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:' " X lie 'greát waiitof a certain remedy for &o cura of Coughs and Diseases of the Lungs, has been snppliedbyHOOFLANDSBAXSAMIC CORDIAL. Bead tho advertisemont ín anothfr nnhiinii. __ - S& Sue; ivomiin, in npother column, picking Sumbuci Grupos ios Speek 's Wine. Il is nn íirlminible anide, userj ip hcspitftl nnd by first-clnss familie? in Paris, London, and New York, in prcfcrenec to old poit wino. It is worth a trial, ns it gives rent tisfaction. Passen-er trains now tor. Detroit and the Mvernl Stations followi. Train! !o not stop at atatioD where flguros are omitted ia tbc table. GOING WEST. Mail Ex. Jack. Ac. Nicht Ei. Detroit 8.00 a. M. 5.00 P. . 8 00 e. M AnnArbor, 9.40 '■ é.fj " 9-0 DfXter, 1" 05 " 1X0 ' M Q5 I Cholseá. 10.23 '■ 7.55 " 10.10 Af. Chicago, 8.15 P. M. 8.15. K GOING EAST. Ni"htEx. Jack. Ac. MiilKx. sarigts- mr SSs sa-- te " 5:?5 - Ar.'at Detrtit, - 7.C0 " 8.S5 ■' 6.40 " The Üoujlas Mtinorial. The diploina of menibership of the Douglas Monument As.sociation , beautifuily engraved on steel, a bout nine by twelye inches in dimensicns is duw ready for dislributiüft to the euUscribers to tho monument fund. To all persous fpfVHKtfM to tho Aáaociation One Dollar or moie wiHtie sent oao of these Diplomas, nrqp.erjy excctitcd. To contributorsln the mm of TWO Dollars or oiore rill bn furnishod gra'.ituously, besides the Diploma, & beautiful imperial xue STEEL K-VGRAVINO OF JUDGE DOCCLAS, 21 l.y 17 inclics, p.iblished by Marsh, Rowe k Co. Contributors in the aura of one dollar will become life menib-'rs of the Douglas Monument Assucialion ; in the sumof t.venty dollars, honorary Ufe meml erd ; and in tho sum of one hundred dollars, honorary life membera of the Board of Trustees. Local reccivers and solicitora for contributionsart beingauthorized in the loyul States, l'amphlets and cifculars contaiuing the Urgamzation, Constitution, ByLaw-, end }ie Appeal of the Association, wil! be sent to all who will firward their adJress. Communicationrt should be directed tu the "So-.retary D. M. Ass'n, Chica go, 111." All editora who will insert thia card ijJ thoir dajly, o-eekly or tri-weekly issues three months, with au occaaional notice to advanc the object in view, will have for mrdad tu theni immediately Diplomas as Honorary Life Members ef this Association, !sp a copy of the above Portrait, upou the recept by the society of a copy of their paper ccnUiijfing thi.s innouncement. VVALTER B. SCATES, President. Leomard W. Volk, Sceretary. g56m3 "aTcard to the ladies. DR. DUPONCÖ'S GOLDEN riLLSFOK FEMALES. Infaüi.ble ín correcting, reuiating and removing all obetractiuns, fruiu whatever cause, and alvvays successful as a preventiveThe combination o' ingredients in Dr. Duponco's Golden Pilla for Kemales are eKetly harmltss. They have been uscd in Lhe private practice of Dr. Duponco over 20 years, and thounniiíí of ladies can testify to their great and never fiüling success in almoflt every aso o correctii;g incuhirities, relieving painful a.nd diütressiug menstruation, particularly at the change of life. Krom flv to ten pills wilt cure that common yet dreadful compinint, the Whites N'early every female in the land suffers fr m thi.s complaint. The above Pili has permanently cured thousands, and they will cure .1 ou ïf you use thetn. They can not harm you; on the cntrary. they remove all obstrutions, re store nature to its proper chanri'I, and inignrate the whule iy.rtn. Iidtes whose health will not permit ao increase of f;iruily, will (ind these pills a successíul preventive Ladies pecuüarly situatod. or thnpe suppo.sing thtmselves so, should not u?e these Pills during the fir&t tlircc months, as they are certain to produce miscarriagt, "after which admonition" the proprietor assumes no respnnsibility, altl.ouh their mildness vill pvevent aü njury t" henltn. The iugrediepts coi&po.sing the above Pilis are .nade known to every Agtnt, and they will teil you they ave safe and will perform all claimed ior them. Price $1 per bos old ia ANK ARDOK, by STFBïtlK .t WII.P0N. DruGrgisU, W. A. HUXT, Jlruggiat. Ladies living at a rtisUnce by sending them $1,00 through the Ann Arbor Postoffice, can have the Pills sent (confidt-ntially) by maiZ, to any part of the country free of poetage. N. B. - Beware of a base counlerfeit of these Puls. - You can buy the coiifiterítit article at any price from 25 tu 70 esnts a box (dear at ttiat). Ladiks yuur ÜveB and healtn are of too rrrncli ralue to be trifled wilh, be.sides betng imponed upíft vith a worthless art cle. Therefore, any one oflVrin yoa ibfse Pills for loss than $1 1 box, avoid tliem aa you would poison. They are bojfus. None aregenuine unleps the name of S. D. HOWE is on every jox whích has recently been added.on account of the 'lis bt-ing couterfuited. Sold also, by KiNNE & 'MTTH, Ypsilanti. líLISá &ÍiKEBEJackBon, and by onedruggist in every village and city ín the Jnit.ed States, and by KARRAND,SHEELEY k CO..GeneralStato geuts, L'etroii. Ë. 1) HOWE, ÖoleProppetor, 867yrs2 ' York. MPORTONTtsFEMALES THEHjEALTU AND LÍFEOFWOMAN Isconfinuiilly 111 peril if she is mad enough to ncglect or mattreat those sexual inegularitie to whicb twothirfls of lier sex are more or less subject. I)B. CHEKSEMAX'SPILl.S, preparel from the same formula wlnch the inventor. "ORVEL1U3 L. CHEESKMN, Xr. n.,nf fork, has for twenty years used successfuüy inan extended private practice - immediately relieve witit'mt pain, all disturbanccR of the periodical discharge, whelher ansing trom relaxation or suppresMion. They act tike a cliarm in removing the p.iins tlmt accempany difficult or itnranderate me struatmn, and are the only safe and reliabli remedy for Flushec, Piek Headache. Pains in the Lins. fïack and Sides, PaipitntioD of the Heart Xervcus Tremors, HystcrtcR, Ppnsms, Broken Plep and otaer unpleasint and dansrer"UK efTpp.iH of an unnatural enndition of the sexual functions Tn the worst oiaoi of Fluor Albas or White, they "lïect a Kpeedy cure. Xo WiyES and ivrATnOKTSDa.CIIEEKNUX'S PlI.Iare 'ffe-ed as the only safe tneans of renewinginterrupted menstruationj ut. L.AD1KS MUST REA R IM ]II!VD Tkere Ís oner.ovdinov of the femnlt system in which tht Pills c.nunoibe taken wihmit prodiicmg n PECULTAh RESULT. Thtcnndüion referred to i PBEGNA SCY- the rexult, MISCA HWAGE. Suek is the i rr 'es is tibie tt'iidency of the medicine ton stors the scrii al fu-cüons to a normal conti ilion, that even thi reproductipt power of nature Oúdftót rfiist it. Rxplicit directioiis stating wkent and wken they aha uit not be uned. with e ich Hox.-lhc Price One Dollar eack Box,r.dntainivg5Q Pills. A r&taftble Pa, uphUt. t be had free of the Agents Pills sent bij mail promptly, by enclosing pnce to any Agent. Btfld Ly Jruggisis goiiiral y. R. B. I1UTCH15ÍGS. Propuctnr. 20 Cedar-St., Neto York. For Palc by MAYN'AKD STËBBINö & WILSON , and 'UKN'VII.LH & L'LLER. A GEM FOR THE MILLlÓÑ! MME, DEMOREST'S RUKKIKO STITCH Sewing Machines. PRICE FIVE DOLLARS. o A PRACTICAL, rupü, efficiënt, and durable sewing machina, adapted to a large proportion of family sewing, or fur munufsetuiini; pttrpoSM. It II highly ornamental, and so lijïht aud portabie, ( we'ghing Jess tkan one pound) tbatítcan be conveaiently cairied in the pocket or reticule. lts operatK.n is Ho vtry %impte that it requires but a slight degr e of judgraent to use it By the simple turning of a crank with onc Ijnn'i, and ffuicling tut work wiU tke other,it sik-ntly yet very npi'ily with a corainon needie makcs the running stitch exactH' likc tlie hind sewiog. ooly more perfect and It vill hem, gaíher, rufïie, nhirr, tuclt, f un up bi-eadtlin, etc.. whh a Ingle doublé ikread no any maieriitl ;id;ined to tl e running st'tch, from the liglit est anl thinncst up to two thicknessof of ordinia'y silk r muslin. Thr. thinnest, usuaily ihe most difficuHto fititch by other machines, being sewe-l the easlest. - For ladips' and children's appaiel, aiyl other articles made of light fubrics, it will therefore be füud alust inviluable. It is attached to the table like a sewing bïrd, and havíng no tención , and requiring no lubvicntion or chance of stitch, is always ready for operation, and buch a marvel ot liaaplidty tbat a child of sis or eight years can understnud it irnmediAtal. aadust it successfully. It is not at all liablo to get out of order ■ ícii machinéis put up in a neat box, accompanied with fullandexpltcit dírectious, and twcnty-ilve needles. Sent to any n.dilriRÍE the L'nited Stata on recpipt ot an o dor, incloing the utnount, or may be collectod by Expres on delivcry of the machine. Libera! arranments made for íipeucies. Every Mot)ier; Dress-Maker, Milliner, and Lady ehould have one úf machines. AddreM DF-MORFT, (868tf) 473 Broadway, N, Y. Ayer's Oherry Peetoral,


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