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'I AYER'S Sarsaparilla FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. And for the Bpeedy eme of the fullowlnf crmiplalnta: Scrof iilu anti S rofulous Afle t inii8,uch Tumor, IJUers, Sores, Ëruntioni, í'iilJ-., FUbilcf, Ulotclies. UoUftft líiiiijis, uud all Skin UísnistN. , OaKUHD, lud., Otli June, 1859. J. C. Atrr A Co, Gents: 1 frol it my duty to sc: knowlcnln lint yooi fcfarsniuilla lina dout ftr me ' EhtviUK Inlierlted a BenifalaiM Inlfcctloai I havo nfiered I from it in vitrioua waya for yeora. SonitUuM burat OUt iu Tiréis on iiiv lianda unil nrma; aiaiitítiiiit'ft it tumi! inwutd bI iftitrifínrri me at Mío utouli. Two yeara ago it l.n.ko out bU niy hvail and coverad my uculp uiit filis wltll i Ué suris Wlllwi ir8 ptllliful mul luaihxume bi-yoii-l dwcrliiflutt. J trled niuny niedtciitea anri maní physicians, bnt without imich relief from nny tliing. in lurt, tlie disurder glew WMtte. Atlength 1 vrt icj. jc.-I to raad iu tlie Uoupel M.-.-wju-i tliat you liad piviocd an nltfiuiivü (SjnmipjirlHHj. f-.r I kin-w froui yimr rwiqtattuy tlmt ttny tlllUtf .Mu tundo HHlst I gOOO. I r,tl. tu Cillciinuiii iii.l gnt t, Mlld tWwd it till it oincj me. 1 lk 1 it, un yon advine, in muall do? üí r tesspoonful over a lll"tltll. Blltl tUtMl ulinost tintje boltktl. NW mul li-:tl!]jy skin nikiii te#au tu foiin undt-i' thu culi, whiuh after a While fi-ll oil ,My Hkiu is nuw dwr, and I kiiow by niy fcvUügi Hi;it (Ín dketw luis me itotu my ftyatom. Vo : eau wel I btlleve tlmt 1 fw wíiaí 1 ai mylng wKen I tdl yon, tliut I huid jkiu tu IkjuuuuI t(ie ííjvIm uf the age, , aiid i tíiuuiíi uver ynilcíiiUy. Yuur, AI-I Ki:i It. TAMJÍY. St. AiillionyN Flrc, Homc or Kry s lus, 'I'rlli-r antl 8alt Itlltuiíi, Scnltl litad, Ringworm, Soro Kys, lropsy. Dr. Itobcrt M. ('reble ivtitos froin Batan, N. Y., 12th Sept., IV.'t, th:it he )i:ii cured an invetérate case of Drp$g, wlii,i jreateutd to tenoluate falally, by tlie i perseveriuf; uso of uur ttarsupiifilla, nnd al.-u u tUiteruut , Malipryxnt jfcysipáa by lurge dora 1" tha same i iia i ho curas the oommoii Entptinvs by it coDDtauIly. Broncltocele, Goitre or SvU:l Neck. Zebulon Ploim if riisn-ctf Texas, ritas ; "Tbru toti tles of your Bfinaipfirilla rurd me from n OtUrt - a linlomh lnnillg mi thu limk, whlcli I had sulTeied ftunt over two yenrs." Lenrorrlimn or AVlill n, Ovnilan Tumor, Uterlne llitintion, Fciunle UUrns . Dr. J. Ï1. S. ClmiialHg, or Nhw Kork (iry. writes ; " I mont eliMMiülly oonily wlth (be retjuwtof your ñgmt i MVHlï Ï liye' r-iind ytmr SiirajniIJu ;t niiu-t pxrelloiit itfiativö in til nunieroiu onniplaliifai for vbi-h we eiuploy pihIi retiii-tlv. bul eHjwcUlly in ftsWa instares of f!i- SrvnftiImiK diftllimfs. I Iiave nirwi nmuy invetérate cunos of 1,4'iiroiilirea y it, aml hdiiio wtiere (Iih coa)pbünl vni tsnnwil by tdontittítit-oTltt mcth 'i'bf iileap ation Itylf wasBonn ciirnd. Nothiiifr Illilti my kuowleil'- fipmtK ir líif IIiwm fmnlfl ilpnniwnirati.11 Kilward i. Mnrmw. i.f Kstrbury, AlH., rites, "A dn(feimn nvria tumor n onp of the fenmlm fu my fmniív, ïKtl hurí itffled alt lli rcnifdieK wa rvnM füjpluy, lim at leiiKtii been Botnpletoly ciirpd hy yhnr Kxtniet of Sarsnparilla. Oiw pJiyaielaH tlinufcbt nnlfafRji bilt fxtirpntitm could aflbrd rettef, bnt ho ftiylsed the irial at your Stir-nj-.i' Mi tho hiMt rvaort bibie cuUtng, and it prnved eflVctual. Allt-r Inkintrymir teiumty eight weeks do symptmi) of Mih dlawwe rnuiluan fc ílillis mul itlercurlai Dhai, New ORUáHt, S&lli August, 1S59. Dr. J. C. A tur: Sir, I chrerfnlly com'ply wUli tbo re?uet of youraent, and iiirt to yon nomo of tliu eftectt hvi n-;il)zt-(i with your d.-iiaparHtn. Ï have curad wídi it, in my practico, most of tlio compiaints for wbfib it ín recoiiúiirndfd, and hnve fninul Itf cfTri ís troly wotiderful in Hib cure of Vnf.rul ntid Mercurial D8-s. ui. of my piilioniK hnd. SyUilitic v.U-.-u Iu híd Ihrtqat, wbicli were coiinanilng bis imhite aml the (op of hi." tiiou Ui. Your Barsaparílla, stt-ndily taken, curud lam in (tve weeko. AnolllW vvum iittiicket) by sae oiidüiy jnniitiiifi in bis nom, suil thu nlqanUuu luid enten tLwny a cuiiiüilnl#l iiart f it, w tliat 1 bttlkiVu ibe !'')t.i.'i miuid non le.uli nh braln anti kill hfui. hut it yieJdml to m.v adiuiniNiiiittoii of your ttaMparfU: ihe ulcfiv htfHleil.Huil be in wt-H ayalu. imt ui ouumu wltbuut Boniu diHllKiiíatiun tu bis Dice. A wouiau who had lieen iicii-il lor tho ame Haurdei liy lumcury $s u(Tviing from tliin pmuHni ín (ttr lumcK. liey liuil hscuuie ao xvntltlT to Iba WmIIhv i.n ■ Uiunp dny Kie rtulleieil excruciitlltijf {'tin in ht'i' joitit and buuea. Miu, o, was curvd illrely by your talxaiarlllH in ti fow wiika. I knovv t'toui ih (bruiuta, whlrh y-ur ugent gave uit, tlmt tliis l'repHiaiion from your inboratuFy niun be a gieat reuiedj ; ooBSMtieotly, ihvuo truly reuiaikubl resulta witb it bave not BurpTlíwd UH. Fiateruully oura, O. V. LAKIMKK, M. D. lili e ii mu ( lam, Gout, I.lvtr ( innplnint. iMDKVKHtMEttUK, LnwtuU Cm, Va.. BÜ July. 1&5U. Dr. J. O. Ayul: Mr, 1 huya btn-n allücted lili a púnfnl din. ii le Hhnimutitm Cor u long lime, whHi Wlllfil tUo skill of pliyslcimis. and -n, U to me in epite uf all the Mumdieii I could Bnd, uulil I tiied your Barvifnrilli Oue bottl cuifd mu in two nevks. and rwturad my general henllli hü iiimh I ton lar Wtt-r tljaii bi-H.n I wns atUicked. 1 tbiiik it u midurlul iiit-di.-iue. J. t'KKAM. Julei Y. Oeli-bt-ll. uf St. Louts, VrlUN : " I have been afllictfd for yvw ith an aJfecUm i ihe. Lira; wbich nVatroyed my liealtli, i Irfetlerery Oiing and TÍ thing fnilt.l to relie v me ; and I bu ve bt-eit h bioku-dowu inao fur (Kunt) yt-Hi.t fruttl no dlher ulubh llmii dcYauytwnit qf the l.irtr. My Iwlovvd pastor, tbe llv Mr. Kppy, ad Ued I me to hy your huüparilhi. because he said be Uvmv yot and any Unlioc you huuIh waa woi ib tryin. tty ti A-+iug of (JoíÍ it bas cuntd lúe, and hut m pinified uiy bhtod au tu uiakt: ii titw tniin of me. 1 fcel ytuitiK ngain. Tho beat tlmt chii be 8aid of you In nut half good etioub." Sc1ilrriiN,Cnncei' Tmuora, idilnrfceineilt I hcialioii, Curies nuil Kxlol iutiuii of tile Uoiiis. A great varWty of caneo bave bten reported to os where Cliref uf tbte ftiruifdtlbltí conipluinlH bave rediiltfd fium 1 tlia use oí tbia t'iii.-ily , but uur ftpactí hfte v. iil not admit tliem. Souie of thfiit muy he fuitud iu our Ay-i.m Almauac, which thu ageuts IkjIow nauied are plcustd to furnish gruim to all who cali for tluíin. Dyspcpsln, Heart DUense, Fit, Epllrp■, AlelaucJiuly, Keuralla Miiuy reinal kiibltí iuis of tlu'-u all'crtii.ns liare been made by tbe ultf cativo power i i uu-tliciuu. It stimuIiit.-N vital runciioiiK luto viorous actíc.ti, aml tlius overromes dionlt-nt whicb woulu be upposed lieynud its : reat-li. Sucb o leuiedy has Ioiik been ifiiiii-il by tiu teccifsit it'H of tbe "i ]'r. and Wö an (.'oufidcut that tliis witt do for tbt-lll all lliHt n.ciiii iiif can do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, FOR THE HAP ID CUHE OF Couglkfl, Col ds, liiflueiizn, Iloarneness, Croup, lirón liltls, Iik ipi ni ('ouaiiiti pt Ion, aitl for the lítlief of ' o ii a it ni i 1 1 v e Fa t le uta tu a (l ii ni tl Stages Of tUe Distase. ThU ís a remedy no uuiveraally knowB to rnrpaas any other for the cure of thioat and hmg coinplaiuiH. tlmt ii Ib iiKi-les ht-re tu publisb the erldenes of its viinice. lts unrivalled excellence U-.v foughs and cold.s, and its tinly , wonderful cinwt üf pulmünary dist-ane, liave inade it kiiown turoafciioht Ibe civilizad natioui of tbe earth. Fcw nn; tlie coninimiiliea, or evt-n raiuilíc3, anionr ttnin who bine not sotne personal exptrience uf In) Cnoctff ■■■ 80HHi living trophy in tbt'ir midst of its victory ov-r Iha subtle and dauerous dfoordorv af tbe throMtaud luna. As all knovv tbe tln-n.lful falality of thette difonierp, and as they knnw, too, ihe dVctscf thi reincily, we iiced not ! do more tlmu to aNMire theDi that it has now ult tbe vir: tues tlmt i' did have when niaking the curer which bave ' i won ao Btrunuly ti{on the conñdi'iice of mankind. Pratiared by Dr. J. C. AYER iu CO., Lowell, Masa. i Maynard, Stebbms & Wilson, PARKAXl). .-HKI.ICY ít CO. , -Hiut 8U9yl J H. BtKRII.I..Trave!ln(íAgi!nt. NEW COODS For the Spring, 1862. i : HACK & SCHMID Vould respectfully announce to the Citizen of Washtenaw and adjoining Counties n thut we are now ruccivlug i Direct from ihe JEasfern Markets ) A ful! and complete of Staxolo nncl Fancy DRY -GOODS, Ladies' & Childrens' Shoes, GKOCERIES, CIUJCKERY, &c. i Purí)iatiP(l by one of our flrm for cash, and notwithstandio the hard times weshall continue to ( ! Adtl Weekly Additions ;i To our stock in order To Accomm.odate our Custorars! ■i witheverytliing they may need toask for. And wewillfartber plwigo uursclvea to sell as cheap AS TIMES WILL PERM1T 1 and which is always as í As Low as tlie Ijovest. At the samp time wehnpoour friends nnil customers wU.btar in miud ihat the timea coaipcl us to uU ', our goods For Cash or Ready Pay. Ann Arlior, March 28, 1861. 845tf Fruit and Ornamental T !R EE S, JT LOW PBIOESÏIIKSlBSCRIBKHSarenow prppared to receive ordor tor all kind of Kruit aml Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, Plaut, novan tod V nel of r rj ..oription I an.] railetj. for theFall of 18 '3 and Spring af 1863 - We have a laigo sluck DOW growloïf. n n inteni to ' make larjc taporrMloni (rom tim l" M lie ivanu of tho country denwnd. einviu.tho peor.le 10 muke themselvtiaoquaintwl withour tucilitiesfor doingbus.D6M, bt-for purchasiug elsiïwbere. 'ö waripant ;ill v:i' rietiCft to u true to irinie, and to bo vijrorous and ' heaithy spnimens. Allcommimications witt bepromptly respoqded to. Our office is in Rogéis' Agricultural ' Store, Dotroit st., Ann Arbor, Mich. DüBOIS, OARK & CO. Cbancery Notice. OTATFüF MfCHHMN.FooHh Jud cal District rf tfc, 0 üiate (tl Michigan, suit pendHlg ia tlie ir uit Cour fot Wa.-huiutw Coumy. n Cbaocerj. Willlam II van Lv, c Tripla nnnt. and Hary Ann Wanty, i'efrnlant n Ann Arbor, on eighth !iv c-i .;!■■■.■: . a I) - befi re tl ie II wi K Iji r at ehambers. It appoar. ing by nffiilavit that Miry Ann Wmny in not a h-hiUq; of the St.iit ot M:cli'L'aii hut is a rattident 'f the stm of 111 n ns. -n motina of Twitchell k Krazcr fioiicitnni for c mpkinant, t ÍB oidered that the haid Mnrr na Wanty npp-ar iti tblfl entine and inswi-r the Bill of Corapialo' therein within sii weekt from the date of tluvor. der, :it- that this Til er be published as required by lg in the Michigan Argu. E. LAWBENCE, Circuit Judge. TwrrniF.u. Si Fbzrb, Swlicitors for Cumplainnnt. Dated, uct. 10, Vfíi 673wq (Jhancery Sale. ÍN' PUItsfAiiCi:. and by Wit of a decree of tb% Circuit Cfiurt tor (JU Couotj of Wjtshtanaw, Q i'nam-ery, made on the fourteenti day of .luly, A I. 18 J3, in n cL-rtatn caue the rei tl pending, wheieia 'eonrc H, H lïcinvick is comp'ainnt, and Alte K, Van Ynorheis, and Rebecea K. Van V 001 hels hii vtf Kftbfiib l'cruins. Lorenzo U. l'erklim and Melia l'erkint wifc, OraogQ Woodworth, Israel 1. Vackard, Aiexti l'nk;ud, John Paebtaf nnd Thoma K. Leona r are dej fextants: Nulice is boVfthj givrn that I ahaU sell M ! public a uct ion to the higheiu olddeT at Houtb door. f the Court Hou-, in ihe city of Ana Arbor. Waht BHW Cuuuty, fin 1 State of on njt&] th !M li l:iv.,t Octiitn-r nxt. t ten o 'c look in th forvH'Wia cfKttld oay, Mie folio uring de-oribed part-! of Innd towit: All that c-ir. ain tract or pur cel of lod kimwa aod dtfiOiJbod as fullowji, to-wlt: f;fieon aerea from tfcg south-west corner of the east half of the outh-cAti qnarter sectlon flfteen, the tast half of the nqrt'i aagt quarter of Becilon No. twenty two, and he eat likiMrf soiiili-went quarter f tle nortb taat quarter of .i hf-ction twi'tity-two an-1 tho west huif if the north-. west quarler m section N. tweat y-thrte in Town r. -.-ulij of Mngt f-fvi-n etiht the State of Michigan enniafntog on hundred and niqpfy-fivc aeren, ïg, fo sane more or Iess,or so much thureof as mav be necaat sur y to xa(ibfy the doeree in thi.s cause with interest anl costv, I). B.TWTTCHELL, Circuit Puurt f'nniinisnioper Washt-nawCo., Mich R. J. ÜKAKK-. lldtur for Cutnplaiuunt, Dfttdsbi K18SI. Mortgage Sale. tTTHERGAS d.-faiilt h- been mado in the condi. VV lioosol acertaln indentureot m.-rigage expcu1 liMi by Havd S. ñijwooá and Hope ll.iytrood.of -aliritt( Washti-Dii w Couaty, Michigan, on the ftnt óaj f July, I IS",, tri the u n 1 -i'-iincd, wiiicli mortgage wa du!v rraonUtd uil theüth day of Auvu-il. A. . 15J. jq UberMo. 13of ttU'-ti{s on pe443 iu the K-Kistrv ■ ! peed and Mortgageit, in and lor Ibe .!! eouutf ut V:i -htfii.iw; :uil irliereaa t lit-re ís nnw ,1,1e an-1 oupalS u[od s;ii.l tDMtgge aii'l bood leoomiMnyibg the sama the sum or far thomiui I an . lifty fiv-i dolUrt nnd twenty didü cpiiU (1 t55 29). tnotadiiig re;Lonable cliargeR toras a'.t"rn-' fee, and do amt at law orín oqolty hartan bMé iBdiitoted Eb recover the ine qr aTiv p;irt theroof, now therefure, itotice is ln-reby grven that hy virtue ol a power f sale cnntainvd in siidmrtgage. I sbail sellat puolic auction v, the highxt bidder on Huturday the sixth dftj o i)-cember next, at t o'clock at noun of aid dayrat the :runt duor ol tha County Court House 11 thfl City of Ann Arbor in attl Ounty and t;ite, the premisos dcscribeil in said morlgage.towit: All that part of t'üo west quart$j nf sectinoDe In townhip our south of fiveeast, and boundM as follows, tr-ii ■ On the south b; the alt S rmg reserve, ou tho west aud north by laiidsown1 by RasieU Brigus, on the east by lands owned hj( rticnin Ford, sui[) si) to contaín tliirty two acr of 1 in'i , in being the propt'ciy od svhich the Schuyler Milis are located. CAI.KB VAN HU3AN, Mortgage, Wu. A. .roRK, Att'y for Morgagee. Datea, Detroit, Sept. 6, 1H62. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been irade in the payrn,en.t g Rum ol maney ktcured by a mortgage exc-cud k lobn W. Mayuard inl Mar y J. hi.-s wiíe, to Charles 8. otter, dftte"l the nintli daj of Deosmbor, A D. 186, and lecorded in the office of the RegiMer of Deeds of ihe Cornil y of V;is]ieniw in the State of Michigan, ia Ltbor o. ifi nf tfortasgea at pftffo 792, on th eierenth lay oí April. A l. 18 0 at twenty minutes past one ü'elook, r M., by wiiicli defuult tLe pwer ol sale c-nüt.nfd in fold mortgügfl becameoperative; and no soft or (jroceediog havtog been iDtitute4 at law to.rrcor debt secui'ed thereby, or any irt thT0"f; 4 he um wf tive thousruid and ihirty-i-iht Ou'.Utu ln-ing now oialmed t" be due tberéon. Notice r theietot ImtcIjv given ihat said mortage will be furcclosed by a Ie of the BsorkfiagSd prHniaM, rti : 'lAM thse ceriiii:. pieces 01 parcela ot land sitúate lyiog and being ia the City ol Ann Arbor, t'oun.ïy uf WasTiteaa and 4lata ui Michigan , b.unded aud describt-d es olluws to-wtt: Commeneing oné hundred slxtet-nfwet andona I11I1 nonh i'-ai i'ur outh-eaht corner of blüOk No. om (1) uorth of rang three 3) cast thence west one hoirêd an 1 two het, thenct norlh tif'een and a half fftfc in the aoatb line of lot Ño. wghi (8) in aaid block tlience west thiity fret to the wet line of said lot, (henee north itine and a half fet-t, thence est a huig the Mtuth line ot Charles Thayer's land, and &ag tha ■uulh line of Charles Thaycr'i in Mundy's block in M;iiii snt-ri, south to the place of beginnior, is desoribed bj deed fmm John Lockwood aod wife to John W. .htvnnr-i ; also the followtng decribed parcel of land : Ueg inning at the cenire of the blghwajr vhioh runs on the eüst line of the first laid out Tillare ol Ann trbor, at the nortb-Wet corner of th hom t forroerly ociupipd by Geore W. Jvwett and now 'wned by K. Wells, and tne&ce north to th# sou th west C'miut "f a lot of land btb!-nging to Tan B. Milleroioe rods (9) tbcnee easttrly on said Milïer's line twenty-two lOds (2:j, thence soutlierly parallel with said highwar nine rods (9) , thence westerly paiallel to said Iraen line lenty-two t(hh (1.2) contaitiing one acre of land, betng the same lot of lan I conviyed by Ueerge W. JewHtt and wile to John W. May.rd by beed bearing date D-c. 2d, S !"." or sume pait thereof, t public veDdut at the Court House in the City of Ann Arbor in aW ci'unty.on the eightli day of November next t noon. ciiAKLLS CL'rrLR.iiorigagee. GEO X ANfiKTH, AttV, Dated, August 14, ir. 6óid MoftgHge f-ale. pEFAULT haviiïg been made ;n tlie condiilon of è 1 mortgagf , execute 1 Ï.J Jam Hftfley. of Kreedom, iu the County of Wnshtenaw, and; Mt of Michigan, tu Daniel P. Keyea, of Lima, Coonty aforoaald, barinj date the ".9 li diiy of Haieh. A, 1 USft, and recorded the .sime isy ín the Rgifcter'a Office of anl couuty, t 'l]i o'clock, V ■ ) , iu Líber IS of Mortg-itfes, pagF '65, whfeu s:ii.i tonrigBgf ■ éul assijup'l bv the said l'aniel P. Kejres tu Thomas Riff y on the lè-h day Í Ffbruary . . V' ., 1 5'j. and recorded on the iï8tb daj , of .May, isr7,:.t 1 % n'clock, A. M, in l.iber 8 ol Hortgaffea. page 2 5, anl aMorwarda axfiigned by Thon nf Hall'.-y t Margrei Haify, on the Uth daj of Julr, 1 11 nd r?cor!eit in tti1 Begifrtwi offict of Washteutw . riun'vafuroaiil. on th, Ttlfdayf April, 1862, at 1Q)( o'click, A. M., in I.iberI8ot Mortpnges, page 2t5, a t wiiich said niortgnge tberv is eli)i'l to be due at the dte hereof, three hundrèd and thlrtjr-one d!larfi tn4 1 ixty-four cent, and n suit or prceedings a' law ha.T, og been nstitu.(ed t recover the debt Dom du f I uart tluTi-of anta the power of sale in said mortgar t liaviiijj bcciime opera tive, Nutice is hereby gi ven that . on the 25 hday uf OeUibeT, 182. at 2 o'olottk m th i af ternoon of said dav, at tlie front door of the Court House, in the Con! y f 7alteoaw, rl Statf í Michigan, there will be old At public vendue to tb highest bidder, the lands dpsenbed in said mortgape, so nmcli thcre f as roay be neces-ary to Mtf t ami'tintdue at thfd.ite of this nutic.p, "Aftfe ht# expn Ki s of aalft, vi.: All that oertain ''eor parcel f land Iving in the town of Krfvdin nforesjfid, and describei as followH, viz: The west half of the oorth-weat qut ter o' section Number ti %-e township three soutk;.'i fmir vst, c"n.t&n:Vg fifty-stx acres and thirtj eiyht huuiireöihs of an acre. MARGARET IIAFFEY, Awigncc. John N. Gott, Attorney. Dated, Julv 24, 1SÜ2. Chuncery Sale, , Tl Y VIRTl'E of a decretal order mar!e in th( C'ivuK 1 J Court for the Conty of WubtoMw, sittinpr ii ("hanccry, in tho caue wharêln Ira Pufkey W ïoniplin" ant and ilenrr Banalaugh, Maria C. Baunlatigh, 0hW Kitchen, and James F. Avery are defendentB. 1 challé at public auctinn at Uu front door of the Court Hou. iu the city oí Ann Arbor, in the county afore.said, on tb I Uoth day of N'v.mbcr. A. D. eighteen bundred vA sixiy two, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that dty. all that oertain tract crparcel of land df'Fcribetl in m.i decretal 1 rder as follow: "All tltnt cfitain partor tr; et of land,to-wit, sitúate in th1 couny of Wash'ePiíw apd itutc'f Michigan knuwO an-J descjiïted is folIowj, to witj bcginning at tlie quarter post )-twefDiK. ti No. five and six. fhence nTth u degrec east 6 cha n ntH eiyhtfcn (18) lïnkK, thence uorth fifty tlirrt i5 degree und fift en m nufs east eightt-en chini tluTice north three ehains nnl sixty links, thence wwt léve chiiins und tlmry two links (32 1 , thence Routh fi,Tb vtti degret-s und fnrtv-h've m-nute wet ninetentJ9) ehaini iid twelve (lij links, thenoe soutb two aad 'Dl balf C-i) dffC1 eat oiie luiiu and teven t y tbrr hnk.-i 10 the l)lae of bi'inniap, being a purt of tb south west qnartcr of the norih-west quarler of $e& tion 'o. five [5] in towasbip Nq. miv soutb of range No. b;x (6J eat. and exceptinsr and reaerving taïefroB Hli'ut 011e lifth of an acre of land heretofore deeded bj Alberk X.i-phens to Joseph Marenas toeether with tb heredftamenta aud appurtcuances thereunlo beloogioi or in any arpertaining. D. S.TW1TCIIK1J., 1 Circuit Court Commissíoner for tbe County of Waart' teuaw, Michiganü. Hawkim, Solicitor for Coraplamant. Ann Arb(rtSeptenibt-ï22. 16O. 871td ANOTHER AL A ARBIVAI AT THE áPVoLD AND HELIA BLE RtIB CLOTHIWt EMPORIUMÜ 1 fflH B " 6 PHCENIX BZOCK, MAIN STREET. hfis just returned (rom the Eastern Citie, with a larf aud desirable stock of F ALL A1ND WINTER GOODS! wkioh he is now ofTering at unusuallj IiOW PHIOB8! 1 Among bis Assiortment may be for.nd ' BROADCLOTHS, CASS1MERES, DOESKINS, & VESTINGS, of a.'ldescriptions, 8pially for FALL AND WINTER WEARl which hc i calting nd makioR to order, n thelateit1" ' best stvles, together with a superior ausortment of BEADY MADE CL0TH1NQ'' TRL'XKS CARI'ETT BAGS, UMBRELJ.AS, and Gentlemea's Furnishing Gtoodft with numero u cthtjr articlea usually found in tUoï eKtablishmcntt;. As ANEMPOKÏÜM OFFASBIO the subscribir Batters himself, that hislong exprl{ and goncra. sucs,will enabl him to giva the i"Vj, üatisfaction toall who may trust bim in the way oio1 ■:'■ ■' luriiig ?fi.rracjnts to r.rdrT. .rn


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Michigan Argus