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DO YOU WANT IVHlsKEliS t DO YÓO WANT A MOVSTAdUgt If o, perchase onj l-oltie of F.E. Ci.incpica'.i EXCELSIOP ITíVIGORATOR J The vorld renuwnvd tySW,- the ocl artidc of thc Sú&4 evM ífcred the Cnittf "fnt . Tbr btjf9 nielo i thi uaíjr m hjhU &a FftriéCh ; ta J.unA .md TarU U ta la ulí-.'.:-.-;1 ne. THE EXC11SIOH WHISKER INVIGORATORl I Ib 11 Beaiuiful, K'jom iricul, rootliing, jal tlratt'i-.tif L Compouud, acting ttis if by maíc upun Ibe rojjf can. inga bc-Hv.timl gruwih oí' l.ujcuriant llcan!. If pulir.". to tlie ivill ture BiiUsia, anil if apilic ccoy.I.nx to dircctJonM, it vill cause te "ytl&g up üi lit!i? ssuy, gruwth .jf sufi rKEu .i.u:i Tho Cclebrated EXCELSIOR INVIOORTOR la an indispeíi?&b'í ArtifKe In every f&1li&an'ii TjI1c# and fter one vuek tWjt would not, kTJiny chjwM. eratifiu. fjo witlr-ut it. Tíif; abDTtt u Kirie tíííj íq ir. ix, Four lo K'gílt Wek., bríug ÓUl fc Vjyk xet vi WHÜliLks or .VotWACBF. TU Sübjcriber-íare the cnly Agenta tot tho koro a: ticle ia tita Umted tateTLoy troulcl abo annouaco to tho publio ♦L(f vfej are ligvotsfor Napoleon's Hair Toilet! The oaïy fiiticle over offend o tho Fipnch ptfM$ tí t VOttld CCfcL hTRilGHT EUIK tile atovt Toiic-t Ijoiliy mi.. ufactured TuF'ihe sote befiefltö Luis N peleón I whif h urifola '■ bow ialbpen-oujk ia ),;; Tulfet r. m. The subscribe" lUng cenftJfètUist tiiiv Tuilet mu.t rficcSM!inl t' ■■-■ i'ltcc of all oilícrs i-vtr 'ffirtd u tbe ijublíc.tliey take plciqria exicnliiK: tlioir cotiíldt-oce ín thc article.gaining it irop (iruclicoi uc. THE NAPOLEON HAlR TOILET Will CuRr. tkaight Haití in Spft, ffilktFk)lltt 5'uil, .lint ?iii rt-mm Insbape fcf one i1y or one iriwt Lf iesireJ, or txiiy [ooer penod, ií' tbc üircctions nre stríctl fuÜDwe'i, vhtek u:e vory aimpleand easy . Tliis Huir Toilet doncot in nnv maunerinU-rferp with the Natural iuji'i cas of (kc Huir. It nc-ither Ecorcl"t ncrdye.Hit ; but ffivta 'oo L.iir t íoft, thril'ty appfarance. It niso r&ventd tho hait írtui filjlng oü n tuvuinggray. THE NAPOLEON HAIR TOILET IIíi s bc?n befort-the jjubl c but íl sli. rl tipie, and buji!?afly been lestyd b ovpr one lliJusr4n persona ! ao'l thcv testlfy thftt tbe npulcüB HaírT'jilet in ihe grrttc'. (;■:: itifler uveroff. r.rt t" thc Amvricnii j'-ople. To prpreü'. íhi Toilet :ron being countrimd r l.-citated bv unpr.;if:ílJlcfl peisors, we do not ofier.t furcaio t 69y ]'iruggi.-ts latbt Fiiito' M;.tc5. 'Iborcícrc n; Ladv cr üeiitlcmaii 'iio dcsirta Suft, I.uïuiÏKDt lUír andCurls. and, íoft Whiskers nr Moustsrhc, conprocure íms Inrinorator ur Toiltt, eitLfr one.Iur ou dollar cnclosijd in a lettíl, HU their addroií. A4drt,ia. ü. F. SPEXY fc CO., Box lB3,Collii;sviHc, ILirtfirdCc., Cifin' And t willbecareíully sent bj return mail. DR. HOUFLAND'S BALSAIIC CORDIAL, For the peciv cure of Coughs, CgUs, Influenza, roup, Hoattenê, Bronchitis Pneumonía. Dlseasts of Uu Bouils. ansinq frotn Cold, Incipient Coatumpt'on.andfor the relief and .if at all posftible) cure of i'atients in adeanced Hnqts of th. latter ciscas?., rnHEBalumfeCollii i-i evttirul; a Yegetubi prodr.oX tion, cumbihiug t!ie Iieaïtng propertits ol thé Blnu. with tbe invijjorating u,;í:tit?s of a Cordial, itducinga coinbinut-on &o well idiijjttd to the poruMM int'.-mleii, thai there trebatfew cftiets cf diMaw wMca will aut, at, aa uu'ly yaxA} suecumb to its hehlíugantl íife giving properties. For ages, has tiie trealraent of plmonary (iiíiettc- oceupied tlie greuter i.oilion A the attention of tho ficieniiiic üf tlitt medical worid, but uone ;;cquired more fiainence m Itis treatmi-nt Jit tlieae dinsses, than th cyli;b:atcil Prussian. iJr. Uuvüauú, ti orignatci ol ti Büliinj; Cordial. Hit Ufe wm duvoied tü the pinápi tion unmeliM tfcal wouW stand nnrirulleo. itiw weli he bu Duccsedcdtíte Ay.Tícun peojilenro a ble tu judge: md we posiiirelT ajwt, thut no greparatiui:- that have ever been plaéeá fifire tliom, liave confvrn 1 the sanie aaoimi of beaeíts oíi'suHViing hupiuity, rr have llcttf-4 io many contmtn.'ilions Irom iHiIahm oí' society, sí rbetemedíeH uf l)r. Hooflaad, preparad hv Ur. C. M.Jaíkaon tCo., of pUüiidtlpki, The Cordial ií licsigiu'd fur a cUu of dÍ4Cft mora gi'ueraJ ;md mote íatal tbao o.ny clher to vlifeb í; n pQupie of thja cuoutry tic subject - those spiinging from a t'sligkt cotá." That eminent authority. Itt, Bell,sav9: WI will notaay Cokn rc to our íuhft - itaiits wbftt thc Plague and Ytllow Frvcr arr to thcr ut othei countrits; but I can ht-t cunG'Jeatly taai thry I iq diaearc ut gre:itur cumjUdty und niürtalít tuan thebtlutLir." Entirely Vegetable No, Alcokolio DTÍ. II JQFLASD'S CEEIÏRATED GERMÁN BITTERS I'ropareu by DR. C M. JACKSO.N" fe CO., PhiUdelphia, Pa. Will eíTectually cure I.IVEK COMPLAIXT, LíYai'EPSW , JALTNll'li:Cliroii:u or Nei voua Líebilüy, Dictases oí th Kiünej-.s, aiil al) ur;.iiug íroio a disordered Lívjí ur Stfuafteb. tiuch as Cotidtipation, Inwatd Pilca. Fulues. or Blor-1 to tlio líea1"", Acdity uf tlie Stimftob, Naii:a, Hear;lurn, DMgust íor i'ood, FalttpM cr weight in tho i-topiacb.cuur , Zinking or Fluttering ut íb l'l uf the stomach, -winatning ol' the Head, llunicfl ajaii Uifficult Bit-aihiiig FlulUriog at the lioa.t, Chokipg or íulí'ucuting asputPoq Khea in a lyiog pobture, iJim riÊSS'oï Viiion, l)ots of webs beforethe aight, Ftvcf mi'l iiull Pftip in the Head, Deü of PerplrnMua, Vrllovness of thetíliin .ind Ejres Pain in the Sil, Bjtck, Chest, Lirubá, &c. Sudden f 'ludLesuf Qef, ïïitrniiiif iu tho 'Flesli, Constant imagimngs of cvi]( and grcat lHprt'8sioc3of Ëpirtt, and will pusitively prcv'.-nt YELl.OW' FKVKtí, B1LL1OÜ? FKVKR, &c fh Proprieiur in falliog tho at'ention of the public to tbia preparation, doeá ■ mth a fetl ug tf thc u'.mout in us v:vcep sn'l adautation to the diaaaM-i" lor which it is rco--Eiende Itlsnonew and untried article, but on thut hav stO')d test of a Iwölva yartftslft! bcfyro the Arntricau people , :md ts reputution and suie are uiirivmllii by íiny imilar preparatiomi etant. Tho testimony in its favor givon üy the n.cs t p;omincnl a ni wH-kttn Physiciaus und iaQividualB in all nartsofthe cauntry Íh inimtía'se, ; nd a cr ful perú: al ü!' thc Almsnsc, j.ül - habed annuully by tbe PropríttorB, and to be bao1 gr.ti of auy oí thcir Agenta, carmot Dut natify iliu tnat -liepíice'. tb'ntlUr remedyia 'rtally üesprviug thc grett celpbriiy it hasobtaioéd lítn.d tllC Kviflciir trom J. Tíctoion Irown ÍK P , Editor oftkc Kncycloptdf uf Rdigious Kvowlt'igt. Althongh notdispoacd to faver or recommtnd Pater.t Medicinen iu ffeneiMl, througli distrust of thir ingredients and etteets. I yt know oí no sufj]c;:nt renson why a oran raay not tetily to thebenetít he onltfTM himiwif to bave rt'ceived from any Imple preparaticn. n the h.ip.c that h uaay tlius cuntribute to the btiiieQ cf otbers . I do this the moro readily in regard to "ITooflaiyi1 Germán Ditters," prepared byDr C. M. Jackson, oi Üii city, because 1 was prejudiced them fot ycar, nader Oie impresión tliftt tliey were chiefiy au alctholic mixtee. 1 am indebtd to myfiiend Robert -Shomaker, sq..for the renaova] of thin prejudice by proptr tests,artd for encourageweatto try them, when ?uffering frQin veat anc] long continued dcbility. Tho us of íli7ee bottibd (A' tjic-se Bitters, at the bezinning uf tb uresent year, was followe'l by evident teHet, tnd reatoration tua dt gree i 1 bodily and mental vigor wijjch I had uot feit forsixmnnths before, and hadniinoRt fk'.]mire-l of regüining. I iherefurethank Godandniv fricml úr directingmeto the usaof thcia. J. XEWTOX UROWN. Read what tbs eminent Glasa Manufacttneri JOHN' H WIIITAIX, says of tboBLSAMlC CURDUL. Dr. C M Jac:kso.v- Respected Frien1: Haring tor ft tong 'ime beenacq;iinted with thë vlrtuvi of thy Ba.', samic Cordial in Cou hs. Colda, loSümiuaiion ot' th Lunpö. c. I thus freely bear testiinony to its eQic&c . Forseveralyeari I nav nevi-r been without it ia my famil H tilhogiyefi me pleanute to statu that I lia.i used ft with anttrt Btiöcesa in thö treatment of 3owel Complaiut. 'tUy Irien' trulv. JOHN' U. VHITALL, Fifth Mo. ST, 1953, Race 8trèt,abor 4th, Phil. These medicines are ffr sale by all rcspectablc Drup ■ .ut [ (W!oit, in med'cine in the United StaVs, lintwh t'rovinces, and Wt.-tludif.s, at 75 cents per battlc - Be turflndgel tbi 'h theiijnatttr oí C. 1[. Jackson op the wriipper o! Oftftb buUle; all otters are couvterftit Pr aofpal OfBc4 aod ilanufactorv, 41S Arch Street ;hiladelphia, Pa. M AA f(( MALE or FEMALK Agenta OlH; UuU to sell - LLOYD'S NF.W &TFEL PI-iTK CüCNTY COLQRED MAP OF THK CNI1KD -'J AÏEi. CAÑADAS, AND NKW BKUNfcWICK. Fr"tn recent survpvs, ooupfotod Au?. !ö. ; coik ' SCO üo to QDfiAVQ ft and uaajnr'a im" &uijer;tr to any $10 mip ver marie brColm or MiN-bel', and sel! at te low nrfce of fkity centn ; o70,000 : uamïs aw nngravect on tui Itlfl notonlv u. Ccuuty Map, but it is a.Uo a OiViíTY AND KAILROAD MAP ofthö VniteJ Staten au : r.'iniifla--. einnbined'.iu? KVLKY IU1U10A1) &TJUOM and distftncoA betwecot Gaurantee anv voma&or man S3 to ftff ner day, nl will take baekaUmapa bat CkBDOt te toW and rt-tuad . the mouey. i B "'" f"1"" L1 "' iry. Priuted Instructioos huw to camasa wcll, furnitb(l all our ugon's. whofesale AgenU for our M-psm %-rry Ptate, California, Cinada, England, Fr;mco an'i Cuba. A fortuno m y bc mad itb a few Uuudrvá tomw capül. y Compttiüon. x J. T. LI.OÏD.N'o. lö' Brcdvray, Nework. Thc War Department 1LM ohv Itap of Virginia, Mjiry ■ 1 1-ui'l and Perowjlvnuto, cost $100,000. ou wblch in ■ marked AntUiam Creflk,?harpburV, " infttmipon Frr , ' Ubari-nvílle, Nolasd'e K&.-l,uul al] plhera on theP'.-t"1 cjac, iinlou'i'v place in M:ul:tud, Tirg n:a, aud Pl-ij sylvania, or muney n'U:ivn-.]. LLOYD'S r TOPOGRAPHICaL' MAP OF RÉÏSTtrCKT. 0II10, ÏNDIAKA, and ILLINOIS, stheonlyHutnorJtyf Gi BuU and the Doi Vwy refundid to any ono nnding an cnor J ia it. Prloe 50 ctuts. prora tho TVftuüt Anf. 9. ullOTD'8 MAP OF VJR'ilNU, MARTLAND KXp pEUVaVl V M - ïhis Hup il vi'ry lcine lU Cu.-t irt ■ but 25 Cts; an1 it is ttc btst whrh ca br. ?L#" I TOYIVS(iBEATMAPO THK MISSJSSIPPI RIVtBFrAítttalPumW """ BjJ4 ■ Iowtr' miuV plantntion and owner's farm St. Loms to i tafcOuKof Wteol S5pmilo-vêTif Mud bar.Mayd. ■ towo, landiner.andall 20 lu.les back ftoua tbo . river colon .i in co.iaiio-awl -frites Hrioe.lí to"W. f J, pocket term, and -,50 on linacn, wh r 'l.Sr. Heady Btpt. 20. VTY PU'.'.RTMfNT, WASUINOTOV-ípt. 17, l-J T UOTD- 5"i tWJ1 WTOmrüliO or tho MiMti1 sippiKiver.u-.thi.rciR-r liutdnd offei. ar'.Ad';": vadlWB li vitUQWin aurcha w !■ M' 8T2wÖ ÖIPEüN WEttS?, Eemtacy of theNay. Ayefs Barsaparilla


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