe remittvr's expense fot Citrriupe, or for (Ml -ub-scribiT.-., eleven cupie.s will bd st-ui at uur expense for cariajc. ■■ To Ari h. 't Nootherwork wül su libtinuty reward the exertioni r of yent. at Annnr w.wtkd in tbrCoeutï TermB I mj-l -xiirnvn on itppïlcation to thu PubtUbon. ' Aun Arbor. Vtirch. 1859. 002Roit II - Bev TBCM, HFmuBS, agont at Kinne & ëmiths 1 Bouk títore, Ypsilanti. Black wuncTs Magazine AKÜ THE Brilisli licviews. 5 GRE4T IXDÏCEMEXT SIBSCRIBE! a PRE ÏIIÜM ií and HEDU J J I3luS. ■ L. Sr?01T &■'., NKW YnlïK, continue to publish tïit folio winy lcading Dritish Perodicais, viz : r1 ►f TIIRLOVDOV QUARTERLÍ (fonsarvative). rt 2 THKEDINBLMtfia Rt.VltW (Wiiig), ■rt 3 THKNOUTH RIÍITMI RKVIEW (FieeCliuYch). il 4 jj THE WESTMIX31ER REVIEW (Liberal) : BLACKWOiJDS KI'INBURCH MAGAZIN'E (Tory). n The i re -ent arltloftl state of Kuropt-an atTüir wili ■ rfntlor these publications unusually IntWtMitb daling ihe ftrtbo4DiQg yer. Thoy will occupy a nsMdU A groumi beiwceu the hastily wntttii DewitMBi, rrudsp'culatiuns. md Byïnf rumors f the fttLÏlj Jourual, an1 the iMin'lcrou- lome ol the futute Historian, vvr-U-i. Ui-r ttie living inten-st and exciiiment ol Hu rreat poUtlemi evmtof the time -hall have púiad mriaj. I ■ Uto IV'ii'Hücids tii;it rendirá mu+t tuok lr il. ?t only reiHy ntt-lliible in1 rol ble iii-tty oí eurn o '" events. and as smcIi in ad)itiin t o thei re I-Miabll"liei " literiiry, c c: tilk'. imd theuldglnt clüinicer, wc uig htm upon tln-c n-Mnratmnol thn realojr pubüc. Th MM-eipt f ArtvinMf Slnt ir m t!:e Brltmti 'n publiflic jiivi-h Md'iilionai, vali.c t th-c Rejriut. iun.-inii'li as the y cxD DOW he placed n tint l '" subncribi'i ub i.t na aoon Ibd original h lom. TKIt.Vl.. (angular Prícva ) J'er oor m Foraoj' ncnf the fnor Review, - - %'' '') ne For tny twe o the foui Review i, - 5 0 Fuï itny ihree ui ilie uur KevJevm, '( 0 FithII ol thftReyteirs, 8 00 FvrBlaekwuod s M g'tzne, - - . - : 0 h.l HllH-kW.:.,.! HfVi.W, - - 50F"i' Itlitckwoon and Iwn KeviewH. . n Fr BiaokvoodmvJ 'brae PerlewH, - .(t'M rorltlackwofiilim 1 the fourUevü-ws. - - 1 fl 0 ■ Money cuTrtnt in the Statr wk re. issucd ici'l be wcivra lt ál par. PO STA ii K. ii: TIip PnSTAiiK to nnv part of the Piiii-1 St.itcs .mII 1,, il bul TwM-ty-furVnt4a vcar tor "lila kw.u-l.' i( and iut Fouitten Coitta u yer Tor Meb of the Iíevii-wp. A the above priccö I'erii dical vnll be furn abed lor i B62, a ANU A ri Prmuin to N w Sub?cr b3rs, the N os of the s.-iine l'eriMilic h for IS 0 vul bc liiniHhc. 0Dlpitts Wilhmit addUiiri.Q.1 vh-rtit. Uobhe tlie muri e, bemeraJ iü.gavines ol ihe day, lt] tbew l'c lodiutld lw liitlt b i ít. Meiici. u fult w& of the Nua.forl&dO, maf lie regurded awrlv us nluabli as tw 18 ■ -2. ÍS M:b-ci"ib rs irisbiag al-o tlio N'(..-,. fi,r l1'-!, will bc KUppt.ed Hl til lohowillli KXTKKÜB Y I.OSVK TEH. 'rf Rpleiidiil Oflers lor 1860 '61, & '62 logyther. For BlackwoM'n Mii?nzit.t', the thrce ycars. $ 00 f ir m v Review, - ' ' S 0 h Fornnv nvolli-vii-ws, " " 800 B" Kor iilncUwou:i aiii] dn e Review, ' " R 0 Kor lïlackwmul amltwo Kevii-ws, " il 1 ito Fnrthrei IfeTlei, ' .10' j Pol Black wond ni.d Ihree Reviews, ' f 15 00 Kor ibe four . . lö 00 Tui Ulaokw u.l and thetour Revtftm, i( 17 00 Any nf the mIjovo wmks will thfn be t'urnishe f iVrw SUbtaibfTê " ei tin' v ur 18ÍM -, , li. and ", "" At One Iliiíí' ilie Rehilar Subscrijftion }. Prict-s. ThaH i -Vew SitbcibtT ..i.iy obtaln the Roprints ofth FourKtvifw.-i aml lííacK womi. Sevt'U Consecauve Yoar iar $37 ! ! ! Wliich i bul lililí tliái tho price of Uit' original ' woiks l'm'ntir year. Aawibilll llévyr ftgnln bo likely to offer sucb iuduce , mei.t- as tliiisv bon yKM0Dt#d Now is the time to Subscribe ! ! tW ::''in:'t;HH:i- mu.-u, m all ri, he mule dirtr.!. to ff Pui ithers. t'itr ut thesi' prices qu comuiisáiuu can baUuwel iu üotna. LEOXARd SCOTT ft CO, No. 54 (itild üiruot New York J Ann Arbor Marble Wora, o 1 :B_to__.oI __,O: i i AS on bftltd a line tnsortinuat ol' Au_uricn una l IT A L 1 A N MA L B L L t wtneb ho i prepared to manufacturo into ■■ II E A I -JBS-MTOTK STONES K r o m n $)lKjÁ bCHV TABLB8 r all'holr varietieK.'ind in W'RKMANLIKK manner lii'l emW-MaBrt'hl expericnee in the busmedf r. h f fiat tors hi_ iA6-I Hi:i t he will be able to pleasc all who may favor too vi Mi their or-Jer?. His prieel ÏÏO W AS T TI F L O W E 8 T. i tboe irMilnf any thiog in my Une ;ire renpeclfulj . n -ited to 11 U. BATCHELDKR. Ann Arhor. May 50.1861. 80HI TO LET. rUF íiR]i"'K II'l'Sp; amlParn now oceupied by Olney BawklDo,Eqq on Detpnir htreet., Ann Arbor. posscwfiion iven ihc 1 t of April AUoaevrral ittám mrt rom in Baoboxo Bhok t.- 1 ftt togood téadj trnants at a ftgj low rent,immeili:ite poüscsBÍon givoc. Inquireof L.R. nUPHOZ. Anu Arbor; Mütrcb 38, 1861. 815tf


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