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The Draft Postponed

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The Aiijutunt General han pul)!hed an order pntpang tha dralt in this State for thirty tlays, and a!so continuing the bounüoH to men who huil enlist in the TuentyrEighth Iufantry, and in the SovunUi, Eifihth and Niath Cavulry. (ir in tho regiment of Sharp 8booters ituthorized I'V siich order. Ifihose regjnrwntH are filled the dralt will be uvoidcd, f nut tillad voluntuers nre to b reooivud for nino nionths. Now is tho time to go in and fill the quota. - In the ineanlime the Cornrnmsionera :iro to complete and return the rolta it thoe üable to druft, ho that it muy tako plaoe whenwför nocessary. JT:5f In uddfcioD to tho ron-ciad jiin!)ii iIm uii'l men-of-war alroady afloat nb'Hit fifly aro undar contract and in variouo stages I progresa. We bid fair to havo souielhing of a navy by tho time tlio robellion is put down. T-fT ïjeorottinij is going on brsly fur thu TwentyrJJlghth L{ugimont Mich gun lufantry, Ooi. Duyle. Es-Mayor Jüiin Patton, ni Dotioit, has accejitoi) the position of Lieutenant Colonel of the 8th. L5L" The several Ward Boards of Kegi.tration in this City, comuieuoed their tessions yesterday, anü wi)l concluclo tliem to morrovv. If you have c)i}nged Wards sinoe the last charter eleqtion be sure that your naaics are i rogistored. jg Bïron G Stoi;t is an out-andout Uuion man, making no condition iu Lis support of the Government save the one oondition that tho Government sliall stand by tho coustitution, which affords ampie powers to put down the ycbellion, and without wliich tho President is na more than " snjr otlier man.' Austin Blaik, the etr.ancipation-negro.equalily- McG lel oandidatei support the Government on condition that it will adopt hts heresies and " let tho Union sudo." Stout goea for (he Union and 8 willing th:it slavery shall run tsown risk-". lïi.iii'. gogg fqr immediate, universal emnncipation, and let the Uniou take the consoijiiences. L'or which will you voto ? Ey The Board of Supervisore having provided for the eleotion of an additional Circuit Court Cominissioner n thiscouuiy, Uon. Qeorub Danfoktii. of this city, has been placed by the proper cuminittoes upon llu Union ticket as a candidate for that offioo. Tha selectiou is a good ono. Mr. Danfokth bas peculiar quuhficatioDS for the position, aud will ruake a good run. CHAHLES S. WOODAR, of Ypsi latiti, has also been placed on the Union ticket :is the cand date for County Sur veyor. He is ono of the best Survoyors in the átate. - Kdward L. Doydev having been frightencd by the cry that tho Unionists are all " traitors," " aecesli," &c. &o. has deelined to run for Coronor on the Union ticket, and Martin Clark, of this city, hag been subutituted ia itis place.


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Michigan Argus