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Grreat [Books in 3?ress. THRILLING INCIDENTS OF THE GREAT REBELLION; OR TlicIIeroism qf onrSoMicrsifcSailors. } Vo1.,larse 12 mo. Yïièr, fi.tS. The critics and the public aro rifílit in predietiBf thnt this will surpass, n i_n-:ip!iic: narrative, exciïinu interest, aLd xumsiTC pojmlanty, all ut her biwtoriet of Iht War Fortke Uutoa. Uu tiieiñe will ba the herof danftg.pfttient sufïerincr-i.njKl batr-breadth escapes of pur toldiúg ;ij. sailora, ;ui'l itft tncidpuia will fVini the thr-ino ol'convp'fs;i 'in it inniiiiH'i'ab!' fireíWea fot jreaVa t 'cfme. I T will eonf-iin. in adüitiun to it Ptirring delails, the philosophioi im} ms of the CauBea of the Wjir, by Jnn.v CutHROP ivioTi'.KY, 1.1. . D , Anthor of "The Ke of tlio Duteh Re])uhlic,:' vc, thfl flflte-i of sll the imiortaut ovcniR ('rom the .ïolin Btowh raid. and nu accurate ,,nd f.-i-.i-r'( accoupt of tho principal buttles, wilh engrav.njs. Olïetlnul tlioprocccd.sof so]tt direct to ai "'ül be given foi the Rlief of Disabled Boldiwa, LnfáU 'persona who w!sh o oopy of tbe woi , :ml alio to benolit the rftlfile s.shoald send thelr nnm and ndilnvs at onoe. Also, any oiïicor or privntn, or jiorson in any soctiun uf tlie country, haring knowlwige ufa heroïc act or ttlrrtog ÍDcident, will ODÜge us by Bendinj; na an accountof it. Booksdlera, Postmasters. and Cftnvasalng Kgentñ wUl be f ii iMi;., 'i i. i Ui ;. ;■„,.! MMTiiti.)i.s Prospectie, on xpplicallon to' the l'ublishors. tf$ A liboral oomfusi qgivPH to soldiers aesiring io acias ngonts n takingsubscriptions, II. THE HISTORY 6F AMERICAN MANtTFACÏÜAES, from 1608 tol86Q, B,y Dr. J . Leamdbb Btaaop, 2 vols, 8 vo. Vol I. novr ready, Vol DE. nearly ready. Thls is probably the Iargest and most important work now in tho American press. We have alsn Jnat publislictï new editions oí tha following usei'uland popular books: The Business Ms's Legal Advíser ; Or, How to Savp Uoitey, by Conducting Business accordtngtolaw as expounded by the Best and LaUst Authürities. 400 pp , sheep. Price $1. OPPORTÜNITIES fqr INDUSTEY j or, Á T-howand Chc,nes to Ityuke itíony. Cloth, $1 This ha.s been republished in Eglaiul, Every business man and elerk should have tlieselmoks. They will pa y the hnjer a hundred fold. Every parent should gat tlitm íqi their suiis. AU these books are i ailed, postpaid, on receipt of price. We pay particular attention to mailing books, wrapping tlnm oarefutly, and will procure and send, postpaid, any book anywhere, on receipt ut poMishaw price. Addresa FRJSEJUi.EY & CO., 861tf Tribune Buildings, New York. THE HOUSEKEEPKR'S NEW lURNITURE POLISH Prepared from an mproveil rocipe by the proprietor of thá ''ÖROTiiKii .Iovatiian 1'nLiMi," ia certified by all the leading New York Furniture Dealers and PianoForte Afaberg to be the best in the worlrt for Uemoving 3 BetfttonM, Marks, and JJirt, and reütoring a high and 1 lasttng glosa tn al Itiada of Vaxntsbed vork, froin Furnï' ture to LpatWr. It is cheapür and bet'ter thanVaróIita, r tlvies iïarttediately, and is easily applied. With a piece of Cantou Flannel and and a bottle or two of thia New Firxitdre Poush, a Houeekeeper can work magie in the furniture of a house and keep it looking like new. Now is the time to "shineup" your Tables, Gh&irs, Deakfl, Pianos, Picture Frames. Carnajes, etc, and make them look 50 per cent. hetter. Th is is true econoray. For sale by rurnituro Dealeríuil Storekeeners gcneraHy. - , Price 25 and 50 cents a bottle. Depot No. 1 Spruo Si , New Yarit. Special Agents Wanted. Adiliess, iiux 1972, New Vork P. O. The Houekeeper's New Furnituro Polieh is for sale at A nu Arbor by NEW FALL GOODS! BACH $( PIERSOIM Have just openeid a Clxoico Stock of WOOZ, C0TT0N& S1LK 3r O E Wt S for Lidieg' and Gentlemens Wear, also a stock of Best Family Groep ies? which will be (áclcj CHEAP FOR CASH. Gold, ieceived at 16 per cent. prem. Silver, " " 14 " " " Canada, " " U " " " Oíd demand Treasury notes, at 10 per cent. prem. BAOH & f IERSON. Ann Albor, Sept. 23, 1663. Rifle F actor y! eutler & Traver, [Successorri to A. J. Suthcrland,] Manufacturera of ttnd Dealers in Guns,Pistols, Ammunition Flasks, Poushes Game Bags, and Everjother article in t.hat Line. AU kinds of done at the shortest notice, and in tlic best manncr, a full as.-íortment always kept on hand and made order. . Shop on Uurou street. Ann Ai-boi-jOct. 8, 1562. 8V3tf "the gr e at cause of HUMAN NHSERY! Ju8t Publishsd, in a Sealed Envelope. Prici Six Cents. A I-ECTURE BY Da. OCIA'ERWELL, ON THE CAUSE ANÜ CURK of 8pErraatotrboeft, Contuiqptioq, Mini;tl tuj ! Physical Debility, Nerrouupu, Mpilt-psy, Imptired N u tri 1 ti'oí" theJBody, Ihissitude, Wfaknesa of tbLfmbi aod Mie Ba6k, lodisposition and Incaptiitv tostudy uid Utbpr, Dullnesfl of Apprehesaion, Loss of emory, At ty, I.ove of Hülitu'lo, Tiniiilitv, Beli Disitn t, Dizsioess, Ue&dach#f Aflsetionfl of the K.vls, Pimplea on tlie Fi'.-e, Irivohmtary Emfffrioni, ;n 1 BexQll lncapacíj , the Consequcnctd of YouLhi'ul ludiscretioo , &c. hé. Oto Tliis admirable t.eciuro clearly prores Uial che abfve enuiiiorat:d, itltni ieH-4üicted erllli, muy be romo vod ffltiioat daneroai ptttgin l optrattottfl, ai ui should be réad byevery youlh nul tvory man in the lam! Sent onder wl, in a plain cnvelope, to any address, on lite recelj tof six cent. 4, or two pontaje itunpi, bj &cldrBfii&g, DR.CHAÖ.J. a K!,IXE, 127 Bowcvy ,N'ev York, Post Offlo Box, 1586 AVILLIAM ACTON. CITY BILL POSTER. Orders left at tho Argua Office prtjmptly alteuded to.


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