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Jornal tuB. ' The graat wai'tqf a certain reiaedyfor %he cura of poqghs and Discaacs of fhe kungs, habeensuppl"iedbyHOQBiA$paBAI.SAMIC CORDIAT,. Kead Uie advertisement in CinotluT columq. Seea woman, in another column, pickiiig Sambuoi Grapes {or Speek 's Winc. It ig an admiuuble article, used in hospitals ftud by first-tltiss families in Paris, London, (ind Niw Vork, in pl-efcrepce to pjd poit WinO. It is Wü.'tl a tiinl, il it gives great satisfnctiou. O - El Pageenger train neu kT DettciK UtAtlM severol SUtlolia III tllisC.Ulltj ,:is h.'riuws. Trüin.' iïo not stop nt stations ivlu-re fijiiros are omitUmI in liiL1 tabte. G O I X U IT F. S T ■ liailK. .Im,ii.Ac. NlrhlKl, Detroit, 8.u: A M 5.00 r. M. ÉCOO P. M Vpsilanli, l.L'O " I).:.O " B.l " Ann Albor, 9.40 " 6. .''5 " M " Bexter, lu 05 " '■ 0 " 9 55 " Chelscá. ÏO-ÏÖ " 7.55 " 10.10 " A,-. Cliiwi(i, f.lj i'. M. ÍJjA V. G O I N G E A S T . STfehíEx. Jñck Ae: Mai' Kr. SKla, 3.4S a. ir. lijn . DèxW (.05 " 4.4'V j ' 4nn iljor 6.35 A, 51 "SS " 5.0ö ", 7psil.Mi1 i . S.55 " 7.00 '; t.'t " rirtroit, -7.10 " S.S5 " 6.40 '; Tlie Douglas Memorial. T1(O diplonja of nieujbetship of the Docrglas Mi" Asnciaíion, beautifully ftngraved un steel, a bout nine by tffi'lu' inchts in iliiiH-nii n is now ícidlv íor distributíOB to th BttbwrtbWP l tilö monument fu rul. To all persona fbtwarding tu the Aaqopfatfcg ()rv Dollar or more wí!l be seut one of thcso Diplomas, properïj executcd. To contritutors in tlie suin of TWO Dollarít or more will be furnished gratituously, bosidos the Piploma, a beautífni imperial size ETEEL ENGEAVXSQ OF JUDGE POUUI.A3, 21 by 17 imclies, published by Marsh, Rowo t ('o. Ocmtributon in the aam of one dollar will beeotne life mfmb?rs of tlx1 DouglftS Monument Assoclation ; in the gura of twenly dollars, honorary life mfiitlors ; and in the sqm of one hundred dollars. hono:;iry Iifc mi of tbe Bofd af Tri' Local receiven and solicitors for coutributions are beíiili aulhorizof] in theloyaï SlateÁ. I'amplik-ts and circuíars contaiuiDg tlie 'Organization, Coubtitution, ByLawti, añil the Appeal of the Association, will be sent to fel) wbo ""ill fnward their address. Conimunicationé shüuld be directed to the !lSeretary D. M. Ass'n, CJiica go,IÜ." All editora who will insert this canl in their daíly, weekly or tri-weekly i.ssues three months, wilh no occatíional notice to aiívatice the object in view, will have for wanled to thcm imnv?diafoly IMploinaBas Honorary Life Members i f this Ashociution, also a copy of the above Portrail, npon the reeript by the fiociety of a copy of their paper containiag this axraooncemeafc. ' WaLTER B. EQATES, President. LKOpAB W. Voj.Kj Secretary. g&6m3 A CARÜ TO THE LA DIES. DR. UUPONCÖ'S GOLDEN PILLS FOK FEMALES. Iniallible in correetlng, rcguiating and removí ng all obstructions, from whutever cause, and alwaya successful as a prevcntive. The combination of Ingrediente in Dr. Duponco's Golden Pilis for Females are perfect ly harmless. They havo boen used in the private practice of Dr. Puponco over 30 years, and thousands of ladies can testify to ;lieir great and nover failing success In ahuoL eveïy case in correct inLr trregul&rü!, leli.-viug painful and ïistrsstag uïonsvruation, fiarllculariv at ttw cbangé of ft'. From five to ten pl]la wilt cure that fiomnion yet ireadful oomplatat, the Wliites Nearly every female D the land snftor.s f rem this complaint. The above Pili lias permanently cured thousands, and they willcure jou ïf you use them. They cannot harm you; on "the contrary. they remove all ob.stiuctinns, re store nature to its proper cbannel, and in vigórate the vhole system. Ladlefi whose health will not permit ao ncrease of family, will fiod these pills a successful ireventive. Ladies pecultnrly situated, or those suptoslng ttcmaelves so, .shüuld not u.=e these Pílja im,üg he first thrce months, as they ara ceriain to prouce miscarriagt, "after which admonition" the proriotor assumes no responsibüity, altLough their mildesa wili prevent an injury to health. The ingredients oniposing tlw .ibove Pilla are inade known to every ■igent, and Hiiy will teil you they are safe and will perorm all claimed for them. Price SI per box Spld in XXAKUOK, by " ■ STEBÜ1NS& WliON, Druggists, W. A. HUNT, Druggist. Ladies living at a dislance by sending them $1,00 through the Ann Arbor Postoffice, can have the Pilis sent (confidentially) by mail, to any purt of the country free of post age. N. n.- Beware of a base counterfeit of these Pilis. 'ou can buy the couxiterfeit article at any price from 25 . tu 76 cents a box (dear at that). Ladibs your lives find hoaitn are of too mucli value to bc trifled witli, besides bstug luposed apon viih a worthless article. Tlireforp, any one offeringyon these Pilis for less tlian $1 a box, avoid tli ou ;ts vfuiwould poison. They are bogus. None aregepuine uniess tlje Anie of S. I). HO WE is on every .;h has reccntly been a'dded,ou account of the Pillo bfcín couterfeifed. SoTd alao, bv KIXXK k -MITII, Vpsilanti. BLISá feliEEBEJacksoa, and by one (Jruggist in overy villap:e and city in the (JniUd States, andlqr FAKKAND,SHEELLV k C0.,Genci:d State Ageuts, Detroit. L?. D. HOWE, oleProprietor, 86Tyi2 .New York. 'MPORTANTto FEMALES THE HEALTH AND L[FE OF WOMAN Iscontinually inperil if she is mad enough to neglect or maltreat those sexual ïrreguliirities to whicli twothfrdi of her ex are more or less subject. DR. CHKKSKMAX SI']I,I,S, prepare. l froni the same formula wliich the inventor, COKN'ELIUS L. CHEESE M VN, M. D, of Xew-fork, has for twenty yfcars used successfuüy in an extended private practice - imrnediately relieve without pain, all tlisturbances of the perioriical discharge, whether arising from relaxation or suppresion. They act Ufce a charm in removing the paine that acccmpany diilicult or immoderate mecstruation, and are the only aafeand reliable remedy for Flushes, Sick He&d&cfae, PaJtii in the Loins. [Jack and Sides, Palpitatioo of the Heart NervOQh Tremors, Hysterics, Spasms, Bru'ken Slcip and other unpleasant and dangerous effect s of an unnatural condition of the nexual functiong In the worst of Fluor Albua or Wliifes, they etïect a .speedy cure. To WIVES and MATflONSDÜ.GHEESEMAÑ'SPILIareofFeredas tii& only safe nit-iins of renewinginterrupted menstruation, but. L.AÖ1ES MUST BRAK IM MIXD Tkere is oneconduion qf tftefemale aystciij, Ín which the Pilis taken without producint? a PECULIAR RESVLT. Theaondüionreferredto is PREGNANCY- tht reault, MISCARRIAGE. Stick ia the irresistible tmdcncy of the medicine to rï&tors the sciual fioictions to a riormq.1 comlition, tftyf. ftpn t$i reproductive power oj nature canïiot resist it. directiüns stating whtn, and when they should nol be used, wifh each Box, - the Price One Dollar each hoz, '-ijnuaining 50 PMs. A valuahle Pauphlet, to be had free of the Agents. Pilis sent by mail promptly, by enclosing pnce to any Agent. Beid by Druggisie general y, K. 13. ÜÜTCHINGS, Propr:tor. 20 Cedar-St., New York. For Sale by MAYNARD BTfiBBINS & WILSON and GEENTILLE & FULLER. A GEM FOR THE MI3LLION. MME. DEMORËST'S ülNXIXO STITC'H Sewing Machines. F RIC E FIVE DOLLARS. A PRACTICAL, r.ipi-1, efficiënt, and durable sewinir maohins,aaa.pted to a large proporton of family , or for minufacturlna; purpoea. It i hkrblv ornamental, and ao light and portable; (vrt-gkihSlcni tl,an cue nnunrl) tliat it cau bo coüvenitntly carried in pocket or reticule. lts .n;ratK,n ís so very simple that t requires but a suplir aegree óf judgmént to us it. ' By the simple turningof n crunk wilh one band and guidinffthp worlí with the other, ij; Bilently yet vory fapi.Jly with acommon needlemakfs the runuinstitch exactlr like tue haud Mvisg, only more perfect and rétrular, It will hem, gathw, ruffle, sliirr, tuck, run DJ lireii.ltlis.ftn., wilji a tingle or doublé threnn on ,iny pted to ti runntnpstitch, from the light eat and thinnest up to two tliitknessos of ordlñarr silk ormuslín. The thinnest, uiually the most difflcnltto slitchby other roachiníí, being mnd the casi-.-t.ForUdtm1 an.l children's apparel, and other articles mn.l.. if llghfTabíIcí.tt wili therefore be found alinoít nivdluable. It ts attached to tbo tiiljle like a senisg bird and hanng no tensión, and requlnng no lubrication or cbange o Jitch, i alwayi redy for oynation and "%■ mpljoltjr thata child qj sixorélght m umlcrstand ít immediaUIy, and use t succeasItis not ai üll lipble lo got out of order. Knoh macblí in a nai bax, aecompanied ivuJí i nll .-i 1..1 i'Mjliuit direotions, aad need leu. . Sumí b Uie United Status -m reípt o) , locloaing rhe amount,i oj beooUectdbv Ebepneu n 'lrli ary of the machia. Libera! arrasgenientfl made for agencies. Bfory Miltlü . I ■■!-, Milliiiui-, and Lady shoulrt have onc ni th4ve machines. Wtfri MME. 1IKH0RF..-T, (SoStl) 473 Droadway, N, Y. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral


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