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SAMBÜCI WINE, [ I'URE, AND TOCH ÏEAUS Ol-D, Of Clioice OporO jruit for phtsician?' use, fo?. "EJ1ALES. WEAKU PERWW8 INVALID3 Krery fam: ly, at thia eason, ,-hould uso tbo 8AMBUCI WJNE, Oelebrated in Europtforita medicinal and beneflcal jujililie hs u genlle Miinulutit. 'lonic. 1'iuK ;ic anil su 1 rific , highly eMeemed by (mtnent pbypicisnn, ust-d in iuropean and American iWpilalw , and by som fci the ;rst families of Euro} e and America. Af A TO.VIC, It lias no cqual . cauainR an aj petite and building up f the system being sntireiy a puro ce uí a most aluablü fluit. AS A DlCRtTtC, !t impartía healthy aotion to the GlandsandKIdneys, md Drinary Orgtoa, very beneficialin iiiopsy, Gout,anu [ÍUeumatic aQ'tiCtious. Sl'EER'S WIN E s not a mixture nrmanufactured article, but la pure , [romtuejuiceofthe l'ortugal.-'ambucusgrape.cultivated d New Jrsey.recorr.mended byf iiraiists and }'hyncians 18 pbsaes.-iing medical propertit 8 superior lo any Other Wine in ue, and excellent article for all weak and iebilitai'vl persons, and the aged and infirm, improvint Ihe apu'tite, and beneü ing laüss and children. A LADIES WIN'E, Because it will not intnxicate as other winc, aa it eontains no mixtura of spirits nr liquors. and ia admire! foritarich, i.cculiar flavor, and nutritive propertiea, impartlng a liealtby tune to tbe digeslive nrgans,and a blooming, soft and healtby skin and complexión. WE REKEK TO A few well fcnown gentlemen and physlclans, who h&ve tried the Wine:- Gen. WinSeldSoott, U.S. A. Pr. Wihon, ljth st.. N. Y. Gov Morían, N.Y. Dr. Ward, Neu'ak, N. J. Dr. J II. Chüton.N'. Y.Ctty. [Ir. Dougherty, '■ " I). Parker, N Y. City. Dr. Parish, Philadelphia Drs Darcy and Nicho'l, Novark, N. J And many otbera too numerous to pnbüsb. genuine unless the i'gnitture nf "AI.FKF.I' BI'tltB, I'.TS.-aic.N J.," f over the cork of each bottle S-MAKE OXE TRIAL Of THIP WINK. For Fale by Moyiinrd, Stvbblns Si Wllson. Ann ArbOf. Trade supplied In petroit by H. & L. ?IMOXEAU. A. SBiitJH, Ejoprietor. VIN'EYABI). Paftaic, New Jersey. OFFICE, 803 nroadwjy, X. Y. JOHN LA POV, is, ?3-lraC Agent lor Franceaud Germany. RISDONHENDERSO.N Ï3 XJ O IS. E3 "L" 3E3 GRAIN DRILL, Grass Seed Sower, Manufactured at Springfiöld, Ohio. -pHE VEKY LATEST IMPROVEMEfJT, and bitter than l all o'thers; adapted to soivmg rt'bettt,, Oats, Barley and Grasu öeed. Ut. It ha$ a Rotary Fceder. 2d. Will sow all kinds of Orain and Grass Seed. 3d. JVever lunches the Orain Uh. Nevev breaks te Grain. 5ith. Sows Grass Seed broadcast behindthe Drill. Gth. Has hujli vjheeh and long Hoes. 7lh. Hai long and wide steel points8th. It has a land measure or Survet, or. 9tA. It Ais doublé and single rank dri'lls, lQth. It Aas a self adjusti'.ig simt off ilid-e. It is neatly and substantially made. There is hardly a Driil offered ia the nurket but on boast of motu or lesa FIRST PREMIUMS" Thev nre about as indi?crii3jinntely iestüwt'd M the title of " Profesor," wtiich is someiime-i npplied to the liJiddhr'' Qr li bcotblQafy.' TJtey cóase to cunvey tht idea oimerit. The BucUeyc Di-ill has betn on Exhibition at quito a nurabiT óí U.U) and County Kaira, -md seeking favor at tbo lAñ'Ta of anjf Cumraittee, has received it f uil share of rnmluuMi TESTIMONIALS : We give the following Dames of a. few Farmtrs in th! vicinity wao have bought and uscd theiJuckt-'yeDrill : Gudfrey Millcr, Scio. .lacob Pülijeraus j Jacob Trerriper, '( ïiiirni' Wbile; Nofthfleld. jobo tímkiv.Y, " Chiibtian Kapp, " Edwiird iioyiten, Wobster. Jaines ireadwell, AnnArbor, Daniel O'IIara, " John U.Cook, Lodi. O. A. Miinbali, " L. Ldmon s, Saline. George Crcpsey, UrLeoOjk, Liy. Co. We are aïao sü-s or hd Ohio Reaper & Mower5 actaowloaged p bo th= very best in use. Wc are just iu receipt of 100 Grain Oradles Whicli we will scll Clieap. AIöo alargeassortraeut o G-rass And the Iargest and best selectcd stock of BICjSTT STUFF FOR CARRIAGE? ever before oiTered in tljip parket. We aiso keep a largo aud full NA1LS, GLAS3, PÜTTY, PAINT, and LINSEED OIL. A cooipleto assortmeot of STOVES, TINWAKE, AND EAVE TROUGHSalways on hand ar.d put up at tho shortest uotice. RISDON & IIENDERSON. Ann Arbor, June 21th J862 8''9tf TUo undoraiirncd will Bell, on ten ycars Upa if desired 80 Acres of Land 1 Webster, Adjoining thítli (arm of L. Boyden. Th farm is well lencod, ma line statoöfcult vatlon, has a frarued house, a youDg and tbrilty orchavd, nnd is couvenieat tomárktt ïerms giyeu on application. I). HKNN-ING. Ann Arbor, Sopt. 18th, 1S62. 8ÏOm3 XJ ES S A.HA.T O G}. A. E M P I K E WATE R FOR In'li?fstion or Pyspepiia, Copi Upa tion, Nervous Debility, Lom of Appi'tilo, Common i'nln. iH(-aa of tlm Langa, Hoacache, ,iud l:-vciibh state oí the SnVby MAYNAKI), RTEBBIN3 & WILSON and EBEKBACU i: Cü., AnnArbor. l)8:sáyeis Cathartic Pilis,


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