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DO YOU WANT WH1SKERS !, i UO you WAHTA MOUSTACHBl U o, purehaw onir Mflo dl V.V., Chanpfea't EXCELSIOP, INVXGOBATOR The vnrWr-novrnrñ thíof.Jr nTÍMt of the klftrf evi'r off.'re1 tlw ixuirty of 1I.0 Ctiiivucs, l'a. ub,,,, urtlcle i the onl? eme ul bl&i l'úucb : 111 l.ond. and Parla it 9 n ntlrnu) ai. ' r' THE EXCELSIOR VVHI8KER INVIGORATOR I Isa Beautlful, Kconomical, i-oolliíog, yet Stimftii (■.„,vnm,l, „cting a f bv i.iglc npm íh ,o.f.,. ingateiutirdlgrowthol Luxuriant lii-afd, )f p, i.4 to th Scvlí.it Ueur Kíldsw, nd f .)! „. ,r..r lililí to difCC.tioil it ,vül ,-aus.. tu spring „y ÍB fc.14 .1 fine grüwtli of hurt fííkmi üaik The OtUnM EXOELSIOJÍ INVIOOBTOli U n nlis.ena,;ble Article in in gentleman' Tuil.f iiiirl afteryne oek'syK thev vrnúMnut luranr aimU. eration, be without it; Thf aburé „rtóló will, n fr, m I;1;:;;1 JjtfjJ ■ . ,bnng„„tü-iLiA et y wUukk, Napoleon's Hair Tpilet! Tho onl? nrticlc over Ifcred to UleFiench „.lo t,.t wouM et Kt. straight hair I the .ibore Toilet UeiiV uiu' I benefit u U.uU Napoleon ! WLi 1 articlu la nuiv indispensable in liia Tuilet rocín Tl The subscribe tocling coi.liJcnt that tlii Toilet mu. take tlie place of allothcrs ev.-r ulfcrrd t tnepulihc.tliey tHke pleasure in exprcssiüg thcir coulldencein the articlo, galning it [rom practical use THE NAPOLEON' JUJfi TOILET ?"! CVÍ 'ÜMmi U-ub n s..ft, &ikfa.fknriM ruri.. vliat wíl! reinain in tape for one .ay r one week f de? I su-ed, nr my long penod, if tlie directioiu aro strictlv follnwed.whicliarevery tapVnndeaj Tlm Huir Toilet does rot in n.v manuerinterfere with the NaturalSafha, of the Unir. It „.ilher corche, noruj-esit ; kat gira ibe hair soft, thrütv apnriïin'in,"?." lir""" tU ll;'" f'"U '"■■■"- THE NAPOLEON DAItt TOILET Bat beca kfontfa prtlc bata afc, rtiíme. an.l han iroarljr been tested by over obc Ihougand persons' ,,a they tesflfj lh;u the Nap„leon Hair Toilet is the Kret el BcivutiliereverollVred to the American peo,!e. "o prevent thi Toilet irom being: countcrfeiled r imitate-l hy unprincipleil persons, we do not "Herit for sal at any Druggists in the ÜBlted States. Therefore anr Udy or Gentleman who deidres Soft, I.uxnriant llair and Gm-ls, and Long, Soft Wlilgkera or M.,ustache caB procuro the Invigorator or Toilet, either one for ua dollar enolosed in a lottor, with tbelr adilros Aduress, G.F. SVRXYkCO., iinx lS3,CoIünsville, , ... .,,. Ilartfurd Co. , CunnAnd it willbecarefully sent by return mail. " I)Ii. IIOOFLAN'-S" BALSAMIC CORDIAL, For the speed y cure of Coughs, CoUs, Influenza, Croup, Hoartenu, Bronchitis, Pneumonía, Viseases oflhe Boteels, arisingfrom Cold, Incipient Consumplwn, andfor the relief and {,if at all possible) cure of F atiento in adoanced stages of tlts latter disease. rilHK Ualsamic Cordial is entirglj a VciptaUe producX tion, combmingthe hcainij? properttu oí' tlie Ealsani, with the invigorating qualities of a Cordial, producinga combmat.ün so ell adaptid to the purposm intended, tliat there are but iew cases of disease whicli will not, at an early penod, succurab to ita bealingaud lilegiving projierties. For ages, has the trealment of pulmonary diaeaiie occup:ed the greatcr portion of the attention óï tlie scientitic oï the medical worl.l. bul none actitüfed mor eminencein his treatment óf these dïscases than tb celebratVil'n'--i!in.I)r. Hoofland, the orifnatoi ot tlia Iliilsamic Condal. HlaUfowaa devuted to the production of remedies would stand unrivalled. Hoir well be has succeeded, th.8 American Jieopleare able to jde: añil posiüvely asaert, tl, at no prepararon that h;ivo ever been pheed bffore them, liave c-onferred the same amount of bcncüts on suffering hunianity, or have elicitci so many cotnmendations from all clns'sen of society, as thereir.idics of Dr. Iloolland, prenared br I'r. C. M.ia Us. G .t Co., of rililadelpliia. The Cordial is dosiftned for a class of diseases more genera) and more fatal than any other to which t!iu pcople of this country ai e subject - thoso sprinRinu frOD) a "slighl cold." That eminent autliority Ür li.ll.savs: "Iwill notsay tliat Cok are to our inb.bilauts what the Plague and Ytllow Ftver are to thos ol other countries; but I can aver confidently that ther usher in dhease of greatorjoomnlicilr and mortalitr tn'tlioseiaïttt..: ' Entirely YeeUilh. ' _ jfifa djfoliolic Jrreparatiofy. DE. HOOFLAXD'S CEI.EBRATED GERMÁN BITTERS I'jfpared by DR. C. M. JACKSON &C0.t Phüadelphm, Pa. Will clTectually cure IJVEK C03IPLAINT. DYSl'iaIA, J UTTÏDICEjChfonlc or Neivous Debllity, Diseases of th KiiUiys, ait4 all di.sea.sea ansing írom a diurdered Livfflf or Stomach. Buch as Cou-iipation, Tmyard Pijes, Fulncss or Tílood to tbe lïcac, AcMity of tUe Stomach, Ka'usea,' lleartburn, IMsguát hr Food, Fulüess órweight in tbe Stomacb, Sour Kructationí , íiuking or FlutU-ring at lbo Pit oi thö Stoiüach, Pwïnfiraing 'of the IIi;arI, Hurried and Difficult Hir.ahing, Fluttüriug at tbe Heart, Choking or Sulfücating Bensatioas wbea in a lyína posture, Dimnofi of Visión, Dote of webs beforetbe sight, PYvur imd üull Pain in the Hi-ail, A'ticiency ot' Perspiration, Vellownoss of the Skin a&d Eyesf Pain in tlie Si le, Back, Cbest, Limbs, &c. Sndilen Flushesof Heat, Burning ia tbe (Flesb, Constant imaginings of evilt and great Depressiocs of Spirits, and will nositively prevent YELLOW KEVER, BILLIOUS KEVER, &e. riie Proprielor ia calling the attention of tbe public to this preparation , does so with a Feeling cf the utmost confidencein its v-rtues aud adaotation to the d,istiiued lor whicb it is recommended ''"' ' ' Itisponaw aiid Mintóed irtiole, u one that has -Uinu tl-ttistuï a tvölve ytiu.S' trial Ueforè tbe Amercan people,and its reputatiuií and" sale are unrivalled jy 'hny sfifliia'i pi-tparaCFóBS cjífeání. The tMtlmen n its tavorgiven bythe mot prominent and well-known ''hjsiciaus and individuáis iu all parte of the country i, and a careful pcrusal of liic Almanac, pubishedannually by the Proprietors, aud to be bad gratii of any of tkeir Agents. cannot but satisfy the inost kepticál thattlrs remedy iá rcally deserví ng tlie great celfbnty it hasobtained. licnil tlie Evitlt'iice trom J. liewton Broten I). D. , Editor of the Encyclopedie of Rüigious Knowledge. Although notdisposed to favcr or recomraend Patent Medicines in general, tbrough distrust of their ingredients and effect,! yet know ot do sufücient reason why a rcan maynot testilyto the benefit he' believes hiraself o hav.' received f rom auy simple pr'eparaticn, in the ïope that he may thus contribute to the b'-nóUt út üthel.3■ -..-,..1 ■. 1 t .M V-, ,1. I dotiiisthe more readily m l.egard ho ' Ipiland's (ïorman Bittors," propared byDr.'C. M. Jackson, ot tbia city, becaoae I waa prejudiced againsL hem for yearR, mdéi the impression that tbey were 'chiéÖy an alcoholc mixture. 1 am indebted to my t+i'nd Robert Shoenaker,Esq.,for theremoval o( thta prejudice by proper asta, and for encouragemontto'try them, when KUlTerng fiom great and long coütinued debüity, Th% use of hree bottles of those Hitters, at the beginning of the iresent year, was inliowfi by evident relief, and reatoration to a degree of bodily and mental vigor wbich I had not fi'lt forsíxníontbs before,and bad almost despaired of rèh&jniifg1.' 'I therefore thank God and my friend for directing meto the use of them. J. NEWTON BJÍÜWN. fyltd what the eminent Glass Manufacturer, JOI1N H. VVHITALL, says of tbe BALSAMIC CORDIAL. Dr. C.M. Jackso.v- Respected-Frien-1: Hartes for a ong time been acqainted with the virtuea of thv BWamicCüi-dial m Couhs, Colds, Inriaimnation of the .ungs, &c. I tUus frcely bear testunony to its eflicacy. i"or severa! years I havt ta-ycv been without t in my amily it al-suives n.t pMMoffitoatate that I havo ise( it withentirc buccöss in the treatment of Boweï omplaintï. Tïifcttid:mly, IQM H. "WIIITAIX, Fifih Ho, ;t, 1S58, Race'Mwöt.UovethJiila. inedicines are for sale by ftll respeqtnyle öruyriats'ind dealera in medicines in theljjpited States, British Provincefl, and Wfstlndies, t 75 có'nis per bottle - Be suroftndget the genuiqe, yity tifosiíñatare ot C. M. JacKSOjí on the wrappet of each bottle; all otkers art munfi-rji it. Principal Office and Manufaetory, 418 Arch Street, L'hiiadolphia, Pa. ■ 8901 600.000 ffi11"' LLOYD'S NEW BTEEL PÍATE C0UNT' C0LORED MAP OF THE DNTTED STATES, CAÑADAS, AND NEW BRNVICK. From reet-ot surveys, comjilv x Aug. 10, ; cost $CO,00 ) to eüjravi it ;ind una year's time. Superior to any $10 m:ip everraade by Colton or Mitch( tl. ;mii', :'U at 0e low 'nrice or iifty cents; 370.0CO name art1 enn;ravedto thii .-iap. Itis notwoly i Coun1 Map, but it is also a COINTY AttD BAILROAD MAP of tbe Uniti-d StaiM anl Cañadas combi ned fnfvac,gÍTÍj( EVKKi RAJUÏOAD STATION and distitnees between. Caur.ui'v ; anv woman or man $'ó t $5 per tïay, nnd wül t;ike oaok all mapa that cunuot be auld and lefund tlio mouey. Sencj ft $1 wurth to try. 1 lustructions how to canvnss well, furnUlied all our agenis. Wholesale Agents for onr 5Iftps in ovcr State, California, Cüi.tIü, Englan-], France anti íVívk A fortune m -y be made ith a few humlred. ikvlUt capital. No Compe'ifitm. J. T. LLOYD,No. 1G4 Brcdway, NVw.Yosk., Tlie War Department uses our Jla) oT Virginia, Mty land, and Pennsylvanla, coat 1100,000, a wUich ia marked Antie'am Creek,8bwpabnrg, W!H(fi(a4pfertFTjrl ] Ilion rsTÜle, NolunirsFord,au''. jtl otMVrs tbNtu áftc, and every place Ín Marvlam3J l-.u'.lx, aud lVnn.-vlania, or nioiiey mfUlkdM. ■ ' - f ' ''' LLOVDtí TOPOGRAPHICAL MAP OF KENTUCKY, 0HI0, lp.I'ANA, and ILLINUÍS, is the only utority fnr Gen. Budl aud tbe War pepartment. if'ibey refunded to any one findiúg áu'cnor iu ií. Erie 50 cewU. ' - llli From thfl Tritune A,uf. q, Lir,1.0VI)S MAi' ÜF VIR'SIXU, ifA&YtANn ANO 1'l.NNsYl.VAXlA.- This MapM Vtrf lfc i ilV cM Ig but o cents, 'ui't í j tic btst tttncj% cu btjtwcJ6Ê$dt't LLÓYD'SGREATMAPO TUE Mláfefíppi IÏ1VEU- Pom ActuCl Burrera by 0pta Biffí vaáWm. Boma, MlBsiükippJ 1 vi r Pilota oí Bt. Laiia 'M.v, rikkonra Mrr inan'ij plast al ion and owners farack from Si. tn tur (.u II ot'McÍüi_l ; ., iy saFtwr, Island, town, liindmsr, uyd all pi.rcí's -JU miwa bjick iim the riTer, colon íincountieRanaStatosT1 'vi Sl in shu-ts. &í lorn , iu 3,50 ftn );Wli. wuh ruller. Roiidy gi-nt. 1ÍU. N'aw PüPARTïrtNT, WjlSuixoto.1 Pept, 17, lSfí2. 3 T. Lto] - Si? i '6cnd cte tonrXïap ot. be MUrUsippi Kivor, w' li j rfee per htircM(l '.""pies, Rrttr-Aïwilr,t Chaiit H. Dwrit, commandtñg the HiKálwtppi Bvuadron Ís anthonted to purvhaae aa esaby 3s are rO'i_uiri-: !'■!■ t!-i' i,s,. il ili.if -■'jiiftilrrtii . 37fyv3 t;iüK(A' wnJ-Eí, Stcr(aqr of tltpNnv. Ayer's Sarsapari}


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