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October Elections

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J.,yporung ootinty gi-es l,20t) majori' ty for James T, Hale, Union demófra1 aDcl conservativo republican, for Oongress, over Williarn. II. Armstrong, straight out-and-out republicnn. Fifth CoDgressionr.l District - Bucks covín ty gives six hundied and thirty majority íor Darrigan for QoDgresa, whiph defüuts Russoll Thayer, Union republioan. It is thought tfiü demnernts have olected their State ticket, though it is doubtful as ypfc. Our Washington correspondent states that a dispatch luis bc en received there f rom Governor Ourtin üdinitling the def'ent of tho republican State tiokei :md the electinn íÍ a majortly of democratie Oongröösmen. The candidutes wero : Auditor Qenera' - Isaac. Slenker. SurveyóF öenernl - James I'. Barr. The foiiovinr table shows ttie result of the electioii for Oongresmmen nst. i)t.. 1. J. Randall. dcni. 13. No returns. 2. ('. (i'Ní-il, rep, 1 i. Wm. H. Millor, .1 :;. .1. Klino, ' 16. J. Bailey, 1 4. Wm. D. Kelley, r 16. A. 11. Cöftroth, d 9. O. W. Caírrtgan,d 17. S. 8. Blair, r 6. J. D. .Siy!-s. i l8. Jas. Ï. Hale, d 7. J. M. llrooiiKill, r 19. lio rqtuni.s. ti. S. K. Ancolia, d '10. íjp returns, 9. ïüad. Sayens, r 2l. Wm. M. Stewárt, r 10. Sí. í-'ir. p,"d 22. J. K. Moi-ehead, r 11. P. .Jnlmson, (1 2:. T. Williams, r 12. O. Dunison, (1 24. No reimus. IoiuhuUeJ by the Dotnoerats and í;upported by Republieans. Demócrata, 1:2 Republicana, 8 Not heard frp.m 4 The present delegation stands : iepublicans, 17 Demócrata, 7 In 18C0 the vote of the State on tho , candidatos fur the Presidency stood as íbllows : Lincoln, 268,050 Fusión, 178,871 DiMigias, 1G,65 Bell, 12,770 Litieoln's raajority over all, 50,t27 oino. The democrats eluitn froin 10,000 to 15,000 majority on the Stulb ticket, and twelve Congrossmeri. Tho Unimi ticket have elected five [ Congressmen, and two aro daubtful. The dernoorfllic State ticket in Ohio is probably elected. The suuccssí'ul candidatos aro -subjoined : Judgo of the Snpreme Court, R. P. Runney. Secretavy of State, Ym. Armstrong, Attornoy General, Jj. li, (,rtpliield. Schooi Comniissioner, C. W. Gilbort. Mcmber of the Board of Public Works, James Gamble. Subjoined is the rcsult ot thp voto íor CoDgressmen : l%f. Dist. ! ; II Peqdleton, d 11 W. A. Hutchins, 4 2 Alex. Loiis, d 12 Wm. E. Finck, d :j B. 0. Schönck, r 18 John O'Neill, d ■1 .T. F. ücKiimey, a H Geo. Rliss, d 5 F L. Lebloud, d 15 Ho returns. 0 No returns. 10 J. W. White, d 7 S. S. Cox, d 17 E. R Eckley, r 8 Win. JoHnson, d 18 R. P.Spalding, r 9 Wm. 1'. Noble, d l'J J. A. Garüeld, r 10 J. M. Aslüey, r Pernocrats, 12 Repubücuns, 5 Not heard frorri, 2 Tho present dulegation stamla : Demócrata, 8 Republicana, 12 Union. 1 The vote oí the State in the Presidential election of 18G0 was as follovvs . Lincoln, 231,010 Douglas, 187,232 Bell, 12,194 BreckioriderP, 11,405 Lincoln' fnajority over all, 20,779 INDIANA. The following State ticket nominated bv the dumocrats of Indiana is electèd : Secretary of State, James. J. Anthon. State Auditor, Josoph llistine. State Treasurer, V. L. lirett. Atto,rney üejioral, Qscar B. Ilood. Superiiitoiident of Public Instrucliin, Samuel L. ItuggReporter of Supremo Court, ij.. L1. Tie resiflt qf the vote ibr Congrossmon a as followa ; Hint. Tlmt. - 1 John I,av, dem 7 D. W. Voqrhcis, d 2 J. II. üravens, d 8 Q S. Ortli, r W. W Barrington, d 9 S. Colfax, r 4 W a. Holman, d 10 J K. Edgerton, d 5 G. W Julián, r 11 J. F. MeDawell, d 6 E. Dumout, r Demoerats, 7 Jiepublicans, 4 Tho present delogíition et&nds Democratp, 7 Kepublieans, 4 Iq tho Prusidentiul oluption ot 18G0 the vote of tho Statu was : Lincoln, 139,033 Dougleo, 115,509 Brecfcipridge. 12,295 Bell, 5,306 Lincoln 'a majority ovev all, G,0-3 The fallowing Kpecin! cüwpatches to the 2'cmes show immense democratie gnins in PénnaylVaDifi, Ohio, aud ladiana ; PENXSÏI.VANU. Washington, Oct. XI. ín Pennsvlvania tho líepubücans have elccted eight or niño oí tiie twelyo Senators to (ill racnncies. Aa far as lioard from, ther-e htwe been olpotod to the lower house of the Legiílature fifty-one demócrata and forty-eight republienns, which, if auslaiued by the official returns, secures a republican majority on joint ballot, and therefore tho United Status áuiuitor to bt) olccted nest winter. Tho democratie State ticket is probably elected by frota 3,000 to 6,000 iniijority. The republicaus have lost au aggregate uf fopr, if uot more, members oí Congresa, - Campbell, McPherson and Grow buuing arnong thein. The official returns are requisito to dccklt; tri) ether tho deniouracy have lost Thnyer in the Pifth District. The majoiity of thp Uongressraen from this State, it is now believed, w ill be democratie. Cuicinnuii, Oct. 17. Ponnsylvania returns comes in slow, hut enough is rèoeivèd te show that the democratie State ticket will be elected by 112,000 to 15,000 tnujority. Ihiuxii], detnöcrat, ín thé Westmoreland distjict is elected, DJ1IO. Cinciunati, Oct. 17. Official returns from lil'ty-one countics have bein roccived, in which the demoerftéy, On the State ticket, have a majoVhy of lo,00i, siowing a dtdhoer'atic gain &f 40,000 of Tod' majoiity IüpÍ y?ar. Thirty-sevon countiea more to hear IViiin, in which itis chiimed that tho iii:i ;. ■! itv uiii bo inercased rather thun clitniriished. Oat ol ninoteen Congressmei', fourteen demöcrats are certain of elojtion, ' and piububly fiitcuu. The democracy re istoni.-heJ at their suoccs-iOii, and thfl abolitionis s are disniaycd Ueyond uil calcuh.tioD. Tlie fnllow'rift ibdli ■niits, members of the present Congres, have bui n, defeated, and demócrata chosen in their places, at tlio late el ction, V-.z: John A. Giiilev, Samuel Shellabarger, CJarcy A.Tiimblo, ?, J. Wcrces pr, A. M. Blake, W. P. Cutter, S. Edgerton and John A. Binpbara. Thet-o gentlemen havo nll had uemouratio suooessors appQJntedj ftod leuve to slay at homo, INDIANA. Indianapolis, Opt. 17, Rulm-ns ooroc in slowly. We have, as you lfuovr eantied thu State by 20,000 innjoijty. Vre havu elected eight 0ongic'88inBh out of elevwj. ' All the uboli'iionists havo to'óröW over aro Orth, Julián and Dumout. Wo have the LegiulnUire, as I telegruphi d you last niiflit, and il Morton liad been u candidate he WOuld not to-day bu our Governor. ConirratuhUe the K'tnocrauy of tlie great Ñorilr.vest uon tlio viutory we hav won. Oinciitnati, Oct. i. Eleturns from tbirty-eight eouniies in Indiana giiw a denif'cra!.u tnajorUy of 10,000, and tnoffiuial returna from other portions of the 8tate promiee an increascd majority of 18,000. The Legislaturu is cct'tilioly democratie.


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