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PU3U311SD KVKKY I'HIUAÏ UüR.VIMi, 11 tllC Tllil'J Story of Uio .l.lck Uiocfc, urner of Mum and liuiuu Street ntj-auce nu llui on átret,oiQBitt tlie ÏYaukli. ELlíIU B. IPON.D iEUltOr and 1'u.blistiex-. rK'OIS, S1.5O A Y IS AU IN ADVAKCE. VDVF.KTISING . One square (12 itnos órleaa) on week, öUcentK; anü i ceats lor üvery insertiuu tiieiultcr, lesa tliun tiun ,"JUrc3 muiiths tö Quarlei co!. 1 year $ff ' do S $ ■■■■ 5 Ualicoltlin 6mo IS ■ ,i„ 1 j-aar S ]!lf do I year 36 „o sq'ies 6 mos 8 One do 6 mos ,.3ê firo 3o 1 jét 12 Uue do 1 year 60 L& Adfertlsements unaceompanied jy yitton orverr 1 iirectin will be published uulil ordered out, aud thargeil iccordiligly. I-cal advertisementa, ihrit insrtion, 50 cent? ier lio"!5 cuiiis iiv folio fov eacli Eubscqtipnt nstitii.n. H'hen a p-istpnn'omeirt I llliM u'an Rfl'prtiapBipnt th. i;ole will be charged the same as for Brst iuseiüon. JOB PBJÑTI3STO. Iuiphteta,n:i;v!-bill3, rculwr, CarflB.Ball Ticl-ets. n,] tliT vavii'tu'R of 1 . in at] Fancy ïo Printing, licecutod ,iüiprompmcss,..atlinthc HKST STVLK. POOK BINTDTNG, Connootcd with thé Office Bi Bonk WnAery n charL ,' tompete1 u-orknmn. CnuBty ü.-1''. '■ „„,, to mnrtcrv tl,rn.irtvmirsOfflce. Instile 50 ÍMrertüTn. CA.RDsfCARDS! ! CAEDSÜ! „„,„, .mrohased a 'tnGOLES Rotakt Piasionp Cari yrt.,w{haoenortmon1 of Oxrd type, the Ancre Offlcoi propared to print Carde of all kinzin, ratestp"sblpyl aiií 1 a roa rc.luctinr fren) Mout r ie,aeiiUD Bu!ni rrf f"'' ""':. ".." ."MloManinrofM-rtoiiii, Rail. MIpí. ■■J Crl, ote. ote. Culi, ,'ive ua rours orders and fe how itis done All toases prompt ly adjustetl MERCHANTS5 INSURANCE C0,5 OF HARTFORD, COKN. Cash Capital,$200,000. Tótaf Aísets.Jaa. lsl,18C, t?t-5JS UabiUticü, ..- - 1 -S.-4.09 MRK H0WARD, Ppmlaent. K. Tiioa. Lobdell, Secj". The nnieraigneü lias bec n appclntpd Agpnt fnr tke .oove reüaWc Ompa-.y. and will eUcct n.urunw plastlossejbüreafreasonableraie. r nd Ann Artcr,June2, 1SC8. 865tf J". "W. ICIsriGïïT, Agent f ur .the 3?hcenix Insurance Comany OF IUUTFORD CT.j AND THE CONWAY INS., CDMPANY OF BOSTOX MASS. Lossts Honorably adjustert an.l prrmptly p-úi at üiis Agencv. Office Corner la:n nn.1 Hun.n Klrect, over tl.e Store of Bach & PiKrson-, Ann Arbor. Aun Arb..l, Sepl . V IMS. RAyWOHD'S PliotograiJliic and Fine Art ( A Uu ER Y Kos. 205 aBa 'J07 JtlToison Avenue, DETROIT. ótoïrnplis, Lite Site, cnlnrefl or plaln, caWnot im-Sïiï g ïletoiootyp. iagureotypes, Aahrótypes, taod. Surveycr& Civil Engineer. WWEÏK?, Surveyor and Civil r.nfrio' er. coirtin . ues togiveimmcdiale attcntiou to all ordera.- Office ai cis roidence at tLe curner of Catlierme anO flihayer si reets, „ Ann Artor..-tyt. 10, 1BC2. lj,9 I. O. O. F. WSHTEXW LODGE NTo. 9. of the Independent 'nrlerof odl t'ellu-8 meet at their Lodg Room, jery Fridav evpnintr, ut 7i uVVil,. E. R1CHAKU&UN, N. U. . sqxdheim, ec'y. lTStübbs. I WaowsjLE and Retail Dealev io Tobáceo. Cigar Re [ai„ st.-sign of li B.g Indiar.." Fiunklin lílock, nn Arbor, - 1_1__- _ -' 5. G SÜTüEULAND & 'LUjfc -ITIIOI.FSALE ANP RETAII, Grocprs and ComraissloD i MwchantB, East side V'-.-.u st.eei Ann Arfcor j. MrscörrT" rr;iu"CTrúftorrs k Mooie Fc'rftc t satisíactiim guarantecd. RISDON HENDEKSONT" DEAI ERS in Ilardivare.Stcvt. houst {aruUhingood fin Ware &c, &c, N'ew aiock, Main Street. ' A. P. MILT.S, ia Staple Dry Guüds, Grocerits, Buots and bhoes and Ready Made Clot,hmg, Jiuroo Stret Ann HIUAM. J BEAKEtí. A TTORSEYS& Couxsklloks at Uw, and Solicito in V Chaueery. Office in City Uali Bloek, over Webster iCtra Book Store, Ann Vroor ____ KÏNGÖLEY & VIOUGAN, A ttoeneïs, Counsellor, Solioitois, and Notarles Pul) A. lic, have Books and Flats shoiving titles of all lands )ltlie ountjjantiattend toconveyancinganiH-oIloc-tiog sroands.andto payir,!? M est "' any rt of the State, baiceeastsi-eof ti, áquare. Ann Arjor. t, Wm. LËWITT, M. D., PHTSiaix b Surceos. Office at lis residí, North side of Huron street, and 2d Uoitne West of División )treet, Aun Albor. O. COLLIER, TA-OTAClL-REBari.ldL'n'.fr in Boot and StoeR. 1 LVL door Weat of tbe Post ' ffice. inn Arbor, Mie. MOOKlT&TuOMI. ft iNCFACTrREB8 aml Jealer in Boots and iboes, VI I'hoetiix Block, Main Street, one duor North ot Vashington. M. GUIT ERMAN & CO,, tT7"noLESAJ.Eaud BstaS dealers aöd EJiuiuíaoturerfi of VV Beady Made Ciothing, Importers of Clothe, Cassi■ereB, Doeökias, k.c. No. 5, New Block. Ann Avbor. O. B. PORTER, jnr Suroeon' Penttst. Office coraer of Main 'í' L anli íimím streeW, oirr 1'. üach's store, JTCBOBL Aun Albor, Michigan. Jj" r T Ai,ril,1859, " Wsi. WAGNER, DBAtER in Keady Made Clothinc: Cloths, Cnssimeres and Vestings, HatSjCapsfruukrt, CarpotBagH, &c. Main it , Ann Arbor. BA0I1 ê PIkRSON. DEALERS in Drv Goodg, Groccries, Hardware, Iíoots k Slioes, &c. , Main strfet, Ann Arbor. SLAWSON & GEEE, 1 ROCERS, Provisión .-c Cotniniftsioa Mercbants.!inideaJT lerjm Watkii Lijib. 1'iAsiEh, and 1'uaiKK ur RI8,onc door Eastof Cook's Hotel. C BLISS," DKAXSRinCloi ry. apd Faucy Goods, ;it thesignóf theBigWateh, Xo. 27,HhtEnii Block J. 3, 'W ATTS. DEAUïRinClockSjWatclie, Jewelry Ware Ko . 22. Nw Block, Ann Arbür. T. B. PBEEMAN. BARBKn and Fashionable Hair Dresaer, Main Street, Aim Albor, llích. Huir FrouU aud Curl Lept joustaiitly od aind. SCÍHOFF 4fc M 1 LL E UT" Dkai.f.u in Miicelliieou8, Schril. nu Blank Boks ita tioaery, 1'ij.per Hangiugs, &c, Hain Street Add D. DkFOREST. Ijff H0I.18ALE and Retai) Pealerin Lumber, Laili, ShinV tes, Sash, Doors, Blinda, Water Mme, Grirad lïivor 'laster, 'I !ii'(i N"aila of all sizes. A ful] and perfect aortniont of the above, .and all Uur i lnls of buiWing matemÏP constfintly on hnnJ ut tl,e [oirsM poulble riitc-f, on Detroit treet, a few rodp from the Elailroad D'-pnt. Aisoöperating extcnsivdy Ib the latent Cfcirieut RnoOn-i""- WASflTENAWCOüNTT BIBLE 80C1BTY. DEPOs:TCltT of Biblea and Teshimunts at tUe Societj prices atW. C. V,..,rliois. chapín, wood & co. suxj3arx, c-SËXTTTsre Go MANCF4CT"KKBFOF IPrinío Boolx., AND - COLORED MEDIUMS, AKN AUÜOlt MUH,


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Michigan Argus