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O. BIjÏSS Is now receiflOK a Eargfe a n 1 11 (elfcted. sssorimehi of Cicoks, Watches, . HiaunnBnu;!r.!im!mi:nm!!H!iuai!iirairiii;n!iiiiiiii!iiiiiram.niih: J EW:E LH Y, Silveraml Plulcd Wiue, i TA BLE AND POCKET z: -u Te jt. -ne: m. -w i RALp,US 4-d SJIEA.RS, C3-OLX5 DPEISTS,, Musical Instruments, Stringu Sf Books for Instruments, SIE3:.E:Eq? ILTXSIO3 COMHS. and a great virietj ol 5Tíl5íj:ELJ NüTIONS, PHe would ca.ll partieul:ir atteatiou (o his l;ir.r locll of 0 Ö'jZr, &foer, SiecZ, and Plaicd, vith PERISCOPE GLASS, a superior article. AUn Iluntington & PlattV celebra ted CALENDAR CL0CK! suitable for Offices, Counting Kooms Elalll or Dwelllngi. fFbutcleeu are feUahle lin.c ;T,ris ai,.i Calendar combineo" ,and requitc tïie vinding of the time move ments on!y,to secure all the requhed clin:. a finid nigUt, sh#ing (tte .!„ v of llioweek the m-iiiti. nnd day of lllontli, neludinf; the 29th of Kebr ■ :! I.eii'p yer. Ji . ol ,,.,., m ....i New York and the Manufacturera, and will i.e Boldto suit the timen. Persons having difficult watches to lit rita glasses can be aecomodated, ai iny steek i.s largc aml complete, P. S. 1'arLieular atíentiou to tlie of all kinds of line Watelies, such 113 Making and Setting new Jewels, Pinions, i'nfiV, and QtHfiJz(8, lea CLOCKS, Sc TE-'ÍVEIjIí.-S' neatly repaired and Vanaated, at liis iM stand east side of Muin Street. C. BLISS. Anu Albor, N'ov. J3, 1SC1 fcoott "Provïde for Yo r FarniljT'; LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, We.stt-rn Wfice, Klngfibiiry Block, Üandcljih St., Ciiicago. Assets Jan. let, 1S(J2, 827(1,223.44. Policios aro issut'u upini iliw livea of debtors, and for all business pHTpoMe, i'.thcr Cor life or tor a term of 'ear, on as favorable terma as by an otber Óoropanjr. Bai ri id Ladiea maj . áa t: thoir bus ban ds, accor(iintt ;.. .1 l,nv o! 'T uring the anioiin of' he ináurancé to them-elve.s nr their cbildren, frjee from lie chiims of fhejr )ius!i;t}j Is' creditors als'ó," m ;nl:r can insure Iheir own lives for the benefit of their bildren or tru.stet;.s. Policíea uu live.; ;tro is-sucl for aoy um n-ti execedir." S10,000. By Uu termsof tlif oluirtr. this Company is prolubied paying ino.eih.ui 7 pr cnt, annuallj !o dtvideade n its eapital to stockhotderi : a ml it receivea tliat utira i interest for tbe ase of it.s c;ipit;il, the surplus being ivided among the Mutual Tusurers : lit-nce it will aplefir t'iRt it oonjbiues the advantages of a Mutual wlth he Recurity of a Stock Oooappny. When the premium amounts lo $40 or over n note mny fce given for four tenths of tho amount. Batel as ow as any othergood ompany. ijNnw is tlie time of aocure a compefoney for youi amiïy should death floc. your homestead encumbercd ud business involved. KIIASTI'S IA'MAX7 President. Geo. F. SNiFFK.v,S?cy. B. F. Johnson, Vice President, and Manager of Westrn Brauch office, Ciiicago. S. B. POND, Agent. WM. JWITT, M. D-, MeJicaÍExaminer. Dr. "Wm. B. Hurd's DENTAL REMEDIES, ARE THE BEST IN THE WORLD, IXSL'RIKq FINE TEETK & A SWEET BREATIÏ. Curing Toothache fy Neuralgia. Po yon wish tobe biessed wil h and admired for FfeAB- Wi'uTKand eooad TfifeTHf üae W. Ii. HURD'S J RI VALLED TOOÏH POWDEB, warranted free from cid.alkali, or any injurious substance. Price,25 cents er bux. flU Beware of the ordjji&ra cheap Tooth Powders, liich wbiten but destroy. po you isb. to g tortain tliat your Hreatii is pure, weet, and agreeablfe' ,t huaband or wife, lover or ienda? Use Dr. HURD'rf CELEBRATEÍ) MolTII ASH. lVice,3iceutsperbottIe. ' ' ' Tliis astriugent wash Ei aUfi ilie best remedy in the orldfor Cankk'k, Bai Iíiucati!, BtJpfDiKC! '(ïufSSORfl oitji, etc It has cuied hundreds Do you, oryour ehildren Bu0er bom TooTiUPgJSf Get r. HURD'S 1ÍAGIC TOOTHAOIE DROPS. Price, 15 entá pui bottlc. Are yofl aJl;cj,ca (,iih NEURALGIA? Get Dr. AV. B. ORÏFrt NEURALGIA PLASTEES, The most eiTective, id Ueüghtful rtiut'dy knowu. 1 Tliey qo npt adhere nor Clister, bnt sootho and cha no ain away. Try tijPm. Vtice, 18 aud 37 ceut,. - alicd on receipt oi urice. " " ] DoyouTiah a completo set of DENTAL REMEDIBa '. nd a TTIïatibm oh I'heíkhvinü Teltíií l.. 1 Ür. HUUD'tí k KXTAI, TREASURY, the oeatest and most valuabtö . irssent that oue friend eau n;akt to auother. l'rice, L1 ■ent by maiï on feceipt of Jtice, For sale at all the best stores throughout the ] - i thora are dealers who Uke ftdrastag of kdvertWroeota to UppoH upoa their cuatomera n ; ciorprepfl uüuns, it i ooeasKayy to inslst upon having b,at ru'cáll for, ind you will Bi hik bk-st, thorougly t ftfl, and prepared by an expenenpcd and sÜetrtffiq i entiit, Treaaurer of the New forkState Üeatlst1! j ocmtion, and Viue President of tho N#w ïork City Deo ] Socityt AddrflM WM. B. HURD & CQ , Wow Ydijc. tJC? Dr . lïurd's Dt-nta! Tlcnu'ilii - are lor sale in Ann rbor by .-"tkhuins ,: V;'ii ■■■.;.. i.r. -,,v ü & '""., and BSNV{IXE & FüLLK. S60tf . sqproxji-siNrCISTOLF.X FPOM the su'oscribcr on Sonday the I7th instant, í Bfeht-bay mar aboirt 11 '.!-;■ Is high. 1 Cbm ligs wlilK , M-lnte .:n' ei!, 19 or 11 1 ears oíd, carlea her liead vrry low vhen FnivclUBg. i lso, a btack top Irniigy, wtioacixeHie.', open front, 1 at, enameled oloth top, tin..vil with greeu i id yetTow da'&iaBk.'somé fmled, long dasB, no plata, ■ isli(,n and seat tnimue.l with imireeu euKiiid enainelTh.- .iian callecl hhiiself James Coïe-, he s about 27 ivilll l'ight h:ur :"lil 'whiakers illld sumer clotUe8 ; Uu I a w.mi:i:i, cïiilil uiul .-mail ioodle . Ig, th niiu. A liberal reward will bc paid tor the arrest of the 1 iefand prope'rty, or any infortnátitfti tliat will tead to ' P1WZJOHN-BRÜWN. Ann Avbor, August ist.lHfi-'. ' 1 Fa rui ior ale. , 1II1-; nndersiinieil ftfférfl Tor sale liis f.irm d' S2 acTOB, sltuaiedin Kttsfield ttboul olk mlle soutb of the ' nivrrM'ty, 'Ijnininiï the farm ofJudge Kingsley; 48 ] ■ns tin-icr nni'i'm (M ll '■ : " f' ;:n ucrea of good Mim ' f:i ii,' liM'Iv tni vin tlit-re is ;i lr;nlle house. ' i, and lin'iia'rn all nau, thnlty basriag chard, and good water. Iswellfenoed. ' For l'M a('ilv on the piei l, Aug. IS, 1862. 8w86B EDWAKD KVAM. Noticeof Sup'ts of l'oor. AtX PRRSONS liaving olaim" " '■■ ■ ' Board, f trf Superlntenieata ol Washtenn Co. Pont wilt ( i. In-ii. t.. i-;t!kt "f Ihe urn!' tsii('! on or bc faro the flrit Tuwday inOclobei' oext. R. V. WATT,") P. HAV1S, AiiQ.iibor, ept. 23, 1S03.


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