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Description Of Thoroughfare Gap

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A lettor writer who accoiupameu Oen. Stabl's command on the late reeonnoissanee to Thorouglifure Gup, says: There are uot uny gaps in tbe Virginia tüountains more wonderi'ul thin theThoroujilifare. Tlie immense Buil Run Mountain seenis eloft in twain as if by soine mighty power. The wny is scaf cely wide enougli tü jdmit ot' the passage ut' u wagon. Tu an height, on eacli side. rist' huiie piles of limestoue rooks, from whose erev ices spring a thousand fouataius, wbose plasli'mg upon the rooks beuuatlt is ea!ioed ten t!;ousand times. Huge ti-oes fórta 3n iniuieu&e canopy in thu hciglits, rising one above the other. The sun smiles but iu few in the dark passage. 1'be bottom of ihe Gap is fillöd wilb rocks and nuiJ, and it seetns scarcely posible to a novice in moui taiu wondere tllat cither lio-ses or vejiiclea eould pass the tortuous, rougli i)ud daik labyriuth. Rut it w:i3 douu tiiia nioriiing. TUe advancfi guard. led by Sttibl aud Wyiidlun, is fo'lowüd with the ï-ush of utillery aud liorsemen. Tlio ocoasiunal refleciioa frora tlio briirlit brass twelve-puundcrs, and lbo tremundous riiiubling 'f tlio rbeels, lells us tliat tlu-y are rapidly passing throagh tbe awful defil The claiter "f th'üHJs öf hoofs and the elankiüg of ttiesaores cebo wiíh áucb force as to be paiuful tQ ;he ear. ]?ut onward presa the gnllaut band ; in a tuw monieiiVa the llol'd fl;ig" emerges into tbe gjowiug sunlight, followcd by a hosst of brave t'ollows, thu ecliocs of wliose sh'iu's burst f'uitb with a stupendous roar f rom the deptlis of tbe Gap. The passage is made ra id!y, aud evefy one bruatiits freer as lie tilintes the usually cowurdly eneuiv have not this time made tbe Gap a mihtjF tomb for m;my of thom.


Old News
Michigan Argus