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State Legislature

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The Legislatura have been in session about even weeks, and do not seera to be at all prepwred Por adjournment. A considerable por tion of their business is of a local aaá personal cbarncter, referring to dains, roads, claims, J&c, nnd is unneceesary lo be detailed in the SigiwK The propo6iíion of Mr. Williams íbr bienntal seseione meets with more favor from the Legislatore than we anticipated.- I paesed the House by a vote of 33 ogainst 10. lts fate in the Senate we 6uppo6e to be oraewhat áonblfui. Our op;nion respectingr tbe mea6ure ha not been changed by any ar gtttnents we bave eeen in its favor. We thirtk its friends greatly over-esf.mate its beneficial reBuhs. We fear tlat the evils of long eessions, cxcossj ve lf gi-lation. and heavy taxs would be but iitlle dkninished by biennial sessions.A biW has bren fcefore the Senate to provide for the electioiv of CommÍ6sioner of Internal ?aprovement by tbe people. A mot ton xraemnde to raetade tbe State Treasurcr, prosecuíing attorney, notnries public, &tc. Dr. Dentón contended for the propriety of this course. He said that o&cets of this kind wer electei 'tu ser eral statcs by the penplej nnd" no ill effects resulted froni it. The peopie hd been' thoughtcn pable of elècting their Gövernors and Preaidèntinl eléctors, nnd yet the wnrid hae not come to attend. The omennbjlity of pwbtic to the people was colculated to do good. Offlcers wefe apt to become ajÑBtocratiesl when appomted independent f the peopïe. He thought the people perfectly competent to elect their Governors, and evensuch groat men as Senators theraeelve. There was harm tn going a step further. He was willing go on step by step and year after year, until' the people were allowed to elect nll their public officere-. Tbe bül for alterjng the Licentie kw, wliichpassed the Sena te, was discuseeo in the House. The proviso by wbich the Township Boards, in the "No Hcense" towns were authorized to licence one or more druggists to eell intoxienting liquors for purposes other than a beverngr, was stricken out by a vote 84 against 6. 'íhose Who professed themselves the real friendo of the biil voted to strike out, on the grouhd thnt intoxicating drinki wou!d be sold by the druggists, und thus the l.alïic be continued by anotherclns3 of tellers. We th'mk the proviso should be retained. Our original proposition waa thut only one or two druggists orphysicians in each town 6hould be licensed; the permito of these to be revocable at the plensure of the board that appoinred them. - ín this way only one or two persons in each town could sell at all', these persons, it is presumed, .would be respectable citizens; and if they should abuse the purposes for which they were licensed, the evil could be immediately stopped. Besides, the Board would rot be obliged to license any druggist or physician unless they should deern it advisable. Our object in proposing this was to meet the objections of that large portion of communitywho believe thal ardenl spirits are indispensable for medical purposes. In the "No License1' towns no pereon will be authorized to sell a lesa quantity than twenty -eight gallons without being subject to a fine of twenty dollars for every offence. However, let us have tha act without the proviso, rather than not have il at all. There is a prospect that the Militia law will be materially altered. The legislators Bhould remember that the Press of this State is unanimous for a discontinuance of the usleea, absurd, expensive, demoralizing Militia trainings.


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