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öreat Books in irress. THRILLING INCIDENTS , ÜF THE GREAT REBELLION; f OR t TheHeroism of our Soldiere ASailors, vol.,lare 12 ío. Pnce, $183. C The critica and the public ar right fa predicting that f this will gmphic narrativp, cjciting interest, „d extensire populantr, all other histories of the War or the Union lts theiñe will be the heroic daring, u ent suBermgs.and bair-breadth escapes of our midiera T ndsailors, and its incident will ferm the theme of conema'ion at innumerable ureeide for years to come. It 4 ■UI coutain. nadditioti tolt" tiriing details, Uw philoophical Annlysis of the Causes of thi Wur, by I' nx ■ ■oTBT.or ioTLKY, LL. D , Autlior of "The Klso of the Juten Republit," etc, the dates of all tbe iniiortant " veul from the John Bruwn raid, and n accurate ..ud trlnd account of the principal buttles, wilh ongra.nsa. [ Oe tlilrd the proceeds of allSubscrlpiions sent direct I o'u will b'e giren foc the ftelicf of Di.nbled Soldie.i, nd nll persons who wish a copy of the work, and lso obeueiittho sttdie s.hbould send their mime and adres at once. Also, auy officer or private, or perron in f ny section of the country, haring knowleilgc f a heN oic act or stirrin iccident, will obligo us by aending us }. n accouutuf ít. i U Bookspllers, Postmasters, and Canvaasing Agrnts will i e furnishedwithaSubsciiinioLsrrospcctusn Ion to the I'ublisLem. f. A liberal corqmission girpn to soldier desiriry to ■ ' ctaa agoutá in taklngsubecriptiona, . f II. THE HISTOEY OF AMERICAN MAN, , UFACTURES, from 1608 to 1860. J By Dr. J .Lbander Bisuop. 2 vols, 8 ro. Vol I. now ready, Vol II. ntsarly ready. This i probably the lorgest and most important work now in the American pröas. á We hare also just publiahed new cditions oi tha iolowing usefuland popular books: The Business Man's Legal j Adviser ; Or, How to Stp Money, by Conducting Business io dingtolaw as expouuded by the Beit and Latest ai horities. 4)0 pp , shetp. l'rice 81. OPPORTUIilïIES for INDUSTB.Y ; . or, A Thoutand CJianati to Muke Money. Cloth, tl This has been republishcd in England. Erery buiini'ss manand cler sh.puld Hare thjse books. They will pay the buytr a bundrod fold! Erery parent ohould get them ior their sons. w All thee books are mailed, pohtpa,id, on receipt of irice. We pay particular attention to mailing books, rrmpptag the:n caiefuily, and will procuro aud isend, J postpafd, any'bookanwhtre, on receipt ót puülUbers' jrice. ■ Address FRJÍEULEY &. CO., 861tf Tribune Buildings, New York. THE HOUSEKEEPKR'S . NEW rURNITURE POLISII í Ppepared from an improred recipe by the prnprietor of ths "BiioTHta Jonathan PousH,"i certificd by all J,p Jeading New Yprk rurniture Dealers and Piano 'orte Maters to oe tlje best in the worW for Kemuving, Marks, aud Uirt. apd restoring a high and asting gloss to al kinds of VarnUhed werk, from rurniture to eather. It is cheaper and better thau VarDh. dries imnierl)tsly. nll'l is easily applied. With a piecc .f Cnntun FUinnel aud anti % bottle or two of this New o Fcrnitcrs PotliB. a Iloueekecpst au TCOfk magie in the urniturc of a house and keep t lookiug like Mt, Now s tho time to "shineup" your f.ible, f-'hairs, Desks, Pianos, fictuie Frames. Carriages, etc, and make them ook 50 per cent. beteer. Tbjs it true sconomy. For ale by Kurnitre Dealers and Storekeepers gcifsrallr.- Prlce i% and 50 cents a bottle. Depot No. I Suruca bt , New Yotk. Special Agents Wantcd. Address, 3ox 1972, New York P. O The Hou-okeeper's New Furniture Polish is for tale at Ann Arbor by ■ i - - e NEW FALL GOQPSJ BACH $c PfiERSON Have just opened a CJioico Stock . Qf WOOL, C0TT0N& SILIC for Ladies' and Gentlemens Wear, alao a stock of Best Family Groceries, I which will be wcltl CHEAP FQR CASH. Goli, roeeived at 16 per cent. prem. Silver, " " 14 " ' " Cunada, " " 14 " " " ' Oíd demand Treasqry notes, at 10 per oent. prem. BACH 4 PIERSON. Ann Arbor, Sept. 22, If62. Rifle Factory! Beutier & Traver, [Successors to A. J Suíherlan.] Maijufaoturer of and Dealers in Guns, Pistols, Ammunition Flasks, Pomhez Game Jjags, and Everjotlier article in that Line. All k' of HEPAIRINC done at the shortest notice, and in the best mtauer. a full assortment always lïept on haud and mado order. ai. Shop on Uuro streat, Ann Arbor, Uct. 6, 1362. 873tf THE íiREAT CAUSE OF HyMAN MBSERY! Jast PM'tsh:d, in a Sealed Envelop, Prict jSix Cents A I.ECTURE BY Dm . CCLVKRWELL, ON THE CAUSE AND CÜEK of Spermatonlioeii, Counumptlon, Mintal aC l'livnicjl Debiluy, Veryou. ni'ss, Kpiipsy, Impairod Nutritiün of tht-J'iody. Ilansitude Weakness (itlhfLimbs and the Hiick, in Ucpotltioa ;-nl Iucapacity tostudy tni Labo:, Dullness of Apprelunsion, Loss of emory, Av ersion toSocietv, Lnve of Solitude, l'iniidity, Self Distrust, Di.zinesrt, Headache, AÜVctions of the Kye.s, Pimples on the Face, Involuntary Emisskm, ni Sexual Incapacity, the Conáequfcnces of Youli.iul Indtscretion, kc &c. jL3„ This admirable Leci ure clearly proven that the abovp enumerated, often sell-afilicted evilu. may be reüiored wijiout dangerous Riirgical operatiou., aud should be read by erery youtb and every mau in the hiud. Sent un'lertea.1, in a plaiu ouvelopc, to apy addres, on the roceiptof bix cents, or two postage stamp, by addrujaing, DR. CHAS. J.C. KIJNE, 127 Bovvery, New York, Post Offico Box , 4686 WILLIAM ACTON. OITY BILL POSTER. Orders left at the Argus Office prompt"!;' attcttded to,


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