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I üwFF &MÏLLEIV1 RE.STILI. ON'HANDat Uteirold Stand, No. 2, Franldin Block, wit'.i the mokt completo assortu.cnt of Books and Stalionery, PERFÜMEKIES, YANCY GOQS, WALL AND WINDQW PAPERS, " S HADES, ROLLERS, CORDS, TASSELS, GILT OOTCtfTOEí, üi;iiT,iNP, , IIOOKS ANT) PlJSfS, STEREOSCOFES & VIEWS &c. Í Ever oflered in this Market ! ,ml they woultl suggvat totliou :n pul ■,:'■'. r inrti'.In s j íY7m 67x .-i 6rs' li n e :: thut they cau sccuro a ll Doublé Chrístmas Present ! % by putchaMng from ttafcMook, an h purchaser gt# au .lüiUUuüuJ procent Öl JfcweV.) ( &c, Karsiug in valué trom 50 ets. to $50. i; L Thoytru-t tliit theirlang expwenee (nsereqtíuu fo] tbis miirket anü trtct attention to ihe mers,raay cutille tbtni to a liberal shïrt o, r,; fctroni ■ Aun Arbor, Dc. 5. I5C0 T 7 7 1 i ,,; iíiVe taíttKAWCE. ■; The Connecticut Mutual Life In suranco Company. p Accumulated Capita!, . $3,500,000. WII.LINSL'UK i,ivi:s foi arv nmouni nol exi p . . ■■ l !. v. i .:■,'■; .11 til Lile m1 for u term l ears, on thomost favorable terrtis. c, i. 1( The Company U pu ! rtnd the policj .-,, holderx get átl thèsufplusvw tY.eexaoi oosi mí inauft anee It aecum in tbe sejtí?menl "t tlveir pivmiuius ON IAVE LULICII i:ikinp C a note for one half the amo tint, tfearihg Intérest at .si percent, per annum. s Dividen da are Declarad AnnvaUy! ' and slnce tney dow amountto kiftv per cent on tho prev mioxQ eash anj note, nd uro tooreaslog thoy muy be n rtpplic: to cancel the ilbtCííí e i:T Tire rate oí [.rt-miums nrcas law s r.nv oí her ra sjiorisitle Company and tbe l:irgt ftcouioulatoa íun'l of n $3.500,000 & s-'fnnS !ii;v si-en by referq éUCÜ to tlivstníi'inoní ;iuC'MHnjí t law; on file D theoCBoeofthe County CIerK,nt Ann Arbor."ft n JAMES UUOiAVIN, l'icst. t] Gut R. rnsLps.Seoy, ., Forirl(íaiair1jto .IAMF3 O. WAT??!!, 703yl Agcnt ;it Anu Arbí i , Micli. „ 1 J Great Reduction inthe Priceof e SINGKR & CO.'S i Standard ZtSachincs . 15'ci inown i" 6e íie Cpsí or Hanufacturi.ig l'urgots. No. 1, Stitmltird 'Sliutlle M-iitiJiinp, v merly sold al $1)0, ruducud to 70. No. 2. of sartie kind uf Muchine, for mcfly sijld u $100, rerfuued tu 7.). p STNGE ll'S L ETT E lt A M AO ! ! 1 N E ; s tliebest MhcIiíuc in the wurld for bBii.Iy.pwing ;m 1 )- l.ight faoufiicturing Pur pones : (wim Htmvtcr ,) and li -;: 11 tifxi i v ornamentad %bO. Sl The Hüd. 1 ftn-1 ü .M;ictii[)is are qf (fw?at capncity and g appiicatioo ftrman foekurinü pui . i, UurNu. Ö Machinen are a fcpted toall kl ida Y ;ht and heuvj ïfji, iu Crjiae e ming. Bu"t and ihoe Mktug 1 í.i i :;■■.--- '.;. i .-. . i ■.. .-u: . ; They areof extra slWi kiiü mi ti nrm lung eñougíi to cakeunderU aodstitch ih ia. fbere v ifl Kcarcely any part 1 l'i in ■ lilng ciíat caunot 4 be belter donu wilh tliem than bj haiKl ; so, too PAvIng oí (me nB'l labor is vè"y If'rwít. Tin tublí i Lhese uiacli uéa ix 21 iact(Ptj long, and ttic shuttle wilj n !m!il gis timt'stlit usual quant)t.irot tliread. The tu i ráachiup vorlít) as fastat tttnaU tnfcí, IVe woutd ank for uur Letter A Machi aes, ílu1 - ; cialattentioD of Veít Ní.-.kcr an 1 Piess M:ikcrs aadall t hose who want M ■ . urisgpur. fiases. Thi'j embmly t!ie prldcipl - nWi'rd machineH, makiug likeihcia thciateilucl p] üitch.tmd are dcsUaeii to be iisfleU'bmteti tor Famu.v Hiavincí u I ;itflit inanufad uring purpose.-i hh our Btatidard 1 chines areftr raanulaci uring piirpose n general We bave áiwáyson hand; intMïrts i ttut linkn jixn curros tukbid. oh tipa ■- . ■■.. in -bottles, etc.. etc. We mannfacturpour unn Kcodl. -(aiid wi;;M warn :ill r peruon u--.injí our macliines mu '.. ím-. .■..:■''. ; . 6 ' „iiínv tiiat therv aro m ƒ íjí moí itifrrinr ' (ualtnj at hijliei . ■ .;m:: : i'irtii" faftf, " The needleB nold bjr na are mdbtafttrturd wpiMd11j fti e oor nía ! iiu's. A Oüdntcdlemay vender tht bcUmaoA almost sí". ih:r feo? ömèm may rent a urwl íhíif nX ■ur l'rnnch . efarnfsUed with the1 geauineacil ;.%s " ï ]u eagt1 f'i líinall pu velices, the m ue tijay b sent in t . -■ síamp-, or bank n orrespondentB wiM plesise write íhcir natnos flif.ti"ct) ly. It ïs all mp'Ttairt tlini .:■ nlronW, m ';íii i-hkc, i titlOW tht! i -.-t l'ilict, Ciuiii'y , :i .i] - ■ ;i ',v . . : ijf?7 A. I persons requirjng infnrmniítín'Abouf Seing 3 ''.I:iCÍlill- tiiCÍ ' rtio. ; 1 1'!!: ■.■-;. V. ,.,,,]. -.i ■:;:!" ir ■:. allí! " ! test nifílic.ils uf i'urcliasiug. can . to ) ís, o any f ur Ji"; nch Offic ■ Utv :t ci'py f f I. W. Singer & Co ' Gazetto, ' Wliich i a l':mi :!V1 Piotoria) Pajier eíUiu'Iy devit(.'ii lo tht' subíeci - li vUl ht sent gratie. - ï+ - RIT X7e hnvp made tl:c . ve Tï T DHCTION IN rRTORS 1 vit h the two-fold iew ol beaefltingthepublicaodouif' sel ved. Thö public have been swindled bjn spurluus j clniK'S m:nU' mi ii!tií:iiin i r uur-. 1' e metal n thrm, ' from the ïnm casting u the BmaHeal peice, fsoi poor !j ui lity. l'bejr ui:i!..'['s ïüivr iiiii th mea na i do thn,ir u:!, weU. Th' y :ii-' lii'l uiv.i;, in ;;t-civ1 pliiöets, v.'hi'ie il ' wnnH hp ImptiBsrhh t hnve sit tlieïr cominjinil t'ie propOr mechanica) appilance. Itisonlvby (iiiinp n pn-nl ' buRÍDen'R,añd haring oxtonnive manifaci uring eatabl imnts, that cocui machines can be madeatrooderai prices, The best designé ! m.icliincs, 1ÍAIH.Y MADï always hable to get Out "f .-r !■:". lOd ;iv:'-i ■ r ■ 10 . considerable trouble and motie v In Ui -ei Uit'm in repaire The i(u:i]itits to be lofUed : - i;iinty of correct acticn :it Ml i . sini.-ity of construction, grefit (lnrabiTiiy, aptirapidity oi oparation , with the lcnsi jabpr. Machi neüto onrabine ti.i-.i' ea&pntial nualities, :nnt - made of tLe bent me M fcflfl l in perfi etton. We have the way and mwms,op Thepurclia-sernof muoliines, wliosrdaíly hrcnd tnvy concern , wil! liiifl tl. a i ir ir 1 1n jiiinvcj n;not only wotl: oll ut rápida well ia rIow raten f Rpeedib1 im lungr in tb1 iin-t i-iiiic norking uriler. Onr machini1-, as made by ur, wil! vavn more monej wilh It-.-s la.bór tliiiüiuiy others whctjuT in iniitation o' our-s or nol . ]n fact, they ai I Hitnyotíieir raachnottagtft. !. M. THGER t có.. é68 Broadwaj N m Vork, ST Detroit Oiïïce, 58 Woodwnrd Awnti (Meriill Block.) WPltf M. II. OOOIMUCIT, Aiicnt, Aiit) Arhor. BÖÖTS"$c SHÖËS MOüJtCE & LOOMI3 Aro now receiviug a large assortment of Ccois aud .Shots and Wbich tliey proposo to Heil 50 per cent btloic former pricesfor eash. Mcn's goofl Kip Boots, from $l."0 to $3,00 Men's good Tliick Boots, from 2 00 to 3,00 Mcn's good Culf Boots, from 2,50 to 3,75 Boy's CaU, Kip and Thick Boots, 88 to 1,75 Ladies' Gaiters, from 44 to 1 25 Ladio8' Morocco Bootees, from 75 to 1,25 i And an ontïlos.s vuriety of Smal Shoesfrom Fancy Bilino!'ils to Infunts' Creeping Slmus. We are nlso lIunufacírl:ig all kliuls of WARRANTED BOOTS & S1IOES. . Mens Fine Frenoh Calf Boots Pesgrd uul Sewed. So jrive ua a oill before ptirchantofc clmnvlit-re, as nnrs bnun'l nnt tn -hp undiold. L."Ki:i'Aln:N(: DONE US' BHoRT XOTICK.í í MtíOTlE & LOOMIS I Main 8t., Aun Aifbor, íticll. Sf A.nn Arbor City loe House for Sale Chesp. 'I1HK mbúrtUnr bflara f-.r vale hli Ice Houwi. IIl Sta 1 bltjJ aiul iiotl attached, liiw Dwclling Himsj, anj abdut '2 l í'Cii's ni ; ig, togother wjlh líorHcs, Wngons, T.i"l, &c ."iorj I Buta sn-.ait proporiioD required dowu and the balance can jemaio oa time. S'.OwO CLEMEHT R. TH011PSON.


Old News
Michigan Argus