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Not tbe least important part of the eleclion on Tuesday next, is tlio choice of rcpresentation in Congress If yon, do not wish to witnoss asrain the hunnlating spectacle that bus been exhibited at Washington a considerable part of the time for tbe last eighteen niDiiths of National Legiilation, wbile iho canuon of tha rebels was reverbera tiiig through the halls of the capítol, spenditig months of timo, in leprislatintr exclusively for the negro, while their own anny of white men were dwindling away fur the want, the attention, and care of the Legislature Vote the Unioc ticket. S2L" The ouutiy was told that if tho Pnsident would only ifsue an emancipatinn proclitmation 900 000 men would spring brom the S'iil fu II y armtid and eqntpped, and that the rebellion would ba imniediutely crushed out. That proclumation ia over one month o!d, and vol tho promised hosts buve not come to thuaid of the government. Tho ranks of the defeated regiment yet neyd man, ind. thoso who clamored for tho proclamatioo hould f;ill in by the sicle of the uncond t tonal Union men and till ihem. Fall in " an4 save ;he dra ft. 8@u You may kuow a radical without any trouble, becauso iu conversing with him he will teil you that the acts of the government are justified by the War-power given o th Presideut iu the Constitution. Now we do not mean to find fault with the goyernment, btit simply ask these geiftlemeu if the constitution do'8 not - read about the samo in tiine of war that it doe in timo of peace,. VVp think it daca, and givos about the iima power ii) eaoh case. tsT The Board of Supervisors xreets to conclude its anima' sessuon today. Our sevepe illne&s ha p-evcnted us reporting and publishíqi; ita proooed ings. Anotlier weefe, howevcr, wo shall hope to give a ynopsis of tbem, including tho equalizatiou tabk, appoitionment of tases, statement of settleiaent with Treasurer, report of Superintendents of Poor, etc. We cannot, howcver, give a full list of tlie claims al lowed or rejected in wliolo or part. jL2jL" The ProsidtJiits' omasicipa'ion prodairmtion did net oi'eatu nny great Ntir broud. Thu Engli.h press pe!lk of it as a iurce, anc Heoin tp tliiu (c th;it the rebelión munt be put cliwn by figliting instond of procliirnutiona. And wo think Presidont Lincoln holds to the amo opinión, iind iasued it mainly to convinoö the radicáis of its powerk.-8nosa. Jut pnicliimu'.ion or no pree Iftmutioo let the war go on and tho rebellion be put down. C'o.vservatism - II is ii favorite ijsser tion of the R:idical- th it their candidatos are as conservativo as tlios.e on the Uuion T.cket. Thia is not so thu candiiiutes of the radicáis havs all got the negro phobia very bad. 8í5u Kecollect that every vote cast for the radica} Legislature ticket on Tuesday next, is a vota to end pbandler back to the Seoate of tho United States for 8x years, frora the 4tb of Marcb next. Now i f yoi} do, not want tljis, bo sure aud vote tho Union ticket.


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